RC invited the Gregs of North Side Bound to talk prospects in the Cubs system that is markedly improved from the last few sell-offs. You can find a better summary at the Podbean page along with links to their socials and website, but they will have some episodes of their own podcast dropping soon that should be fun to check out. Among the topics:
- Cubs prospect positions in the various top lists
- Evaluating elite prospects and how their skills might translate to the majors
- Way-too-early trade speculation
- Probably still too early look at the 2023 MLB Draft
- Thoughts on the new rules
As usual I sprinkled in some easter eggs mostly to amuse myself.
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Peasants and jabronis, if thou wisheth to converse before the Cactus League opener for a new episode, let’s get together for a seance to resurrect the Hope Monster
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Wacha–> Padres
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Harry shared the BPro PECOTA stuff but alas, yet another subscription I don’t have due to having to entertain the family with streaming services and my terrible LEGO habit
Rice CubeQuote Reply
I’m gonna assume they won’t black out the games if I want to check out the affiliates in Sacramento or San Jose
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Bleah, additional balk opportunities just as we all wished for
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Behold this monstrosity
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Rice Cube,
Looks like they finally let Alvin bring in some outside food in that pizza box.
berseliusQuote Reply
Huh, that one guy does look like Al
Rice CubeQuote Reply
In case you thought the balk rules were easy
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Rice Cube,
I’m like 69% sure it is. But don’t want to prowl bcb to find out (dying laughing)
berseliusQuote Reply
More in depth stuff re: the rules changes
Rice CubeQuote Reply
BN compiled the spring training press conference
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(dying laughing)
Hmm…well, it’s definitely different than last year
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Here’s your next job, RC: https://www.mlbtraderumors.com/2023/02/mlbtr-is-seeking-a-podcast-producer.html
BVSQuote Reply
Rice Cube,
Cubs: The Next Chapter
BVSQuote Reply
I can barely take care of this one, I do figure though that if only like 5 people listen to it that it should sound good
Rice CubeQuote Reply
New episode!
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Rice Cube,
Swing and a miss from the marketing department. But it does pretty clearly signal that the FO doesn’t see contention as realistic and this is still a transitional year.
I was always a fan of “That’s Cub” for 2017 when they were trying to own the phrase and give it a positive meaning. Then the team kinda shit the bed until July/August (dying laughing).
PerkinsQuote Reply
I set out to be excited, but just like this offseason as a whole even if I understood the underlying plan, it has been a real disappointment and a head shaker
Rice CubeQuote Reply
The Athletic podcast is really focused on these new rules and Stark’s article on it –> https://theathletic.com/4194101/2023/02/14/mlb-rule-changes-spring-training/
Very interesting read as always, it is for sure going to be a shitshow early but if the umpires and MLB are actually consistent about doing this and telling the players and managers to fuck off if they complain, then this should be fixed sooner rather than later so we won’t notice anymore.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
I doubt that base stealers will actually turn into Rickey Henderson and be successful 80% of the time, but I do think folks be running wilder than before
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Rice Cube,
BTW Schwarber and Realmuto were playing golf while talking to Stark and Glanville and it was pretty hilarious
Rice CubeQuote Reply
This is cool even though I know Stro has been under fire a bit for saying some controversial crap
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Loved your explanation about umps needing to move the game along in Chicago-area HS baseball, RC (dying laughing). We’ve run into the same in our beer league softball games.
berseliusQuote Reply
Deck McGuire is a big fan of the friends he made along the way
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Appreciate the listen, we will have to get together again for a JabroniCast after the first few Cactus League games
Rice CubeQuote Reply
New shit about trying to eke out extra wins –> http://www.obstructedview.net/the-quest-for-exceeding-expectations/
Rice CubeQuote Reply