Why is it so hard these days for the Cubs to score runs, let alone win a baseball game? We did this yesterday on AC’s birthday where he got to tell us a little bit about his undying love for Nick Madrigal, and then we went ahead and discussed the rookies (well, Mervis is still here, Morel is back, and Amaya is off to Iowa for a bit), missed opportunities, and the Cardinals’ silliness with Willson Contreras, which sadly has not affected his bat, grumble grumble. We also touch on the future of this team as we slog through May.
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Yay Dansby
Yay Seiya
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Also yay Wisdom (dying laughing)
Rice CubeQuote Reply
I missed this
Rice CubeQuote Reply
andcountingQuote Reply
Madrigal almost got Gomes killed but did his Barney Rubble run to score so yay
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Again my TV feed is late. Because Marquees has three guys in the booth, I have Pat and Ron on. They are about 10 sec ahead of TV feed, which is excellent. I know when to look up from washing the dishes.
BVSQuote Reply
Loving this game. The Cubs should put up a ton of runs every day.
PerkinsQuote Reply
I can’t argue with you today
Rice CubeQuote Reply
All praise to Yan Gomes. May he never hit the IL again.
PerkinsQuote Reply
I wonder if Nico will start on Friday, otherwise feel like they should just have Dansby lead off
Rice CubeQuote Reply
What the fuck is Keegan doing?
andcountingQuote Reply
andcountingQuote Reply
10-4 good buddy
Rice CubeQuote Reply
This win was in 2:31 whereas it seemed like all the losses this week took 8 hours
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Rice Cube,
It took 8 hours in St Lou.
BVSQuote Reply
Cubs run differential strikes again. For the series, their run surplus grows as their win percentage dwindles.
andcountingQuote Reply
Great podcast, guys. I did swear out loud every time I heard Madrigal‘s name for what it’s worth.
andcountingQuote Reply
I’m actually reading through this stupid thing –> https://www.mlbplayers.com/_files/ugd/4d23dc_88609b8210174cfa9fee95fc2be279af.pdf
Rice CubeQuote Reply
New shit that might be boring but I found it somewhat interesting despite not being a lawyer –> http://www.obstructedview.net/trying-to-read-through-all-440-pages-of-the-cba/
Rice CubeQuote Reply