Back when we were doing the advertising blitz for this site my Braves fan cousin offered to talk about the Braves for a bit when the Cubs eventually played them. He took time from selling all of his shit to move from Atlanta to Hawaii (the lucky bastard) to answer a few questions about the Braves, a team that I’ve barely paid attention to this year.
What happened to Jason Heyward this year?
There is much debate as to who the real Jason Heyward is. Everyone expected that Jason Heyward was the next face of the franchise when he had the hot start to 2010 (that role is now fully owned by Brian McCann). Last years poor 2nd half slump was written off to injuries. This year, everyone expected the same but they got the other same thing as last year…more injuries. He has been a real disappointment and there are signs that no one expects him to bounce back this year. He is looking more like Jeff Francouer every day. Its gotten so bad that recently, Freddi Gonzalez has been studying the tapes of Tony Larussa. Heyward has been relegated to platoon status with Jose “Georgie” Constanza…with the pitcher hitting 8 and Constanza 9 and the newly acquired Bourn 1st. Heyward hit a HR the other night and the next night, Constanza was back in there…there isnt a lot of confidence in Heyward if you take him out after HR (although, Constanza started blazing hot (well over .400 and is hitting .377 in 53 at bats).
In the end, Heyward is the hometown guy and he is one of a dying breed in baseball…the black baseball player. In a city such as Atlanta, they will give him every chance to be a superstar as he will put people in the seats both on his talent and his ethnic background. If this time next year, you are asking me the same question, then we can write off Heyward…if he doesnt get hurt next year…then he should be a serviceable OF that is slightly overrated (.270 85r 20HR 85rbi 10SB) nothing MVP worthy but plenty serviceable.
I’ve seen a lot of grumbling about Derek Lowe this year, but when I look at his numbers it looks like the main problem is probably Dan Uggla, as Lowe is still a ground ball machine.
Lowe has always baffled me….I never understood why they were so high on him and so reluctant to move him. I think in the end, its because he is a seasoned veteran and he does step it up in big time games. Over the course of the season he doesnt put up the numbers to warrant his paycheck. He does eat a lot of innings and can get roughed up and it doesnt go to his head. I’m sure that his role with the starting staff which for the most part is very young (Beachy, Hanson, Jurrjens) is to work to keep the young guys grounded. I do not think he deserves to be a starter in the playoffs and will be dissapointed if the braves do put him in the 3 man rotation above the 3 aforementioned and Hudson.
How is Dan Uggla being perceived by Braves fans? His hitting streak and HRs seem to be doing a lot to mask what’s been an overall lousy year.
You know, this is a pretty interesting question. There has not been the outcry that he isnt producing…sure people were complaining when he was at .173 33 games ago, but it was never a mob of torches and pitchforks. He hustles every day…he runs out every ground ball all the time (I Believe he has like 4 or 5 infield hits during his current streak). He was hitting the ball hard earlier in the season…just right at people and with no one on base when it did land safely somewhere. He has played great defense, he has never given up or shown frustration. He is also notorious 2nd half player and while this year is very extreme I think we have an all star for the 2nd half of the year and its exactly what the braves need. A big power bat.
One interesting thing is that while its amazing that Dan Uggla has gone from .173 to .232 this late in the season, and when you look at the back of the baseball card in a few years, you will see a line that reads .240 90 r35hr 90rbi for this year and think, that wasn’t too bad of a year, overall baseball hitting is way down. I just spend 20 minutes looking for it and couldnt find it, but there was an article written by Pat Doughrety (@RotoPat) about 2 months ago stating how .250 is the new .270. Hitting is way down in baseball across the board, and you see more guys than ever in the Carlos Pena range of .220-.230 .250 has always been the line of respectable hitting and at least for the near future, I think that line is down to .235 or so. (until they juice the ball again).
Can the Phillies be stopped by anyone? It’s nuts that the Braves have the second best record in the NL and are still 7.5 back of Philly.
No…not until the playoffs. I think both ATL and SF can take out the phillies…all 3 teams have great pitching and average hitting so its just a matter of who hits. If the giants can get philly in a best of 5 they can pull off the upset. If its braves phillies in best of 7, then braves need to hit the hell out of the ball for once in the post season. I think the trade for Bourn could be the steal of the season….he is exactly what they needed, a CF…a great glove…speed galore and a solid contact hitter…hes the perfect leadoff guy in an era of very few true leadoff batters.
If the braves can roll this lineup out in the playoffs and everyone is healthy and swinging the bats, then they have a real shot.
Bourn, Prado, Chipper, Uggla, McCann, Freeman, Heyward, Gonzalez, P
Braves chance for a World Series Title? 25%
He also included a pic taken at a 2003 Cubs-Braves playoff game, the last time he’s ever seen a Cubs fan happy (dying laughing). You can find more DDB pics at I’m kind of surprised that Ryno hasn’t dug these up at some point.
With the Phillies offense being occasionally anemic, I can see them going cold for 3-4 games. I don’t think the Giants are going to be the team to outscore them though; at this point I’m wondering if they can even make the playoffs because the D’Backs are playing out of their minds.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Since OBV loves to give back to the Cubs community, may I suggest you offer the #10 straight jacket in your OBV shop. It would be a great JDRF fundraiser.
melissaQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]With the Phillies offense being occasionally anemic, I can see them going cold for 3-4 games. I don’t think the Giants are going to be the team to outscore them though; at this point I’m wondering if they can even make the playoffs because the D’Backs are playing out of their minds.[/quote]
They’re playing out of their minds, but that doesn’t change the fact that the Giants are the much better team
BerseliusQuote Reply
[quote name=Berselius]They’re playing out of their minds, but that doesn’t change the fact that the Giants are the much better team[/quote]
It should average out but you know how that variance thing works….I won’t be very comfortable until the Giants can go up by 2+ games in the next couple weeks. Pitching can only take you so far…
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Jason Heyward is only a week past turning 22 and despite his BAbip problems this year, he’s put up a league average offensive line. Overrated? He still has plenty of superstar potential. I’m surprised to see the comments here because I assumed every Braves fan would be up in arms over the current platoon situation. It really makes no sense.
But then I really don’t like the Braves so why should I care? Heyward should be a really good player and it’d be a shame to see his development hampered in any way.
DanielQuote Reply
[quote name=Daniel]Jason Heyward is only a week past turning 22 and despite his BAbip problems this year, he’s put up a league average offensive line. Overrated? He still has plenty of superstar potential. I’m surprised to see the comments here because I assumed every Braves fan would be up in arms over the current platoon situation. It really makes no sense.
But then I really don’t like the Braves so why should I care? Heyward should be a really good player and it’d be a shame to see his development hampered in any way.[/quote]
Yeah, I think it’s just injuries. Unless you think they’ll drop down his TTL he should still be a star.
BerseliusQuote Reply
[quote name=Berselius]They’re playing out of their minds, but that doesn’t change the fact that the Giants are the much better team[/quote]
Well the D-backs run differential is 38 runs better than the Giants, whose run differential is negative. I think the Giants are overrated because they got hot, along with their excellent pitching and won the WS. The Giants have scored the fewest runs in the NL, even worse than the Astros, Cubs, etc. Thats bad.
Recalcitrant Blogger NateQuote Reply
In case you didn’t see it
BerseliusQuote Reply
Heyward had a .335 BABIP last season and it’s sitting at .241 this season. I’m not sure what might be causing that kind of fluctuation but it seems unsustainabley low. I wouldn’t be quick to write Heyward off just yet or relegate him to platoon status.
melissaQuote Reply
Looks like Heyward gets to play today.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
The Cubs have denied the ESPN report that Z returned his stuff to his locker late Friday. According to Sullivan, one of Z’s people returned a duffel bag, which was placed in another room.
Also, according to Ace at BN, Kaplan says Bob Nightengale’s report that Hendry will be retained is false.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
[quote name=Daniel]Jason Heyward is only a week past turning 22 and despite his BAbip problems this year, he’s put up a league average offensive line. Overrated? He still has plenty of superstar potential. I’m surprised to see the comments here because I assumed every Braves fan would be up in arms over the current platoon situation. It really makes no sense.
But then I really don’t like the Braves so why should I care? Heyward should be a really good player and it’d be a shame to see his development hampered in any way.[/quote]I don’t think the platoon is that detrimental. It limits Heyward’s exposure to tough pitching and gives him time to do some extra work in the cage. As long as it’s being done wisely, it shouldn’t be a problem, but I don’t follow the BRaves so I don’t know how often Heyward is/isn’t playing.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
I can see sitting Heyward against tough lefties but if he’s healthy he should be playing on an every day basis. it really surprises me to hear a Braves fan making the dreaded Francouer comparison already
melissaQuote Reply
How does Uggla’s ROGBOR (Runs Out Ground Balls Over Replacement) figure into WAR?
cdwQuote Reply
(dying laughing)
(dying laughing)
(dying laughing)
I guess I’m the only one watching this travesty but I am very amused today by the Cub ineptitude. Somehow this is all Carlos Zambrano’s fault.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Heyward was worth over 5 WAR last season at 21 now coming off injury he’s looked at as “serviceable.” (dying laughing)
melissaQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube](dying laughing)
(dying laughing)
(dying laughing)
I guess I’m the only one watching this travesty but I am very amused today by the Cub ineptitude. Somehow this is all Carlos Zambrano’s fault.[/quote]Apparently the Ginger Dugout Acrobat-led “we’re good because Z is gone” campaign only lasted one day.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
[quote name=cdw]How does Uggla’s ROGBOR (Runs Out Ground Balls Over Replacement) figure into WAR?[/quote]
/obligatory sophistry about intangibles/grit//hardworking veteran leadership
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
[quote name=Mercurial Outfielder]Apparently the Ginger Dugout Acrobat-led “we’re good because Z is gone” campaign only lasted one day.[/quote]
They still have plenty of time to mount a comeback and then spout the narrative that this type of comeback wouldn’t have been possible when Z was still part of the team.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
So, as to the Heyward discussion…I’m not writing him off, but I haven’t seen that spark that he had the 1st half of last year…I think a lot of it is due to injuries…what worries me is that he has been injured off and on for over a year now…That isnt supposed to happen to 22 year olds. He isnt in a permanent platoon, its just that Constanza is soooo hot right now thta they have to play them. Chipper gets enough days off where heyward will only miss a 1-2 games a week until Constanza cools off. I hope he comes back and he could have a huge october and all will be well with the world…he has amazing potential, but he isnt living up to it i a lineup with a lot of protection right now. Its a shame, if he was the Heyward everyone thinks he is, then the phillies would be peeing in their pants at the braves lineup.
Oh and on a side note, the braves organist (@bravesorganist on twitter) plays songs based on the opposing teams batter…(He played Norweigen Wood for the pirates guy named wood…he played the theme song from the office for Ryan Howard….when Z came up to bat the other day (1st AB) he played Brain Damage by Pink Floyd (the lunatic…is on the grass….)
there is an article on him on Wired’s site right now and got a write up on a while back too. Its a lot of fun guessing the songs he is playing when the opposing team bats)
IceBoxxxQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]They still have plenty of time to mount a comeback and then spout the narrative that this type of comeback wouldn’t have been possible when Z was still part of the team.[/quote]Oh that will be just grand. (dying laughing)
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
When the Cubs lose today they can always cite small sample size as the reason the Cancer-Free Cubbies lost. Of course a 0.500 record over the two Cancer-Free games is already an improvement (dying laughing)
cdwQuote Reply
Barney has warning-track power. I thought that one was gone.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Conspiracy Rice mode:
Isn’t it interesting how the Cubs scored a bunch of runs for the white guy but haven’t scored much for the guys with Latino surnames? Talk about not picking up your teammates.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]Barney has warning-track power. I thought that one was gone.[/quote]11 career HR in 1711 MiLB PA. (dying laughing)
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
[quote name=Mercurial Outfielder]11 career HR in 1711 MiLB PA. (dying laughing)[/quote]
11 more than Campana!
/bright side
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=GBTS]Ask and, as long as I’m not busy, you shall receive.
Thanks GBTS!!!!!!
Oh, and if you’re still not doing anything, I have an outstanding request for a GIF of Cuey rocking in the chair.
Suburban kidQuote Reply
[quote name=Suburban kid]Thanks GBTS!!!!!!
Oh, and if you’re still not doing anything, I have an outstanding request for a GIF of Cuey rocking in the chair.[/quote]
Epic win if it can be done with a straitjacket.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
I tried pulling the CSN video but its in a format I can’t easily edit. I bet Ryno could do it though.
GBTSQuote Reply
More from Soriano on Z:
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
Perhaps Zambrano can start a new career as a professional golfer.
Suburban kidQuote Reply
[quote name=IceBoxxx]So, as to the Heyward discussion…I’m not writing him off, but I haven’t seen that spark that he had the 1st half of last year…I think a lot of it is due to injuries…what worries me is that he has been injured off and on for over a year now…That isnt supposed to happen to 22 year olds. He isnt in a permanent platoon, its just that Constanza is soooo hot right now thta they have to play them. Chipper gets enough days off where heyward will only miss a 1-2 games a week until Constanza cools off. I hope he comes back and he could have a huge october and all will be well with the world…he has amazing potential, but he isnt living up to it i a lineup with a lot of protection right now. Its a shame, if he was the Heyward everyone thinks he is, then the phillies would be peeing in their pants at the braves lineup.
Glancing at Heyward’s numbers, his ISO is the same this year. It looks like he’s just hitting a decent number of balls right at guys due to his .241 BABIP. Though his high IFFB makes it look like he’s making a lot of weak contact. He’s definitely less patient this year too.
BerseliusQuote Reply
[quote name=GBTS]I tried pulling the CSN video but its in a format I can’t easily edit. I bet Ryno could do it though.[/quote]+1 for the effort. You’re a grinder. Ryno has all the talent in the world, but he aint a team player like you, GB-y.
Suburban kidQuote Reply
[quote name=Suburban kid]Perhaps Zambrano can start a new career as a professional golfer.[/quote]
Or he could just become a caddie, and get fellated by the media for carrying clubs (dying laughing)
BerseliusQuote Reply
Heyward —-> shut you right up, at least on defense
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Crap, I think I’ll put this game on.
Suburban kidQuote Reply
It would be funny if the Cubs decided to walk Uggla from this point forward.
ACTQuote Reply
Huh. Brenly is yelling at Castro for not diving for a ground ball up the middle that he couldn’t have gotten to anyway. Or maybe he gets there but it bounces off his glove. Sheesh.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Garza piling up pitches and K’s early.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]Huh. Brenly is yelling at Castro for not diving for a ground ball up the middle that he couldn’t have gotten to anyway. Or maybe he gets there but it bounces off his glove. Sheesh.[/quote]Brenly is an asshole. I really don’t get what his animus is, but it sure seems to be aimed at a very specific type of player.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
[quote name=Mercurial Outfielder]Brenly is an asshole. I really don’t get what his animus is, but it sure seems to be aimed at a very specific type of player.[/quote]
I watched the replay and I don’t think he should’ve dove…but that’s just one guy’s opinion.
Constanza tried to walk on a 3-2 count, so Garza took him off the hook and threw him ball four.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=Berselius]Or he could just become a caddie, and get fellated by the media for carrying clubs (dying laughing)[/quote]I was just thinking he could be a terrific guy and it won’t matter if he’s a bad teammate. Unless he’s on the Ryder Cup team.
Also, I bet he can drive the ball pretty far. Plus, it would be funny.
Suburban kidQuote Reply
Soriano confirms he confronted Z…and that Z did not receive it well:
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
[quote name=IceBoxxx]So, as to the Heyward discussion…I’m not writing him off, but I haven’t seen that spark that he had the 1st half of last year…I think a lot of it is due to injuries…what worries me is that he has been injured off and on for over a year now…That isnt supposed to happen to 22 year olds. He isnt in a permanent platoon, its just that Constanza is soooo hot right now thta they have to play them. Chipper gets enough days off where heyward will only miss a 1-2 games a week until Constanza cools off. I hope he comes back and he could have a huge october and all will be well with the world…he has amazing potential, but he isnt living up to it i a lineup with a lot of protection right now. Its a shame, if he was the Heyward everyone thinks he is, then the phillies would be peeing in their pants at the braves lineup.
Hendry might swap heyward for vitters if you asked nicely.
GWQuote Reply
Take that, Uggla!
ACTQuote Reply
Re: the Gottlieb report yesterday, I get the feeling that someone gave him four potential names as #14, and he made it sound like they were all going to be added.
GWQuote Reply
[quote name=ACT]Take that, Uggla![/quote]
Rice CubeQuote Reply
uh…. wut?
GWQuote Reply
[quote name=GW]
uh…. wut?[/quote]
I’m guessing this is a service time gimmick
BerseliusQuote Reply
[quote name=Berselius]I’m guessing this is a service time gimmick[/quote]Beinfest better wear leaden underpants, because MLBPA is going to deliver a swift kick to his ass very soon, methinks.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
[quote name=Mercurial Outfielder]Oh that will be just grand. (dying laughing)[/quote]
Even if the Cubs lose today, they get to play Houston next. So a modest win streak may still bolster the “remission from clubhouse cancer” narrative.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]Even if the Cubs lose today, they get to play Houston next. So a modest win streak may still bolster the “remission from clubhouse cancer” narrative.[/quote]Yeah, it was bound to happen anyway. Before the season even began, MB and I were predicting that if things went south, Z would get a big part of the blame. Just lucky for the Cubs that Z has made it supremely easy for them to manufacture that narrative now. It’s no less false, but it now will seem far more plausible. And that is mostly Z’s fault.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
Well that was a shit-tastic at bat from Soto.
GBTSQuote Reply
Geo yet again takes strike 3 with the runner on third and one out. I like the guy, but he really pisses me off sometimes.
ACTQuote Reply
(dying laughing)
(dying laughing)
GBTSQuote Reply
Well McCann sure as shit isn’t there for his defensive prowess.
GBTSQuote Reply
Lucky. Seriously, if I were a manager, I would institute a fine for not protecting the plate with a runner on third and less than 2 outs (unless the bases are loaded with 3 balls).
ACTQuote Reply
[quote name=ACT]Geo yet again takes strike 3 with the runner on third and one out. I like the guy, but he really pisses me off sometimes.[/quote]He’s almost too patient.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
Nice to see Colvin getting in on the act.
He’s obviously been buoyed by the absence of the Great Satan. (dying laughing)
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
Back-to-back WP K from Vizcaino. (dying laughing)
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
Stop striking out, Castro.
ACTQuote Reply
Ugh. Pretty swing-happy approach from Castro today. Silver Sombrero time.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
[quote name=Mercurial Outfielder]Ugh. Pretty swing-happy approach from Castro today. Silver Sombrero time.[/quote]
To be fair, every single one of those pitches were in the strike zone. Protect mode, especially when he swung and missed on pitch #2.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
schadjoe Joe Schad
BREAKING: UF’s Bernie Machen statement says no action on A&M; satisfied with present alignment; for now
not so fast my friend
bubblesdachimpQuote Reply
Grabow? In a tie game?
ACTQuote Reply
Grabow. (dying laughing)
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
[quote name=ACT]Grabow? In a tie game?[/quote]
It just might work.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=Mercurial Outfielder]He’s almost too patient.[/quote]It serves him well sometimes, but he really needs to modify his hitting approach to the situation.
ACTQuote Reply
Gotta admire the sheer idiocy of continuing to attempt sac bunts after the runner has stolen second.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
(dying laughing)
(dying laughing)
(dying laughing)
Grabow sucks.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=Mercurial Outfielder]Gotta admire the sheer idiocy of continuing to attempt sac bunts after the runner has stolen second.[/quote]
Shut you right up (dying laughing)
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=Berselius]I’m guessing this is a service time gimmick[/quote]
apparently, lomo thinks it has to do with his tweeting. either way, marlins fans can’t be too happy about execs chastising their 23 yr old slugger for his batting average.
GWQuote Reply
GRABOW! (dying laughing) (dying laughing) (dying laughing)
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
15 pitches, 0 outs. (dying laughing)
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
of course, bcb’ers loving it:
(dying laughing)
GWQuote Reply
(dying laughing) @ Freddi Gonzalez bunting himself out of a big inning.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
[quote name=GW]apparently, lomo thinks it has to do with his tweeting. either way, marlins fans can’t be too happy about execs chastising their 23 yr old slugger for his batting average.[/quote]Yeah, and I can’t imagine his agent or MLBPA will be too pleased, either.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
[quote name=ACT]It serves him well sometimes, but he really needs to modify his hitting approach to the situation.[/quote]Hopefully that’s something Jaramillo can work with him on.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
[quote name=Mercurial Outfielder]Hopefully that’s something Jaramillo can work with him on.[/quote]

Rice CubeQuote Reply
Man the Orioles are bad. They’re not in good shape as an org. either, now that all their pitching prospects are flopping. They blew a 5 run lead late yesterday, and were up 9-1 to start the 9th, but now its 9-4 with the bases loaded and no outs (dying laughing)
Recalcitrant Blogger NateQuote Reply
Apparently Morrison’s agent still hasn’t been officially informed of the reason for Morrison’s demotion. Classy.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
Cancer-free Cubs —> lead
Rice CubeQuote Reply
About time Pena got past the warning track.
ACTQuote Reply
Grabow might get the win!
ACTQuote Reply
Peenya with the reverse Grabow.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
[quote name=ACT]Grabow might get the win![/quote]Must be the upbeat atmosphere in the clubhouse.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
Soriano ———> guessing
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
[quote name=bubblesdachimp]schadjoe Joe Schad
BREAKING: UF’s Bernie Machen statement says no action on A&M; satisfied with present alignment; for now
not so fast my friend[/quote]It’s funny that aTm went through all of this and couldn’t even get an invite from the SEC. On the other hand, I know 4 B12 schools. including OU contacted the B10 this week about their interest in expansion. B10 said they weren’t interested. I don’t know why any conference would touch any team that’s currently in the B12. They’d just go fuck up their new conference.
mb22Quote Reply
I love how Keith says “erra” instead of “error.”
ACTQuote Reply
Samardzija? Really?
ACTQuote Reply
[quote name=ACT]Samardzija? Really?[/quote]
He has his good days…and then he has his bad days.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Grabow, then F7. (dying laughing)
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
[quote name=mb22]It’s funny that aTm went through all of this and couldn’t even get an invite from the SEC. On the other hand, I know 4 B12 schools. including OU contacted the B10 this week about their interest in expansion. B10 said they weren’t interested. I don’t know why any conference would touch any team that’s currently in the B12. They’d just go fuck up their new conference.[/quote]
BryanDFischer Bryan Fischer
by ScottHood63
SEC not ruling out Texas A&M completely but it’s clear they haven’t been invited. Talk of a move well ahead of what actually has to happen.
bubblesdachimpQuote Reply
sharks stuff looked electric
bubblesdachimpQuote Reply
i am happy
bubblesdachimpQuote Reply
The Cubs have now K’d in double figures today. Inspired.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
[quote name=Mercurial Outfielder]The Cubs have now K’d in double figures today. Inspired.[/quote]
*points to scoreboard*
There’s still time to become uninspired though.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
holy shit Castro (dying laughing)
Recalcitrant Blogger NateQuote Reply
Starlin Castro channels his inner Jeter.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
his fucking team (dying laughing) (dying laughing)
bubblesdachimpQuote Reply
Marshall is good at throwing baseballs.
ACTQuote Reply
I hope if the Cubs get a new GM this offseason that they explore trading marshall to get something back
Recalcitrant Blogger NateQuote Reply
I told Castro to stop striking out.
ACTQuote Reply
Golden sombrero!
Rice CubeQuote Reply
17 Ks for Cubs (dying laughing)
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=GW]apparently, lomo thinks it has to do with his tweeting. either way, marlins fans can’t be too happy about execs chastising their 23 yr old slugger for his batting average.[/quote]
All two of them? (dying laughing)
BerseliusQuote Reply
mb22Quote Reply
kimbrel is good at baseball
bubblesdachimpQuote Reply