Starlin Castro will end up with 4 years of arbitration

In Commentary And Analysis by dmick8952 Comments

Although I reference that the Cubs did sign Castro to an extension, perhaps it wasn't clear that this was written as if Castro would instead go through the arbitration process. This was the time at which I read these articles. This is something I've been meaning to write for at least a month, but just haven't gotten around to it. …

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Season in Review: Jeff Samardzija

In Commentary And Analysis by berselius70 Comments

Now that Jeff Samardzija's season is over, let's take a moment to look back and express amazement that for about half the season Samardzija was the guy you most wanted to see on the mound for the Cubs. Well, assuming you weren't rooting for the Cubs reverse standings position. Here's his final numbers on the season.   Player GS IP …

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Season in review: Ian Stewart

In Commentary And Analysis by dmick89109 Comments

During the Winter Meetings the Cubs traded Tyler Colvin and DJ LeMahieu to the Rockies for Ian Stewart and Casey Weathers. Stewart would replace the departed Aramis Ramirez at 3rd base and would instantly be an upgrade defensively. That much we were sure of. Whether or not he would hit the ball much was something we'd learn throughout the season. …

A question about pitch counts and innings limits

In Commentary And Analysis by dmick8997 Comments

This is posted in the Commentary and Analysis category that we have here at Obstructed View, but it really should be posted in a category called Questions. Since we don't ask these questions very often, this category will have to do. It makes no sense to set up a new category for one stinking post. Anyway, this will be short. …

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Daily Facepalm – 9.12.2012

In Commentary And Analysis, Facepalm by andcounting132 Comments

The Cubs lost to the Astros 1-0 in what quite possibly could be the worst game of baseball ever played. Between the two teams there were ten hits, six errors, and one meager run. The only reason the otherwise merciless crapfest ended was because Starlin Castro couldn't outrun Dave Sappelt's stupidity, preventing Castro from scoring the tying run before Sappelt …

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Season in Review: Matt Garza

In Commentary And Analysis by dmick8960 Comments

Following the 2010 season the Cubs decided to trade a bunch of players to acquire an overrated middle of the rotation pitcher in Matt Garza. Then he surprised many of us by having the best season of his career. His average WAR was 3.7 (5.0 fWAR, 2.5 rWAR, 3.7 WARP). His fWAR in 2011 was 1.9 higher than his previous …

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Alfonso Soriano is overpaid

In Commentary And Analysis by dmick8939 Comments

The other day The Hardball Times wrote that Alfonso Soriano is not overpaid. I'm a big fan of anyone who doesn't talk about Soriano in a way that makes him seem like he's a lazy, overpaid player. However, THT relied on fWAR, which uses UZR as its defensive metric. His 2007 UZR is so high that my iPad probably won't …

Top Ten Formerly Unwritten Rules for Cubs

In Commentary And Analysis, Facepalm by andcounting72 Comments

There has been much talk in recent nadirs on the Cubs' undulating saga of suck years about the unwritten rules of baseball. Don't steal when you're up by ten runs. Don't steal when you're down by ten runs. Don't swing at 3-0 pitches when you're up by five runs. So, since it's Friday and I haven't put up a daily …