The Cubs are set to officially officially announce the Dale Sveum hiring at a press conference right now. You can watch live courtesy of CSN.
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The Cubs are set to officially officially announce the Dale Sveum hiring at a press conference right now. You can watch live courtesy of CSN.
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Nuveen Investments time!
fang2415Quote Reply
Yay, Jed got to talk!
AndCountingQuote Reply
[quote name=fang2415]Nuveen Investments time![/quote]Those guys rock balls.
binkyQuote Reply
Right now this presser seems more like a dating service profile video.
AndCountingQuote Reply
This is the cutest thing ever. They’re helping him get dressed.
AndCountingQuote Reply
So Dale’s more of a shaved baldy. Quade I think was entirely hairless on top. You can see the sides and back stubble on Sveumy’s head.
binkyQuote Reply
Kind of repeating himself. Keeps saying “all them people”
binkyQuote Reply
There’s a lot of things, when you lose that many games, that you’ve gotta change.
He’s no liar.
AndCountingQuote Reply
[quote name=Berselius]I agree with you. I do not believe Theo was the leak for all of those reasons you listed, but I’m not completely ruling it out. I’m speaking more to simply jumping to the idea Theo et al are paragons of decision making, and ergo never make bad decisions. This is the main thing that pissed me off about the Crawford deal.[/quote]Yeah, b, I couldn’t agree more. Theo put it best when he said the great GMs are right 55% of the time. I think most fans think great GMs to be right 98% of the time. It’s unreasonable.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=AndCounting]There’s a lot of things, when you lose that many games, that you’ve gotta change.
He’s no liar.[/quote](dying laughing)
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=josh]So Dale’s more of a shaved baldy. Quade I think was entirely hairless on top. You can see the sides and back stubble on Sveumy’s head.[/quote]Quade was entirely hairless everywhere. Sveum, OTOH, has eyebrows.
fang2415Quote Reply
Sounds at least partly like he’s interested in a breakdown/rebuild in terms of the team philosophy. That may have been a big part of what they were looking for. A guy who knew exactly how shitty the Cubs were.
binkyQuote Reply
[quote name=fang2415]Quade was entirely hairless everywhere. Sveum, OTOH, has eyebrows.[/quote]I think Q actually had some disease or something that made his hair fall out.
binkyQuote Reply
Phil Rogers: “Do you need an exorcist?”
AndCountingQuote Reply
How did I never notice Quade doesn’t have eyebrows!?
binkyQuote Reply
[quote name=josh]How did I never notice Quade doesn’t have eyebrows!?[/quote]He just played through it. Gamer.
fang2415Quote Reply
Dave Kaplan: “How will you make sure you don’t have another Ramirez DOGGING IT on the field?”
binkyQuote Reply
“Welcome to Chicago, my name’s David Kaplan”
“I quit.”
fang2415Quote Reply
[quote name=fang2415]He just played through it. Gamer.[/quote]I was distracted by the chrome dome.
binkyQuote Reply
Grit, hustle, respect for the game, hustle, grit, respect, respect, hustle
fang2415Quote Reply
He’s pretty straightforward. I already appreciate the lack of bullshit.
AndCountingQuote Reply
Sveumy is still confused when he says “we”. Thoyer got that down immediately. (dying laughing)
mb21Quote Reply
Best fans in the world! Drink.
AndCountingQuote Reply
“[Nuts] has nothing to do with my lower half.”
(dying laughing)
(dying laughing)
(dying laughing)
AndCountingQuote Reply
I loved that line too, AC.
mb21Quote Reply
“How did you get the nickname ‘Big Hairy Testicles’?”
fang2415Quote Reply
103, 104 years (dying laughing) I love it. He’s not even entirely sure how long it’s been.
mb21Quote Reply
“103, 104 years, blah blah”
(dying laughing)
fang2415Quote Reply
[quote name=fang2415]”How did you get the nickname ‘Big Hairy Testicles’?”[/quote](dying laughing)
AndCountingQuote Reply
pants on the back and kicks in the butt
mb21Quote Reply
Nice. Winning = fun. It’s a duh comment, but most people don’t think like that.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=mb21]pants on the back and kicks in the butt[/quote]winning teams always wear pants on their backs
fang2415Quote Reply
Whoever she is, she did NOT wait for the wireless mic.
binkyQuote Reply
[quote name=josh]Whoever she is, she did NOT wait for the wireless mic.[/quote]Lack of mental focus.
fang2415Quote Reply
Biggest change: pounding the strike zone. This guy is very LaRussa-y.
AndCountingQuote Reply
“Bruce Miles”
fang2415Quote Reply
[quote name=mb21]Nice. Winning = fun. It’s a duh comment, but most people don’t think like that.[/quote]I thought fun —> winning. He just blew my mind.
WaLiQuote Reply
The odds are pretty good that Sveum has killed a man. He just has that look about him.
AndCountingQuote Reply
Hey hey, an analytics question!
fang2415Quote Reply
[quote name=AndCounting]Biggest change: pounding the strike zone. This guy is very LaRussa-y.[/quote]I don’t know, even Lou talked about that. Managers hate walks.
binkyQuote Reply
[quote name=AndCounting]The odds are pretty good that Sveum has killed a man. He just has that look about him.[/quote]He does have that look like he could go serial killer. It something in the way his voice modulates when he gets a little annoyed.
binkyQuote Reply
fang2415Quote Reply
binkyQuote Reply
[quote name=josh]I don’t know, even Lou talked about that. Managers not named Ron Washington hate walks.[/quote].
WaLiQuote Reply
[quote name=fang2415]Hey hey, an analytics question![/quote]the last half of the answer I really liked. I think sometimes people don’t realize that your aggressiveness depends on the type of team you have. If you have power hitters you don’t run into outs as he said. If you don’t have much power you’re going to have to run into some outs to create more runs.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=josh]I don’t know, even Lou talked about that. Managers hate walks.[/quote]Even without that, he seems LaRussa-y. His demeanor. Hopefully his ridiculous amount of wins.
AndCountingQuote Reply
Kicks in the butt, work ethic, hustle, play the game, work ethic, do the little things…
fang2415Quote Reply
[quote name=AndCounting]Even without that, he seems LaRussa-y. His demeanor. Hopefully his ridiculous amount of wins.[/quote]I don’t see that same lawyer look. That innate sliminess.
binkyQuote Reply
[quote name=AndCounting]Even without that, he seems LaRussa-y. His demeanor. Hopefully his ridiculous amount of wins.[/quote]Hopefully without the entire army of total assholes.
fang2415Quote Reply
“Did you respect the Cubs?” Great question.
AndCountingQuote Reply
Running balls out will be big under the Sveum regime.
fang2415Quote Reply
Wow he ripped that jersey right off when he was done (dying laughing)
WaLiQuote Reply
And I’m not sure he answered it.
AndCountingQuote Reply
He’s got a bit of gunslinger demeanor, no doubt. Like he would put down a gimp pony with a shot to the back of the head and not even grimace.
binkyQuote Reply
[quote name=fang2415]Running balls out will be big under the Sveum regime.[/quote]It should be. I know fans and the media make a much bigger deal of it than it should be, but Sveum is absolutely right in saying that it’s something they control and it’s something they should do. I’m sure he’s intelligent enough to realize that sometimes not running as hard as you’d like is also just a mental mistake. it happens. Sometimes a player will be nursing a sore leg and won’t be able to give it 100% all the time. But other than that, the Cubs were pretty fucking lazy the last couple of years.
mb21Quote Reply
Man… for the manager of a newly new-school franchise, that guy seems pretty darn old-school to me.
fang2415Quote Reply
[quote name=mb21]It should be. I know fans and the media make a much bigger deal of it than it should be, but Sveum is absolutely right in saying that it’s something they control and it’s something they should do. I’m sure he’s intelligent enough to realize that sometimes not running as hard as you’d like is also just a mental mistake. it happens. Sometimes a player will be nursing a sore leg and won’t be able to give it 100% all the time. But other than that, the Cubs were pretty fucking lazy the last couple of years.[/quote]It’s going to be a battle of wills with Sveum and Soriano. Although I agree that it may be worth it if only to shut the fans up.
fang2415Quote Reply
[quote name=mb21]the last half of the answer I really liked. I think sometimes people don’t realize that your aggressiveness depends on the type of team you have. If you have power hitters you don’t run into outs as he said. If you don’t have much power you’re going to have to run into some outs to create more runs.[/quote]Great point. I liked what he said earlier about not forcing too much statistical analysis onto the players. Seems like an interesting dude.
AndCountingQuote Reply
So… I’m still slightly struggling to see what Thoyer love about this guy. Not that there isn’t something awesome about him, but I don’t think we’ve seen it yet.
fang2415Quote Reply
[quote name=AndCounting]Great point. I liked what he said earlier about not forcing too much statistical analysis onto the players. Seems like an interesting dude.[/quote]I remember hearing that even Sam Fuld has to force himself never to think about statistical shit when he’s playing. (dying laughing)
OTOH, Zack Grienke goes out there to reduce his FIP every day.
fang2415Quote Reply
[quote name=AndCounting]Great point. I liked what he said earlier about not forcing too much statistical analysis onto the players. Seems like an interesting dude.[/quote]I think he’s going to be open to communicating and strategizing with Thoyer, but that he seems like more of the leadership, strong will, old-school type overall.
binkyQuote Reply
[quote name=josh]I think he’s going to be open to communicating and strategizing with Thoyer, but that he seems like more of the leadership, strong will, old-school type overall.[/quote]It may just be that they want an old-school, no-nonsense guy in the clubhouse, but they know that he’ll listen to them when it comes to strategy?
It is a little odd though: remember how Theo has talked about injury prevention, changing the culture so players flag injuries early rather than play through them and make them worse? If I’m a rookie with a twinge in my elbow, I’m not sure this is a guy that would make me more comfortable about raising that concern early.
Of course, he could be different with the players than he is with the press, but still…
fang2415Quote Reply
I don’t care how many people he kills as long as he can help get the most out of the players thoyer gives him.
Suburbankid 22Quote Reply
[quote name=AndCounting]Great point. I liked what he said earlier about not forcing too much statistical analysis onto the players. Seems like an interesting dude.[/quote]Yep. I don’t care if the players understand that shit. I want them to play. I want a manager to lead and get their respect and if possible employ some analytic strategies at times. I want the executives to surround themselves with progressive thinkers and use that information, along with scouting data to make better decisions.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=fang2415]It may just be that they want an old-school, no-nonsense guy in the clubhouse, but they know that he’ll listen to them when it comes to strategy?
It is a little odd though: remember how Theo has talked about injury prevention, changing the culture so players flag injuries early rather than play through them and make them worse? If I’m a rookie with a twinge in my elbow, I’m not sure this is a guy that would make me more comfortable about raising that concern early.
Of course, he could be different with the players than he is with the press, but still…[/quote]Thoyer hired Sveum so they could influence him. If they wanted a guy with old school values they’d have just hired Valentine and called it quits. They want someone they can shape.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=fang2415]It may just be that they want an old-school, no-nonsense guy in the clubhouse, but they know that he’ll listen to them when it comes to strategy?[/quote]That’s what I’m thinking. A La Russa who is open to new ideas,
As far as injury goes, that could be partly a med staff issue. Maybe Theo requires and Sveum enforces weekly checkups and honest communication. Sveum is responsible for making sure any inconsistencies get documented and reported and that everyone keeps on top of their niggling concerns. You wouldn’t necessarily need to be able to talk to him directly, if you had lots of opportunities to discuss with the staff. He could also be a big proponent of preventative measures, proper warm-ups, kinetics and all that. It doesn’t seem like it, really, but it would have been a good question.
binkyQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21]Thoyer hired Sveum so they could influence him. If they wanted a guy with old school values they’d have just hired Valentine and called it quits. They want someone they can shape.[/quote]Any time Sveum does anything that I don’t like over his entire career, I will always be able to find comfort by reminding myself that they could have hired Valentine instead. If he does something really bad, I’ll remind myself that they could have hired Brenly. (dying laughing)
fang2415Quote Reply
[quote name=josh]I think he’s going to be open to communicating and strategizing with Thoyer, but that he seems like more of the leadership, strong will, old-school type overall.[/quote]I’m not really sure where the old school stuff is coming from. Several times he talked about learning, listening and figuring out what can best help the team. An old school manager says it’s going to be this way and that all players are going to have to adapt.
I’d also add that the most sabermetric organization in baseball wanted to hire Dale Sveum. In all honesty that’s all I need to know.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=fang2415]Any time Sveum does anything that I don’t like over his entire career, I will always be able to find comfort by reminding myself that they could have hired Valentine instead. If he does something really bad, I’ll remind myself that they could have hired Brenly. (dying laughing)[/quote](dying laughing)
mb21Quote Reply
Gordo is hearing that Robin Yount may become the bench coach
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=mb21]Thoyer hired Sveum so they could influence him. If they wanted a guy with old school values they’d have just hired Valentine and called it quits. They want someone they can shape.[/quote]Exactly. He’s willing to listen, he knows enough to know he doesn’t know everything. He’s eager to prove himself on the big league level, so he’s willing to learn and understand, even if right now he doesn’t have all that. He recognizes enough to know that stats are information that can be useful, and that it’s dumb to ignore it just because you think it’s ‘nerdy’ like La Russa used to do.
binkyQuote Reply
[quote name=fang2415]It’s going to be a battle of wills with Sveum and Soriano. Although I agree that it may be worth it if only to shut the fans up.[/quote]
That’s making the tenuous assumption that Soriano can even run anymore.
BerseliusQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21]I’m not really sure where the old school stuff is coming from. Several times he talked about learning, listening and figuring out what can best help the team. An old school manager says it’s going to be this way and that all players are going to have to adapt.
I’d also add that the most sabermetric organization in baseball wanted to hire Dale Sveum. In all honesty that’s all I need to know.[/quote]That’s a good point. It’s just a feeling. These press conferences are all talking points anyway. The circumstantial evidence is probably more meaningful than anything actually said to reporters under the lights.
binkyQuote Reply
[quote name=AndCounting]The odds are pretty good that Sveum has killed a man. He just has that look about him.[/quote]
I hope Thoyer consulted with the Reno police before hiring Sveum. Need to see if anyone was killed just to watch him die.
BerseliusQuote Reply
I guess by “old-school” I meant “hardass.” Maddon doesn’t seem like a hardass, nor does Maddux. Those guys seem more like the charismatic, funny leader types. There are pluses and minuses to both styles.
binkyQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21]Thoyer hired Sveum so they could influence him. If they wanted a guy with old school values they’d have just hired Valentine and called it quits. They want someone they can shape.[/quote]
Someone mentioned the other day that in Sveum’s last game as a player he was a defensive replacement for Aramis Ramirez (for the Pirates in 99). He’s a lot younger than he looks. He was already 3B coaching with the Red Sox in 03-04. I wonder how often these guys are fast tracked (see Ozzie, every retired catcher).
BerseliusQuote Reply
[quote name=josh]That’s what I’m thinking. A La Russa who is open to new ideas,
As far as injury goes, that could be partly a med staff issue. Maybe Theo requires and Sveum enforces weekly checkups and honest communication. Sveum is responsible for making sure any inconsistencies get documented and reported and that everyone keeps on top of their niggling concerns. You wouldn’t necessarily need to be able to talk to him directly, if you had lots of opportunities to discuss with the staff. He could also be a big proponent of preventative measures, proper warm-ups, kinetics and all that. It doesn’t seem like it, really, but it would have been a good question.[/quote]That’s just one example of a concern I’d have about a guy who seems very into old-school values of hustle, work ethic, respect for the game, play hard every day kind of stuff. Guys like that often aren’t the easiest to approach, or the most understanding of individual issues, etc., etc. Which can work, but seems like an odd fit with the Superfriends ethic of openness, curiosity, asking questions, optimizing assets, etc.
I guess Sveum seems like the anti-Joe Maddon to me, which is different to what I expected. Not that it won’t work… but I’m not sure I understand how yet.
fang2415Quote Reply
[quote name=mb21]Gordo is hearing that Robin Yount may become the bench coach[/quote]That would be epic. He can teach Castro how to SS and BJax how to CF. #winning
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21]I’m not really sure where the old school stuff is coming from. Several times he talked about learning, listening and figuring out what can best help the team. An old school manager says it’s going to be this way and that all players are going to have to adapt.
I’d also add that the most sabermetric organization in baseball wanted to hire Dale Sveum. In all honesty that’s all I need to know.[/quote]He’s old school in the sense that he doesn’t just accept a lack of hustle or occasional carelessness as the inevitable mindset of the modern athlete. I think people are seeing a tough commitment to accountability as old school. I don’t think that’s necessarily true. Old school is probably far too broad. I don’t think you have to bench a guy or flame him publicly to keep him accountable. I think the man-to-man communication he emphasized is key.
AndCountingQuote Reply
Really, downplaying his commitment to stats is probably unwarranted. He didn’t say anything that Theo himself didn’t say in his own press conference. I think the “it’s one side of the coin” argument (one lens etc) that they’ve been putting forward is a calculated attempt to ease the media and the fans into the new Cubs Way. It’s a huge side of the coin, but they don’t want to frighten people and players into thinking they’ll need to become sabermetricians to continue enjoying or playing Cubs baseball, and the truth is that neither the fans nor the players really need to know any of that stuff.
binkyQuote Reply
MishQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21]I’m not really sure where the old school stuff is coming from. Several times he talked about learning, listening and figuring out what can best help the team. An old school manager says it’s going to be this way and that all players are going to have to adapt.[/quote]
Without doing a close re-read of everything, the things that stuck out to me were work ethic, hustle, drive, respect for the game, focus on the details, winning is everything, put your head down and play… with a bit of manufactured runs and match-up data thrown in (although he did at least acknowledge sample size). The mentions of learning are good, but with a few exceptions, I don’t think anything he said would have been a surprise coming from an ultra old-school guy.
Two of them! This is the bottom line, and this is why I’m going to give him a loong leash no matter what he says in some press conference. If Hendry had hired Sveum, I’d be *very* concerned right now. Now that these guys have done it, I won’t start worrying for quite some time.
fang2415Quote Reply
[quote name=AndCounting]He’s old school in the sense that he doesn’t just accept a lack of hustle or occasional carelessness as the inevitable mindset of the modern athlete. I think people are seeing a tough commitment to accountability as old school. I don’t think that’s necessarily true. Old school is probably far too broad.[/quote]Also, agreed that there’s a danger about splitting hairs when it comes to “what is old school”. I’ll try to think of some more specific characteristics to remark about. (dying laughing)
fang2415Quote Reply
[quote name=fang2415]Also, agreed that there’s a danger about splitting hairs when it comes to “what is old school”. I’ll try to think of some more specific characteristics to remark about. (dying laughing)[/quote]I know streaking in the quad is decidedly old school.
AndCountingQuote Reply
[quote name=AndCounting]I know streaking in the quad is decidedly old school.[/quote]Maybe they can kill off Soriano by having him mud-wrestle two topless girls.
fang2415Quote Reply
[quote name=AndCounting]I know streaking in the quad is decidedly old school.[/quote]
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=Mish][/quote]I really like this article. It bugs me when scientific papers I edit remove all trace of the arguer and the doer. It’s an attempt to make it sound like Fact rather than just expert opinion, which is what it really is. I think this is a really good point.
binkyQuote Reply
[quote name=josh]I really like this article. It bugs me when scientific papers I edit remove all trace of the arguer and the doer. It’s an attempt to make it sound like Fact rather than just expert opinion, which is what it really is. I think this is a really good point.[/quote]I’ve been taught that you can never actually prove a hypothesis, but you can provide evidence that won’t disprove it. You just keep re-testing the hypothesis until you find that it’s not true.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=fang2415]Also, agreed that there’s a danger about splitting hairs when it comes to “what is old school”. I’ll try to think of some more specific characteristics to remark about. (dying laughing)[/quote]You have to remember too that the volume of “old school” responses were reacting to questions like “How are you going to make sure guys don’t get lazy?” and “What will you do about lapses on the field.” The questions themselves were shitty, and so his responses were generic. Most of the Cubs reporters are convinced that the problem boils down to the Cubs not hustling. If Rami had hustled, Dave Kaplan’s mind tells him, then the Cubs win the World Series at least twice.
binkyQuote Reply
[quote name=josh]You have to remember too that the volume of “old school” responses were reacting to questions like “How are you going to make sure guys don’t get lazy?” and “What will you do about lapses on the field.” The questions themselves were shitty, and so his responses were generic. Most of the Cubs reporters are convinced that the problem boils down to the Cubs not hustling. If Rami had hustled, Dave Kaplan’s mind tells him, then the Cubs win the World Series at least twice.[/quote]
Aisle424Quote Reply
With the Robin Yount rumors floating around I looked up his stats. Didn’t realize he was such an average-to-bad-ish defender, but it’s kind of cool how he won MVPs as both SS and CF.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]I’ve been taught that you can never actually prove a hypothesis, but you can provide evidence that won’t disprove it. You just keep re-testing the hypothesis until you find that it’s not true.[/quote]This is true, but how the experiment you ran relates to the hypothesis is where the interpretation comes in. What exactly it says about the hypothesis, specifically, what degree of accuracy it says it, how exactly it refines our understanding of the hypothesis, is as important as just chalking up tallies in the “for” column.
binkyQuote Reply
[quote name=josh]This is true, but how the experiment you ran relates to the hypothesis is where the interpretation comes in. What exactly it says about the hypothesis, specifically, what degree of accuracy it says it, how exactly it refines our understanding of the hypothesis, is as important as just chalking up tallies in the “for” column.[/quote]I think most people generally quibble about how the experiment was done rather than the hypothesis itself. You forgot this control, you dared to use that cell line, you fucked up that animal model, blah blah blah…
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]I think most people generally quibble about how the experiment was done rather than the hypothesis itself. You forgot this control, you dared to use that cell line, you fucked up that animal model, blah blah blah…[/quote]True that. Science can be annoying sometimes.
binkyQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]With the Robin Yount rumors floating around I looked up his stats. Didn’t realize he was such an average-to-bad-ish defender, but it’s kind of cool how he won MVPs as both SS and CF. is a little nicer to him in the late seventies/early eighties. The move to center seems to have been a lot harder on him than I’d been led to believe.
binkyQuote Reply
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]
Nerds…NERDS!!!!![/quote]A friend of mind on FB mentioned this. I argue that Dova is a cool name, and no one from his generation will remember Skyrim anyway.
binkyQuote Reply
[quote name=josh]True that. Science can be magic sometimes.[/quote]
Aisle424Quote Reply
[quote name=josh]You have to remember too that the volume of “old school” responses were reacting to questions like “How are you going to make sure guys don’t get lazy?” and “What will you do about lapses on the field.” The questions themselves were shitty, and so his responses were generic. Most of the Cubs reporters are convinced that the problem boils down to the Cubs not hustling. If Rami had hustled, Dave Kaplan’s mind tells him, then the Cubs win the World Series at least twice.[/quote]To be fair, dealing with players’ lapses on the field is probably a bigger part of a manager’s job than being up on the latest stats.
ACTQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]With the Robin Yount rumors floating around I looked up his stats. Didn’t realize he was such an average-to-bad-ish defender, but it’s kind of cool how he won MVPs as both SS and CF.
According to his Wiki in 2009 he created a new lemonade drink, Robinade. I wonder if this will replace what Zambrano (if he is with the team) bashes in the dugout.
Also he has a passion for motorcycles like Sveum. I wonder if they will form a motorcycle gang.
WaLiQuote Reply!/CSNMooney/statuses/137575308101562368
Aisle424Quote Reply
[quote name=Aisle424]!/CSNMooney/statuses/137575308101562368[/quote]*sad panda*
Rice CubeQuote Reply
If anyone cares what the Red Sox are up to, the Bobby V thing and the comments herein are interesting:
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]With the Robin Yount rumors floating around I looked up his stats. Didn’t realize he was such an average-to-bad-ish defender, but it’s kind of cool how he won MVPs as both SS and CF.
He was worth 11.5 WAR in 1982 (dying laughing)
That’s massive
Rodrigo RamirezQuote Reply
[quote name=Rodrigo Ramirez]He was worth 11.5 WAR in 1982 (dying laughing)
That’s massive[/quote]Leading the league in OPS while playing shortstop is a pretty big deal.
ACTQuote Reply
A new facepalm pic for you guys.
Rodrigo RamirezQuote Reply
New/old Blue Jays swag:
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=AndCounting]He’s old school in the sense that he doesn’t just accept a lack of hustle or occasional carelessness as the inevitable mindset of the modern athlete. I think people are seeing a tough commitment to accountability as old school. I don’t think that’s necessarily true. Old school is probably far too broad. I don’t think you have to bench a guy or flame him publicly to keep him accountable. I think the man-to-man communication he emphasized is key.[/quote]I agree with this.
mb21Quote Reply
Edgar Martinez has 70 WAR? As an almost exclusive DH? Why’s he not in the HOF again?
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=josh]You have to remember too that the volume of “old school” responses were reacting to questions like “How are you going to make sure guys don’t get lazy?” and “What will you do about lapses on the field.” The questions themselves were shitty, and so his responses were generic. Most of the Cubs reporters are convinced that the problem boils down to the Cubs not hustling. If Rami had hustled, Dave Kaplan’s mind tells him, then the Cubs win the World Series at least twice.[/quote]Well put, Josh.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=ACT]To be fair, dealing with players’ lapses on the field is probably a bigger part of a manager’s job than being up on the latest stats.[/quote]Yeah, I agree. Tango made a great point recently that if you have a manager that doesn’t have the respect of his players he’s basically useless. How Sveum gets that respect is something I don’t really care about. He’s obviously willing to learn so he satisfies the top two requirements for me.
mb21Quote Reply
Rodrigo RamirezQuote Reply
Rice CubeQuote Reply
WaLiQuote Reply
[quote name=WaLi]
[/quote]Took me a while to get this one.
ACTQuote Reply
/divided by zero’d
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Dexter —-> Two more seasons.
Meh. Deb finds out or GTFO.
GBTSQuote Reply
Also, how many Homeland watchers here do we have? Last episode was bananas.
GBTSQuote Reply
[quote name=GBTS]Also, how many Homeland watchers here do we have? Last episode was bananas.[/quote]Last episode was really good. Great twist at the end. Interested in seeing how the show will change.
WaLiQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]
[/quote]Thought this should be brought over, just because it is hilarious.
WaLiQuote Reply
[quote name=josh]You have to remember too that the volume of “old school” responses were reacting to questions like “How are you going to make sure guys don’t get lazy?” and “What will you do about lapses on the field.” The questions themselves were shitty, and so his responses were generic. Most of the Cubs reporters are convinced that the problem boils down to the Cubs not hustling. If Rami had hustled, Dave Kaplan’s mind tells him, then the Cubs win the World Series at least twice.[/quote]This is totally true. Almost all the questions I’ve heard him answer have sucked. He didn’t quite break out of most of the dumb frames that were thrown at him, but some kudos to him that he didn’t really create any dumber ones either (a la Alomar).
So I’m guessing that the answers he gave to Thoyer’s smart questions were awesome and that’s why they hired him. The press has failed us by not asking him good questions, but lucky for Thoyer, they don’t have to rely on the press for that.
fang2415Quote Reply
[quote name=WaLi]Thought this should be brought over, just because it is hilarious.[/quote]Now I’m curious to know what the hell that kid was actually looking at.
fang2415Quote Reply
[quote name=Rodrigo Ramirez]
[/quote][quote name=Rodrigo Ramirez]
[/quote]I can’t argue with you today.
fang2415Quote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]
Edgar Martinez has 70 WAR? As an almost exclusive DH? Why’s he not in the HOF again?[/quote]Because he played in Seattle.
uncle daveQuote Reply
[quote name=fang2415]Now I’m curious to know what the hell that kid was actually looking at.[/quote]I think it is one of those “find your way out of the maze” things where after a while the excorsist chick jumps out at you.
WaLiQuote Reply
[quote name=uncle dave]Because he played in Seattle.[/quote]I can’t argue with you today.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=WaLi]I think it is one of those “find your way out of the maze” things where after a while the excorsist chick jumps out at you.[/quote]Exactly. It scares you because you are concentrating really hard on the maze or the whatever and then a loud noise and face suddenly appears.
binkyQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]
Edgar Martinez has 70 WAR? As an almost exclusive DH? Why’s he not in the HOF again?[/quote]
Yeah I would have him in instantly, and I’m one of those “small Hall” guys.
MishQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]
/divided by zero’d[/quote]Went to that KFC/Taco Bell near the United Center (you know the place) once and they were out of chicken. They were also out of Taco meat. And tortillas. They just kept letting us name food items, not bothering to tell us what they did have. I believe we ended up with some cheese and chips.
binkyQuote Reply
[quote name=ACT]To be fair, dealing with players’ lapses on the field is probably a bigger part of a manager’s job than being up on the latest stats.[/quote]Probably, but if you want to know his overall philosophy and how he will mesh with the Superfriends, you have to ask specific questions related to those topics. The media just doesn’t know enough to ask or doesn’t care.
binkyQuote Reply
WaLiQuote Reply
[quote name=josh]Probably, but if you want to know his overall philosophy and how he will mesh with the Superfriends, you have to ask specific questions related to those topics. The media just doesn’t know enough to ask and doesn’t care.[/quote]Correct.
[/quote](dying laughing)
[quote name=WaLi]
There was an episode of Blues Clues where the dude has to make a salad with the dog and he keeps talking about tossing the salad. The boy was three or so at the time and my wife and I were just trying hard not to (dying laughing)
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=josh]Went to that KFC/Taco Bell near the United Center (you know the place) once and they were out of chicken. They were also out of Taco meat. And tortillas. They just kept letting us name food items, not bothering to tell us what they did have. I believe we ended up with some cheese and chips.[/quote]
I went to the Steak N Shake in Champaign once and the waitress told us “sorry, we’re out of hamburgers and ice cream.” I said, “so you’re out of the very two things required to make either Steaks or Shakes?” She said “you can have fries or you can leave”
(dying laughing)
WenningtonsGorillaCockQuote Reply
[quote name=josh]Exactly. It scares you because you are concentrating really hard on the maze or the whatever and then a loud noise and face suddenly rapes you.[/quote].
fang2415Quote Reply
[quote name=WenningtonsGorillaCock]I went to the Steak N Shake in Champaign once and the waitress told us “sorry, we’re out of hamburgers and ice cream.” I said, “so you’re out of the very two things required to make either Steaks or Shakes?” She said “you can have fries or you can leave”
(dying laughing)[/quote]
I remember being in Olive garden and they were out of fettuccini. I guess they cook all their pasta (food?) at the beginning of the day.
WaLiQuote Reply
[quote name=GBTS]Dexter —-> Two more seasons.
Meh. Deb finds out or GTFO.[/quote]My exact words at the end of last season. Homeland has been surprisingly good. The writers have managed to change their devices (surveillance & reconnaissance) to keep the main tension from becoming static. Then last week happened. DIdn’t expect it. Glad it happened.
cdw 22Quote Reply
Peter Gammons sez Cespedes wants $35-50MM.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=WenningtonsGorillaCock] “you can have fries or you can leave”
(dying laughing)[/quote]I got told the same thing last time I went to S&S here. They had plenty of burgers and ice cream, they just didn’t like me.
binkyQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]Peter Gammons sez Cespedes wants $35-50MM.[/quote]Per year?
binkyQuote Reply
[quote name=josh]Per year?[/quote]Probably over six years. I don’t think he’s Albert Pujols yet.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=fang2415]I can’t argue with you today.[/quote]
Rodrigo RamirezQuote Reply
[quote name=Rodrigo Ramirez]False.[/quote]Correct!
fang2415Quote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]Probably over six years. I don’t think he’s Albert Pujols yet.[/quote]This probably includes any random signing bonuses. I’d probably adjust that to say “five or six years” to be safe.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]This probably includes any random signing bonuses. I’d probably adjust that to say “five or six years” to be safe.[/quote]That makes more sense.
binkyQuote Reply
[quote name=GBTS]Also, how many Homeland watchers here do we have? Last episode was bananas.[/quote]It was a really good episode. I’ve really liked the show so far, but I am a bit concerned. I actually saw this twist coming. I was hoping that Brody had been turned just because I knew after the trailer that Brody hadn’t been turned. I watched 24 and the same guy is doing Homeland.
mb21Quote Reply
This guy is unprotected before Rule 5:
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]This guy is unprotected before Rule 5: the switch-pitcher?
binkyQuote Reply
[quote name=josh]That the switch-pitcher?[/quote]
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]This guy is unprotected before Rule 5: 26-year-old in AA? That’s just the kind of young talent the Cubs need to rejuvenate their farm system.
ACTQuote Reply
[quote name=ACT]A 26-year-old in AA? That’s just the kind of young talent the Cubs need to rejuvenate their farm system.[/quote]I feel like the Yankees have to know something about this guy because with those numbers he probably should’ve been at AAA or even gotten a September call-up by now. I’m not sure if the Rule 5 fee is still $50K or if it’s more, but it might be worth it to see what he’s got. Kind of tough to sacrifice a 25-man spot for what could be a long shot, though.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube][/quote]That page is okay. Needs an update. The javascript screams 2005.
binkyQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]I feel like the Yankees have to know something about this guy because with those numbers he probably should’ve been at AAA or even gotten a September call-up by now. I’m not sure if the Rule 5 fee is still $50K or if it’s more, but it might be worth it to see what he’s got. Kind of tough to sacrifice a 25-man spot for what could be a long shot, though.[/quote]His stuff hasn’t exactly impressed scouts.
ACTQuote Reply
[quote name=ACT]A 26-year-old in AA? That’s just the kind of young talent the Cubs need to rejuvenate their farm system.[/quote]He didn’t even start until 23. That’s weird. Did he spend a couple of extra years in college?
binkyQuote Reply
According to that article he spent 4 years at Creighton. I guess that’s right. I would have expected him to start right after college was over, which I would have assumed put him right at 21/22. I don’t know how it works. Derp.
binkyQuote Reply
[quote name=ACT]His stuff hasn’t exactly impressed scouts. B-Ref stats look really awesome but I’d trust the scouts too. Something doesn’t add up there.
I just threw the name out there because he was a switch pitcher who apparently didn’t completely suck, I don’t know for sure that the Cubs are high on him or not.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=josh]He didn’t even start until 23. That’s weird. Did he spend a couple of extra years in college?[/quote][quote name=josh]According to that article he spent 4 years at Creighton. I guess that’s right. I would have expected him to start right after college was over, which I would have assumed put him right at 21/22. I don’t know how it works. Derp.[/quote]
Hendry’s old squad
ABQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]
Nerds…NERDS!!!!![/quote]
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
No longer blogging about Jerry Sandusky on a Cubs blog?
Suburbankid 22Quote Reply
[quote name=Suburbankid 22]No longer blogging about Jerry Sandusky on a Cubs blog?[/quote]False. Looks like NCAA is instigating its own investigation.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
[quote name=Mercurial Outfielder]False. Looks like NCAA is instigating its own investigation.[/quote]That may be, but the last UnOb View seems to have gone all 404 on me.
Suburbankid 22Quote Reply
[quote name=Suburbankid 22]That may be, but the last UnOb View seems to have gone all 404 on me.[/quote]Fine for me. Maybe you’re just dogging it.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
Junior Lake, Matt Sczczczcrrr, Vitters, and another guy ——————————> 40 man roster
Caridad, Montanez, and someone else ————————–> kicked off the 40 man
Suburbankid 22Quote Reply
[quote name=Mercurial Outfielder]Fine for me. Maybe you’re just dogging it.[/quote]I won’t last under Sveumy then.
Now all the UnObViews are missing for me btw.
Suburbankid 22Quote Reply
[quote name=Suburbankid 22]
Now all the UnObViews are missing for me btw.[/quote]Don’t worry about it, the problem will just fix itself.
/Penn State’d
GBTSQuote Reply
[quote name=Suburbankid 22]I won’t last under Sveumy then.
Now all the UnObViews are missing for me btw.[/quote]Slacker.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
[quote name=GBTS]Don’t worry about it, the problem will just fix itself.
/Penn State’d[/quote]I notified the appropriate people (i.e. anyone randomly reading here at 5.40 on a Friday)
Suburbankid 22Quote Reply
Just to make one more post about me, I have now fixed the error that was occurring on my end.
Suburbankid 22Quote Reply
[quote name=Suburbankid 22]Just to make one more post about me, I have now fixed the error that was occurring on my end.
/phew[/quote]You reported Jerry Sandusky?
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=Suburbankid 22]Just to make one more post about me, I have now fixed the error that was occurring on my end.
/phew[/quote]In about 34 years, MB will check it out to make sure it doesn’t happen again.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
We’re actually working on on it right now. Something strange us going on with our registration module and we had to turn off the search engine friendly urls to figure it out.
BerseliusQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]You reported Jerry Sandusky?[/quote]I thought that would elicit what could only ever be a bad joke. Congratulations. (dying laughing)
Suburbankid 22Quote Reply
[quote name=Berselius]We’re actually working on on it right now. Something strange us going on with our registration module and we had to turn off the search engine friendly urls to figure it out.[/quote]It’s ok, it’s ok. Like I said, I fixed it. (dying laughing)
Suburbankid 22Quote Reply
If an older woman who likes younger men is called a “Cougar” then I guess an older man who likes younger men is called a “Nittany Lion”…… Too soon??
Rodrigo RamirezQuote Reply
I should have given a bad joke alert.
Rodrigo RamirezQuote Reply
It’s not too soon. It’s appropriate. It’s like calling them Ped State, which is also appropriate.
mb21Quote Reply
I will say that it seemed funnier in my head than it was in print.
Rodrigo RamirezQuote Reply
Wood———-> apparently coming back–20111119,0,2694823.story
No surprise here but I like it.
Rodrigo RamirezQuote Reply
I like it too. Doesn’t sound too good for Z though.
mb21Quote Reply
Payroll floor to be instituted?
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21]I like it too. Doesn’t sound too good for Z though.[/quote]
No it doesn’t it. You have to wonder if the recent news that Theo is open to his return is purely a charade for other teams so the Cubs don’t look desperate to dump him.
Rodrigo RamirezQuote Reply
I like it, RC.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=Rodrigo Ramirez]No it doesn’t it. You have to wonder if the recent news that Theo is open to his return is purely a charade for other teams so the Cubs don’t look desperate to dump him.[/quote]I think it’s nothing more than an attempt to gain some leverage in the upcoming negotiations. I don’t believe much can be gained, but none can be lost so why not do it?
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=mb21]I think it’s nothing more than an attempt to gain some leverage in the upcoming negotiations. I don’t believe much can be gained, but none can be lost so why not do it?[/quote]
I agree. It’s really all they can do to drive the value up at this point.
Rodrigo RamirezQuote Reply
mb21Quote Reply
I’d like to think that someone will take Z if $14MM of the salary is paid, but I don’t think they’ll just flat out release him. That’s a lot of money to just eat.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
More Sveumy stuff:
Rice CubeQuote Reply
MB, I thought Kyle Smit had some upside, or at least a good season. Is him being taken off the 40 man a surprise?
Rodrigo RamirezQuote Reply
I take that back. He’s not very good.
Rodrigo RamirezQuote Reply
[quote name=Rodrigo Ramirez]I agree. It’s really all they can do to drive the value up at this point.[/quote]So Sveum said Zambrano is out of strikes. How do you drive up value on someone who you openly admitted is out of strikes?
Rice CubeQuote Reply
We have an instant web app set up that can be used on the iphone. To get it go to this url on your phone or ipod:
It’s probably just as easy to access the mobile site as it is that, but whatever.
The Android app is available in the app store like always.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]So Sveum said Zambrano is out of strikes. How do you drive up value on someone who you openly admitted is out of strikes?[/quote]
I was referring to what Theo has been saying. Sveum’s comments seem to conflict with that.
Rodrigo RamirezQuote Reply
I’m sure Sveum and Theo talked about Z before anything was said to the media. I don’t believe you can drive Z’s value up. He’s been in the league for a decade and every team in baseball knows he has serious issues.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=mb21]I’m sure Sveum and Theo talked about Z before anything was said to the media. I don’t believe you can drive Z’s value up. He’s been in the league for a decade and every team in baseball knows he has serious issues.[/quote]
True. I think I meant to say- not ruin his value further. They need to establish some market, or else they’ll be eating 18 million bucks.
Rodrigo RamirezQuote Reply
[quote name=Sveumy]”There’s no way to pitch Castro,” he said. “He doesn’t have a whole lot of holes.”
But Sveum conceded Castro “needs a lot of polish” defensively and that the next infield instructor would be looking at how to fix him. Sveum mentioned Castro’s footwork and positioning as two problem areas.
“Watching him in the 16 games we played them, his stuff is just a little bit off,” he said. “It’s not completely out of whack by any means.”[/quote]Want
[quote name=Sveumy]”Right now, that’s what we have, what we are,” he said. “We don’t have another closer. There are no other closers. People have to remember, not everybody is made to get those last three outs. … It’s not that easy to find guys who can get those last three outs, no matter how ugly it’s going to be.”[/quote]Not sure if want
[quote name=Sveumy]”You sit down with Zambrano, face-to-face,” Sveum said. “I don’t know the guy. We all know that his nine strikes are up. [/quote]wat
fang2415Quote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]So Sveum said Zambrano is out of strikes. How do you drive up value on someone who you openly admitted is out of strikes?[/quote]
Everyone knows Zambrano has balls though. I guess that means he’ll walk.
BerseliusQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21]We have an instant web app set up that can be used on the iphone. To get it go to this url on your phone or ipod:
It’s probably just as easy to access the mobile site as it is that, but whatever.
The Android app is available in the app store like always.[/quote]Oooh.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=Rodrigo Ramirez]True. I think I meant to say- not ruin his value further. They need to establish some market, or else they’ll be eating 18 million bucks.[/quote]I think the market will be there. Z is about league average and that has value. They’ll have to send a lot of money along, but they’ll find a taker and probably get something decent in return.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]Oooh.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=mb21]It’s nothing special. It’s basically the same as the one ACB had.[/quote]Yeah, the opening page is different and looks all fancy but then it just takes you to the mobile version of each article. Nice touch though.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Z: 5 IP, 2 H, 1 unearned run, 2 BB, 4 K
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]Z: 5 IP, 2 H, 1 unearned run, 2 BB, 4 K[/quote]You and your damn spreadsheets! Did he hustle it out? DID HE CHEW SUNFLOWER SEEDS?!?
binkyQuote Reply
Never change, NFL (dying laughing)
BerseliusQuote Reply
[quote name=josh]You and your damn spreadsheets! Did he hustle it out? DID HE CHEW SUNFLOWER SEEDS?!?[/quote]Someone in a forum said he got hit in the face by a line drive. I still can’t find anything.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=Berselius]
Never change, NFL (dying laughing)[/quote]Bad shoes >>>>> ripping someone’s head off
Rice CubeQuote Reply
The links are all fixed now and the registration should be working. You may want to go back to the home page and then click on this article again or just click on this link to get back here:
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=Berselius]
Never change, NFL (dying laughing)[/quote]I just laugh at the fines themselves. Even if what’s his fuck had grabbed the helmet and was violating the silly uniform policy it would still only be a $17,500 fine.
mb21Quote Reply
The Cubs have 4 players to their 40-man roster: Junior Lake, Josh Vitters, Jeff Beliveau and Matt Szczur. Lake, Vitters and Beliveau had to be protected or they would have been eligible in the 40-man roster. Vitters and Lake each had 4 years of minor league service time (started career at 18 or younger) and since Beliveua was drafted out of college he was allowed 3 years before being eligible. Not sure why Szczur was added to the 40-man roster. He only had 1 year of minor league service time (partial season after being drafted does not count). Only reason I can think of is that his contract guaranteed him an MLB roster spot after the 2011 season. Either that or the Cubs intend to give him a job to open the 2012 season.
mb21Quote Reply
My wife, who hates baseball, says that Epstein looks like Zack Morris from Saved By the Bell.
Also, not that anyone cares, but Oklahoma State looking wholly uninspiring at Iowa State
Recalcitrant Blogger NateQuote Reply
Just thought of Ryan Flaherty who is eligible for the Rule 5 this year if not protected. Very strange they’d protect Szczur and not Flaherty. Could Flaherty be headed to Boston to complete the Theo deal? That’s about the only way that makes any sense. Then again, I thought the same thing about Marquez Smith so grain of salt.
mb21Quote Reply
I thought Szczur had some weird thing with the 40-man roster last season after he was drafted due to the whole forgoing football thing but I’m not sure how to look it up. There was some weirdness as to whether he could be stolen via Rule 5 because of some technicality by which he was signed.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21]The Cubs have 4 players to their 40-man roster: Junior Lake, Josh Vitters, Jeff Beliveau and Matt Szczur. Lake, Vitters and Beliveau had to be protected or they would have been eligible in the 40-man roster. Vitters and Lake each had 4 years of minor league service time (started career at 18 or younger) and since Beliveua was drafted out of college he was allowed 3 years before being eligible. Not sure why Szczur was added to the 40-man roster. He only had 1 year of minor league service time (partial season after being drafted does not count). Only reason I can think of is that his contract guaranteed him an MLB roster spot after the 2011 season. Either that or the Cubs intend to give him a job to open the 2012 season.[/quote]
Hendry Cubs somehow fucked up his first contract, had to release and resign him, meaning he had to be added to the 40 man this year. Too lazy to link.
Recalcitrant Blogger NateQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]I thought Szczur had some weird thing with the 40-man roster last season after he was drafted due to the whole forgoing football thing but I’m not sure how to look it up. There was some weirdness as to whether he could be stolen via Rule 5 because of some technicality by which he was signed.[/quote]Sorry I’m not more help, this is like back-of-the-mind stuff that I only recall bits and pieces of.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=Recalcitrant Blogger Nate]Hendry Cubs somehow fucked up his first contract, had to release and resign him, meaning he had to be added to the 40 man this year. Too lazy to link.[/quote]Yeah, something like that!
Rice CubeQuote Reply
I’m too lazy to look over the entire roster to see who is available so I went over to read Arizona Phil on TCR.
Phil thinks this is as strange as I do. 33 payers on the 40-man roster and at least a couple guys you’d like to protect? I think he might be onto something thinking a few of those guys could be the ones that Boston and San Diego are looking for. Otherwise it’s just odd.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=mb21]I’m too lazy to look over the entire roster to see who is available so I went over to read Arizona Phil on TCR.
Phil thinks this is as strange as I do. 33 payers on the 40-man roster and at least a couple guys you’d like to protect? I think he might be onto something thinking a few of those guys could be the ones that Boston and San Diego are looking for. Otherwise it’s just odd.[/quote]
I certainly want to see what Smith or Flaherty can do, given that the cubs have no 3B and only half a 2B. Hell I wanted Flaherty called up over LaMayhew last year. I know nothing.
Recalcitrant Blogger NateQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]I thought Szczur had some weird thing with the 40-man roster last season after he was drafted due to the whole forgoing football thing but I’m not sure how to look it up. There was some weirdness as to whether he could be stolen via Rule 5 because of some technicality by which he was signed.[/quote]You’re right:
mb21Quote Reply
Why didn’t Oklahoma State call a time out?
mb21Quote Reply
Oklahoma State goes to OT vs. ISU, with RS Fresh QB making his 2nd or 3rd start after being held to 17 offensive points and giving up 550 yds to ISU. I don’t like being an SEC homer, but there’s no chance they could stay in a game against LSU or Alabama. Ignore this comment if disinterested in college football discussion (dying laughing)
Recalcitrant Blogger NateQuote Reply
Why are they playing college football on a Friday night? I am confused.
Recalcitrant Blogger NateQuote Reply
[quote name=Recalcitrant Blogger Nate]Why are they playing college football on a Friday night? I am confused.[/quote]Ames isn’t very smart. (dying laughing)
mb21Quote Reply
(dying laughing) the BCS is about to go into chaos
Recalcitrant Blogger NateQuote Reply
Rgh. About a foot or so separates Wisconsin from the number 2 spot right now.
BerseliusQuote Reply
[quote name=Recalcitrant Blogger Nate]Why are they playing college football on a Friday night? I am confused.[/quote]It’s the only way ISU can get nationally televised. No competition.
cdw 22Quote Reply!/PepeBeisbol
The most recent tweets are about Z’s start last night. Apparently he took a liner off the face and stayed in to finish the fifth before going to the hospital.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]!/PepeBeisbol
The most recent tweets are about Z’s start last night. Apparently he took a liner off the face and stayed in to finish the fifth before going to the hospital.[/quote]Holy shit.
binkyQuote Reply
So he definitely gave 110%.
binkyQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]!/PepeBeisbol
The most recent tweets are about Z’s start last night. Apparently he took a liner off the face and stayed in to finish the fifth before going to the hospital.[/quote]There’s also a tweet-off between this guy and Carrie Muskat where she’s trying to confirm it. She makes a good point that Z is extra motivated to do well, although most competitive players probably wouldn’t want to get out unless the impact to the face was as bad as what happened to Byrd.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]There’s also a tweet-off between this guy and Carrie Muskat where she’s trying to confirm it. She makes a good point that Z is extra motivated to do well, although most competitive players probably wouldn’t want to get out unless the impact to the face was as bad as what happened to Byrd.[/quote]If it was just a graze, he might have felt fine and just had it checked later as a precaution.
binkyQuote Reply
[quote name=josh]So he definitely gave 110%.[/quote]Extra effort doesn’t count if it’s in Venezuela. Who are we going to trust, some foreign Twitter account or our own eyes?
fang2415Quote Reply
[quote name=fang2415]Extra effort doesn’t count if it’s in Venezuela. Who are we going to trust, some foreign Twitter account or our own eyes?[/quote]Let’s kidnap him just to be sure. That’s what you do in Venezuela when you aren’t sure.
binkyQuote Reply
[quote name=josh]Let’s kidnap him just to be sure. That’s what you do in Venezuela when you aren’t sure.[/quote]Correct. Wilson Ramos getting kidnapped in Venezuela is equivalent to, say, Josh Hamilton playing on a strained groin in the MLB.
fang2415Quote Reply
Or Sam Fuld running into the wall maybe three times
fang2415Quote Reply–20111119,0,4866704.column:
fang2415Quote Reply
BerseliusQuote Reply
Man, Josh, you were so right about those questions yesterday. I understood Sveum as an old-school disciplinarian and totally forgot that the 90% of the questions he was asked were about discipline, hustle, guts, etc.
Just watched his CSN interview with Kaplan and two-thirds of the questions were about discipline and hustle. Then he asked about pitch counts and it was like a different generation answering. Noted that older guys get better at taking more pitches and said he’d keep on everybody about taking every single pitch they can’t hit for a home run. Wow.
Would love to hear him answer some more questions like this, but apparently we’ll have to wait a while since the Chicago press know that being a winning manager is all about hustle, discipline, and guts.
fang2415Quote Reply
Yeah, fang, the questions were embarrassing. If it wasn’t about grit and hustle it was about how many phone calls he received congratulating him on getting a big league job.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=mb21]Yeah, fang, the questions were embarrassing. If it wasn’t about grit and hustle it was about how many phone calls he received congratulating him on getting a big league job.[/quote]Do reporters even like baseball?
Suburbankid 22Quote Reply
Or do they just like manly, testosterone-filled versions of soap operas about honor, sacrifice, and brotherhood?
Suburbankid 22Quote Reply
[quote name=Recalcitrant Blogger Nate]My wife, who hates baseball, says that Epstein looks like Zack Morris from Saved By the Bell.

Suburbankid 22Quote Reply
I don’t get this Wisconsin team at all. It’s like they send the jv squad to road games
BerseliusQuote Reply
[quote name=Suburbankid 22]Or do they just like manly, testosterone-filled versions of soap operas about honor, sacrifice, and brotherhood?[/quote]Band of Brothers?
Snyds01 22Quote Reply
[quote name=Snyds01 22]Band of Brothers?[/quote]Kaplan and some of the others probably would enjoy writing about soap bro-peras like that more than sports.
Suburbankid 22Quote Reply
Broperas (dying laughing)
BerseliusQuote Reply
The comments make me think that baseball fans are assholes.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=Suburbankid 22]Do reporters even like baseball?[/quote]I’ve wondered that too. It’s entirely possible that at least some of them got assigned the sports beat and it just stuck, that they never had much of an interest at all. I agree that Dave Kaplan has a storyline he wants to shove down everyone’s throat. He at least knows people in the game and seems to genuinely like the sport. He definitely doesn’t have an appreciation for the sport in its modern form, but some of the others seem like they’d do anything to ask about something other than boring old baseball.
binkyQuote Reply
Suburbankid 22Quote Reply
[quote name=Suburbankid 22][/quote]
Qu’est-ce que c’est?
Rice CubeQuote Reply
I think the reason reporters are stuck on asking those stupid questions is that they’re mostly old and they think that shit still matters.
mb21Quote Reply
You know, if the Cubs had run hard to first base last season they’d have won 197 games. Easily.
mb21Quote Reply
Running hard to first base is worth enough WAR that you instantly become a hall of famer.
mb21Quote Reply
That’s the play-by-play of last night’s game where Z had to leave. The key play seems to be:
Usually when a line drive deflects, it would’ve been noted in the play-by-play, but maybe they were sloppy here. Sounds like the ball bounced off Z’s face and to his 1B, either in the air or enough so that the 1B could step on the bag or tag the guy. Ouch.
Z was replaced in the bottom of the 6th.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21]Running hard to first base is worth enough WAR that you instantly become a hall of famer.[/quote]Worked for Pete Rose…oh wait.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]
That’s the play-by-play of last night’s game where Z had to leave. The key play seems to be:
Usually when a line drive deflects, it would’ve been noted in the play-by-play, but maybe they were sloppy here. Sounds like the ball bounced off Z’s face and to his 1B, either in the air or enough so that the 1B could step on the bag or tag the guy. Ouch.
Z was replaced in the bottom of the 6th.[/quote],0,533444.story
Ah, Z made the play himself.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Unlike Z, I’m willing to wait my entire life to get hit in the head by a line drive.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=mb21]Unlike Z, I’m willing to wait my entire life to get hit in the head by a line drive.[/quote]Playing rec league softball, I’ve been hit by line drives in the arm, the knees, the shins, and the torso, but never the head. Hurt like hell though.
/cool story bro
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Marvin McNutt is just awesome.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]Playing rec league softball, I’ve been hit by line drives in the arm, the knees, the shins, and the torso, but never the head. Hurt like hell though.
/cool story bro[/quote]I got hit in the shin last summer by a linedrive softball. Seriously, it’s still slightly tender. That was in July.
binkyQuote Reply
[quote name=josh]I got hit in the shin last summer by a linedrive softball. Seriously, it’s still slightly tender. That was in July.[/quote]I jammed my finger on a ball that hit my finger tip head on about two or three years ago. It was the same injury Soriano had one spring training. I can still feel it when I try to bend my knuckle.
Suburbankid 22Quote Reply
Blue Jays are going retro with their logo, too. Everyone’s going retro.
binkyQuote Reply
[quote name=Paul Pabst on twitter]Montee Ball is two hail mary plays from being the leader in the Heisman race.[/quote]
Pretty much
BerseliusQuote Reply
MB I am hearing unconfirmed rumors that it is, indeed, a Cyclone state. Can you verify?
GBTSQuote Reply
[quote name=GBTS]MB I am hearing unconfirmed rumors that it is, indeed, a Cyclone state. Can you verify?[/quote]Lies. It will be a Cyclone state when Joe Paterno can look in the mirror and feel good about himself.
mb21Quote Reply
Apparently, Z got hit in the face twice…
I wonder if this was on Theo’s list of things Carlos must endure so as to redeem himself.
Smokestack LightningQuote Reply
I like the part where he plays sax.
GBTSQuote Reply
[quote name=Smokestack Lightning]Apparently, Z got hit in the face twice…
I wonder if this was on Theo’s list of things Carlos must endure so as to redeem himself.[/quote]What are the odds of a pitcher getting hit by line drives twice in a game?
mb21Quote Reply
Come on, OSU. I’ve never rooted for you before so don’t let me down.
Berselius, you and I are done if UW loses to PSU next week. D-O-N-E. (dying laughing)
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=Suburbankid 22]
(dying laughing)
(dying laughing)
(dying laughing)
Recalcitrant Blogger NateQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21]What are the odds of a pitcher getting hit by line drives twice in a game?[/quote]2 or 288
Suburbankid 22Quote Reply
(dying laughing)
fang2415Quote Reply
It could go either way.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
I know I’m late on this, but I just realized that Theo’s grandfather and granduncle were screenwriters for Casablanca. Wow.
ACTQuote Reply
They posted the video:
Z took it like a champ (dying laughing)
Rice CubeQuote Reply
RC’s alma mater —> momentarily not sucking against Andrew Luck
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Holy Shit! Z threw the runner out at 1st after being hit! (dying laughing)
cdw 22Quote Reply
There’s also an item in there about how certain Type A relievers will no longer cost a draft pick. I wonder how they determined that.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]
There’s also an item in there about how certain Type A relievers will no longer cost a draft pick. I wonder how they determined that.[/quote]Because it’s BS to give up a draft pick for a reliever.
binkyQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]RC’s alma mater —> momentarily not sucking against Andrew Luck[/quote]False.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]They posted the video:
Z took it like a champ (dying laughing)[/quote]Hard-headed motherfucker
Suburbankid 22Quote Reply
[quote name=Suburbankid 22]Hard-headed motherfucker[/quote]Es un toro. But that video only showed the first hit. I wonder what the second one was like.
fang2415Quote Reply
new shit:
mb21Quote Reply