I was thinking the Cubs convention was closer to spring, for some reason. Maybe they do two? I don’t know.
It’s always in January. Most free agents are signed by then so they have a good idea of who to market. The pitchers and catchers report in mid-February so it really does have to happen after the holidays and before then.
@ Aisle424:
Gotcha. Never paid attention before, I guess. It always seemed like something I’d probably never be able to do. Plus, I don’t really want to meet those guys in real life.
@ josh:
Wasn’t that big of a deal. Whereas at Cubs con you’d have at least an outside chance of cornering Tom Ricketts and finally nailing down who owns the Chicago Cubs.
@ Suburban kid:
I….uh….think we may have had different experiences.
It was mildly uncomfortable for an hour or so, sore for about a day (but on the plus side: opiates), and then I don’t have to drop $1,000,000 for another kid to go through college. Small price to pay my friend.
@ Mish:
I suppose it’s something you should experience at least once, but not at the price they charge. Maybe I just hate being around all those people.
@ josh:
Also, finally a valid excuse to sit around the house and do nothing for 2 weeks! I honestly don’t remember the pain at all. It’s already a distant memory that I don’t have to think about. I would, however, not be able to say the same about an extra child.
@ josh:
It was creepy and hurt a lot during the procedure, and then I could barely walk afterwards. Maybe the……discomfort…..didn’t last that long, I can be a bit of a drama queen.
@ Rice Cube:
I know 424 and AC go and as far as I know they enjoy it (why else would they go?), but I have no interest in going. Even if I lived in Chicago I would have none.
@ Suburban kid:
He didn’t go on the DL, but toward the end of spring training he had a twisted nut. Sounded real painful at the time and it still sounds quite painful.
@ mb21:
From what I understand a torsion causes mass swelling and tenderness. Soooooo…..yeah. Also, a vasectomy is sometimes required to correct it, I think, or surgery of some kind.
@ mb21:
Yeah, I talked to Aisley at the last one. I enjoyed talking to Dempster, Rizzo and Brett Jackson for like 10 seconds each but the rest of it was just wandering around and waiting in lines. The seminars were cool, but then I realized that “hey, the beat guys are going to report on this in a couple hours anyway”.
The Hope Monster traditionally gets a good mid-winter snack during the Cubs Convention.
Aisle424Quote Reply
I think Hope Monster gets a few nibbles during all the “Cubs mentioned in Free Agent X sweepstakes ” stories.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
@ Rice Cube:
@ Aisle424:
I was thinking the Cubs convention was closer to spring, for some reason. Maybe they do two? I don’t know.
Yeah, the hope never really goes away with this team, just ebbs and flows.
joshQuote Reply
Yunel ——-> suspended.
joshQuote Reply
I spent 99% of my time on this comic drawing that Bears C.
joshQuote Reply
josh wrote:
It’s always in January. Most free agents are signed by then so they have a good idea of who to market. The pitchers and catchers report in mid-February so it really does have to happen after the holidays and before then.
Aisle424Quote Reply
@ Aisle424:
Gotcha. Never paid attention before, I guess. It always seemed like something I’d probably never be able to do. Plus, I don’t really want to meet those guys in real life.
joshQuote Reply
@ josh:
You’re not missing much.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Yeah going to Cubs Con is right behind “get a vasectomy” in terms of things I’d want to do.
MishQuote Reply
@ Mish:
Well, I had a vasectomy, so I guess that’s next.
joshQuote Reply
Aisle424 wrote:
The Hope Monster still has a giant hoard of Brian Roberts trade morsels packed away for future seasons. He’s prudent like that.
BerseliusQuote Reply
@ josh:
Wasn’t that big of a deal. Whereas at Cubs con you’d have at least an outside chance of cornering Tom Ricketts and finally nailing down who owns the Chicago Cubs.
joshQuote Reply
Castro and Barney are tied for the team lead in BWARP: http://www.baseballprospectus.com/sortable/index.php?cid=1192010
Rizzo the RatQuote Reply
Sori has an easy lead in fWAR. UZR really likes him for some reason.
Rizzo the RatQuote Reply
MishQuote Reply
@ Mish:
So dumb. Hail a cab.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
josh wrote:
Vasectomies suck balls.
Suburban kidQuote Reply
@ Suburban kid:
I….uh….think we may have had different experiences.
It was mildly uncomfortable for an hour or so, sore for about a day (but on the plus side: opiates), and then I don’t have to drop $1,000,000 for another kid to go through college. Small price to pay my friend.
joshQuote Reply
@ Mish:
I suppose it’s something you should experience at least once, but not at the price they charge. Maybe I just hate being around all those people.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
@ josh:
What’s the human equivalent of the “cone of shame” to keep you from scratching up a storm?
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Suburban kid wrote:
I thought that it was more of a tying thing, not sucking.
uncle daveQuote Reply
@ josh:
SK had his surgery in 1877 so it was more painful.
mb21Quote Reply
@ josh:
Also, finally a valid excuse to sit around the house and do nothing for 2 weeks! I honestly don’t remember the pain at all. It’s already a distant memory that I don’t have to think about. I would, however, not be able to say the same about an extra child.
joshQuote Reply
@ Mish:
How many kids are you going to have, Wilt?
SVBQuote Reply
@ josh:
It was creepy and hurt a lot during the procedure, and then I could barely walk afterwards. Maybe the……discomfort…..didn’t last that long, I can be a bit of a drama queen.
Not arguing the benefits obviously.
Suburban kidQuote Reply
@ Mish:
For me it’s behind having sex in a ballpark urinal.
mb21Quote Reply
@ uncle dave:
With an element of burning.
joshQuote Reply
I had a friend who thought that vasectomy = castration. I have some really stupid friends.
joshQuote Reply
@ mb21:

Yep. I even had to stand up during the procedure
Suburban kidQuote Reply
@ uncle dave:
Didn’t Felix Pie go on the DL because his got tied together?
Suburban kidQuote Reply
@ Suburban kid:
So that means you didn’t even get a mallet to the head to put you out? That must have been rough.
joshQuote Reply
@ Suburban kid:
Testicular torsion, which means one got twisted up.
joshQuote Reply
@ Rice Cube:
I know 424 and AC go and as far as I know they enjoy it (why else would they go?), but I have no interest in going. Even if I lived in Chicago I would have none.
mb21Quote Reply
@ Rice Cube:
Me in a room full of jocks and rich guys. I’m pretty sure that would be my Hurrican Katrina.
joshQuote Reply
@ Suburban kid:
He didn’t go on the DL, but toward the end of spring training he had a twisted nut. Sounded real painful at the time and it still sounds quite painful.
mb21Quote Reply
@ mb21:
From what I understand a torsion causes mass swelling and tenderness. Soooooo…..yeah. Also, a vasectomy is sometimes required to correct it, I think, or surgery of some kind.
joshQuote Reply
@ mb21:
Yeah, I talked to Aisley at the last one. I enjoyed talking to Dempster, Rizzo and Brett Jackson for like 10 seconds each but the rest of it was just wandering around and waiting in lines. The seminars were cool, but then I realized that “hey, the beat guys are going to report on this in a couple hours anyway”.
Thank goodness I got in for free.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Mild (dying laughing)
Suburban kidQuote Reply
@ josh:
This is a really unpleasant topic of conversation.
uncle daveQuote Reply
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
@ uncle dave:
Maybe this should move to Josh’s FOR MEN forum topic. Discuss shaving and balls.
SVBQuote Reply
How has someone not posted a vasectomy GIF yet?
GBTSQuote Reply
Perhaps the grace of god has something to do with it?
uncle daveQuote Reply
@ SVB:
Having your balls shaved was, for me, probably the weirdest part. On the plus side, I was real high on opiates at the time.
joshQuote Reply

Rice CubeQuote Reply
Suburban kidQuote Reply
@ Suburban kid:
By nearly any notion of personal property law, from finders-keepers to archaic common law, that dude is an asshole.
GBTSQuote Reply
Exactly why you couldn’t pay me to sit in the bleachers.
joshQuote Reply
Reminds me of my favorite case from first year property class:
GBTSQuote Reply
There’s actually a law that classifies people as assholes?
mb21Quote Reply
SVBQuote Reply
mb21 wrote:
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
Vasectomies/Testicles: 24
Cubs Convention/Fans: 17
General Baseball, including Asshole Law: 5
Meta: 5
Current Cubs Season: 2
There a game today or something?
uncle daveQuote Reply
@ SVB:
My balls are tunneling for my sternum right now.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
New Facepalm: http://obstructedview.net/facepalm/daily-facepalm-something-ive-not-felt-since.html
Aisle424Quote Reply