This is mostly just a placeholder on the new server. I might have more to say, but I’m not sure how much there is to say at this point. Both Kris Bryant and Addison Russell are showing promising improvement with their high strikeout rates. A couple images should show you what I mean.

dmick89Quote Reply
joshQuote Reply
joshQuote Reply
You got here quickly, Josh.
dmick89Quote Reply
Well, I saw the twitter post then the link was broken so I figured it was the server thing so I checked back and yeah. Also, bored at work.
joshQuote Reply
Looks like I’m here too, for now at least
berseliusQuote Reply
I would like this but I can’t because the world is terrible.
joshQuote Reply
Now I’m getting this site on all my devices. That was probably the quickest this has ever happened for me.
dmick89Quote Reply
*** For people who are just reaching this site and trying to login, it may appear as though you aren’t logged in after attempting to do so, but you actually are logged in. I may have to find a different sidebar login plugin to work better with the caching the host uses. All caching is done by them now, which will speed things up around here. ***
dmick89Quote Reply
The future is bright
umbra umbraQuote Reply
Wow. Odor got Donaldson too:
RynoQuote Reply
umbra umbra,
So bright I gotta wear shades.
UrkQuote Reply
The new site comes up through some random VPN in South America. Nice touch with the standings overlay in the top right.
ceruleanQuote Reply
I’m looking for a plugin conflict so am going to be disabling all plugins. Glad you noticed the standings the WAR leaders up there, cerulean.
Is the VPN an issue?
dmick89Quote Reply
This VPN node is so slow. If I’m not back in five minutes, wait longer.
ceruleanQuote Reply
Not an issue. But I am going to try without it.
ceruleanQuote Reply
With a heavy heart, I bid ye olde view obstucted adieu.
ceruleanQuote Reply
Why is that?
dmick89Quote Reply
Anybody else always see “Roughneck Odor”?
ceruleanQuote Reply
Yeah, that’s what I see too. It’s how I pronounce it in my head every time I see it.
dmick89Quote Reply
DMick—don’t question the drama, you’ll destroy the pretense.
Unrelated, the reply/quote shortcuts disappeared.
ceruleanQuote Reply
Ahh, you disabled the plugins. That explains it. Sometimes I comprehend what I read. Sometimes.
ceruleanQuote Reply
I re-read the comment and I get it now. I’m in the middle of finding the culprit for a couple of conflicts so thought there was another issue. There’s always some issues when you move to new setups and it kind of puts me on edge. The reply/quote feature will be back. I’ve disabled all plugins right now as I’m trying to find which one of them is messing with a login issue I’ve noticed. Some have probably noticed it too. Could be related to the DNS switch, but I’m not sure yet. Sorry for the issues.
dmick89Quote Reply
Same here.
dmick89Quote Reply
Another day, another new look for the most widely discredited blog in all of Cubdom.
This one almost makes y’all look legit. Well done. (dying laughing)
Smokestack LightningQuote Reply
What? Am I back to manually putting in (dying laughing) again?
I take back my previous post.
Smokestack LightningQuote Reply
For now, yes. I’ve disabled all plugins for the time being. Trying to isolate which one is causing an issue. It will be back eventually.
dmick89Quote Reply
Not a huge deal, but is there a way to bypass the admin panel after login? Is that part of the problem?
ceruleanQuote Reply
uncle daveQuote Reply
anyone hear speculation on the rangers/blue jays suspensions?
EnricoPallazzoQuote Reply
Good luck with your new look blog.
MuckerQuote Reply
I’m taking a “wait and see” approach.
MylesQuote Reply
how did you guys all get avatars? i’d really hate to deprive you all of seeing my jay johnstone budweiser umbrella hat picture.
EnricoPallazzoQuote Reply
why the hell does myles’s login info now appear on my page
LeslieNielsenQuote Reply
i’m going to start posting really inappropriate shit and myles will get the blame
MylesQuote Reply
donald trump will make a really good president
MylesQuote Reply
i fully support the building of a wall to keep out the mexican rapists
MylesQuote Reply
r + rbi is the only stat that matters
MylesQuote Reply
phil rogers is my favorite journalist ever
MylesQuote Reply
My only complaint is that Two and A Half Men didn’t win more Emmys
mylesQuote Reply
watching a lot of gay porn doesn’t necessarily mean that someone is gay
MylesQuote Reply
I know who you are, Uncle Enrico.
Enrico Pallazzo adjaceQuote Reply
My profile pic has been deleted from the admin panel. Weird. It *was* there. Now it only offers a Gravatar option.
ceruleanQuote Reply
I suppose I no longer need to offer a serene abstract painting to induce a state of forced calm because the Cubs are good.
Maybe I should donate it to Pirates fans.
ceruleanQuote Reply
Profile picture was a plugin so it’s not available yet. I think I figured out what’s going on. Give me a little while to fix it and I should be able to start turning things back on.
dmick89Quote Reply
Donate it to the Pirates players. They seem to need it more than their fans. They’re a weird group.
dmick89Quote Reply
(dying laughing) at the Myles impersonator
dmick89Quote Reply
i fear change
Suburban kidQuote Reply
Suburban kidQuote Reply
It’s pretty much the same.
dmick89Quote Reply
*looks around*
Where’s the bathroom in this joint?
aisle424Quote Reply
Bathroom is over here ————->
dmick89Quote Reply
Is it the seventh inning already?
berseliusQuote Reply
This is fun. I can’t seem to stay logged in as non-limbo self though.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Oh I AM logged in.
Also, the Braves are bad.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
The Pirates already have a 5-run lead over the Braves. They might as well call the game right now; 5 runs is more than the Braves get in a typical week.
Rizzo the RatQuote Reply
Today’s free MLB game sucks balls. Baseballs. It’s terrible.
joshQuote Reply
For some reason, I have this vivid image of somebody tea-baggin’ the bottom of the barrel.
ceruleanQuote Reply
The Rays are shutting out the Jays: 2–0 in the first, 3–0 in the second, 4–0 in the third, 2–0 in the fourth. Obviously, they aren’t prepared to play after the brawl.
ceruleanQuote Reply
Breaking: the Reds’ bullpen is terrible.
Rizzo the RatQuote Reply
ceruleanQuote Reply
New shit
berseliusQuote Reply