It is hard to follow a post where we interview Bill James, since not much we can do here will amount to much more than a fraction of what Bill James has accomplished, but we can’t just rest on our laurels and live off that glory forever. We will not stand idly by while the Interview with Bill James becomes the “Come on Eileen” of blog posts.
So we come down to where to go next. The Cubs still don’t have a manager and there hasn’t been a ton of real activity in the Hot Stove League to get excited about. Meanwhile, the sports airwaves and internets are filled with stories that all end up coming back around to the act of anal raping of children, so that is just depressing and sickening.
So let’s just see what is going on in Cubs World and try to pry our minds away from the clusterfuck that is going on at Penn State, shall we?
- Mike Maddux interviewed for the managerial position and immediately became a favorite of mine for the job when he channeled the Zucker brothers:
While I can’t find that exact scene anywhere, this one is also funny.
- Phil Rogers is raising our hopes that the Cubs could pursue Cuban prospect, Yoenis Cespedes.
Hopefully Theo and Jed are of like minds.
- Cubs convention passes went on sale today, and as of this writing are still available. Up until last year, these passes sold out in a matte of minutes, but we know that last year they never sold out. But surely the hiring of Theo and the Superfriends has shown the fans that the Ricketts are serious about winning, right?
So there you go. Hopefully, some random nuggets interspersed with hilarious Airplane moments is enough to get our minds off a creepy old man preying on children.
Damn it!
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
Here’s a thread on Unobstructed Views on the PSU shit:
mb21Quote Reply
Almost definitely, MO. But not because of this.
Aisle424Quote Reply
I love this post.
mb21Quote Reply
I sort of expected the last video but didn’t really think you’d post it. Silly me. (dying laughing)
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]I sort of expected the last video but didn’t really think you’d post it. Silly me. (dying laughing)[/quote]You were obviously not a regular reader of Tim’s former blog. Before BK began censoring it, that is.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]I sort of expected the last video but didn’t really think you’d post it. Silly me. (dying laughing)[/quote]
Aisle424Quote Reply
They censored Aisley’s blog? That’s some bullshit.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]They censored Aisley’s blog? That’s some bullshit.[/quote]BK and Dolan tried to censor a few blogs.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]They censored Aisley’s blog? That’s some bullshit.[/quote]BK took it upon himself to tell Tim which people he could and could not criticize and how he could and could not write these criticisms. Good time had by all.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21]BK and Dolan tried to censor a few blogs.[/quote]Fortunately, we had already been discredited and escaped the Purge.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]They censored Aisley’s blog? That’s some bullshit.[/quote]
Hey, you can’t say bad things about Paul Sullivan without checking with them first.
BerseliusQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]They censored Aisley’s blog? That’s some bullshit.[/quote]Ah yes, the Great Blog War of ’10.
It started with me getting blocked from Bag end:
Which led to:
Which led to:
Aisle424Quote Reply
[quote name=Suburban kid 22]Whereabouts in England?[/quote]Souwf London. I can never believe how many foxes there are in urban areas here.
Incidentally, I have no idea where to reply to SK’s question. COULD WE PLEASE HAVE A POST EXPLAINING THIS???1??
fang2415Quote Reply
[quote name=Berselius]Hey, you can’t say bad things about Paul Sullivan without checking with them first.[/quote]That whole thing still confuses me. What blogger stands up for some terrible beat writer like they did? Never seen it before. Never see it again.
mb21Quote Reply
Wait, so Kurt from GROTA is BK’s imaginary son?
BerseliusQuote Reply
[quote name=Aisle424]Ah yes, the Great Blog War of ’10.
It started with me getting blocked from Bag end:
Which led to:
Which led to:'ll read those again later, but it takes some skill to rile up people like that (dying laughing)
Rice CubeQuote Reply
I wasn’t nearly as upset as DJ was. I just didn’t know what was going on. It was bizarre. But then those guys came over to ACB and then I got pissed. Especially when they denied saying shit about Julie that they had said. They’re cowards.
mb21Quote Reply
In other life-or-death news, Wilson Ramos was kidnapped in Venezuela. Yikes.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
I forgot it branched out into the battle whether they did or did not call Julie fat or something like that. That whole thing was absolutely surreal.
Aisle424Quote Reply
[quote name=Aisle424]I forgot it branched out into the battle whether they did or did not call Julie fat or something like that. That whole thing was absolutely surreal.[/quote]The only day that was crazier was the day I deigned to call the Wrigley set racist and the same bunch trotted over to set me straight.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
[quote name=Mercurial Outfielder]The only day that was crazier was the day I deigned to call the Wrigley set racist and the same bunch trotted over to set me straight.[/quote]I don’t think I was around then. Blogging about the Cubs is serious shit.
Aisle424Quote Reply
I like the motherfucking tag for this post.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=Aisle424]I forgot it branched out into the battle whether they did or did not call Julie fat or something like that. That whole thing was absolutely surreal.[/quote]Over the years of doing this I’ve pissed a lot of people off. I just never thought anyone would be pissed off at a blogger for saying something about someone like Paul Sullivan or any other beat writer. If I say the same things about Joe Poz people can call me stupid, but to act as BK and Dolan did would just be odd. Poz can more than take care of himself. The last thing he needs is some lowly blogger coming to his rescue making him look worse.
All I can think is that those guys were so concerned about having a buddy they thought knew what was going on that they wanted to protect him no matter what. Just fucking odd.
mb21Quote Reply
The Maddux line is actually from Airplane II: The Sequel. At the 6:10 mark:
ACTQuote Reply
Ok, just before the 6:10 mark. Try 6:07.
ACTQuote Reply
[quote name=ACT]The Maddux line is actually from Airplane II: The Sequel. At the 6:10 mark: don’t believe Airplane II exists.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Does ESPN have to embed these stupid fucking videos on every page?
mb21Quote Reply
The embedded video contains the “Impression” line.
binkyQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21]Does ESPN have to embed these stupid fucking videos on every page?[/quote]
fang2415Quote Reply
[quote name=mb21]Does ESPN have to embed these stupid fucking videos on every page?[/quote]I don’t go there, but is really bad about random videos, and that bar on top suddenly descending to block the scores and all that. It’s like they’re trying engineer it to drive people away. Makes no sense.
binkyQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21]BK and Dolan tried to censor a few blogs.[/quote]Who are these people, and why do they have blog-censorship powers?
binkyQuote Reply
[quote name=josh]I don’t go there, but is really bad about random videos, and that bar on top suddenly descending to block the scores and all that. It’s like they’re trying engineer it to drive people away. Makes no sense.[/quote] (dying laughing)
Visiting sports websites while trying to see Theo’s pressy renewed my love for extensions that remove all the stupid shit with which some web designers assault their users.
fang2415Quote Reply
[quote name=fang2415] (dying laughing)
Visiting sports websites while trying to see Theo’s pressy renewed my love for extensions that remove all the stupid shit with which some web designers assault their users.[/quote]Wow that last sentence was like Yellon without the commas
fang2415Quote Reply
[quote name=fang2415] (dying laughing)
Visiting sports websites while trying to see Theo’s pressy renewed my love for extensions that remove all the stupid shit with which some web designers assault their users.[/quote]Also, skimming that sentence quickly makes it quite easy to read that word as something else.
fang2415Quote Reply
[quote name=fang2415]Wow that last sentence was like Yellon without the commas[/quote]I was actually able to read it fine the first time through, so you have not achieved Yellonirvana yet.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=josh]
The embedded video contains the “Impression” line.[/quote](dying laughing)
(dying laughing)
(dying laughing)
Good thing you told me, since Noscript and Flashblock blocked me from even seeing it was there. (dying laughing)
fang2415Quote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]I was actually able to read it fine the first time through, so you have not achieved Yellonirvana yet.[/quote]Honestly sometimes I feel like I write sentences by just putting a verb between two nouns and then adding like fourteen prepositional phrases, each of which reverses the meaning of the last one. Glad to hear your mind works in the same twisted way.
fang2415Quote Reply
[quote name=fang2415](dying laughing)
(dying laughing)
(dying laughing)
Good thing you told me, since Noscript and Flashblock blocked me from even seeing it was there. (dying laughing)[/quote]Yeah, see, not all flash is bad.
binkyQuote Reply
[quote name=fang2415]Honestly sometimes I feel like I write sentences by just putting a verb between two nouns and then adding like fourteen prepositional phrases, each of which reverses the meaning of the last one. Glad to hear your mind works in the same twisted way.[/quote]
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=josh]Who are these people, and why do they have blog-censorship powers?[/quote]They don’t. They just berated me for berating Paul Sullivan. It was actually mostly BK.
They write a couple other blogs, Hire Jim Essian and Desipio.
Aisle424Quote Reply
[quote name=josh]Yeah, see, not all flash is bad.[/quote]I’m content with only seeing it after you tell me it’s there. (dying laughing)
I do remember that before I found Flashblock, MLB’s site was unvisitable. Loud videos at work, unreadable text, computer crashing, the works.
Noscript is more of a Final Solution, but it’s extremely satisfying to visit sites like ESPN, CSN, Trib, and MLB and just imagine all the shit they’re trying to send that you’re browser is refusing to load.
fang2415Quote Reply
[quote name=fang2415]you’re browser is refusing to load.[/quote]/No dinner’d
fang2415Quote Reply
ACTQuote Reply
[quote name=ACT]Wow.… If Carlos Zambrano got kidnapped in Venezuela… would the Cubs use Carlos Silva’s money to pay the ransom?
fang2415Quote Reply
[quote name=josh]
The embedded video contains the “Impression” line.[/quote]I’m glad I watched that. I now like Maddux a lot. Seemed way better from that clip than the marble-mouthed Sveum or the shell-shocked Mackanin.
fang2415Quote Reply
[quote name=ACT]Wow.'t there a baseball player’s child who was kidnapped last year? Hopefully it doesn’t get to where the people from these crazy poor countries are better off not going home.
binkyQuote Reply
[quote name=fang2415]I’m glad I watched that. I now like Maddux a lot. Seemed way better from that clip than the marble-mouthed Sveum or the shell-shocked Mackanin.[/quote]He seems like he would handle the media well. For all I know, that’s the manager’s prime duty.
binkyQuote Reply
[quote name=josh]Wasn’t there a baseball player’s child who was kidnapped last year? Hopefully it doesn’t get to where the people from these crazy poor countries are better off not going home.[/quote]Two years ago, Yorvit Torrealba’s son was kidnapped.
ACTQuote Reply
Joe Paterno ———–> unemployed
Aisle424Quote Reply
I like right after the creepo scene in airplane above, when the kid accuses Kareem of not hustling and being a lazy player. Good to know it’s not just baseball writers.
binkyQuote Reply
[quote name=Aisle424]Joe Paterno ———–> unemployed[/quote]Fired?
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Posada is not coming back to the Yankees (no surprise). The core four is now down to 2.
ACTQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]Fired?[/quote]
That’s the reports right now. Presser coming any minute on ESPN News.
Aisle424Quote Reply
[quote name=Aisle424]That’s the reports right now. Presser coming any minute on ESPN News.[/quote]Ah. Now everyone’s in save-his-ass mode.
Too bad they didn’t do that when it mattered.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Presser live on MSNBC’s site.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
Burn. It. Down. These ignorant fucks are hammering the board for firing Paterno. These people deserve to see their precious football program destroyed right in front of their faces.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
WTF. Apparently McQuade is still employed.
BerseliusQuote Reply
The students in the presser are basically threatening to riot tonight on campus. This is unreal.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
[quote name=Berselius]WTF. Apparently McQuade is still employed.[/quote]Perhaps he does not serve at the pleasure of the board?
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
Wow. The depth of moral bankruptcy on display in some of those questions is striking. How can anyone see anything in Paterno’s actions even remotely worth defending?
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
[quote name=Dan rubenstein on twitter]That sound you hear is Penn State’s journalism school free falling down a us news and world report list[/quote].
BerseliusQuote Reply
[quote name=fang2415]Souwf London. I can never believe how many foxes there are in urban areas here.[/quote]Whereabouts in Sarf London? I spent a couple years in one of its least salubrious areas near the Old Kent Road. Did not see any foxes there but I do see them (usually just dead ones on the side of the road since they are nocturnal) here in Ireland.
Suburban kid 22Quote Reply
Speculation from Gordo, but fun speculation
BerseliusQuote Reply
I really like Mike Maddux. That clip on was really good.
mb21Quote Reply
now that melissa is on MSNBC and Fox News this morning some sort of ACB commenter Rule of Threes has to be in play (dying laughing)
BerseliusQuote Reply
[quote name=Berselius]now that melissa is on MSNBC and Fox News this morning some sort of ACB commenter Rule of Threes has to be in play (dying laughing)[/quote]
Suburban kid 22Quote Reply
Melissa is on tv?
mb21Quote Reply
Who else was on tv?
mb21Quote Reply
BerseliusQuote Reply
(dying laughing) – i just had to put “melissa” and “chicago” into Google News and found what you’re talking about.
Suburban kid 22Quote Reply
If you don’t want to pick through the 50 minute video it looks like the Trib has a recap,0,537963.story
BerseliusQuote Reply
melissa ——————-> awesome
Suburban kid 22Quote Reply
I love public representatives that point their finger at me aggressively.
Suburban kid 22Quote Reply
(dying laughing)
(dying laughing)
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=Suburban kid 22]melissa ——————-> fucking awesome[/quote].
mb21Quote Reply
b, you brought up rule of 3, was there someone else on tv?
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=mb21]b, you brought up rule of 3, was there someone else on tv?[/quote]
Shawn had that whole dustup with Limbaugh a few months ago
BerseliusQuote Reply
Apparently compensation has not been completely forgotten.
binkyQuote Reply
Dr. Aneus TaintQuote Reply
[quote name=Berselius]Shawn had that whole dustup with Limbaugh a few months ago[/quote]Oh yeah, I had forgotten about that. Who’s up next?
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=Suburban kid 22]melissa ——————-> awesomely awesome[/quote].
Aisle424Quote Reply
[quote name=Berselius]If you don’t want to pick through the 50 minute video it looks like the Trib has a recap,0,537963.story%5B/quote%5DThat is awesome. I wonder if she’s on YouTube now.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=josh]
Apparently compensation has not been completely forgotten.[/quote]I still think if it gets to the commissioner, the Red Sox are going to get lowballed.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]That is awesome. I wonder if she’s on YouTube now.[/quote]She is.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]That is awesome. I wonder if she’s on YouTube now.[/quote]I like the implication that YouTube is a bigger deal than Fox and MSNBC.
It probably is.
Suburban kid 22Quote Reply
[quote name=Suburban kid 22]I like the implication that YouTube is a bigger deal than Fox and MSNBC.
It probably is.[/quote]Once melissa goes viral, she will be unstoppable.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
+ 10 faget points for Melissa
dylanjQuote Reply
[quote name=dylanj]+ 10 faget points for Melissa[/quote]Did you ask BK for permission first?
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
Cuey —> AAA interview
Rice CubeQuote Reply
When can teams start signing Free Agents? Is it the 16th day after the World Series or something like that still?
MuckerQuote Reply
[quote name=Mucker]When can teams start signing Free Agents? Is it the 16th day after the World Series or something like that still?[/quote]I think they’ve started…the exclusive negotiation period should have ended last week and now it’s just agents and GMs playing phone tag as far as I can tell. Lots of low-impact signings have already been made, I don’t think the big names will sign until late November or after the Winter Meetings.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]I think they’ve started…the exclusive negotiation period should have ended last week and now it’s just agents and GMs playing phone tag as far as I can tell. Lots of low-impact signings have already been made, I don’t think the big names will sign until late November or after the Winter Meetings.[/quote]I guess I figured free agents like Pujols, Fielder, Reyes, etc. would have been visiting teams by now. I’m just used to the fast paced NFL free agency.
MuckerQuote Reply
Better make that a decaf
Recalcitrant Blogger NateQuote Reply
[quote name=Mucker]I guess I figured free agents like Pujols, Fielder, Reyes, etc. would have been visiting teams by now. I’m just used to the fast paced NFL free agency.[/quote]I haven’t really kept track but I think teams have already been kicking the tires on Mark Buehrle and CJ Wilson. I think this early in the game everyone’s just putting out feelers but it’ll pick up in a couple weeks.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]I haven’t really kept track but I think teams have already been kicking the tires on Mark Buehrle and CJ Wilson. I think this early in the game everyone’s just putting out feelers but it’ll pick up in a couple weeks.[/quote]Keep in mind, teams are still trying to recover from their worlds being shattered when Theo came to the Cubs.
Aisle424Quote Reply
I don’t expect to hear much regarding Pujols, Fielder and probably even Reyes for about a month. Those guys will more than likely let the develop. I Fielder will be the next to last 1st basemen signed and Pujols will be the last one.
mb21Quote Reply
Wilson Ramos ———-> still missing
Kidnappers ————> silent
Aisle424Quote Reply
[quote name=Aisle424]Keep in mind, teams are still trying to recover from their worlds being shattered when Theo came to the Cubs.[/quote]Theo Epstein: destroying the fabric of reality since 2011.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21]I don’t expect to hear much regarding Pujols, Fielder and probably even Reyes for about a month. Those guys will more than likely let the develop. I Fielder will be the next to last 1st basemen signed and Pujols will be the last one.[/quote]There were reports on local radio that Pujols was in Miami last week and a vaguely recall similar rumors with Buehrle during the past 5-7 days.
cdwQuote Reply
Predictions on former Cubs? The Angels say they aren’t interested in Aramis. I’m betting on the Tigers. Inge has been an offensive Black Hole. Though most former Cubs do end up with the Orioles. Fukudome I see maybe getting a platoon job with someone like the A’s.
According to MLBTR, the deadline to offer arbitration is like the 24th. Can free agents be signed before then?
binkyQuote Reply
yeah, Josh, free agents can be signed before. Those who are type A the signing team automatically gives up a draft pick as if the other team offered arbitration.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=mb21]yeah, Josh, free agents can be signed before. Those who are type A the signing team automatically gives up a draft pick as if the other team offered arbitration.[/quote]Okay, so it’s unlikely we’ll see any Type A’s signed before then. I just saw that the Pirates picked up Rod Barajas.
binkyQuote Reply
There may be a type A or two that gets signed, but not many unless there are announced changes to the CBA, which could happen any day.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=josh]Okay, so it’s unlikely we’ll see any Type A’s signed before then. I just saw that the Pirates picked up Rod Barajas.[/quote]Wait, Rod Barajas isn’t Type A? (dying laughing)
WenningtonsGorillaCockQuote Reply
[quote name=WenningtonsGorillaCock]Wait, Rod Barajas isn’t Type A? (dying laughing)[/quote]Maybe personality-wise. But not for this purpose, no.
binkyQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21]There may be a type A or two that gets signed, but not many unless there are announced changes to the CBA, which could happen any day.[/quote]I wonder if teams are partly waiting to see what happens there. Although, I seem to remember the off-season last year took a while to gear up. I never paid much attention before that.
binkyQuote Reply
There are usually a handful of signings or so before the Winter Meetings, maybe a couple trades, but things really don’t get into high gear until the Winter Meetings. It’s possible that’s moved up this year with the earlier date teams are required to offer arbitration, but probably not by much.
mb21Quote Reply
so how would you like to be Joe Posnanski who moved his fam from KC to write a book about Paterno and was about halfway done before this broke? Should be an interesting read when it comes out
dylanjQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21]There are usually a handful of signings or so before the Winter Meetings, maybe a couple trades, but things really don’t get into high gear until the Winter Meetings. It’s possible that’s moved up this year with the earlier date teams are required to offer arbitration, but probably not by much.[/quote]Agonizing for me, but I bet the date comes up quickly when you’re on the GM side of things.
binkyQuote Reply
[quote name=dylanj]so how would you like to be Joe Posnanski who moved his fam from KC to write a book about Paterno and was about halfway done before this broke? Should be an interesting read when it comes out[/quote]It has a much more dramatic ending now.
binkyQuote Reply
[quote name=dylanj]so how would you like to be Joe Posnanski who moved his fam from KC to write a book about Paterno and was about halfway done before this broke? Should be an interesting read when it comes out[/quote]DJ, there’s a thread we’re using for this discussion so we don’t fill every thread with this. Obviously people want to talk about it, but I’m sure some (most?) don’t want to read about it all day:
mb21Quote Reply
Who is next for an interview, Sandy? And then I don’t think anyone else is scheduled. So the potential canidates are Sveum, Mackannin, Maddux, Alomar, and Francona?
Hopefully we’ll hear a decision early next week then.
WaLiQuote Reply
I’m rooting for Maddux now, WaLi.
Recalcitrant Blogger NateQuote Reply
I’m hoping for Maddux too. Someone said yesterday the Cubs requested permission to speak with Dave Martinez.
mb21Quote Reply
+1 for Maddux
binkyQuote Reply
I’m hoping for two Madduxes. My completely unfounded opinion is that he only takes the job if Greg is also involved. Boston is too far from his family in TX, but Chicago isn’t?
BerseliusQuote Reply
Yeah, I think josh said it best:
[quote name=josh]He seems like he would handle the media well. For all I know, that’s the manager’s prime duty.[/quote]
Also if this changes Mad Dog’s title from “official ambassador of dick and fart jokes” to “official ambassador of dick and fart jokes as well as Assistant (to the) Manager” then that would be great.
WaLiQuote Reply
[quote name=Berselius]I’m hoping for two Madduxes. My completely unfounded opinion is that he only takes the job if Greg is also involved. Boston is too far from his family in TX, but Chicago isn’t?[/quote]yeah, that’s weird, but I suppose it would be easier to fly back to Texas. Probably a few hours shorter. He could conceivably head there on his off days and still get back later at night. I don’t think Greg Maddux is going to be coaching any time soon.
mb21Quote Reply
Truthfully, I’d be somewhat surprised if Greg Maddux ever coached. With his brother in Chicago it makes it more likely, but I don’t see it as likely.
mb21Quote Reply
Dr. Aneus TaintQuote Reply
Now I want Mike to be the coach simply for the entertainment value of his pressers.
cdwQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21]yeah, that’s weird, but I suppose it would be easier to fly back to Texas. Probably a few hours shorter. He could conceivably head there on his off days and still get back later at night. I don’t think Greg Maddux is going to be coaching any time soon.[/quote]The flight is about half as long, you’re in a different time zone, and Boston is a pain in the ass, expensive city to live in. His brother can show him the ropes in Chicago, as far as getting around and all that. And he’s closer to a city he already knows pretty well, Milwaukee.
binkyQuote Reply
After we interviewed Bill James and this whole PSU scandal, I have no idea what to write about. None. Give me an idea. What’s something I said I’d look into and haven’t done yet?
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=mb21]After we interviewed Bill James and this whole PSU scandal, I have no idea what to write about. None. Give me an idea. What’s something I said I’d look into and haven’t done yet?[/quote]Have you done any sort of final wrap up of Aramis Ramirez’s career as a Cub? Seeing as he is leaving after 9 seasons including 3 of 5 Cubs postseason teams of the last 66 years. Where would you put him on Al’s Top 100 Cubbiez list?
Suburban kid 22Quote Reply
[quote name=Suburban kid 22]Have you done any sort of final wrap up of Aramis Ramirez’s career as a Cub? Seeing as he is leaving after 9 seasons including 3 of 5 Cubs postseason teams of the last 66 years. Where would you put him on Al’s Top 100 Cubbiez list?[/quote]
In Al’s top 100 list, I’d put him at 97, just behind Ryan Theriot and in front of Mike Fontenot.
mb21Quote Reply
Would you bump him up if he added an unpronounced “t” at the end of his name?
ACTQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21]After we interviewed Bill James and this whole PSU scandal, I have no idea what to write about. None. Give me an idea. What’s something I said I’d look into and haven’t done yet?[/quote]maybe something interesting will come out of that conference call with the Super Friends later this afternoon
WenningtonsGorillaCockQuote Reply
[quote name=WenningtonsGorillaCock]maybe something interesting will come out of that conference call with the Super Friends later this afternoon[/quote]It makes me wish I was a season ticket holder again for the first time since I gave them up.
Aisle424Quote Reply
[quote name=ACT]Would you bump him up if he added an unpronounced “t” at the end of his name?[/quote]Absolutely. It’s a little known fact that player with a silent “t” are better team players.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=Aisle424]It makes me wish I was a season ticket holder again for the first time since I gave them up.[/quote]A whole year ago?
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=Aisle424]It makes me wish I was a season ticket holder again for the first time since I gave them up.[/quote]This is the first year in awhile where I was happy to send in my renewal check
WenningtonsGorillaCockQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21]A whole year ago?[/quote]
I really thought I would regret the decision more than I did and I didn’t a single time this year. I still don’t really, but I’m thinking I’m going to have that pang in a year or two.
Aisle424Quote Reply
It was weird this year only going to about 12 games. Not bad, but weird. I;ve been going to 40+ games for so long, it almost seemed like the season never started. I never had 2 night games in a row or 3 games in a row like int he past few years. It was very weird. I did feel more disconnected.
Aisle424Quote Reply
[quote name=Aisle424]It makes me wish I was a season ticket holder again for the first time since I gave them up.[/quote]I think Mr. Gorilla Cock should share the dial-in number and PIN code for the call.
Suburban kid 22Quote Reply
[quote name=mb21]After we interviewed Bill James and this whole PSU scandal, I have no idea what to write about. None. Give me an idea. What’s something I said I’d look into and haven’t done yet?[/quote]I was going to suggest writing your thoughts on what to do about Carlos Zambrano and Alfonso Soriano, but I don’t know how hot a topic that really is.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Hard to say what would be of interest until some real transactions come up. Any way to predict what kind of a manager Maddux would be, besides a funny one?
binkyQuote Reply
[quote name=Suburban kid 22]I think Mr. Gorilla Cock should share the dial-in number and PIN code for the call.[/quote]
“If you will not be able to receive the phone call to join at the start of the Fan Forum, but would like to opt in to participate after the session begins, you may do so by dialing 877.229.8493. You will be prompted to enter the following ID code: 18678.”
It starts at 4:00(CST)
WenningtonsGorillaCockQuote Reply
[quote name=josh]Hard to say what would be of interest until some real transactions come up. Any way to predict what kind of a manager Maddux would be, besides a funny one?[/quote]Insert Goodfellas clip here.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
binkyQuote Reply
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=WenningtonsGorillaCock]”If you will not be able to receive the phone call to join at the start of the Fan Forum, but would like to opt in to participate after the session begins, you may do so by dialing 877.229.8493. You will be prompted to enter the following ID code: 18678.”
It starts at 4:00(CST)[/quote]Is that your credit card number? I really want that one.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=josh]Hard to say what would be of interest until some real transactions come up. Any way to predict what kind of a manager Maddux would be, besides a funny one?[/quote]No idea. I’m sure he’ll be about the same as every other manager. That’s my prediction.
mb21Quote Reply
Until now I really hadn’t considered the possibility that we could be adding two Madduxes to the Super Friends gallery. I’m still not seriously entertaining the idea. But if that happened? The Cubs management would be one freaking smart bunch of people.
AndCountingQuote Reply
is ari kaplan included in the super friends? or does he stay in the basement working on Daylight Game Batting Average stats?
dylanjQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21]No idea. I’m sure he’ll be about the same as every other manager. That’s my prediction.[/quote]I agree, that’s why I figure the funny guy should get the job.
binkyQuote Reply
[quote name=dylanj]is ari kaplan included in the super friends? or does he stay in the basement working on Daylight Game Batting Average stats?[/quote]No one knows his face. He may not even exist.
binkyQuote Reply
Bleacher Nation cited a suggestion from MLBTR to get Chase Headley in exchange for McNutt and Chris Carpenter. Very interesting idea.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]Bleacher Nation cited a suggestion from MLBTR to get Chase Headley in exchange for McNutt and Chris Carpenter. Very interesting idea.[/quote]We have a left fielder. Duh.
binkyQuote Reply
Thanks, G.C. If they ask callers to identify themselves when joining, I’ll put on girlish voice and say “Mrs. Gorilla Cock”.
Suburban kid 22Quote Reply
[quote name=mb21]Is that your credit card number? I really want that one.[/quote]The credit card companies refuse to issue a card to “Mr. Gorilla Cock”
WenningtonsGorillaCockQuote Reply
[quote name=Suburban kid 22]Thanks, G.C. If they ask callers to identify themselves when joining, I’ll put on girlish voice and say “Mrs. Gorilla Cock”.[/quote]They might think you’re Cindy Sandberg
WenningtonsGorillaCockQuote Reply
[quote name=josh]We have a left fielder. Duh.[/quote]Going against the grain of the defensive spectrum eh?
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=WenningtonsGorillaCock]The credit card companies refuse to issue a card to “Mr. Gorilla Cock”[/quote]That’s buillshit. Credit card companies can’t discriminate based on names.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=mb21]That’s buillshit. Credit card companies can’t discriminate based on names.[/quote]
It’s always worked out well for me.
Toppington von MonocleQuote Reply
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]
Should have joined us 8 years ago when we created it with shotgunning a full beer for each hit.
sniddly01 22Quote Reply
[quote name=sniddly01 22]Should have joined us 8 years ago when we created it with shotgunning a full beer for each hit.[/quote]That’s the part where you spike the can with a screwdriver right?
All we ever played was beer pong or quarters. I feel so bourgeois.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]That’s the part where you spike the can with a screwdriver right?
All we ever played was beer pong or quarters. I feel so bourgeois.[/quote]Budweiser announced that they’re coming out with Bud Light cans with built in keyholes. Something about improving pouring, but in reality its for shotgunning. They’re also coming out with a Bud Light Platinum that is 6%ABV. Anything to improve sales, I guess.
WenningtonsGorillaCockQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]That’s the part where you spike the can with a screwdriver right?
All we ever played was beer pong or quarters. I feel so bourgeois.[/quote]I can’t remember the last time I drank beer that came in a can. Well, I guess Guiness is sold in cans sometimes.
binkyQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]That’s the part where you spike the can with a screwdriver right?.[/quote]
yep, that would be it.
sniddly01 22Quote Reply
[quote name=josh]I can’t remember the last time I drank beer that came in a can. Well, I guess Guiness is sold in cans sometimes.[/quote]Bottled beer > canned beer
Rice CubeQuote Reply
(dying laughing)
(dying laughing)
(dying laughing)
I hope they sell it next to gold-plated feces.
BerseliusQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]Bottled beer > canned beer[/quote]Canning is coming back in the craft beer world.
Half Acre in Chicago is canning. Plus Oskar Blues in Colorado. There are more craft breweries that are canning but I can’t think of them offhand. I’ve been pushing my brother-in-law’s brewery to start canning, but it’s a more expensive start-up cost and their margins are razor-thin right now.
Aisle424Quote Reply
we even had it published…that was the first version, we played it like beer pong til we realized it “didn’t get us drunk enough”. then we started drinking with full beers.
To be young and stupid again.
sniddly01 22Quote Reply
Surly is another one I had forgotten. Plus more in here:
Aisle424Quote Reply
[quote name=Aisle424]Canning is coming back in the craft beer world.
Half Acre in Chicago is canning. Plus Oskar Blues in Colorado. There are more craft breweries that are canning but I can’t think of them offhand. I’ve been pushing my brother-in-law’s brewery to start canning, but it’s a more expensive start-up cost and their margins are razor-thin right now.[/quote]I haven’t actually drank in a while, but like Josh the only good canned beer I can think of is Guinness. I’d have to go to Binny’s to see if they have the other stuff you’re talking about here. I wonder how much the aluminum affects the taste.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]I haven’t actually drank in a while, but like Josh the only good canned beer I can think of is Guinness. I’d have to go to Binny’s to see if they have the other stuff you’re talking about here. I wonder how much the aluminum affects the taste.[/quote]I think they do stuff to the inside of the can to prevent the aluminum taste. If you like hoppy, Half Acre Daisy Cutter is pretty good, and I’m not normally a hoppy kind of guy.
Oskar Blues is available in Wisconsin and they have the Pale Ale and the Little Yellow Pils that my old roommate really liked. He was also a Surly fan.
Aisle424Quote Reply
[quote name=sniddly01 22]
we even had it published…that was the first version, we played it like beer pong til we realized it “didn’t get us drunk enough”. then we started drinking with full beers.
To be young and stupid again.[/quote]That was a great idea though. The other one I posted had those duct tape/cardboard ships holding the shots but it’s the concept itself that’s ingenious. I’m sad that I never had a table big enough for this when I was younger and stupider.
Although we did have a ping pong table but we only used it for beer pong. Could’ve been fun with a bit more imagination and organization. Nuts.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Also Wittekerke is a good Belgian beer in a can.
Aisle424Quote Reply
[quote name=WenningtonsGorillaCock]Budweiser announced that they’re coming out with Bud Light cans with built in keyholes. Something about improving pouring, but in reality its for shotgunning. They’re also coming out with a Bud Light Platinum that is 6%ABV. Anything to improve sales, I guess.[/quote]Bud Light that has more calories and alcohol than normal Bud. That makes sense…
WaLiQuote Reply
[quote name=Aisle424]Canning is coming back in the craft beer world.
Half Acre in Chicago is canning. Plus Oskar Blues in Colorado. There are more craft breweries that are canning but I can’t think of them offhand. I’ve been pushing my brother-in-law’s brewery to start canning, but it’s a more expensive start-up cost and their margins are razor-thin right now.[/quote]There was this smallish brewery in Portland that canned beer. I actually liked it better than the bottled beer.
mb21Quote Reply
Avery also has some good canned brews. You outlined several others that are really good too. It stayed away from them until I tried the Surly ones this summer. Good stuff. Looking forward to trying their Wet when I get to MSP this winter.
cdwQuote Reply
[quote name=Aisle424]I think they do stuff to the inside of the can to prevent the aluminum taste. If you like hoppy, Half Acre Daisy Cutter is pretty good, and I’m not normally a hoppy kind of guy.
Oskar Blues is available in Wisconsin and they have the Pale Ale and the Little Yellow Pils that my old roommate really liked. He was also a Surly fan.[/quote]I’d still probably pour it in a glass.
binkyQuote Reply
[quote name=cdw]Avery also has some good canned brews. You outlined several others that are really good too. It stayed away from them until I tried the Surly ones this summer. Good stuff. Looking forward to trying their Wet when I get to MSP this winter.[/quote]There’s a lot of good canned beer, like all the ones mentioned above. Canning is cheaper to make, store and ship and it’s better for the environment to produce and recycle. At least, that’s what the owner of Half Acre told us on the tour. I think several other craft brewers are considering moving to canning.
WenningtonsGorillaCockQuote Reply
[quote name=WenningtonsGorillaCock]There’s a lot of good canned beer, like all the ones mentioned above. Canning is cheaper to make, store and ship and it’s better for the environment to produce and recycle. At least, that’s what the owner of Half Acre told us on the tour. I think several other craft brewers are considering moving to canning.[/quote]I’m not wholly convinced here. You don’t have to mine anything to produce glass. And glass breaks down back into dust, whereas aluminum is highly processed and rust resistant and tends to stick around a lot longer. Although, it may just end up being a wash, given aluminum’s recyclability. The best option, as far as that goes, is transport in larger quantities, so drafts and kegs.
binkyQuote Reply
I should say that you probably do have to mine to get glass, but lime is a lot easier to get than bauxite. Purifying either one probably produces a lot of nasty stuff. I’m not an expert on either.
binkyQuote Reply
[quote name=WenningtonsGorillaCock]There’s a lot of good canned beer, like all the ones mentioned above. Canning is cheaper to make, store and ship and it’s better for the environment to produce and recycle. At least, that’s what the owner of Half Acre told us on the tour. I think several other craft brewers are considering moving to canning.[/quote] That is what I’ve heard as well, WGC. The start up cost is what is prohibitive, apparently. The equipment is significantly more expensive than a bottling line.
Aisle424Quote Reply
Being that both glass and aluminum are recyclable that shouldn’t be a big deal, but if they’re just going in the trash, aluminum is more malleable and crushable than glass, at least with my limited understanding of materials sciences.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Barrels. That’s how I want to buy my beer from now on.
binkyQuote Reply
[quote name=josh]Barrels. That’s how I want to buy my beer from now on.[/quote]Every vendor should sell their brew in mini-kegs like Heineken does.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]Being that both glass and aluminum are recyclable that shouldn’t be a big deal, but if they’re just going in the trash, aluminum is more malleable and crushable than glass, at least with my limited understanding of materials sciences.[/quote]It doesn’t break down though. crush glass enough and it’s gone. Aluminum just hangs around centuries. And the mining costs. Bauxite is mined usually in Australia and shipped over here. Silica and lime and glass raw materials you can go pick up off the ground right now.
binkyQuote Reply
[quote name=josh]Barrels. That’s how I want to buy my beer from now on.[/quote]
They could go the wine route and just sell boxes of beer. I think Coors already does (dying laughing)
BerseliusQuote Reply
[quote name=josh]I’m not wholly convinced here. You don’t have to mine anything to produce glass. And glass breaks down back into dust, whereas aluminum is highly processed and rust resistant and tends to stick around a lot longer. Although, it may just end up being a wash, given aluminum’s recyclability. The best option, as far as that goes, is transport in larger quantities, so drafts and kegs.[/quote]My understanding is that it is very energy intensive to take recycled glass and form new bottles and then clean, sanitize, label, and cap them. It takes more electricity to produce cans, but the whole canning process is less energy intensive overall. Plus, cans are lighter and pack flatter so packaging and shipping are more environmentally friendly. I guess that the new can liners do not interact chemically with the contents and therefore no longer should affect taste.
WenningtonsGorillaCockQuote Reply
[quote name=josh]It doesn’t break down though. crush glass enough and it’s gone. Aluminum just hangs around centuries. And the mining costs. Bauxite is mined usually in Australia and shipped over here. Silica and lime and glass raw materials you can go pick up off the ground right now.[/quote]I wonder if they use metal-metabolizing bacteria or other microorganisms to accelerate the process. The hope is that the aluminum mostly goes to a recycling plant, but of course that’s wishful thinking.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]I wonder if they use metal-metabolizing bacteria or other microorganisms to accelerate the process. The hope is that the aluminum mostly goes to a recycling plant, but of course that’s wishful thinking.[/quote]Every now and then I hijack a mail truck and take all of my cans to Michigan to get the 10 cent deposits.
Aisle424Quote Reply
That Super Friends conference call has begun
WenningtonsGorillaCockQuote Reply
[quote name=Aisle424]Every now and then I hijack a mail truck and take all of my cans to Michigan to get the 10 cent deposits.[/quote]Does it go exactly as you plan?
binkyQuote Reply
Len Kasper warns callers not to ask about who the manager will be (dying laughing)
WenningtonsGorillaCockQuote Reply
[quote name=WenningtonsGorillaCock]Len Kasper warns callers not to ask about who the manager will be (dying laughing)[/quote]So, to be clear, he says nothing about asking who the owner is?
binkyQuote Reply
Q. Are the Ricketts going to allow you to eat contracts to enable playing youngsters?
A. Ricketts are committed to winning and will do whatever it takes including bumping vets for rookies.
Suburban kid 22Quote Reply
Responses to questions so far
Hoyer: no mandate from Rickets to play vets over youngsters
Theo: they will be active in free agents this off season though biggest holes will be via trade and farm. 1B and 3B are big holes from offensive standpoint, but will be looking for complete players, i.e. defensive improvements will be considered equally with offensive. Search for manager is “in the 6th inning.”
WenningtonsGorillaCockQuote Reply
“We’re in the 6th inning of the managerial search. One or possibly more candidates to talk to.”
Suburban kid 22Quote Reply
Keep going WGC, I’m going to have to drop off the call soon.
Suburban kid 22Quote Reply
[quote name=WenningtonsGorillaCock]That Super Friends conference call has begun[/quote]Ask them who owns the team.
mb21Quote Reply
They’ve been looking at unprotected Rule 5 players and like several at the lower levels. See a complete farm system turnaround sooner than conventional wisdom of 4-5 years. Cite Paplebon as an ideal minors-to-majors timeline
WenningtonsGorillaCockQuote Reply
I like the Dale’s Ales in cans, but that may be only on the East Coast. I think Sly Fox is also selling can beers. I kinda like drinking good beer from a can. In PA, there’s this brewery called Straub where you return the box of empty bottles and get a small refund. So the brewery just cleans and reuses the bottles. You can tell some of them are pretty well used, but the beer in them tastes like Pabst, so I don’t often get them. (dying laughing)
Recalcitrant Blogger NateQuote Reply
[quote name=WenningtonsGorillaCock]Responses to questions so far
Hoyer: no mandate from Rickets to play vets over youngsters
Theo: they will be active in free agents this off season though biggest holes will be via trade and farm. 1B and 3B are big holes from offensive standpoint, but will be looking for complete players, i.e. defensive improvements will be considered equally with offensive. Search for manager is “in the 6th inning.”[/quote]Alberto Callaspo!
binkyQuote Reply
caller suggests Cubs system is much worse than what they inherited in Boston, asks what will be exciting to go see at Wrigley in the next few years (dying laughing)
Hoyer: they are committed to homegrown talent and will blend in free agents and trades only to fill holes where they have no homegrown option in any given year.
WenningtonsGorillaCockQuote Reply
[quote name=Suburban kid 22] “We’re in the 6th inning of the managerial search. ” [/quote]So who is available in the bullpen? Is Carlos Marmol going to come in to blow it?
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=Aisle424]Every now and then I hijack a mail truck and take all of my cans to Michigan to get the 10 cent deposits.[/quote]Depending on how many cans you have it might pay for the gas to get you home.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=Suburban kid 22]”We’re in the 6th inning of the managerial search. One or possibly more candidates to talk to.”[/quote]
(dying laughing) at the meta-analogy. Ivy league mother fuckers
Recalcitrant Blogger NateQuote Reply
[quote name=WenningtonsGorillaCock]They’ve been looking at unprotected Rule 5 players and like several at the lower levels. See a complete farm system turnaround sooner than conventional wisdom of 4-5 years. Cite Paplebon as an ideal minors-to-majors timeline[/quote]Thoyer has it all wrong. Ken Griffey Jr. is the ideal minors to majors timeline.
mb21Quote Reply
caller puts in a dig on Ventura managing the Sox with no experience (dying laughing)
Theo: we want an experienced manager, even at the minor league levels. Can’t project somebody with no experience b/c no due diligence is possible.
WenningtonsGorillaCockQuote Reply
6th inning doesn’t tell me much. If it’s a Little League game it’s the final inning. If it’s a college double header it’s the next to last inning. What if it goes into extra innings? How close is the score?
mb21Quote Reply
Someone should ask Theo how many strikeouts Kid-K has through 6 innings.
mb21Quote Reply
Caller: Wrigley day games, weather, cramped spaces, etc. will affect winning?
Theo: want a mix of players that can score runs/prevent runs in a variety of ways (wind in or out, warm or cold). Emphasis will not be on the 3-run HR.
WenningtonsGorillaCockQuote Reply
Will the emphasis be on 4-run HR?
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=WenningtonsGorillaCock]Caller: Wrigley day games, weather, cramped spaces, etc. will affect winning?
Theo: want a mix of players that can score runs/prevent runs in a variety of ways (wind in or out, warm or cold). Emphasis will not be on the 3-run HR.[/quote]I like that.
I also like 3-run homers so they will be pleasant surprises when they happen.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=WenningtonsGorillaCock]Caller: Wrigley day games, weather, cramped spaces, etc. will affect winning?
Theo: want a mix of players that can score runs/prevent runs in a variety of ways (wind in or out, warm or cold). Emphasis will not be on the 3-run HR.[/quote]That’s awesome. I’ve felt like that last couple of years it’s homers or bust for the Cubs. That’s been frustrating.
binkyQuote Reply
Caller: AAA or AA players that will be on major league roster this year?
Jed: Jackson is most likely. Sczerzerzerrezer has a shot, as does Junior Lake. Nothing will be known until spring training, obviously. Other guys they’ve targeted that might not be as well known will have a shot.
Len Kasper: fresh set of eyes on a player combined with scouts that are still in the system….
and my call got dropped
WenningtonsGorillaCockQuote Reply
Tomorrow is the 7th inning. Then one more chat with Tito will be the 8th inning.
The 9th inning will be evaluation, decision, and contract offer.
Suburban kid 22Quote Reply
[quote name=WenningtonsGorillaCock]
Len Kasper: fresh set of eyes on a player combined with scouts that are still in the system….
and my call got dropped[/quote]You should demand a refund.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=Suburban kid 22]Tomorrow is the 7th inning. Then one more chat with Tito will be the 8th inning.
The 9th inning will be evaluation, decision, and contract offer.[/quote]The 10th inning will be Maddux backs out. The 11th inning will be Makanin dies of old age.
binkyQuote Reply
[quote name=Suburban kid 22]Q. Are the Ricketts going to allow you to eat contracts to enable playing youngsters?
A. Ricketts are committed to winning and will do whatever it takes including bumping vets for rookies.[/quote]God, I will never get the fans’ obsession with playing “youngsters” over vets. I mean, if the Cubs had a ton of promising major-league-ready talent, it would be one thing but most of the “kids” aren’t very good and never will be. Maybe other people are just way more optimistic about Cubs’ farm than I am.
ACTQuote Reply
I’m back on.
Caller: emphasis on defense fundamentals?
Theo: will be emphasized in the minors and that’s a big consideration in the manager search. Defense has killed the pitching staff in the last 2 years (dying laughing)
They believe certain players can be improved or taught, and they consider that in evaluating players
WenningtonsGorillaCockQuote Reply
[quote name=josh]The 10th inning will be Maddux backs out. The 11th inning will be Makanin dies of old age.[/quote]The Way of [L]ife dies hard.
Suburban kid 22Quote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]I like that.
I also like 3-run homers so they will be pleasant surprises when they happen.[/quote]We’ll just see more 4-run HR. This is a progressive front office. Why 3-run HR when you can 4-run HR?
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=mb21]Will the emphasis be on 4-run HR?[/quote]Jus as long as it’s not the 1 run hr.
/no obp
BerseliusQuote Reply
[quote name=Suburban kid 22]Tomorrow is the 7th inning. Then one more chat with Tito will be the 8th inning.
The 9th inning will be evaluation, decision, and contract offer.[/quote]Hopefully Marmol is unavailable that day.
mb21Quote Reply
Thanks a lot, WGC.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=josh]The 10th inning will be Maddux backs out. The 11th inning will be Makanin dies of old age.[/quote]This team really is cursed.
mb21Quote Reply
Caller: couldn’t have been easy to handle the Sandburg situation, how do you handle the Chicago fans/media?
Theo: had lunch with Billy Williams and he taught me a lot, had a meeting with Banks for 45 min about the same thing. He will sit down with the current players as well. Everybody communicates that the Cubs are unique to the city and to baseball, not only b/c they haven’t won, but b/c of the day games, stadium, etc. Respect and appreciate the history, but emphasis will be on looking forward
WenningtonsGorillaCockQuote Reply
[quote name=Berselius]Jus as long as it’s not the 1 run hr.
/no obp[/quote]Not necessarily. They could have a 1.000 OBP and a 4.000 SLG. I bet that type of player is undervalued. That’s who the Cubs should target.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=ACT]God, I will never get the fans’ obsession with playing “youngsters” over vets. I mean, if the Cubs had a ton of promising major-league-ready talent, it would be one thing but most of the “kids” aren’t very good and never will be. Maybe other people are just way more optimistic about Cubs’ farm than I am.[/quote]It’s annoying. I think fans tend to focus on the most negative particularities of a player, rather than the whole picture, and since they know absolutely nothing about Colvin, they figure he must be better (fewer negative points).
binkyQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21]6th inning doesn’t tell me much. If it’s a Little League game it’s the final inning. If it’s a college double header it’s the next to last inning. What if it goes into extra innings? How close is the score?[/quote]
yeah, someone should ask what the correlation between innings and yard lines is. i now have a pretty good sense of what “on the 5 yard line” means
GWQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21]We’ll just see more 4-run HR. This is a progressive front office. Why 3-run HR when you can 4-run HR?[/quote]It just might work.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Caller: clubhouse is super small and cramped, is that a competitive disadvantage? Any plans to improve it?
Theo: there are extensive plans, but he does not know the timing of it actually happening. They’re disadvantages, but his job is to figure out ways to overcome those and eventually is confident they’ll have better facilities. Don’t want players who think they can’t overcome that, either.
WenningtonsGorillaCockQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21]Not necessarily. They could have a 1.000 OBP and a 4.000 SLG. I bet that type of player is undervalued. That’s who the Cubs should target.[/quote]Hitting 4-run homers is very dangerous. You start targeting guys who hit 4-run homers and the next thing you know the pitcher pitches to the guy differently.
binkyQuote Reply
I get the feeling MB isn’t taking the Superfriends/Superfans Telecon very seriously.
Suburban kid 22Quote Reply
Caller: what’s the measurement of a successful Year One campaign?
Theo: a lot of progress needs to be made to infrastructure and vision and system-wide adoption. Big league team is unlikely to be at that level next year, but anticipate that the minors will be farther along to the goal. Obviously the goal is to win the WS, but realistically will not happen over night.
WenningtonsGorillaCockQuote Reply
[quote name=josh]Hitting 4-run homers is very dangerous. You start targeting guys who hit 4-run homers and the next thing you know the pitcher pitches to the guy differently.[/quote]If they luck into having a lineup full of guys who can all hit 4-run homers though…
Ugh, it’d be a massive IBB-fest.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Aisle 429 in the house.
Suburban kid 22Quote Reply
Those grand slams are rally-killers anyway.
BerseliusQuote Reply
Just out of curiosity, where does Mr. Gorilla Cock sit at Wrigley?
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]If they luck into having a lineup full of guys who can all hit 4-run homers though…
Ugh, it’d be a massive IBB-fest.[/quote]Don’t you see? That plays into the gameplan. The only strategy will be for pitchers to throw fastballs down the middle to every single hitter. If you’re hitting a 1-run homer, then you’re not hitting a 4-run homer.
binkyQuote Reply
[quote name=WenningtonsGorillaCock]Caller: what’s the measurement of a successful Year One campaign?
Theo: a lot of progress needs to be made to infrastructure and vision and system-wide adoption. Big league team is unlikely to be at that level next year, but anticipate that the minors will be farther along to the goal. Obviously the goal is to win the WS, but realistically will not happen over night.[/quote]You have two nights.
binkyQuote Reply
2007 Red Sox is the model, not 2004 Red Sox b/c the 2004 team had good talent (dying laughing)
WenningtonsGorillaCockQuote Reply
Callers are getting dumber. Asked Len if he could get Pearl Jam to play Wrigley this summer.
WenningtonsGorillaCockQuote Reply
[quote name=WenningtonsGorillaCock]2007 Red Sox is the model, not 2004 Red Sox b/c the 2004 team had good talent (dying laughing)[/quote]Does not compute…
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=GW]yeah, someone should ask what the correlation between innings and yard lines is. i now have a pretty good sense of what “on the 5 yard line” means[/quote](dying laughing)
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=WenningtonsGorillaCock]2007 Red Sox is the model, not 2004 Red Sox b/c the 2004 team had good talent (dying laughing)[/quote]That’s awesome.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=WenningtonsGorillaCock]2007 Red Sox is the model, not 2004 Red Sox b/c the 2004 team had good talent (dying laughing)[/quote]The model should be 1976’s Bad News Bears. I think Samardzija would make an excellent “girl who is actually a really good pitcher” assuming he’s been practicing on the sly.
binkyQuote Reply
I know winning the World Series won’t happen over night. Does someone really think that tomorrow we’ll wake up and win the 2011 World Series?
mb21Quote Reply
Theo: they’re still learning the information management system that the Cubs currently have, but they already know it needs improvement if not total replacement.
Caller wants to know how to get a job in baseball. Jed says just get your foot in the door. Doesn’t say how, though.
WenningtonsGorillaCockQuote Reply
I think the model should be this: good
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=WenningtonsGorillaCock]Theo: they’re still learning the information management system that the Cubs currently have, but they already know it needs improvement if not total replacement.
Caller wants to know how to get a job in baseball. Jed says just get your foot in the door. Doesn’t say how, though.[/quote]He means work for free.
binkyQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21]I think the model should be this: good[/quote]Good = scrappy go-getters with hearts of gold. I agree completely.
binkyQuote Reply
Caller asks what differences there are in building a NL team vs. AL team.
Jed: Remember, I worked in San Diego (dying laughing)
Difference is NL bullpen and bench needs to be deeper, so not as much emphasis on drafting as much elite offense
WenningtonsGorillaCockQuote Reply
Jed loves the NL style of play better than AL. #overrated
Aisle424Quote Reply
Len having a hell of a time getting Frank on the line to ask a question.
Aisle424Quote Reply
This should be the model
mb21Quote Reply
mb21 —> epic troll mode (dying laughing)
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21]This should be the model
ACTQuote Reply
Caller: single best stat to evaluate a starting pitcher?
Theo: without getting into so-called hybrid stats, likes strikeout ratio best followed by on-base. In evaluating prospects, control and age
Len: isn’t it just evaluating the opposite of offensive players’ stats?
Jed: sorta (dying laughing)
WenningtonsGorillaCockQuote Reply
Junior Lake has lots of upside.
Cashner has done well in fall league.
WenningtonsGorillaCockQuote Reply
[quote name=WenningtonsGorillaCock]Caller: single best stat to evaluate a starting pitcher?
Theo: without getting into so-called hybrid stats, likes strikeout ratio best followed by on-base. In evaluating prospects, control and age
Len: isn’t it just evaluating the opposite of offensive players’ stats?
Jed: sorta (dying laughing)[/quote]I think the biggest difference between the two is that pitchers have less control over the outcome of batted balls (and the defense is the same every time). That’s why K/BB is far more important for pitchers than hitters
ACTQuote Reply
More questions about Wrigley renovations. Fenway will be the model.
WenningtonsGorillaCockQuote Reply
[quote name=WenningtonsGorillaCock]More questions about Wrigley renovations. Fenway will be the model.[/quote]The Jumbotron is inevitable.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
I’ll take 2011 Red Sox. I’ll take almost any Red Sox team over the last 10 years or so. If the Cubs can get there, that would be huge.
binkyQuote Reply
[quote name=josh]I’ll take 2011 Red Sox. I’ll take almost any Red Sox team over the last 10 years or so. If the Cubs can get there, that would be huge.[/quote]Especially in the NL Central.
ACTQuote Reply
They’ve been working 18-hour days so far. Haven’t had much opportunity to explore Chicago.
WenningtonsGorillaCockQuote Reply
Tony Campana question (dying laughing)
Theo: all aspects of producing runs are important. Doesn’t mention TC
WenningtonsGorillaCockQuote Reply
first female caller: asks about farm system vs. big league team in the coming year
Theo: want to find value this year for the ML team and focus is on the long term
WenningtonsGorillaCockQuote Reply
[quote name=WenningtonsGorillaCock]first female caller: asks about farm system vs. big league team in the coming year
Theo: want to find value this year for the ML team and focus is on the long term[/quote]I don’t envy their task, it’s going to take some creative finagling to fix both if they’re trying to speed things up.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]I don’t envy their task, it’s going to take some creative finagling to fix both if they’re trying to speed things up.[/quote]A few good trades could build up the farm system, if you’re confident the guys you are trading are internally replaceable, or at least more cheaply replaceable. It is going to take some smart guys. Luckily…..
binkyQuote Reply
[quote name=WenningtonsGorillaCock]Caller: single best stat to evaluate a starting pitcher?
Theo: without getting into so-called hybrid stats, likes strikeout ratio best followed by on-base. In evaluating prospects, control and age
Len: isn’t it just evaluating the opposite of offensive players’ stats?
Jed: sorta (dying laughing)[/quote]I like ERA.
mb21Quote Reply
second Tony Campana question (dying laughing) re: why can’t he bunt?
Jason: system and process will be put in place to evaluate every players’ abilities and so that he understands his game and what he’s expected to do and not do
Jed: can’t just tell development staff to “go teach” since they’ll do it their own individual way. The development manual will be rewritten from page 1 so each coach and player development person will know exactly what to teach and how
WenningtonsGorillaCockQuote Reply
[quote name=josh]A few good trades could build up the farm system, if you’re confident the guys you are trading are internally replaceable, or at least more cheaply replaceable. It is going to take some smart guys. Meanwhile, at the Hall of Justice…..[/quote].
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Call is ending. If you want to leave them a message, there will be a voicemail system set up at that same phone number.
Len is sucking everybody’s dick now.
WenningtonsGorillaCockQuote Reply
[quote name=WenningtonsGorillaCock]Tony Campana question (dying laughing)
Theo: all aspects of producing runs are important. Doesn’t mention TC[/quote]Have they figured out how to auto-produce runs yet? What about cloning them?
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=WenningtonsGorillaCock]
Len is sucking everybody’s dick now.[/quote]Is that what that was? I thought it was the dial tone and static.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=WenningtonsGorillaCock]They’ve been working 18-hour days so far. Haven’t had much opportunity to explore Chicago.[/quote]If they worked 2 hours more per day we’d be in the 7th inning of the managerial search. Someone told them that yet?
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=WenningtonsGorillaCock]Call is ending. If you want to leave them a message, there will be a voicemail system set up at that same phone number.
Len is sucking everybody’s dick now.[/quote]That is an especially odd way to end this.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=WenningtonsGorillaCock]first female caller: asks about farm system vs. big league team in the coming year
Theo: want to find value this year for the ML team and focus is on the long term[/quote]He should have started yelling at her like Melissa was yelled at.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=mb21]That is an especially odd way to end this.[/quote]
1:35 mark
WenningtonsGorillaCockQuote Reply
This got lost in the ether, but where do you sit at Wrigley Field, Mr. Gorilla Cock?
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]This got lost in the ether, but where do you sit at Wrigley Field, Mr. Gorilla Cock?[/quote]
412, but possibly moving this year after 12 years in the same spot
WenningtonsGorillaCockQuote Reply
Holy shit, is that Saul in that clip?
MuckerQuote Reply
[quote name=WenningtonsGorillaCock]412, but possibly moving this year after 12 years in the same spot[/quote]Changing seats doesn’t make the team look better.
mb21Quote Reply
202 row 3, though only on a nights and weekends plan.
sniddly01 22Quote Reply
[quote name=Mucker]Holy shit, is that Saul in that clip?[/quote]Obviously. He’s a lawyer, isn’t he?
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=mb21]Obviously. He’s a lawyer, isn’t he?[/quote](dying laughing)
(dying laughing)
(dying laughing)
Duh, I’m such an idiot.
MuckerQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21]Changing seats doesn’t make the team look better.[/quote]No, but it might put me closer to the troughs
WenningtonsGorillaCockQuote Reply
[quote name=WenningtonsGorillaCock]No, but it might put me closer to the troughs[/quote]Best seats ever.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=Mucker](dying laughing)
(dying laughing)
(dying laughing)
Duh, I’m such an idiot.[/quote]He was on SNL for several years.
mb21Quote Reply
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=Suburban kid 22]Whereabouts in Sarf London? I spent a couple years in one of its least salubrious areas near the Old Kent Road. Did not see any foxes there but I do see them (usually just dead ones on the side of the road since they are nocturnal) here in Ireland.[/quote]I’m in Tooting right now, but I used to live in Wapping, which I think is just across the river from the dark lands surrounding Old Kent Road.
Now I just need to move to Dorking for a while and I will have covered all the stupidest-sounding neighborhoods in London. (dying laughing)
fang2415Quote Reply
[quote name=Mucker]Holy shit, is that Saul in that clip?[/quote]Not to mention Tobias.
fang2415Quote Reply
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=fang2415]I’m in Tooting right now, but I used to live in Wapping, which I think is just across the river from the dark lands surrounding Old Kent Road.
Now I just need to move to Dorking for a while and I will have covered all the stupidest-sounding neighborhoods in London. (dying laughing)[/quote](dying laughing) I’ve never been there but I have a little photo album that says “Souvenir from Dorking” on it. I see that the Dorking swimming club’s logo is a rooster. Of course it is.
Suburban kid 22Quote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube][/quote]He left out the part where Len sucked everyone’s dicks. Once again, OV has the full scoop (thanks to WGC) and the MSM is out in the cold.
Aisle424Quote Reply
[quote name=Suburban kid 22](dying laughing) I’ve never been there but I have a little photo album that says “Souvenir from Dorking” on it. I see that the Dorking swimming club’s logo is a rooster. Of course it is.
fang2415Quote Reply
Pujols is meeting with the
FloridaMiami Marlins.ACTQuote Reply
Dave Van Dyck has a source (not a rumor!) that Francona badly wants to manage the Cubs.–20111111,0,6017564.story?track=rss
BerseliusQuote Reply
[quote name=fang2415](dying laughing). There is a swimming club down here called the Battersea Jacs, short for a fish called the Jaculator. Why the British do these things to themselves, I just can’t understand.[/quote]Obviously intended to amuse Americans.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Happy Veterans Day y’all.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=Berselius]Dave Van Dyck has a source (not a rumor!) that Francona badly wants to manage the Cubs.–20111111,0,6017564.story?track=rss%5B/quote%5DHuh. He really has been under the radar. Didn’t realize he would want to work with Thoyer again so soon.
Suburban kid 22Quote Reply
new shit:
mb21Quote Reply