[quote name=Rice Cube]Dare I ask what this is for? OVBlog now works for the Census? (dying laughing)[/quote]And Counting is going to make is super rich with this information.
I did this once on ACB and it was interesting and we would like to contact some advertisers so this information will be quite useful to us.
[quote name=mb21]And Counting is going to make is super rich with this information.
I did this once on ACB and it was interesting and we would like to contact some advertisers so this information will be quite useful to us.[/quote] Cool, hope you get rich.
Alaska, Hawaii, or some other fancy-pants part of America nobody gives a shit about like Guam. Seriously, if you live in Guam, go to BCB and never come back.
Joe Poz has a piece up going through which 2 players on each team come up most often with runners on base.
Chicago Cubs Top 2 DOP: Starlin Castro and Aramis Ramirez. Comment: I have to admit that I don’t quite get why so many people are jumping the gun and preparing Starlin Castro for the Hall of Fame. I mean, he certainly could develop into an amazing player. He’s only 21. And he smokes line drives. No question. But everybody knows that he CAN develop into an amazing player. My question is: Will he? I’m not sure. Right now: He doesn’t walk. He doesn’t hit home runs. He’s not especially fast. And there are questions about him as a defensive shortstop. He’s so young and he hits with such line-drive authority that the smart money might be on him developing big-time power and becoming a superstar. That absolutely can happen, and I am not saying it won’t happen. But the other day I heard announcers comparing him to Ernie Banks. Can we hold off for at least a few minutes?
[quote name=Mish]Joe Poz has a piece up going through which 2 players on each team come up most often with runners on base.[/quote] I just read the same piece. I like this part:
You know what the ideal conventional-wisdom lineup looks like.
Leadoff hitter: Fast Second: Can handle bat Third: Best overall hitter on team Cleanup: RBI man Fifth: Can hit home runs and not much else. Sixth: Can hit a few home runs. Seventh: Scrappy hitter* Eighth: Gritty hitter* Ninth: Pitcher in NL (except in St. Louis)/Second leadoff hitter in AL.
*”Scrappy” and “gritty” being euphemisms for “lousy.”
[quote name=Mish]I get different answers from different peoples, so before I respond – do you guys consider Indians (dot, not feather) to be Asian or Other?[/quote] Indians, Asians and Mexican are all the same race. Dirty, smell bad, serve rice with meals.
[quote name=Mish]I get different answers from different peoples, so before I respond – do you guys consider Indians (dot, not feather) to be Asian or Other?[/quote]What do you consider yourself? I thought about you when I was writing these questions and didn’t know myself.
[quote name=mb21]What do you consider yourself? I thought about you when I was writing these questions and didn’t know myself.[/quote] I consider myself Asian for the most part but people tell me that only refers to people with smaller eyes.
[quote name=GBTS]That explains the desert island fantasy.[/quote]Eh, probably doesn’t help that I picked mb for that answer (with all apologies to Tim, Jeff, and Adam).
i must be a shitty judge of speed. to me castro is fast. he isn’t going to steal 1000 bases but the guy gets from 1st to 3rd, steals bases intelligently and has 8 triples already.
and as far as HOF stuff goes think about this- if he hits at the pace he is right now and never develops past this skill set he will have 3000 hits around the age of 32.
Fangraphs needs to have a running speed statistic. I’d like to see a player’s average time running to first, as well as his fastest times. That should settle most speed-related debates, I think.
Castro as above average speed, but i wouldn’t call him fast. He has 20 stolen bases in 29 attempts in his career. He’s been a lot smarter this year, but fast people steal a lot more bases than 20 over an 8 month period in baseball. Even good baserunners steal more bases than that. Derrek Lee wasn’t fast when he was younger, but he was a very good baserunner and regularly had 20 stolen bases.
[quote name=Rice Cube]FanGraphs has something abbreviated “Spd” that I assume is a speed rating but I have no idea how they calculate it.[/quote]That’s based on triples, infield hits, and stolen bases, I think.
[quote name=mb21]Castro as above average speed, but i wouldn’t call him fast. He has 20 stolen bases in 29 attempts in his career. He’s been a lot smarter this year, but fast people steal a lot more bases than 20 over an 8 month period in baseball. Even good baserunners steal more bases than that. Derrek Lee wasn’t fast when he was younger, but he was a very good baserunner and regularly had 20 stolen bases.[/quote] Could the managers have anything to do with it? It could just be that they’re putting the steal sign on less often.
or he just isn’t a naturally aggressive basestealer. again, he legs out plenty of triples and gets 1st to 3rd pretty often on the bases. he’s no burner but to me he has good speed
[quote name=Rice Cube]Methinks Indians (like the real ones and not the ones with tomahawks) are Asian.[/quote]I mean, we do have our own fricking subcontinent, I think we deserve our own option.
[quote name=Berselius]Could the managers have anything to do with it? It could just be that they’re putting the steal sign on less often.[/quote]I thought Quade said Castro has the green light. If he’s this super fast guy, he’d have more stolen bases. As many times as he’s been on base, there’s no way he’d have only 10 stolen bases or 20 stolen bases in his career. Managers still love those stolen bases. He has above average speed now, but I don’t know how much longer he’ll have that. If he grows into the power some think he can, he’ll be moved off SS in a second and have less speed at the same time.
[quote name=ACT]That’s based on triples, infield hits, and stolen bases, I think.[/quote]Correction: it’s Stolen Base Percentage, Frequency of Stolen Base Attempts, Percentage of Triples, and Runs Scored Percentage
[quote name=Mish]Joe Poz has a piece up going through which 2 players on each team come up most often with runners on base.[/quote] I’m kind of surprised that Joe Poz didn’t mention the part that GBTS did a few comments back about how Kosuke is on base 40% of the time and yet doesn’t score runs because Starlin shouldn’t be hitting third and Aramis has been slumping.
[quote name=Rice Cube]I’m kind of surprised that Joe Poz didn’t mention the part that GBTS did a few comments back about how Kosuke is on base 40% of the time and yet doesn’t score runs because Starlin shouldn’t be hitting third and Aramis has been slumping.[/quote]Tango just linked to Poz’s piece and asked to see if someone wants to the baserunner side of the equation. So there you go, stay tuned…
[quote name=mb21]Starlin Castro has gone from 1st to 3rd on a single one time this season. He did it 5 times last season.[/quote] huh, thats surprising.
[quote name=dylanj]huh, thats surprising.[/quote]i was surprised too, dj. Check out the more batting stats on b-ref and scroll down to baserunning. They have all that. I was surprised and I don’t even watch the Cubs that much anymore.
[quote name=mb21]MLB average bases taken last season was 14. Castro had 8. Geovany soto had more. So maybe Castro is fast, but he’s not any good at taking extra bases.[/quote] Bad coaching? Or bad instincts?
[quote name=Rice Cube]Bad coaching? Or bad instincts?[/quote]Could be some bad coaching, but there are Cubs players with more than him so it’s mostly on him. I remember reading a scouting report when he was in the minors that said he had no clue how to steal a base. I imagine he’s that way with other types of baserunning. When Geovany Soto and Ryan Howard are taking as many or bases than you, something is wrong and needs work.
Castro’s Ultimate Baserunning was 1.6 runs above average last year, and 0.2 this year. So, it seems he’s not terrible, but not particularly good at taking bases.
[quote name=ACT]Castro’s Ultimate Baserunning was 1.6 runs above average last year, and 0.2 this year. So, it seems he’s not terrible, but not particularly good at taking bases.[/quote]Yeah, he’s not terrible by any means. This year he’s helped out by not being caught stealing as often as he’s successful, which is odd that it’s lower this year.
if castro hits at this pace for the rest of his career he would have to play until he was 44 to pass Pete Rose. That’s a pretty great testament to how good Rose was
Although, it (SB%) is really more of a sample size issue than a skill issue. There’s a lot of skill involved, but 20-30 attempts is a small sample to draw conclusions from.
[quote name=ACT]Although, it (SB%) is really more of a sample size issue than a skill issue. There’s a lot of skill involved, but 20-30 attempts is a small sample to draw conclusions from.[/quote]Considering he’s about average in success rate, that’s about what I’d peg any player for without lots of information.
[quote name=dylanj]but if i had to place a bet on any player alive right now to catch Pete it would be Castro[/quote]That record will be broken eventually, but it’s going to be a long time yet. When players start playing productively into their mid to late 40s is when we’re looking at that possibility. It just takes so damn long. I’d also like to see Castro walk a lot more than he does already.
It’s too bad Ichiro didn’t begin his career here. He’d have a chance.
[quote name=mb21]That record will be broken eventually, but it’s going to be a long time yet. When players start playing productively into their mid to late 40s is when we’re looking at that possibility. It just takes so damn long. I’d also like to see Castro walk a lot more than he does already.
It’s too bad Ichiro didn’t begin his career here. He’d have a chance.[/quote]
Doesn’t Ichiro have more Japan+US hits than Pete Rose’s total?
[quote name=mb21]Interesting that Paul said the same thing I said the other day about him being happy being slinging dime bags before Walt came along.[/quote] He wasn’t really happy, yo.
[quote name=the Onion]PHOENIX—Baseball fans across the country have registered their excitement for Tuesday night’s MLB All-Star game, saying they can’t wait to watch the league’s annual showcase of its best players who aren’t injured, aren’t afraid of potentially getting injured, aren’t too tired, are free the night of July 12, didn’t pitch recently, aren’t scheduled to pitch next week, don’t mind making the trip to Arizona, and are actually willing to play two and a half innings of baseball. “I love the All-Star game—seeing all those guys who sort of want to be there, don’t really deserve to be, and haven’t reached a point in their careers where they are confident enough to flat-out reject what fans want, all together on the same diamond,” said local Diamondbacks fan Neil Shernoff, adding that he was most thrilled to see whoever was replacing Placido Polanco. “Sure, Jose Reyes, Derek Jeter, Alex Rodriguez, Shane Victorino, Ryan Braun, Justin Verlander, Felix Hernandez, Jon Lester, CC Sabathia, David Price, Mariano Rivera, Cole Hamels, and Matt Cain may not take the field, but there are some other guys here, and they’re going to play a game of baseball.” Both managers said they’d be utilizing their entire rosters once they learned who their players are and what positions they play.)[/quote] (dying laughing)
[quote name=GW]there are 27.8 readers here?[/quote](dying laughing) so far 57 have filled it out and it’s now down to 3.5% female. So 2 so far. (dying laughing)
[quote name=mb21](dying laughing) so far 57 have filled it out and it’s now down to 3.5% female. So 2 so far. (dying laughing)[/quote] Two of our moms.
[quote name=mb21]19 people want to be on an island with Aisle 424.[/quote] They misunderstood the question, they thought they were voting me off the island.
[quote name=mb21]30 have a 4-year degree and 24 have a Master’s, Doctorate or Professional degree. [/quote] We’re going to have to make our posts more smarter or some shit.
[quote name=Mish]Anyone listening to Boers and Bernstein (LoHolmes in for Terry) – sounds like they have an adv stats guy on right now…[/quote] It’s Joe Sheehan
I saw in the last thread that someone suggested trading Byrd and ARam to the White Sox for Viciedo. I’ve been wondering if Aramis might actually consider this move across town, it would be a good move for him and the Sox. I think Kosuke is actually a guy that would do the Sox more good than Byrd as he could replace Juan Pierre at leadoff and they could move Quentin back to left. Also if the Cubs picked up Viciedo he would probably have to be moved to first which is an area of need for them anyway.
I voted for mb and just realized he’s the only one I haven’t seen an actual picture of (Ryno’s joke pics notwithstanding). It’s the equivalent of taking the mystery box over the washer/dryer set.
[quote name=GBTS]I voted for Bersy because hes generally the calmest of you four and the least likely one I would kill.[/quote] This is the logic that I used since none of the above wasn’t an option. (dying laughing)
[quote name=Mish]I voted for mb and just realized he’s the only one I haven’t seen an actual picture of (Ryno’s joke pics notwithstanding). It’s the equivalent of taking the mystery box over the washer/dryer set.[/quote] So you’re not counting all those cock shots he sent you as actual pictures? (dying laughing)
[quote name=GBTS]If Cub fans are tired of impatient hitters I would love to see their reaction to Viciedo.[/quote] I’m sure Cubs fans would find a reason to hate him but he’s only 22 and looks like he’s going to rake.
[quote name=melissa]So you’re not counting all those cock shots he sent you as actual pictures? (dying laughing)[/quote] I need a face to match to the head.
[quote name=GBTS]I voted for Bersy because hes generally the calmest of you four and the least likely to kill me.[/quote]I should kill you for saying that.
[quote name=melissa]So you’re not counting all those cock shots he sent you as actual pictures? (dying laughing)[/quote]They always tell you to put your best foot forward. Well…
[quote name=mb21]They always tell you to put your best foot forward. Well…[/quote] I just hope you weren’t wearing Crocs like Favre, now that would be creepy. (dying laughing)
[quote name=melissa]I just hope you weren’t wearing Crocs like Favre, now that would be creepy. (dying laughing)[/quote]I was wearing my Suprman underoos of course.
So I’ve got a rules question that arose out of an incident from my softball game tonight.
Let’s say in a sacrifice fly situation, if an outfielder was able to purposely bobble a ball for several seconds before making the catch, when does the runner on third get to leave? Once the ball is touched? Or does he have to wait for the official out?
It would be harder than shit to do in baseball, but I envision a situation where an outfielder just juggles the ball as he runs it in and doesn’t “catch” it until he’s close enough to keep the runner from scoring.
Obviously that was a TOOBLAN, but I think 95% the time the pitcher doesn’t make that play as smoothly as he did. Pretty low risk play normally, I think
[quote name=GBTS]So I’ve got a rules question that arose out of an incident from my softball game tonight.
Let’s say in a sacrifice fly situation, if an outfielder was able to purposely bobble a ball for several seconds before making the catch, when does the runner on third get to leave? Once the ball is touched? Or does he have to wait for the official out?
It would be harder than shit to do in baseball, but I envision a situation where an outfielder just juggles the ball as he runs it in and doesn’t “catch” it until he’s close enough to keep the runner from scoring.[/quote] Let me get back to you in a few minutes after consulting the rulebook but I think that falls in the category of intentionally deceiving a baserunner as a fielder…
[quote name=ZappBrannigan]Obviously that was a TOOBLAN, but I think 95% the time the pitcher doesn’t make that play as smoothly as he did. Pretty low risk play normally, I think[/quote] I agree, he fielded it cleanly and 9 times out of ten that probably doesn’t happen.
[quote name=ZappBrannigan]Obviously that was a TOOBLAN, but I think 95% the time the pitcher doesn’t make that play as smoothly as he did. Pretty low risk play normally, I think[/quote]Agreed. You’ve got to figure 9 of 10 times you’re going to score on that play. I’ll run the numbers tomorrow using run expectancy, but I’d be shocked if the success rate for that had to be higher than 60%. There was no doubt he had a 60% chance of scoring.
[quote name=dylanj]has to wait for the catch before you can leave[/quote]Yeah that’s what I figured. Our left fielder tonight juggled a hard hit ball for a few seconds before he caught it, and the guy on third went home during the juggle. We challenged, and the ump said he could tag on contact.
[quote name=ACT]That was a nice play to get Castro at home. I think he was right to run on contact, though.[/quote]It looked like he didn’t get a great jump but I agree that he was right to go.
As soon as the fielder touches the ball, the runner can tag up and go. Bobblies don’t work. (dying laughing)
[quote name=GBTS]So I’ve got a rules question that arose out of an incident from my softball game tonight.
Let’s say in a sacrifice fly situation, if an outfielder was able to purposely bobble a ball for several seconds before making the catch, when does the runner on third get to leave? Once the ball is touched? Or does he have to wait for the official out?
It would be harder than shit to do in baseball, but I envision a situation where an outfielder just juggles the ball as he runs it in and doesn’t “catch” it until he’s close enough to keep the runner from scoring.[/quote]It’s like we saw earlier this year on the line drive to Castro with a runner on 1st. He dropped it on purpose to get the double play but the umpire ruled the batter out and the runner back to 1st. Same thing would happen on that play. You can’t intentionally drop the ball in an attempt to trick the runner. It’s an out.
[quote name=mb21]You can’t intentionally drop the ball in an attempt to trick the runner. It’s an out.[/quote]This is slightly different though, you make the catch.
[quote name=mb21]It’s like we saw earlier this year on the line drive to Castro with a runner on 1st. He dropped it on purpose to get the double play but the umpire ruled the batter out and the runner back to 1st. Same thing would happen on that play. You can’t intentionally drop the ball in an attempt to trick the runner. It’s an out.[/quote]Is that what that call was? I was at that game, I just assumed it was an infield fly rule. That was Cashner’s first last ever start, if I remember right.
[quote name=GBTS]This is slightly different though, you make the catch.[/quote]It’s obviously a judgment call for an umpire, but if he believes the fielder intentionally juggled the ball to keep the runner on base, the batter will be out and the runner given the extra base.
If it was determined that he had just juggled the ball while not attempting to do so then the runner cannot advance from that base until after the ball has been caught.
[quote name=GBTS]Is that what that call was? I was at that game, I just assumed it was an infield fly rule. That was Cashner’s first last ever start, if I remember right.[/quote]Yeah, Castro intentionally dropped the ball so the umpire immediately signaled the out after he did that. That ball was never 6 feet off the ground and Castro basically had it in his glove and then popped it out right in front of him. Umpire made the right call.
[quote name=mb21] If it was determined that he had just juggled the ball while not attempting to do so then the runner cannot advance from that base until after the ball has been caught.[/quote]The runner can tag up and advance as soon as the fielder touches the ball.
[quote name=josh]you’re not a nincompoop if they make a good play.[/quote]I tend to agree with this. I’ve argued with the person who came up with TOOTBLAN about this. Some so-called baserunning mistakes aren’t really mistakes. The reality is that in order to gain bases you have to make outs on the bases. If you’re not making any outs on the bases, you obviously aren’t being aggressive enough and taking the many bases a team is giving you.
[quote name=mb21]I tend to agree with this. I’ve argued with the person who came up with TOOTBLAN about this. Some so-called baserunning mistakes aren’t really mistakes. The reality is that in order to gain bases you have to make outs on the bases. If you’re not making any outs on the bases, you obviously aren’t being aggressive enough and taking the many bases a team is giving you.[/quote] I’m pretty sure wv23 set up the TOOTB after all.
[quote name=mb21]I tend to agree with this. I’ve argued with the person who came up with TOOTBLAN about this. Some so-called baserunning mistakes aren’t really mistakes. The reality is that in order to gain bases you have to make outs on the bases. If you’re not making any outs on the bases, you obviously aren’t being aggressive enough and taking the many bases a team is giving you.[/quote]I agree also. I do remember WV23 including a lot of plays that just don’t work out as TOOTBLANs even though they were good risks to take.
If the Cardinals are interested in trading Rasmus, I’m very interested in the Cubs acquiring him. I’m a huge fan of Brett Jackson, but I’d easily trade Jackson for Rasmus.
[quote name=cwolf]I agree also. I do remember WV23 including a lot of plays that just don’t work out as TOOTBLANs even though they were good risks to take.[/quote]Yeah, it’s too hard for someone to judge one play or another so I understand why he did it the way he did.
[quote name=mb21]Really? That makes sense, but it’s surprising.[/quote]It came up in a softball game like GBTS’ situation and the ump actually had the rulebook with him. A couple guys on our team got booted anyway (dying laughing).
[quote name=ACT]This is the all-star game. You make sure everyone plays, just like little league.[/quote] They have so many players that they can at least make it make sense (dying laughing)
[quote name=mb21]Yeah, Castro intentionally dropped the ball so the umpire immediately signaled the out after he did that. That ball was never 6 feet off the ground and Castro basically had it in his glove and then popped it out right in front of him. Umpire made the right call.[/quote]I remember Pat Hughes saying it was obvious Castro had done it on purpose
[quote name=GBTS]Ryne Sandberg is livid that Perez is smiling after that double.[/quote]If they don’t take this game seriously, then the Terrorists have won.
Heh, when Castro came up the announcers did the inevitable comparison to the great shortstops of old. They only went back as far as Banks, though. I guess it’s too soon to bring up comparisons to Honus Wagner.
[quote name=Rice Cube]Woah, does the NL have another catcher besides McCann and Molina? Or can McCann just come back in afterwards?[/quote] Ah, Montero, that’s right.
On-base percentages also require some mental adjustments from the recent past. Seven teams are under .310, and that list includes Billy Beane’s formerly OBP-conscious A’s at .299. Oakland has one of the better pitching staffs in baseball, but a weak-hitting lineup has dragged the franchise down to a 39-53 record and last place in the AL West. The Mariners bring up the rear with a putrid .290 OBP.
The value of OBP, drawing walks and extending at-bats in an era of pitch counts comes shining through when batting averages are on a downward trend. The Yankees are 11th in the majors with a .258 team average, but 343 walks in 88 games (almost 3.9 bases on balls per game) has led to a combined OBP of .340, which ties the Cardinals for second best in the majors.
Despite a 37-55 record, the Cubs are sixth in the majors with a .263 team average, but just 223 walks in 92 games (2.43 per game, or a projected 394 over a full season) has led to an 18th-ranked team OBP of .317. The main offenders in impatience are all hitting over .300. The young double play combo of second baseman Darwin Barney (.306, but just 10 walks in 294 ABs) and shortstop Starlin Castro (.307 with 117 hits and just 16 walks in 381 ABs) are hacking away, as is utilityman Jeff Baker (.306 and four walks in 134 ABs).
Chicago Cubs 1. Brett Jackson, OF 2. Trey McNutt, RHP 3. Chris Carpenter, RHP 4. Josh Vitters, 3B 5. Jay Jackson, RHP 6. Rafael Dolis, RHP 7. Hayden Simpson, RHP 8. Robinson Lopez, RHP 9. Reggie Golden, OF 10. Austin Reed, RHP
The Cubs’ Top 10 list has changed a lot because of off-season trades that occurred after many of the Top 10 lists had gone to print (Baseball America, Goldstein, Sickels). It’s not really a strong system, especially after the trade, and I had Jackson at No. 1. If he can curb the K problems (31%) then he should be a solid everyday outfielder, but probably not a star. After a breakout 2010 season, McNutt has had a down year in double-A and has been hampered by injury. Carpenter made his MLB debut in 2010 but he’s had an up-and-down year due to control issues. Jackson is pretty close to hitting rock bottom and his best hope for a MLB career is probably the bullpen. Vitters has yet to learn the value of patience (3.1% walk rate), which is a shame because it really is diminishing his ceiling. Golden is off to a nice start in short-season ball. The remainder of the Top 10 has been pretty disappointing. Like a few others I didn’t rank Matt Szczur on the Top 10 and, honestly, I still don’t know what to make of him.
[quote name=Mish]b, I just bought the first four books of “A song of fire and ice”; I wanna read them then watch the show.[/quote] +1 LSA Rec’d NAMBLA Fire and Blood
I’m buried in the fifth book right now, so you won’t see much of me around here (dying laughing)
[quote name=Berselius]+1 LSA Rec’d NAMBLA Fire and Blood
I’m buried in the fifth book right now, so you won’t see much of me around here (dying laughing)[/quote] Yeah I guess I meant “Ice and Fire” (dying laughing). I just got a few pages in today on the bus but this is the shit I generally like and nothing so far made me think otherwise. I’m actually kinda stoked about reading this. So was season 1 just the first book basically?
[quote name=Mish]Yeah I guess I meant “Ice and Fire” (dying laughing). I just got a few pages in today on the bus but this is the shit I generally like and nothing so far made me think otherwise. I’m actually kinda stoked about reading this. So was season 1 just the first book basically?[/quote] Yeah, it’s the first book. They obviously had to cut some stuff out, as you can get inside people’s heads in the book and not on the show. But the book was also limited to its POV characters, so the show was able to add a few scenes that weren’t in the book. It was a great adaptation but as usual book > show.
[quote name=Berselius]So I guess the NL won last night, finally. Did the NL have fewer replacement players than the AL?[/quote]I don’t follow your quetsion, but I know the AL burned through pitchers, because A) Beckett got hurt warming up and B) Ron Washington is turrible at bullpen management.
[quote name=Berselius]Yeah, it’s the first book. They obviously had to cut some stuff out, as you can get inside people’s heads in the book and not on the show. But the book was also limited to its POV characters, so the show was able to add a few scenes that weren’t in the book. It was a great adaptation but as usual book > show.[/quote] Yeah that’s what everyone says, but the response appears to be both are worthwhile.
[quote name=Mish]Yeah that’s what everyone says, but the response appears to be both are worthwhile.[/quote] Oh, indeed. I can’t believe we have to wait another 10 months until the next season. Of course, I’ve been waiting 5+ years for this book so I guess that’s nothing in comparison (dying laughing). I had a quibble or two about the adaptation (mainly concerning one particular character) but overall it was great. One of the performances in particular changed my appreciation for one of the characters for the better too.
Great show which made me start reading the books which are even better, as B says. Trying to hurry through the 4th book now so I can start the 5th (dying laughing)
[quote name=Mish]I don’t follow your quetsion, but I know the AL burned through pitchers, because A) Beckett got hurt warming up and B) Ron Washington is turrible at bullpen management.[/quote] I just meant in the sense that ~370 baseball players were All-Stars this year due to players declining the invite or missing due to injury. I don’t think it makes a difference but if more of them were AL players that would have been an easy narrative for the writers to glom onto.
Finally, my opinions on where I live will be heard!
binkyQuote Reply
Dare I ask what this is for? OVBlog now works for the Census? (dying laughing)
Rice CubeQuote Reply
I hope a lot of people selected 18 and under. Gotsta get my prey on…
jtsunamiQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]Dare I ask what this is for? OVBlog now works for the Census? (dying laughing)[/quote]And Counting is going to make is super rich with this information.
I did this once on ACB and it was interesting and we would like to contact some advertisers so this information will be quite useful to us.
mb21Quote Reply
Latest Muskat update:
There’s got to be some redeeming value out of this kid, right?
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21]And Counting is going to make is super rich with this information.
I did this once on ACB and it was interesting and we would like to contact some advertisers so this information will be quite useful to us.[/quote]
Cool, hope you get rich.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
I would never call a guy a faget unless he’s being a faget.
Dr. Aneus TaintQuote Reply
Latest “attendance at Wrigley is down” article.
ACTQuote Reply
Dr. Aneus TaintQuote Reply
It’s the Troof, Troof!
jtsunamiQuote Reply
If you were were stuck on an island with one person from Obstructed View, who would it be?
(dying laughing)
Also, I am moving to the east coast next month (and originally from there) but currently live in midwest. Which should I put?
WaLiQuote Reply
[quote name=WaLi]If you were were stuck on an island with one person from Obstructed View, who would it be?
(dying laughing)
Also, I am moving to the east coast next month (and originally from there) but currently live in midwest. Which should I put?[/quote]BCB
jtsunamiQuote Reply
[quote name=WaLi]If you were were stuck on an island with one person from Obstructed View, who would it be?
(dying laughing)
Also, I am moving to the east coast next month (and originally from there) but currently live in midwest. Which should I put?[/quote]
Rice CubeQuote Reply
(dying laughing) who is from Guam?
WaLiQuote Reply
I get different answers from different peoples, so before I respond – do you guys consider Indians (dot, not feather) to be Asian or Other?
MishQuote Reply
Hispanic ain’t a race.
GBTSQuote Reply
Joe Poz has a piece up going through which 2 players on each team come up most often with runners on base.
MishQuote Reply
[quote name=Mish]Joe Poz has a piece up going through which 2 players on each team come up most often with runners on base.[/quote]
I just read the same piece. I like this part:
(dying laughing)
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=Mish]I get different answers from different peoples, so before I respond – do you guys consider Indians (dot, not feather) to be Asian or Other?[/quote]
Indians, Asians and Mexican are all the same race. Dirty, smell bad, serve rice with meals.
Dr. Aneus TaintQuote Reply
[quote name=GBTS]Hispanic ain’t a race.[/quote]Yeah, but i didn’t feel like doing an ethnicity question, too.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=Jame Gumb]Indians, Asians and Mexican are all the same race. Dirty, smell bad, serve rice with meals.[/quote]
I smell great.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=Mish]I get different answers from different peoples, so before I respond – do you guys consider Indians (dot, not feather) to be Asian or Other?[/quote]What do you consider yourself? I thought about you when I was writing these questions and didn’t know myself.
mb21Quote Reply
Poz is right about Castro. He could become a superstar, but he’s a long way from that right now.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=mb21]I thought about you when I was writing these questions[/quote]That explains the desert island fantasy.
GBTSQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21]What do you consider yourself? I thought about you when I was writing these questions and didn’t know myself.[/quote]
I consider myself Asian for the most part but people tell me that only refers to people with smaller eyes.
I’m going with Asian.
MishQuote Reply
[quote name=GBTS]That explains the desert island fantasy.[/quote]Eh, probably doesn’t help that I picked mb for that answer (with all apologies to Tim, Jeff, and Adam).
MishQuote Reply
i must be a shitty judge of speed. to me castro is fast. he isn’t going to steal 1000 bases but the guy gets from 1st to 3rd, steals bases intelligently and has 8 triples already.
dylanjQuote Reply
and as far as HOF stuff goes think about this- if he hits at the pace he is right now and never develops past this skill set he will have 3000 hits around the age of 32.
I think that gets him in
dylanjQuote Reply
Fangraphs needs to have a running speed statistic. I’d like to see a player’s average time running to first, as well as his fastest times. That should settle most speed-related debates, I think.
ACTQuote Reply
Oh yeah, including both average times and fastest times should determine scientifically who the loafers are.
ACTQuote Reply
Castro as above average speed, but i wouldn’t call him fast. He has 20 stolen bases in 29 attempts in his career. He’s been a lot smarter this year, but fast people steal a lot more bases than 20 over an 8 month period in baseball. Even good baserunners steal more bases than that. Derrek Lee wasn’t fast when he was younger, but he was a very good baserunner and regularly had 20 stolen bases.
mb21Quote Reply
FanGraphs has something abbreviated “Spd” that I assume is a speed rating but I have no idea how they calculate it.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]FanGraphs has something abbreviated “Spd” that I assume is a speed rating but I have no idea how they calculate it.[/quote]That’s based on triples, infield hits, and stolen bases, I think.
ACTQuote Reply
[quote name=Mish]I consider myself Asian for the most part but people tell me that only refers to people with smaller eyes.
I’m going with Asian.[/quote]
Methinks Indians (like the real ones and not the ones with tomahawks) are Asian.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21]Castro as above average speed, but i wouldn’t call him fast. He has 20 stolen bases in 29 attempts in his career. He’s been a lot smarter this year, but fast people steal a lot more bases than 20 over an 8 month period in baseball. Even good baserunners steal more bases than that. Derrek Lee wasn’t fast when he was younger, but he was a very good baserunner and regularly had 20 stolen bases.[/quote]
Could the managers have anything to do with it? It could just be that they’re putting the steal sign on less often.
BerseliusQuote Reply
or he just isn’t a naturally aggressive basestealer. again, he legs out plenty of triples and gets 1st to 3rd pretty often on the bases. he’s no burner but to me he has good speed
dylanjQuote Reply
Or that he sucks at reading pickoff moves or something like that. As dj pointed out he does have all those triples.
BerseliusQuote Reply
I can’t get Lonely Island – Jack Sparrow out of my head. Please help.
jtsunamiQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]Methinks Indians (like the real ones and not the ones with tomahawks) are Asian.[/quote]I mean, we do have our own fricking subcontinent, I think we deserve our own option.
MishQuote Reply
[quote name=Berselius]Could the managers have anything to do with it? It could just be that they’re putting the steal sign on less often.[/quote]I thought Quade said Castro has the green light. If he’s this super fast guy, he’d have more stolen bases. As many times as he’s been on base, there’s no way he’d have only 10 stolen bases or 20 stolen bases in his career. Managers still love those stolen bases. He has above average speed now, but I don’t know how much longer he’ll have that. If he grows into the power some think he can, he’ll be moved off SS in a second and have less speed at the same time.
mb21Quote Reply
Starlin Castro has gone from 1st to 3rd on a single one time this season. He did it 5 times last season.
mb21Quote Reply
That’s 1 out of 17 and well below league average.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=Mish]I mean, we do have our own fricking subcontinent, I think we deserve our own option.[/quote]
Mish —> sub-Asian?
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=ACT]That’s based on triples, infield hits, and stolen bases, I think.[/quote]Correction: it’s Stolen Base Percentage, Frequency of Stolen Base Attempts, Percentage of Triples, and Runs Scored Percentage
ACTQuote Reply
The Cubs are tied for last with the Astros in the NL in extra bases taken.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=Mish]Joe Poz has a piece up going through which 2 players on each team come up most often with runners on base.[/quote]
I’m kind of surprised that Joe Poz didn’t mention the part that GBTS did a few comments back about how Kosuke is on base 40% of the time and yet doesn’t score runs because Starlin shouldn’t be hitting third and Aramis has been slumping.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]I’m kind of surprised that Joe Poz didn’t mention the part that GBTS did a few comments back about how Kosuke is on base 40% of the time and yet doesn’t score runs because Starlin shouldn’t be hitting third and Aramis has been slumping.[/quote]Tango just linked to Poz’s piece and asked to see if someone wants to the baserunner side of the equation. So there you go, stay tuned…
MishQuote Reply
Interview with Aaron Paul, yo
BerseliusQuote Reply
League average per 600 PA bases taken is 13. Castro has 8. Byrd, Barney and Fukudome are all higher.
mb21Quote Reply
Finally, I’m above average at something.
Dr. Aneus TaintQuote Reply
[quote name=jtsunami]I can’t get Lonely Island – Jack Sparrow out of my head. Please help.[/quote]
there is no cure. its just a great song
dylanjQuote Reply
[quote name=jtsunami]I can’t get Lonely Island – Jack Sparrow out of my head. Please help.[/quote]
Damn you, now it’s stuck in my head too
BerseliusQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21]Starlin Castro has gone from 1st to 3rd on a single one time this season. He did it 5 times last season.[/quote]
huh, thats surprising.
dylanjQuote Reply
MLB average bases taken last season was 14. Castro had 8. Geovany soto had more. So maybe Castro is fast, but he’s not any good at taking extra bases.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=dylanj]huh, thats surprising.[/quote]i was surprised too, dj. Check out the more batting stats on b-ref and scroll down to baserunning. They have all that. I was surprised and I don’t even watch the Cubs that much anymore.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=mb21]MLB average bases taken last season was 14. Castro had 8. Geovany soto had more. So maybe Castro is fast, but he’s not any good at taking extra bases.[/quote]
Bad coaching? Or bad instincts?
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Here’s something else. In 2010 Ryan Howard went first to home on a double as many times as Castro did.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=mb21]Here’s something else. In 2010 Ryan Howard went first to home on a double as many times as Castro did.[/quote]
He’s black.
Dr. Aneus TaintQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]Bad coaching? Or bad instincts?[/quote]Could be some bad coaching, but there are Cubs players with more than him so it’s mostly on him. I remember reading a scouting report when he was in the minors that said he had no clue how to steal a base. I imagine he’s that way with other types of baserunning. When Geovany Soto and Ryan Howard are taking as many or bases than you, something is wrong and needs work.
mb21Quote Reply
Castro’s Ultimate Baserunning was 1.6 runs above average last year, and 0.2 this year. So, it seems he’s not terrible, but not particularly good at taking bases.
ACTQuote Reply
[quote name=ACT]Castro’s Ultimate Baserunning was 1.6 runs above average last year, and 0.2 this year. So, it seems he’s not terrible, but not particularly good at taking bases.[/quote]Yeah, he’s not terrible by any means. This year he’s helped out by not being caught stealing as often as he’s successful, which is odd that it’s lower this year.
mb21Quote Reply
SB% takes forever to stabilize. It’s like BABIP for pitchers.
ACTQuote Reply
if castro hits at this pace for the rest of his career he would have to play until he was 44 to pass Pete Rose. That’s a pretty great testament to how good Rose was
dylanjQuote Reply
[quote name=Berselius]Interview with Aaron Paul, yo
http://www.hitfix.com/blogs/whats-alan-watching/posts/interview-breaking-bad-co-star-aaron-paul%5B/quote%5DInteresting that Paul said the same thing I said the other day about him being happy being slinging dime bags before Walt came along.
mb21Quote Reply
but if i had to place a bet on any player alive right now to catch Pete it would be Castro
dylanjQuote Reply
Although, it (SB%) is really more of a sample size issue than a skill issue. There’s a lot of skill involved, but 20-30 attempts is a small sample to draw conclusions from.
ACTQuote Reply
That said, Chase Utley is amazing. On SB he’s 8-for-8 this year, 13-for-15 last year, 23-for-23 the year before, etc.
ACTQuote Reply
[quote name=ACT]Although, it (SB%) is really more of a sample size issue than a skill issue. There’s a lot of skill involved, but 20-30 attempts is a small sample to draw conclusions from.[/quote]Considering he’s about average in success rate, that’s about what I’d peg any player for without lots of information.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=dylanj]but if i had to place a bet on any player alive right now to catch Pete it would be Castro[/quote]That record will be broken eventually, but it’s going to be a long time yet. When players start playing productively into their mid to late 40s is when we’re looking at that possibility. It just takes so damn long. I’d also like to see Castro walk a lot more than he does already.
It’s too bad Ichiro didn’t begin his career here. He’d have a chance.
mb21Quote Reply
But Castro is no Ichiro.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=mb21]That record will be broken eventually, but it’s going to be a long time yet. When players start playing productively into their mid to late 40s is when we’re looking at that possibility. It just takes so damn long. I’d also like to see Castro walk a lot more than he does already.
It’s too bad Ichiro didn’t begin his career here. He’d have a chance.[/quote]
Doesn’t Ichiro have more Japan+US hits than Pete Rose’s total?
Rice CubeQuote Reply
I think he might, RC.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=mb21]Interesting that Paul said the same thing I said the other day about him being happy being slinging dime bags before Walt came along.[/quote]
He wasn’t really happy, yo.
Dr. Aneus TaintQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21]I think he might, RC.[/quote]
I think they count Japan hits as 3/5 of a US hit though (dying laughing)
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=jtsunami]I can’t get Lonely Island – Jack Sparrow out of my head. Please help.[/quote]
Aisle424Quote Reply
[quote name=the Onion]PHOENIX—Baseball fans across the country have registered their excitement for Tuesday night’s MLB All-Star game, saying they can’t wait to watch the league’s annual showcase of its best players who aren’t injured, aren’t afraid of potentially getting injured, aren’t too tired, are free the night of July 12, didn’t pitch recently, aren’t scheduled to pitch next week, don’t mind making the trip to Arizona, and are actually willing to play two and a half innings of baseball. “I love the All-Star game—seeing all those guys who sort of want to be there, don’t really deserve to be, and haven’t reached a point in their careers where they are confident enough to flat-out reject what fans want, all together on the same diamond,” said local Diamondbacks fan Neil Shernoff, adding that he was most thrilled to see whoever was replacing Placido Polanco. “Sure, Jose Reyes, Derek Jeter, Alex Rodriguez, Shane Victorino, Ryan Braun, Justin Verlander, Felix Hernandez, Jon Lester, CC Sabathia, David Price, Mariano Rivera, Cole Hamels, and Matt Cain may not take the field, but there are some other guys here, and they’re going to play a game of baseball.” Both managers said they’d be utilizing their entire rosters once they learned who their players are and what positions they play.)[/quote]
(dying laughing)
WenningtonsGorillaCockQuote Reply
19 people want to be on an island with Aisle 424.
mb21Quote Reply
3.6% of our readers are female.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=mb21]3.6% of our readers are female.[/quote]
It’s a fucking sausage fest up in here.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]It’s a fucking sausage fest up in here.[/quote]which explains why so many people want to be on an island with Aisle 424.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=mb21]3.6% of our readers are female.[/quote]
there are 27.8 readers here?
GWQuote Reply
[quote name=GW]there are 27.8 readers here?[/quote](dying laughing) so far 57 have filled it out and it’s now down to 3.5% female. So 2 so far. (dying laughing)
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=mb21](dying laughing) so far 57 have filled it out and it’s now down to 3.5% female. So 2 so far. (dying laughing)[/quote]
Two of our moms.
Aisle424Quote Reply
[quote name=mb21]19 people want to be on an island with Aisle 424.[/quote]
They misunderstood the question, they thought they were voting me off the island.
Aisle424Quote Reply
I would’ve voted for Aisle424 as I’ve actually met him, but I thought I’d like to meet AC instead just for kicks.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=Aisle424]They misunderstood the question, they thought they were voting me off the island.[/quote]So AC is really winning?
mb21Quote Reply
The women are late voters. We have 26% women liking our Facebook page.
Oh, and go like our Facebook page if you haven’t already. It’s totally free: http://www.facebook.com/OVBlog
Aisle424Quote Reply
4.9% female out of 61
mb21Quote Reply
26% women like our Facebook page? That’s surprising. I’d have guessed it somewhere around 10%. You and AC must have a lot of groupies.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=mb21]4.9% female out of 61[/quote]
Helllooooooo, ladies.
Aisle424Quote Reply
19 in the chicagoland area and 20 in the Midwest so almost all of our readers are Midwesterners. 2 foreigners.
mb21Quote Reply
To the 4.9% out there…have you seen how big my spreadsheet is?
MishQuote Reply
30 have a 4-year degree and 24 have a Master’s, Doctorate or Professional degree.
I like these demo surveys. Makes me feel closer to our readers. (dying laughing)
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=Mish]To the 4.9% out there…have you seen how big my spreadsheet is?[/quote]
Don’t talk to my mom like that.
Aisle424Quote Reply
The number of unemployed is just barely under the national average.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=Aisle424]Don’t talk to my mom like that.[/quote]He can have my mom. Fuckin’ slut.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=mb21]The number of unemployed is just barely under the national average.[/quote]
Lee Elia insists it is 15%.
Aisle424Quote Reply
[quote name=mb21]30 have a 4-year degree and 24 have a Master’s, Doctorate or Professional degree.
We’re going to have to make our posts more smarter or some shit.
Aisle424Quote Reply
[quote name=Aisle424]Lee Elia insists it is 15%.[/quote]Elia is never wrong.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=Aisle424]We’re going to have to make our posts more smarter or some shit.[/quote]I vote some shit.
mb21Quote Reply
We should have included one more question.
How much do you like cats?
a) I love cats. I love every kind of cat.
b) I want to hug them all
c) I can’t answer because I’m thinking about cats again
d) All of the above
Aisle424Quote Reply
Where is the none of the above option for the island question? (dying laughing)
melissaQuote Reply
Anyone listening to Boers and Bernstein (LoHolmes in for Terry) – sounds like they have an adv stats guy on right now…
MishQuote Reply
[quote name=Mish]Anyone listening to Boers and Bernstein (LoHolmes in for Terry) – sounds like they have an adv stats guy on right now…[/quote]
It’s Joe Sheehan
melissaQuote Reply
I saw in the last thread that someone suggested trading Byrd and ARam to the White Sox for Viciedo. I’ve been wondering if Aramis might actually consider this move across town, it would be a good move for him and the Sox. I think Kosuke is actually a guy that would do the Sox more good than Byrd as he could replace Juan Pierre at leadoff and they could move Quentin back to left. Also if the Cubs picked up Viciedo he would probably have to be moved to first which is an area of need for them anyway.
melissaQuote Reply
Berselius is making a run at Aisley. 21 to 20 now.
mb21Quote Reply
I voted for Bersy because hes generally the calmest of you four and the least likely to kill me.
GBTSQuote Reply
I voted for mb and just realized he’s the only one I haven’t seen an actual picture of (Ryno’s joke pics notwithstanding). It’s the equivalent of taking the mystery box over the washer/dryer set.
MishQuote Reply
Mish until I saw a photo of you I pictured you as an obese white guy with a bad goatee. (dying laughing)
GBTSQuote Reply
If Cub fans are tired of impatient hitters I would love to see their reaction to Viciedo.
GBTSQuote Reply
Umpires are racist:
WenningtonsGorillaCockQuote Reply
[quote name=WenningtonsGorillaCock]Umpires are racist:
GWQuote Reply
[quote name=WenningtonsGorillaCock]Umpires are racist:
Lazy Latins need to swing the bat to get on base, there are no freebies here.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Feel like they might try to trade Aramis or pick up his option now?
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=GBTS]I voted for Bersy because hes generally the calmest of you four and the least likely one I would kill.[/quote]
This is the logic that I used since none of the above wasn’t an option. (dying laughing)
melissaQuote Reply
[quote name=Mish]I voted for mb and just realized he’s the only one I haven’t seen an actual picture of (Ryno’s joke pics notwithstanding). It’s the equivalent of taking the mystery box over the washer/dryer set.[/quote]
So you’re not counting all those cock shots he sent you as actual pictures? (dying laughing)
melissaQuote Reply
[quote name=GBTS]If Cub fans are tired of impatient hitters I would love to see their reaction to Viciedo.[/quote]
I’m sure Cubs fans would find a reason to hate him but he’s only 22 and looks like he’s going to rake.
melissaQuote Reply
[quote name=GBTS]Mish until I saw a photo of you I pictured you as an obese white guy with a bad goatee. (dying laughing)[/quote]Sorry to disappoint.
MishQuote Reply
[quote name=melissa]So you’re not counting all those cock shots he sent you as actual pictures? (dying laughing)[/quote]
I need a face to match to the head.
MishQuote Reply
[quote name=GBTS]I voted for Bersy because hes generally the calmest of you four and the least likely to kill me.[/quote]I should kill you for saying that.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=melissa]So you’re not counting all those cock shots he sent you as actual pictures? (dying laughing)[/quote]They always tell you to put your best foot forward. Well…
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=mb21]They always tell you to put your best foot forward. Well…[/quote]
I just hope you weren’t wearing Crocs like Favre, now that would be creepy. (dying laughing)
melissaQuote Reply
[quote name=melissa]I just hope you weren’t wearing Crocs like Favre, now that would be creepy. (dying laughing)[/quote]I was wearing my Suprman underoos of course.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=mb21]I was wearing my Suprman underoos of course.[/quote]Can I change my answer on the desert island question now?
uncle daveQuote Reply
MishQuote Reply
A-Gon still in Home Run Derby mode.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Prince Fielder is strong.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Not fast Starlin Castro with a stolen base.
melissaQuote Reply
Average speed, taking second on a 100 mph fastball.
GBTSQuote Reply
2 SB and a TOOTBLAN for the hat trick.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Not fast Castro thrown out at home, bringing that Cubby swagger to the ASG. (dying laughing)
melissaQuote Reply
I thought Castro actually looked more confident running the bases than he ever did in the regular season.
binkyQuote Reply
Sometimes it seems like the Cubs as an organization have Castro et al. overthinking things.
binkyQuote Reply
So I’ve got a rules question that arose out of an incident from my softball game tonight.
Let’s say in a sacrifice fly situation, if an outfielder was able to purposely bobble a ball for several seconds before making the catch, when does the runner on third get to leave? Once the ball is touched? Or does he have to wait for the official out?
It would be harder than shit to do in baseball, but I envision a situation where an outfielder just juggles the ball as he runs it in and doesn’t “catch” it until he’s close enough to keep the runner from scoring.
GBTSQuote Reply
Obviously that was a TOOBLAN, but I think 95% the time the pitcher doesn’t make that play as smoothly as he did. Pretty low risk play normally, I think
ZappBranniganQuote Reply
has to wait for the catch before you can leave
dylanjQuote Reply
[quote name=GBTS]So I’ve got a rules question that arose out of an incident from my softball game tonight.
Let’s say in a sacrifice fly situation, if an outfielder was able to purposely bobble a ball for several seconds before making the catch, when does the runner on third get to leave? Once the ball is touched? Or does he have to wait for the official out?
It would be harder than shit to do in baseball, but I envision a situation where an outfielder just juggles the ball as he runs it in and doesn’t “catch” it until he’s close enough to keep the runner from scoring.[/quote]
Let me get back to you in a few minutes after consulting the rulebook but I think that falls in the category of intentionally deceiving a baserunner as a fielder…
Rice CubeQuote Reply
That was a nice play to get Castro at home. I think he was right to run on contact, though.
ACTQuote Reply
(dying laughing) @ the Castro discussion today and then the all-star game.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=ZappBrannigan]Obviously that was a TOOBLAN, but I think 95% the time the pitcher doesn’t make that play as smoothly as he did. Pretty low risk play normally, I think[/quote]
I agree, he fielded it cleanly and 9 times out of ten that probably doesn’t happen.
melissaQuote Reply
[quote name=ZappBrannigan]Obviously that was a TOOBLAN, but I think 95% the time the pitcher doesn’t make that play as smoothly as he did. Pretty low risk play normally, I think[/quote]Agreed. You’ve got to figure 9 of 10 times you’re going to score on that play. I’ll run the numbers tomorrow using run expectancy, but I’d be shocked if the success rate for that had to be higher than 60%. There was no doubt he had a 60% chance of scoring.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=dylanj]has to wait for the catch before you can leave[/quote]Yeah that’s what I figured. Our left fielder tonight juggled a hard hit ball for a few seconds before he caught it, and the guy on third went home during the juggle. We challenged, and the ump said he could tag on contact.
Good thing we lost by twelve. (dying laughing)
GBTSQuote Reply
[quote name=ACT]That was a nice play to get Castro at home. I think he was right to run on contact, though.[/quote]It looked like he didn’t get a great jump but I agree that he was right to go.
As soon as the fielder touches the ball, the runner can tag up and go. Bobblies don’t work. (dying laughing)
cwolfQuote Reply
[quote name=GBTS]So I’ve got a rules question that arose out of an incident from my softball game tonight.
Let’s say in a sacrifice fly situation, if an outfielder was able to purposely bobble a ball for several seconds before making the catch, when does the runner on third get to leave? Once the ball is touched? Or does he have to wait for the official out?
It would be harder than shit to do in baseball, but I envision a situation where an outfielder just juggles the ball as he runs it in and doesn’t “catch” it until he’s close enough to keep the runner from scoring.[/quote]It’s like we saw earlier this year on the line drive to Castro with a runner on 1st. He dropped it on purpose to get the double play but the umpire ruled the batter out and the runner back to 1st. Same thing would happen on that play. You can’t intentionally drop the ball in an attempt to trick the runner. It’s an out.
mb21Quote Reply
we just wrapped up our league season. 11-1 and a sweet championship tee shirt.
dylanjQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21]You can’t intentionally drop the ball in an attempt to trick the runner. It’s an out.[/quote]This is slightly different though, you make the catch.
GBTSQuote Reply
i wouldn’t count it as a TOOTBLAN because he made the right decision. I see a TOOTBLAN as a guy making a bad decision
binkyQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21]It’s like we saw earlier this year on the line drive to Castro with a runner on 1st. He dropped it on purpose to get the double play but the umpire ruled the batter out and the runner back to 1st. Same thing would happen on that play. You can’t intentionally drop the ball in an attempt to trick the runner. It’s an out.[/quote]Is that what that call was? I was at that game, I just assumed it was an infield fly rule. That was Cashner’s
firstlast ever start, if I remember right.GBTSQuote Reply
[quote name=GBTS]This is slightly different though, you make the catch.[/quote]It’s obviously a judgment call for an umpire, but if he believes the fielder intentionally juggled the ball to keep the runner on base, the batter will be out and the runner given the extra base.
If it was determined that he had just juggled the ball while not attempting to do so then the runner cannot advance from that base until after the ball has been caught.
mb21Quote Reply
you’re not a nincompoop if they make a good play.
binkyQuote Reply
[quote name=GBTS]Is that what that call was? I was at that game, I just assumed it was an infield fly rule. That was Cashner’s
firstlast ever start, if I remember right.[/quote]Yeah, Castro intentionally dropped the ball so the umpire immediately signaled the out after he did that. That ball was never 6 feet off the ground and Castro basically had it in his glove and then popped it out right in front of him. Umpire made the right call.mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=mb21]
If it was determined that he had just juggled the ball while not attempting to do so then the runner cannot advance from that base until after the ball has been caught.[/quote]The runner can tag up and advance as soon as the fielder touches the ball.
cwolfQuote Reply
[quote name=josh]you’re not a nincompoop if they make a good play.[/quote]
Yeah, that was definitely a good play. TOOTB then.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=josh]you’re not a nincompoop if they make a good play.[/quote]I tend to agree with this. I’ve argued with the person who came up with TOOTBLAN about this. Some so-called baserunning mistakes aren’t really mistakes. The reality is that in order to gain bases you have to make outs on the bases. If you’re not making any outs on the bases, you obviously aren’t being aggressive enough and taking the many bases a team is giving you.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=cwolf]The runner can tag up and advance as soon as the fielder touches the ball.[/quote]Really? That makes sense, but it’s surprising.
mb21Quote Reply
Ryne Sandberg is livid that Perez is smiling after that double.
GBTSQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21]I tend to agree with this. I’ve argued with the person who came up with TOOTBLAN about this. Some so-called baserunning mistakes aren’t really mistakes. The reality is that in order to gain bases you have to make outs on the bases. If you’re not making any outs on the bases, you obviously aren’t being aggressive enough and taking the many bases a team is giving you.[/quote]
I’m pretty sure wv23 set up the TOOTB after all.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21]I tend to agree with this. I’ve argued with the person who came up with TOOTBLAN about this. Some so-called baserunning mistakes aren’t really mistakes. The reality is that in order to gain bases you have to make outs on the bases. If you’re not making any outs on the bases, you obviously aren’t being aggressive enough and taking the many bases a team is giving you.[/quote]I agree also. I do remember WV23 including a lot of plays that just don’t work out as TOOTBLANs even though they were good risks to take.
cwolfQuote Reply
If the Cardinals are interested in trading Rasmus, I’m very interested in the Cubs acquiring him. I’m a huge fan of Brett Jackson, but I’d easily trade Jackson for Rasmus.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=cwolf]I agree also. I do remember WV23 including a lot of plays that just don’t work out as TOOTBLANs even though they were good risks to take.[/quote]Yeah, it’s too hard for someone to judge one play or another so I understand why he did it the way he did.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=mb21]Really? That makes sense, but it’s surprising.[/quote]It came up in a softball game like GBTS’ situation and the ump actually had the rulebook with him. A couple guys on our team got booted anyway (dying laughing).
cwolfQuote Reply
Well that was depressing as shit.
GBTSQuote Reply
Uh…did Ron Washington just pinch hit Paul Konerko for David Ortiz against a righty?
And did Jurrjens hit his pitch count?
Rice CubeQuote Reply
That walk shut me right up.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]Uh…did Ron Washington just pinch hit Paul Konerko for David Ortiz against a righty?
And did Jurrjens hit his pitch count?[/quote]This is the all-star game. You make sure everyone plays, just like little league.
ACTQuote Reply
[quote name=ACT]This is the all-star game. You make sure everyone plays, just like little league.[/quote]
They have so many players that they can at least make it make sense (dying laughing)
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21]Yeah, Castro intentionally dropped the ball so the umpire immediately signaled the out after he did that. That ball was never 6 feet off the ground and Castro basically had it in his glove and then popped it out right in front of him. Umpire made the right call.[/quote]I remember Pat Hughes saying it was obvious Castro had done it on purpose
binkyQuote Reply
[quote name=GBTS]Ryne Sandberg is livid that Perez is smiling after that double.[/quote]If they don’t take this game seriously, then the Terrorists have won.
binkyQuote Reply
I’m totally (dying laughing) at this thread. Holy crap there’s some great stuff on here. I should visit this blog more often.
AndCountingQuote Reply
I’m still (dying laughing) at this blog’s inexplicable disdain for Guam.
GBTSQuote Reply
(dying laughing) (dying laughing) (dying laughing)
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Under Pants first to third on a passed ball. He’s no Cub. (dying laughing)
melissaQuote Reply
[quote name=melissa]Under Pants first to third on a passed ball. He’s no Cub. (dying laughing)[/quote]
I like this.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
wieters is a guy who never really panned out
dylanjQuote Reply
Heh, when Castro came up the announcers did the inevitable comparison to the great shortstops of old. They only went back as far as Banks, though. I guess it’s too soon to bring up comparisons to Honus Wagner.
ACTQuote Reply
He already passed Honus.
GBTSQuote Reply
(dying laughing) @ Heath Bell’s entry, top that Todd Coffey. (dying laughing)
melissaQuote Reply
Woah, does the NL have another catcher besides McCann and Molina? Or can McCann just come back in afterwards?
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]Woah, does the NL have another catcher besides McCann and Molina? Or can McCann just come back in afterwards?[/quote]
Ah, Montero, that’s right.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
All right who saw the Castro error coming?
ACTQuote Reply
Ah Castro…I thought Votto should’ve had that.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
E for starley
WaLiQuote Reply
Brian Wilson in…what error-filled fail (dying laughing)
Rice CubeQuote Reply
I was hoping that the game would get interesting, it’s been a yawner so far.
ACTQuote Reply
Last year’s ASG was the first one I’d seen in ages, and I was surprised by how much fun it was. This year… meh.
ACTQuote Reply
It’s been fun if you’re an NL fan.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Castro —> redemption
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Yay! He made a routing play!
ACTQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]It’s been fun if you’re an NL fan.[/quote]Eh, I find one-sided games boring even if the team I’m rooting for is in the lead.
ACTQuote Reply
[quote name=ACT]Yay! He made a routing play![/quote]I made an error there, myself.
ACTQuote Reply
Anyway, Starlin Castro’s career ASG wOBA is 0.512.
ACTQuote Reply
[quote name=ACT]Eh, I find one-sided games boring even if the team I’m rooting for is in the lead.[/quote]
Don’t you like anything?
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Considering how many years the NL got their asses handed to them year after year, I thought this was A OK.
binkyQuote Reply
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Gif this!
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Francisco Rodriguez —-> Brewers http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2011/baseball/mlb/07/12/francisco.rodriguez.trade.brewers/
ACTQuote Reply
I was upset hispanic wasnt listed as lazy race
bubblesdachimpQuote Reply
[quote name=GBTS]I voted for Bersy because hes generally the calmest of you four and the least likely to kill me.[/quote]
Calmer’n you are.
Dr. Aneus TaintQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]Gif this!

And I call bullshit on the 10.2-second 100.
Dr. Aneus TaintQuote Reply
Dr. Aneus TaintQuote Reply
[quote name=Jame Gumb]http://www.chattanoogan.com/articles/article_204988.asp[/quote]Blergh.
MishQuote Reply
b, I just bought the first four books of “A song of fire and ice”; I wanna read them then watch the show.
MishQuote Reply
So much fail, so little space: http://www.philly.com/philly/sports/phillies/20110713_Bill_Conlin_.html
MishQuote Reply
[quote name=Mish]Blergh.[/quote]
Not sure I understand your take on this.
Dr. Aneus TaintQuote Reply
[quote name=Jame Gumb]Not sure I understand your take on this.[/quote]
The robbers and the guys who put them up to it have awful, awful nicknames.
MishQuote Reply
Where would anyone get such a crazy idea?!
That said, I do think Kazmir is worth a shot.
Dr. Aneus TaintQuote Reply
Good luck, mb. Also, I didn’t know you blogged from prison.
GBTSQuote Reply
Rob Neyer just wrote these words. I wonder how often he now contemplates seppuku.
XoomwaffleQuote Reply
Al might get a short bus.
Aisle424Quote Reply
[quote name=Aisle424]Al might get a short bus.[/quote]
Please reply with a link to bcb.
Dr. Aneus TaintQuote Reply
[quote name=Jame Gumb]Please reply with a link to bcb.[/quote]

WaLiQuote Reply
MishQuote Reply
K-Rod —–> set up role in Mil (so his option won’t vest)
TitsNGigglesQuote Reply
FanGraphs NL Central Top 10 Prospect review:
MishQuote Reply
[quote name=Mish]b, I just bought the first four books of “A song of fire and ice”; I wanna read them then watch the show.[/quote]
+1 LSA Rec’d NAMBLA Fire and Blood
I’m buried in the fifth book right now, so you won’t see much of me around here (dying laughing)
BerseliusQuote Reply
[quote name=Berselius]+1 LSA Rec’d NAMBLA Fire and Blood
I’m buried in the fifth book right now, so you won’t see much of me around here (dying laughing)[/quote]
Yeah I guess I meant “Ice and Fire” (dying laughing). I just got a few pages in today on the bus but this is the shit I generally like and nothing so far made me think otherwise. I’m actually kinda stoked about reading this. So was season 1 just the first book basically?
MishQuote Reply
So I guess the NL won last night, finally. Did the NL have fewer replacement players than the AL?
BerseliusQuote Reply
[quote name=Mish]Yeah I guess I meant “Ice and Fire” (dying laughing). I just got a few pages in today on the bus but this is the shit I generally like and nothing so far made me think otherwise. I’m actually kinda stoked about reading this. So was season 1 just the first book basically?[/quote]
Yeah, it’s the first book. They obviously had to cut some stuff out, as you can get inside people’s heads in the book and not on the show. But the book was also limited to its POV characters, so the show was able to add a few scenes that weren’t in the book. It was a great adaptation but as usual book > show.
BerseliusQuote Reply
[quote name=Berselius]So I guess the NL won last night, finally. Did the NL have fewer replacement players than the AL?[/quote]I don’t follow your quetsion, but I know the AL burned through pitchers, because A) Beckett got hurt warming up and B) Ron Washington is turrible at bullpen management.
MishQuote Reply
[quote name=Berselius]Yeah, it’s the first book. They obviously had to cut some stuff out, as you can get inside people’s heads in the book and not on the show. But the book was also limited to its POV characters, so the show was able to add a few scenes that weren’t in the book. It was a great adaptation but as usual book > show.[/quote]
Yeah that’s what everyone says, but the response appears to be both are worthwhile.
MishQuote Reply
[quote name=Mish]Yeah that’s what everyone says, but the response appears to be both are worthwhile.[/quote]
Oh, indeed. I can’t believe we have to wait another 10 months until the next season. Of course, I’ve been waiting 5+ years for this book so I guess that’s nothing in comparison (dying laughing). I had a quibble or two about the adaptation (mainly concerning one particular character) but overall it was great. One of the performances in particular changed my appreciation for one of the characters for the better too.
BerseliusQuote Reply
Great show which made me start reading the books which are even better, as B says. Trying to hurry through the 4th book now so I can start the 5th (dying laughing)
WaLiQuote Reply
All encouraging stuff. I’m just excited that I’m excited about something I’m reading again.
MishQuote Reply
[quote name=Mish]I don’t follow your quetsion, but I know the AL burned through pitchers, because A) Beckett got hurt warming up and B) Ron Washington is turrible at bullpen management.[/quote]
I just meant in the sense that ~370 baseball players were All-Stars this year due to players declining the invite or missing due to injury. I don’t think it makes a difference but if more of them were AL players that would have been an easy narrative for the writers to glom onto.
BerseliusQuote Reply
Like the WTF look on Castro’s face.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Aisle424Quote Reply
ryne sandberg punched Heath Bell in the mouth for ruining baseball for little kids everywhere
dylanjQuote Reply
Bryan Cranston interview, yo
BerseliusQuote Reply
Dr. Aneus TaintQuote Reply
new shit: http://obstructedview.net/articles/general/about-nothing-in-particular.html
mb21Quote Reply