I know several people have already mentioned things they’d like added to the site. We’ll try to add some of those features. Some of them we may not be able to add. Some of them we may not like and not want to implement. Others may be too resource intensive. We’d like to know what you would like added. It seemed that posting things in the comments would eventually be lost or forgotten so this thread is specifically for that.
Here’s an easy one. Make it so all links open a new tab. Please.
Suburban kidQuote Reply
Suburban kid wrote:
I agree. Also, cats.
But if I’m being serious, I like that the pages and comments load much faster now. Maybe you should write a post about posts and throw it in a FAQ page.
Mobile RiceQuote Reply
@ Suburban kid:
I looked into that this morning. It seems the solutions I found during my brief look were written in javascript. I really don’t want to add any more javascript to the site. I’ll keep looking though.
mb21Quote Reply
External links now open in a new window
mb21Quote Reply
more alien porn
dylanjQuote Reply
refresh comments button if possible please
Recalcitrant Blogger NateQuote Reply
Recalcitrant Blogger Nate wrote:
dylanjQuote Reply
That doesn’t exist for WP.
mb21Quote Reply
WP comments load a lot faster than the ones on your old platform. Possibly because it’s not Java-heavy?
Rice CubeQuote Reply
This UV is not showing up in the list of UV’s on the sidebar.
Suburban kidQuote Reply
I would like to have faget points.
As Urk mentioned earlier, it allows people with little else to say to make a contribution.
Suburban kidQuote Reply
I’m not sure why this post isn’t show up on the rss feed. I noticed that too. I’ll look into it.
I plan to look into a plus/minus type thing for the comments.
mb21Quote Reply
This is more of a bug but I figure this is a good place for it. It appears I get logged out of my profile every time I exit out of Safari on my iPad.
MishQuote Reply
Have you clicked the remember me box?
mb21Quote Reply
Yeah my bad. No dinner for me.
MishQuote Reply
Previously I asked for this:
But now I that I think about it, we should ALSO have Joe with his winds flying back and forth between the trophy and the post. He can be spreading angel dust all over the crowd. That’ll make everyone very happy and they’ll think the Cubs’ll be good this year. Surely you can make an animated gif that does that, right?
But only until “Joe Paterno Speaks” comes off the front page list of Unobstructed Views. If people don’t like it, they can think of something smart to say and post it to UV.
Joe was going to be a member of the 1964 College of Coaches, but Bob Kennedy screwed that plan up with a winning season in 1963, so all this seems appropriate.
SkipVBQuote Reply
Have you tried this for ratings? It seems to look okay and have good ratings. http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/rating-widget/ [img]http://s.wordpress.org/extend/plugins/rating-widget/screenshot-6.png?r=497439[/img] Nevermind, dude wants $8 a month for it. That's rediculous. Also, everytime I click "edit" I get a "stack overflow error at line 3"
WaLiQuote Reply
It appears the stack overflow error problem may have to do with IE. Is that what you’re using?
mb21Quote Reply
@ mb21:
WaLiQuote Reply
With the old system you were able to highlight your type and press CTRL B to bold or CTRL I to italicize. Is there a way to implement that?
WaLiQuote Reply
@ WaLi:
Interesting. I didn’t even know you could do that on the old one. I’ll look into it, but I’d be surprised. I wish I knew that though because it would have made things easier. (dying laughing)
mb21Quote Reply
I like the comment editor, now that I’ve used it a few times.
SkipVBQuote Reply