Random crap

In Commentary And Analysis, News And Rumors by dmick8945 Comments

I've had a very sore neck, back and shoulders for the last couple of weeks so I haven't written much over that time. It's still not 100% and I'm beginning to feel as though it never will be. But I am good enough that I can spread my infinite wisdom to our readers. You're welcome. Jeff Samardzija was named the …

Top Ten Rejected 2013 Cubs Slogans

In Commentary And Analysis by aisle424107 Comments

The Cubs unveiled their new marketing slogan the other day and simultaneously churned Twitter into a furious snarky froth with "Committed." Frankly, I think "Committed" is right up there with "It's a Way of Life" as most mockable slogans the Cubs have come up with under the Ricketts. It took Twitter about 10 seconds to start making insanity references and …

Bunt Tourney Update

In Commentary And Analysis by myles11 Comments

The Bunt Tourney is almost at the Sweet 16 (h/t Carrie Muskat).  Nick Struck vs Edwin Jackson Shawn Camp vs Casey Coleman David DeJesus vs Darwin Barney Starlin Castro vs Rafael Lopez Here’s the players who have advanced so far: Anthony Rizzo vs. Logan Watkins Brent Lillibridge vs Michael Brenly Edwin Maysonet vs Andy Lane (bullpen catcher) Chris Rusin vs. …

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Cubs players who are out of options

In Commentary And Analysis, News And Rumors by dmick897 Comments

There are 6 Cubs players who are out of options meaning they cannot be optioned to the minor leagues. They would have to be placed on waivers instead. Those players are: Michael Bowden, Welington Castillo, Rafael Dolis, Jeff Samardzija, Luis Valbuena and Travis Wood. There are no concerns that Jeff Samardzija would need to be optioned to the minors, but …

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Scott Feldman will be the 4th starter

In News And Rumors by dmick8925 Comments

Dale Sveum said yesterday that Scott Feldman will be the 4th starter for the Cubs. He also confirmed what we already knew in that Scott Baker won't be ready to start the season. Cubs manager Dale Sveum said Scott Baker, coming back from Tommy John surgery last year, most likely will not be ready by Opening Day, and that Scott …

2013 PECOTA Projections

In Commentary And Analysis, Projections by dmick8972 Comments

The 2013 PECOTA projections are out and I thought I'd post some of the Cubs below. Since you have to be a subscriber in order to download the spreadsheet, I'm only going to include PA and wOBA, which I calculated using the basic formula. For pitchers I'll only show IP and FIP (I calculated this too). 2013 PECOTA Projections for …

Get Out Your ‘It’s Gonna Happen’ Signs and DeRosa Shirseys, It’s Cubs Convention Time!

In Commentary And Analysis by aisle42444 Comments

​It's that time again! Every winter, the Cubs gather their current players, management, and any ex-players for whom they have blackmail material and trot them out like showdogs for their fans in a massive effort to "build their brand" or "polish the turd."  Yes, the Cubs Convention is tomorrow and the Cubs have been very busy planning how best to shovel massive …