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Cubs Mesh Corporate Sponsorship and a Veiled Reference to Pubic Hair Into Cubs Convention

In News And Rumors by aisle424128 Comments

The Cubs Convention is now a time-honored tradition almost as sacred in the world of Cubs fans as day baseball, the manual scoreboard, the ivy, the urinal troughs, and the years and years of constant losing. It is a time when Cubs fans can join together in the middle of winter to re-connect with Cubs baseball. It allows opportunities to …

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Cubs 2011 in Review: March

In News And Rumors by aisle42430 Comments

March came in like a lion with a bunch of errors and a dugout fight, and went out like a lamb, or as it is otherwise known, Koyie Hill’s batting average. So let’s just get right to: March 2011: Lot’s of Losing and Discord Not Involving Carlos Zambrano March 1 – Ryan Dempster makes his Cactus League debut by going …

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Cubs 2011 in Review: January

In News And Rumors by aisle42422 Comments

I don’t think anyone could have predicted how the 2011 season played out for the Cubs.  Sure, we all knew they would suck, but I don’t think anybody could have seen the dominoes falling in such a manner to lead to the Age of the Superfriends in Wrigleyville.  How the hell did we end up with Theo freaking Epstein and …

What the Cubs have to consider at the Winter Meetings

In News And Rumors by dmick8981 Comments

We haven’t talked a lot about what the Cubs need to do this offseason. When the season ended they were without a GM so it made no sense. After they hired Theo and he assembled his front office it was difficult to know which direction the Cubs may go. There have been indications they’re willing to trade anybody and everybody, …

2012 Cubs Payroll

In News And Rumors by dmick89Leave a Comment

Updated on 3-12-2012 Pitchers DOB B/T Ht Wt 2012 2013 2014 Jeff Beliveau 1/17/87 L-L 6'1" 190       Alberto Cabrera 10/25/88 R-R 6'4" 210       Lendy Castillo 4/8/89 R-R 6'1" 170       Casey Coleman 7/3/87 L-R 6'0" 185       Gerardo Concepcion 2/29/92 L-L 6'2"   3.6 0.6 0.6 Manny Corpas 12-3-82 R-R …

Some thoughts on the new CBA

In News And Rumors by berselius

Earlier this week MLB owners reached an agreement with the MLBPA on a new collective bargaining agreement. There was never any doubt as to whether it would get finished, which is nice considering the work stoppages in the NHL in recent years, NBA’s current lockout resulting in many missed games (maybe an entire season) and even NFL’s long lockout this …

Roasting the 2011 Cubs

In News And Rumors by aisle424Leave a Comment

WARNING: Before we get started, I’m assuming most people who come to this site don’t need to be told this, but for those who are not familar with a roast, they are rude, crude, and definitely not politically correct.  If you are easily offended, please just stop reading right here.  Bleed Cubbie Blue is that way. —–> ——————————– Thank you …

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D’oh! Cubs, D’oh!

In News And Rumors by aisle424250 Comments

The Cubs have had injury problems.  This is not a secret.  Tom Ricketts will tell anyone with a camera or a microphone about the injuries and how they ruined a perfectly good baseball team. But when you look at the injuries piled up together and and see how the Opening Day roster has been beaten within an inch of its …

Mike Quade, You Are A Dumbass

In News And Rumors by dmick8942 Comments

It’s the bottom of the 8th inning on Saturday night and I had sat in Kaufmann Stadium and watched the Cubs and Royals play a very good game. It was well pitched. The umpires, at least from my perspective, made all the right calls. There were some nice plays on defense made by each team. Both teams put runners on, …