This is pretty cool. h/t to fang
On Mariano Rivera's fWAR and rWAR
I know that ACT, myself and another person (sorry for not remembering who) had a discussion awhile back on Mariano Rivera‘s rWAR. I had asked Tango about it and he explained the difficulty we were having in getting the same numbers thatn Baseball Reference has. There’s a big difference between his fWAR and rWAR and Tango explains why. Obviously the …
Regarding the "save" statistic
Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock for the past 36 hours or so, you know that Mariano Rivera got his 602nd save yesterday. As a former and currently-sometime Yankees fan (they like to win and I like winning), and also having a six degrees of Kevin Bacon association with the Rivera family, this was really cool to follow. This …
Next year's Bryan LaHair
If you’ve followed the Cubs closely long enough you can’t help but notice that some Cubs fans (many? most?) fall in love with a certain prospect each year who is going to save the organization. The only problem is that these prospects aren’t really prospects. Micah Hoffpauir was a 28-year old rookie, but he had hit so well in AAA …
Roasting the 2011 Cubs
WARNING: Before we get started, I’m assuming most people who come to this site don’t need to be told this, but for those who are not familar with a roast, they are rude, crude, and definitely not politically correct. If you are easily offended, please just stop reading right here. Bleed Cubbie Blue is that way. —–> ——————————– Thank you …
Why the hell do people care if so and so plays in September?
I’ve seen a lot of comments lately from Cubs fans upset that the Cubs are still playing the veterans (on other sites). Of course they are. What young player has pushed a veteran out of a job? Bryan LaHair isn’t young so let’s stop with that. Yes, I think he’d be as good as Pena, perhaps a bit worse, but …
Breaking Bad: Salud
I don’t see how this season comes down to anything other than this faceoff from last season resulting in the death of one of them.
What are the 2011 Cubs good at?
I wanted to look over various statistics to see what the Cubs were good at. It’s a bad team, but even bad teams excel at something. Right? Batting average is a useless statistic, but I figured if there was one thing the Cubs were good at it would be this. The Cubs .258 team average beats the NL average of …
Series Preview: Oklahoma City Redhawks of Houston (51-98) at Iowa Cubs of Chicago (65-85)
Can’t yoiu just feel the excitement in this matchup? There’s a good chance that the Cubs will be the team to push the Astros over the 100-loss threshold this weekend, just in time for their banishment to the time zone abyss of the AL West. Maybe the Cubs can even pass the Pirates, which completely validates the season, saves Cuey’s …
Starlin Castro and 200 hits in season
Starlin Castro sits at 192 hits entering today’s games. There are 13 games remaining this season and there seems a good chance he ends up with 200 hits. That’s a big number and one that is often talked about. If you get 200 hits, you supposedly are a great hitter. Certainly, at Castro’s age, doing it is quite impressive, but …