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Braves Q&A

In News And Rumors by berseliusLeave a Comment

Back when we were doing the advertising blitz for this site my Braves fan cousin offered to talk about the Braves for a bit when the Cubs eventually played them. He took time from selling all of his shit to move from Atlanta to Hawaii (the lucky bastard) to answer a few questions about the Braves, a team that I’ve …

Zambrano ————> gone

In News And Rumors by berseliusLeave a Comment

One way or another, Carlos Zambrano has thrown his final pitch as a Chicago Cub. After giving up eight runs on five homers in four innings and change, he threw at Chipper Jones and was ejected. The Braves got pissed and came out of the dugout, but Z was already off the field. After the game, he cleaned out his …

Thus Endeth Carlos Zambrano's Cubs Career

In News And Rumors by aisle424Leave a Comment

If you stop to think about it, this end to Carlos Zambrano’s career with the Cubs was about as appropriate an end as one could possibly have dreamt up. And let’s not pretend there is a scenario on God’s green earth that involves Carlos Zambrano throwing another pitch for the Cubs ever again. For those who are just catching up …

Are You Ready for Some Fantasy Football?

In Other Topics by aisle424Leave a Comment

If you would like to enjoy OV’s Recent Fantasy League, shoot me an e-mail to tmcginnis2002 (at) hotmail (dot) com so I can send you an invite. It’s H2H and it has a few scoring wrinkles that I’ve enjoyed in other recent leagues, but nothing is set in stone so let me know if there is something you really hate. …

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OV Pic of the Day: Remembering #10

In News And Rumors by aisle424Leave a Comment

The Cubs won. Reed Johnson had a pretty good day.  Starlin Castro did not.  But the highlight of the day was the unveiling of the statue of Ron Santo on the corner of Addison and Sheffield. (Phil Velasquez, Chicago Tribune / August 10, 2011) It isn’t Cooperstown, but you look pretty good there, Big Boy.

33rd Spot Start Game Thread

In News And Rumors by dmick89Leave a Comment

Rodrigo Lopez is the starting pitcher tonight and it is the 33rd game started by one of the following pitchers: Doug Davis (9), Casey Coleman (9), Rodrigo Lopez (8), James Russell (5) and Ramon Ortiz (2). It’s the 117th game of the season. 28.2% of all Cubs games have been started by one of those pitchers above who have combined …