About Nothing In Particular

In Other Topics by dmick8993 Comments

The all-star game was last night. We heard a lot from former players about how it’s a disgrace to not go to the game if you’re chosen. The game isn’t the same as it once was and people’s priorities aren’t the same either. If someone does’t want to go play a practice game then so be it. I don’t know …

3 balls and 2 strikes?

In Other Topics by dmick8913 Comments

How about instead of 4 balls and 3 strikes baseball went to 3 balls and 2 strikes? For one thing, it would shorten the game, which I’m in favor of. It would almost certainly eliminate 75% of the bullpen, which I’m also in favor of. Just thought I’d post a link to the discussion on The Book Blog because it’s …

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Mid-Season Good and Bad: Position Players

In News And Rumors by aisle42494 Comments

Last year over at Aisle 424, I decided that grading players on a scale of objectivity was ultimately dumb and subjective. But since it’s like a blog law that you have to do something like that at the All-Star break, I developed my Yin and Yang system wherein I say one good thing and one bad thing about every player. …

First Half Mercifully Ends

In Game Threads by aisle424213 Comments

The first half of the Cubs’ season draws to an end today in Pittsburgh, thus leading us to wonder: It’s only the fucking All-Star break?! Starlin Castro has managed to play well enough at a thin enough position that he could be starting the All-Star game, and Aramis Ramirez has gotten serious buzz as a potential injury replacement at third …

Are even the best relievers unreliable?

In Major League Baseball by dmick8986 Comments

Carlos Marmol blew a save last night so it naturally sparked discussion about whether or not you should sign relievers to longterm contracts. Carlos Marmol is a very good relief pitcher and likely will be worth the contract he signed this past offseason. However, we know relief pitchers work so few innings that their sample size in a single season …

Midseason look at the Cubs top prospects, part 5

In Minor Leagues by dmick89146 Comments

Below is a form for you to enter your top prospects. There are 30 players listed. I don’t expect all of you fill out all 30, but I’m hoping all of you can fill out 10. I’ll publish the results next week. Your browser doesn’t support Iframes. Go <A href=”http://obstructedview.net/survey/index.php?sid=94854″ >here</A> to fill out the survey.

Can Rosenbloom out-stupid Rosenbloom?

In Unobstructed Views by Obstructed View Staff107 Comments

Steve Rosenbloom’s streak of semi-reasonable articles came to a screeching halt yesterday (we’re all regression fans here, so we saw this coming) with his “thrashing” of the Cubs’ Carlos Zambrano and his decision to go adopt a child during the All-Star break.  Cue Rosenbloom: Latest cases in point began when Zambrano went on the disabled list with a bad back …