I’m not exactly sure where this article is headed except for one general idea. As a result, it may be longer than anyone would like to read. It may also be shorter than most posts on this site. Either way, I apologize ahead of time. I won’t be disappointed if you don’t read it. My first inclination was to post …
Guy Nobody Wanted Who is Suddenly Indispensable vs. Guy We Wanted and Are Now Glad We Didn’t Get
Tonight, the Cubs/Sox series ends the first leg of its journey to crowning the Oil King of Chicago, or something like that. The Cubs send Doug Davis, who nobody ever wanted to see in a Cubs uniform, against the Sox. Of course, in this bizarro season, we come to a place where we can’t live without him, lest James Russell …
Joe Posnanski’s SI story on Jose Bautista
Joe Posnanski is, of course, a very good sportswriter, and his story for Sports Illustrated this coming issue is on Jose Bautista and whether you can believe that his feats can simply happen rather than be the result of some bionic enhancement. I’d recommend reading if it you have about 20 minutes to kill.
Who Goes Batshit Crazy Tonight?
I got my money on this guy… Seriously, what the hell is Garza doing in that photo? He looks like when Chandler can’t smile in “The One With the Engagement Picture.” Anyway… he’s pitching against Mark Buerhle tonight, who has been known to take an awkward photo himself… Let’s just try not to be too embarassing out there, guys.
Cubs and the Interleagues: the Gimmick Is Working
The Cubs just beat the White Sox. It wasn’t the most exciting athletic event of my lifetime. It won’t give me sufficient ammunition to make my White Sox fan friends cry in their Monster energy drinks. I was nervous at exactly zero points during the game. But the game was entertaining. Okay, so I had to break out the meaningless …
A Look Back: Michael Barrett
This season sucks. I wanted to bring up something (kind of) relevent from year’s past. Different people will have different opinions, but I never fully grasped the impact Michael Barrett had on the Cubs during his tenure. Why Barrett? 1) White Sox-Cubs is tonight, and punching A.J. Pierzynski is something I think we all wish we could do and 2) …
The Crosstown Claszzzzzzzzzzz…….
The Cubs play the Sox tonight! Do you know how excited I was about that? I only knew because I saw Carlos Zambrano was available in my fantasy league and I saw his next start was against the White Sox tonight. Oh boy! Pointless manufactured drama! The battle for a made-up corporately sponsored trophy that may or may not actually …
Series Preview: Iowa Cubs of Chicago (29-42) at Chicago White Sox (35-38)
I’m surprised to see the White Sox with a near-.500 record. Last I remember seeing any news of them, they were mired in a crappy start to the season, and new acquisition Adam Dunn was redefining the definition of a disappointing free agent signing. They were 10-18 in April, and were completely overmatched by their competition in the second half …
TOOTBLAN and rundown silliness
Had a bit of fun with this rundown of Brett Gardner in the Yankees-Cubs game at Wrigley Field on Saturday. Officially I think it’s a 1-3-4-3-4-2-6 putout. Based on a conversation I had elsewhere, I wonder if it’s possible to have a “pi” putout. Pi from memory is 3.14159265358979 and the digits allow for every position on the diamond to …
2012 Cubs Payroll Outlook
Mercurial Outfielder asked recently if I’d taken a look at next year’s payroll. Turns out I had done so about a month ago and had forgotten. In that piece I didn’t show any tables, but figured I’d go ahead do that here. MO mentioned that Gordo has been saying the Cubs payroll will be around $120 million next year so …