Today, I happened upon a site looking at how well you would do historically if you bet on the Cubs regularly. Obviously, (and I don’t think we needed actual data to convince us of this) the result of such betting would have been bad. Not Oh-Darn-I-Guess-I-Won’t-Be-Able-to-Buy-That-iPad-Now bad, but more like Holy-Shit-I’m-Now-Homeless bad. I don’t fully understand how lost “units” are …
Soriano’s Contract: Disability Insurance
It makes sense for Major League Baseball teams, when handing out large multiyeared contracts that are “guaranteed,” to have an insurance policy to lessen the loss to the organization should the player suffer a career ending inury or be otherwise physically unable to play for the team. Given Alfonso Soriano’s contract, I thought I’d be interesting to take a look …
Besides That, Cubs Fans, How Have You Enjoyed the Ricketts Era?
The Ricketts showed up last year at the Cubs Convention to a hero’s welcome. If the crowds could have somehow gotten ahold of some rose petals or palm fronds to throw at their feet, they surely would have. Finally! The reign of the Tribune had come to an end! Long live the Ricketts Family!!! They talked about how they were …
Series Preview: Chicago Cubs (17-23) at Florida Marlins (24-16)
The battle for 4th place is heating up, as the Pirates have topped the Cubs three game losing streak with a six game slide of their own. Luckily for the Pirates the Cubs are heading to Florida, a state were they’ve traditionally been steamrolled. At least it’s only 2 games – the Cubs play the Marlins in a four game …
An interview worth reading
Those who like stats are familiar with CHONE, which was the best projection system around. It was created by Sean Smith who is better known as Rally (rallymonkey5). Halos Heaven did an interview with him that I enjoyed reading so I figured I’d link to it here. My favorite is quoted below. What happens when you take a player who …
The Cubs Are Who We Thought They Were
Tony Campana will remember May 17, 2011 as the day he made his major league debut, the day he scored his first run, notched his first RBI, and delivered the first single of his career. People around the world might remember it as a night with a full moon, particularly if they gave birth, went cuckoo, or were attacked by …
It’s never too early to look ahead to next year
A few years ago I wouldn’t have considered writing something about looking ahead. The Cubs had the pieces in place to contend for as long as they were willing to supplement the roster when it was needed. Following the 2009 season the Cubs refused to do that and what they basically agreed to do at that time was a much …
Open Game Thread
Too lazy to do a real game thread. I predict the Cubs lose 4-3.
Cashner Back to Square One
According to Carrie Muskat and multiple other sources, Andrew Cashner reaggravated the injury that sent him to the DL and will return no sooner than the All Star Break. Awesome.