Top Ten Highlights of the Cubs Game Tonight

In News And Rumors by aisle424321 Comments

10. Ryan Dempster getting his one out of the evening. 9. Koyie Hill hitting a homerun. 8. Al Yellon and Buster Olney arguing on Twitter over whether Justin Berg hit Justin Upton on purpose.  7. No killer tornadoes hit the stadium. 6. The NFL Draft, NBA playoffs, and Michael Scott’s farewell provided some distraction. 5. A long, lingering shot of …

Chicago Cubs @ Arizona Diamondbacks

In Game Threads by Obstructed View Staff232 Comments

Gameday Cubs wOBA wRC RS Diamondbacks wOBA wRC RS Kosuke Fukudome .343 .56 -.06 Chris Young .339 .55 .00 Starlin Castro .332 .51 -.03 Kelly Johnson .360 .61 -.01 Jeff Baker .312 .42 -.01 Justin Upton .381 .67 .03 Aramis Ramirez .350 .54 -.03 Stephen Drew .341 .51 -.01 Carlos Pena .378 .62 -.01 Miguel Montero .339 .49 -.01 Marlon …

Want some free crap from the Cubs?

In Unobstructed Views by Obstructed View Staff6 Comments

Just trying this out with mb21’s blessing… For some of you who know me, I help my friend run a page on Facebook for Cubs fans.  In one of the legendary James Russell’s starts, it was Tyler Colvin bobblehead doll night and I got an extra couple bobbleheads since my wife and son were with me.  I gave one of …

Cashner and Wells throw off flat ground

In Unobstructed Views by dmick8914 Comments

Andrew Cashner and Randy Wells continue to work their way back from shoulder and forearm injuries, respectively. They took a step forward today throwing from 90 feet off flat ground. CHICAGO — Cubs pitchers Randy Wells and Andrew Cashner both threw from 90 feet on flat ground Wednesday as they continued their rehabs. Cashner is on the disabled list because …

Colorado Rockies @ Chicago Cubs (WRONG!)

In Game Threads by Obstructed View Staff92 Comments

Rained out. Makeup scheduled for the end of June. GamedayB-Ref Preview Rockies wOBA wRC RS Cubs wOBA wRC RS Dexter Fowler .347 .58 -.03 Kosuke Fukudome .342 .56 -.06 Jonathan Herrera .298 .38 .02 Starlin Castro .332 .51 -.03 Carlos Gonzalez .381 .67 .00 Jeff Baker .312 .42 -.01 Troy Tulowitzki .382 .66 .04 Aramis Ramirez .350 .54 -.03 Todd …

Obstructed View Introduces Unobstructed Views

In Unobstructed Views by dmick89332 Comments

This blog has been active for exactly a month now and we’ve gotten hundreds of emails asking for us to provide user profiles. We’ve gotten dozens and dozens of emails asking that we provide a way for our readers to publish content to the blog. We hear about FanPosts and Diaries and we’ve responded. We listened. Each registered user has …

Colorado Rockies @ Chicago Cubs

In Game Threads by Obstructed View Staff193 Comments

GamedayB-Ref Preview Rockies wOBA wRC RS Cubs wOBA wRC RS Dexter Fowler .347 .58 -.03 Starlin Castro .342 .56 -.03 Jonathan Herrera .298 .38 .02 Darwin Barney .293 .36 .03 Todd Helton .345 .54 -.01 Marlon Byrd .338 .52 -.01 Troy Tulowitzki .382 .66 .04 Aramis Ramirez .350 .54 -.03 Jose Lopez .335 .48 .06 Jeff Baker .312 .40 -.01 …

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New Calendar For Kosuke

In News And Rumors by aisle424264 Comments

We all know the story by now. This is the fourth April in a row that Kosuke Fukudome has treated pitchers like they insulted his sister. In the previous three years, he would fall off the cliff in such a Wile E. Coyote-esque manner, you’d want to make sure he isn’t purchasing his bats from ACME, Inc. The key, obviously, …