In a Hardball Talk blog today, Drew Silva reported that the Pittsburgh Pirates’ attendance is up relative to last year. A couple reasons why:
1. PNC Park is really nice. As reported below:
According to Rob Biertempfel of the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, ticket sales this year at the gorgeous PNC Park are already up 2.4 percent and are 14 percent ahead of the sales pace set in 2010.
2. The Pirates are actually above the Cubs in the standings, just a game below .500, and for a team with little expectation, that’s pretty much winning. Winning or even the threat of winning, with a team that’s full of potential, seems to bring the fans to the yard.
Funny how that works.
Hah good stuff RC
MishQuote Reply
Holy Crap the Cubs won last night? I monitored on my phone til it was 3-1 in the 7th and I basically stopped.
MishQuote Reply
IDK why I read the Trib site, but Sully is at it again:
So having a pretty solid start against one of the best offenses in baseball and giving your team a chance to win is LESS IMPORTANT than some neanderthalistic dick-measuring wherein we potentially run the risk of injury by throwing a ball 90 mph right at someone. Wow, have my spreadsheets been wrong.
MishQuote Reply
Is it far fetched to think the Jose Bautista already has more HRs than any Cub will have all year?
XoomwaffleQuote Reply
RC, you’re forgetting that every day in Pittsburgh this year it’s been 75 degrees with no clouds in the sky. That’s the only reason for those attendance numbers.
GBTSQuote Reply
[quote name=Alvin]Just to complete yesterday’s weird happenings, I was driving over to Fenway yesterday afternoon, stopped at a light in downtown Boston, when I hear my name called from the car next to me. It was Tom Ricketts, sitting in a taxi stopped next to my rental car.[/quote]Crane: Hey Tom, look, it’s that manchild who keeps sending you fan mail on construction paper.
Tom: Shit. I hate this fucking guy.
Crane: Yell at him, see if he blogs about it.
GBTSQuote Reply
[quote name=GBTS]RC, you’re forgetting that every day in Pittsburgh this year it’s been 75 degrees with no clouds in the sky. That’s the only reason for those attendance numbers.
I can’t argue with you today.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=GBTS]RC, you’re forgetting that every day in Pittsburgh this year it’s been 75 degrees with no clouds in the sky. That’s the only reason for those attendance numbers.
It’s a well known fact that the weather in Pittsburgh is picture perfect all the time.
Aisle424Quote Reply
[quote name=Aisle424]It’s a well known fact that the weather in Pittsburgh is picture perfect all the time.[/quote]
It’s always sunny in Philadelphia, but they never said shit about Pittsburgh.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]It’s always sunny in Philadelphia, but they never said shit about Pittsburgh.[/quote]
Suburban kidQuote Reply
[quote name=Suburban kid][/quote]False.
GBTSQuote Reply
[quote name=Suburban kid][/quote]
Shut me right up.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
MB that michigan pitcher is pitching again
bubblesdachimpQuote Reply
A little better:
Suburban kidQuote Reply
Wells threw 27 pitches in the first inning against Tucson, giving up a single and a 2-run homer.
Meanwhile, Al’s still pissed the Cubs didn’t have him pitch in Boston today.
Suburban kidQuote Reply
That’s because Alvin believes this series is winnable.
GBTSQuote Reply
[quote name=GBTS]That’s because Alvin believes this season is championship-bound.[/quote]
True fan’d
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
One of the other regulars said the Cubs shouldn’t do that to Wells — have him sacrifice his rehab start to pitch in “such a big game as this.”
Suburban kidQuote Reply
Didn’t Wells only throw 45 pitches and last 2 to 3 innings in Low A? Who on earth would want him to make his next start against the Boston fucking Red Sox? Or the Pittsburgh Pirates for that matter?
mb21Quote Reply
I wonder where Pirates attendance ends up this year. They’re very likely going to be a lot worse from this point forward. PNC is an awesome part, though.
mb21Quote Reply
This title cracks me up: Believers perplexed after prediction fails
That title is something Al would write.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=mb21]Didn’t Wells only throw 45 pitches and last 2 to 3 innings in Low A? Who on earth would want him to make his next start against the Boston fucking Red Sox? Or the Pittsburgh Pirates for that matter?[/quote]
The same guy who thought Kerry Wood should make 2 or 3 starts.
Aisle424Quote Reply
Robert Fitzpatric is dumber than Nathan H. from Omaha.
mb21Quote Reply
You honestly have to question the intelligence of those who believed this shit.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=mb21]You honestly have to question the intelligence of those who believed this shit.[/quote]I like the truck driver who took a week off work to travel to California for the end of the world. Why didn’t he just quit his job?r
Suburban kidQuote Reply
Although, there was a major volcano eruption in Iceland today. That could be the beginning of the end. I’m taking a wait and see approach.
Suburban kidQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21]You honestly have to question the intelligence of those who believed this shit.[/quote]I tried telling them that my spreadsheets said the rapture would never happen in 2011, but they just told me there are some things that a spreadsheet cannot know.
GBTSQuote Reply
[quote name=GBTS]I tried telling them that my spreadsheets said the rapture would never happen in 2011, but they just told me there are some things that a spreadsheet cannot know.[/quote]Spreadsheets can’t account for the divine element.
Suburban kidQuote Reply
Jesus cut short the Rapture, because he loved it.
Suburban kidQuote Reply
All I know is after this massive failure by God to end the world at this deadline and embarrassing his best followers, he will certainly end it in 2012, because he has to.
Aisle424Quote Reply
[quote name=Suburban kid]Jesus cut short the Rapture, because he loved it.[/quote]Shut it down. SK has won the innernetz.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
Harold Camping knew the rapture was going to happen. He had a source.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
Wells is probably done after 68 pitches in 4 IP, and giving up 6 hits, 3 BB, 3 K and 7 ER.
Suburban kidQuote Reply
[quote name=Suburban kid]Wells is probably done after 68 pitches in 4 IP, and giving up 6 hits, 3 BB, 3 K and 7 ER.[/quote]Ugh.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
[quote name=Suburban kid]Wells is probably done after 68 pitches in 4 IP, and giving up 6 hits, 3 BB, 3 K and 7 ER.[/quote]That line roughly translated to @ Boston would be 2.2 IP, 9 hits, 6 BB, 3 K and 4789 ER.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=Suburban kid]Jesus cut short the Rapture, because he loved it.[/quote](dying laughing) I’m still as confused as could be at what Quade was talking about. I picture four guys standing around watching Garza pitch nearing orgasm when they suddenly become aware of the awkwardness of the situation, at which point they tell Garza to shut it down.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=mb21]That line roughly translated to @ Boston would be 2.2 IP, 9 hits, 6 BB, 3 K and 4789 ER.[/quote]In other words, what Doug Davis did. And what Russell will do. (dying laughing)
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21](dying laughing) I’m still as confused as could be at what Quade was talking about. I picture four guys standing around watching Garza pitch nearing orgasm when they suddenly become aware of the awkwardness of the situation, at which point they tell Garza to shut it down.[/quote](dying laughing)
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
I’m watching Oregon-Wash St. right now. Any players on either team anyone wants me to watch for?
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
Whitenack: 4 IP, 6 H, 0 R, 1 BB, 3 K
AA so far: 34 IP, 29 H, 8 R, 0 HR, 9 BB, 20 K
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=Mercurial Outfielder]I’m watching Oregon-Wash St. right now. Any players on either team anyone wants me to watch for?[/quote]Whoever is batting 9th.
mb21Quote Reply
Whitenack 2011 season: 57 IP, 40 H, 0 HR, 10 BB, 45 K
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=mb21]Whoever is batting 9th.[/quote](dying laughing)
(dying laughing)
(dying laughing)
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21]Robert Fitzpatric is dumber than Alvin Y. from Chicago.[/quote].
PerkinsQuote Reply
The Vittersian Approach from Jae-Hoon Ha is finally catching up to him at AA.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=mb21]The Vittersian Approach from Jae-Hoon Ha is finally catching up to him at AA.[/quote]You don’t walk off the peninsula.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
This pitcher for Oregon looks like the kind of pitcher that excites Mik Quade: low-mid-80’s fastball, poor location, and hittable, with the added bonus of taking forever and a day between pitches.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21]Didn’t Wells only throw 45 pitches and last 2 to 3 innings in Low A? Who on earth would want him to make his next start against the Boston fucking Red Sox? Or the Pittsburgh Pirates for that matter?[/quote]
Al Yellon?
shadasrevengeQuote Reply
It should also be noted that the most expensive ticket at PNC is 52 bucks, and is actually a club level seat. Bleacher seats at PNC are nine bucks, while bleachers seat for some games at Wrigley are 70.
shadasrevengeQuote Reply
Yeah, you can watch some cheap baseball in Pittsburgh.
mb21Quote Reply
I christen today Hop Sunday.
1st course: DesChutes Inversion IPA
2nd course: 21st Amendment Back in Black IPA
3rd course: Lagunitas Hop Stoopid
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21]Yeah, you can watch some cheap baseball in Pittsburgh.[/quote]
Price is one reason I’m going to Kansas City to watch the Cubs as opposed to going to Chicago.
shadasrevengeQuote Reply
[quote name=shadasrevenge]Price is one reason I’m going to Kansas City to watch the Cubs as opposed to going to Chicago. That and seeing them play in a modern facility.[/quote]I love Kaufmann. Great ballpark, and super fan and family friendly.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
[quote name=Mercurial Outfielder]I love Kaufmann. Great ballpark, and super fan and family friendly.[/quote]
I haven’t been there since the last time the Cubs were there in 1998, and I’m really looking forward to it. Got some pretty good seats, and they’re probably at least 100 bucks less than I’d have paid for comparable seats at Wrigley.
shadasrevengeQuote Reply
[quote name=shadasrevenge]I haven’t been there since the last time the Cubs were there in 1998, and I’m really looking forward to it. Got some pretty good seats, and they’re probably at least 100 bucks less than I’d have paid for comparable seats at Wrigley.[/quote]It’s significantly better than it was back then. It’s a really nice park these days.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=shadasrevenge]I haven’t been there since the last time the Cubs were there in 1998, and I’m really looking forward to it. Got some pretty good seats, and they’re probably at least 100 bucks less than I’d have paid for comparable seats at Wrigley.[/quote]Oh, for sure. Don’t forget to stop at Gates for BBQ!
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
[quote name=Mercurial Outfielder]I christen today Hop Sunday.
1st course: DesChutes Inversion IPA
2nd course: 21st Amendment Back in Black IPA
3rd course: Lagunitas Hop Stoopid[/quote]
Fuck you, today is Berselius Has Access to Spotted Cow Again Sunday
BerseliusQuote Reply
I tried some of that Inversion IPA a few weeks ago. I thought it was good but I’m not a huge hoppy beer guy
BerseliusQuote Reply
Has anyone heard anything on Marlon Byrd?
mb21Quote Reply
I guess he’s going to the DL
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=Berselius]I tried some of that Inversion IPA a few weeks ago. I thought it was good but I’m not a huge hoppy beer guy[/quote]
I didn’t know you were a Rastafarian, Berselius.
Suburban kidQuote Reply
Miles says Byrd—>DL, Berg —>Cubs is expected
BerseliusQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21]I guess he’s going to the DL[/quote]
Article in the Tribune says it’s all but a certainty, and that it was swollen shut when he left the hospital.
shadasrevengeQuote Reply
[quote name=Berselius]I tried some of that Inversion IPA a few weeks ago. I thought it was good but I’m not a huge hoppy beer guy[/quote]
Yeah. The Red Chair is a much more rounded version of IPA, with some nice caramel notes from the malt. The Inversion is pretty in-your-face with the Cascade hops.
[quote name=Berselius]Fuck you, today is Berselius Has Access to Spotted Cow Again Sunday[/quote]
You. Bastard.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
So he is out of the hospital?
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=Berselius]Miles says Byrd—>DL, Berg —>Cubs is expected[/quote]FREE TYLER COLVIN
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21]So he is out of the hospital?[/quote]Yeah. Left last night, but his eye is apparently swollen shut.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
I thought I read he stayed overnight at the hospital
mb21Quote Reply
Is that not part of the hospital?
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=mb21]I thought I read he stayed overnight at the hospital[/quote]My info is secondhand from FB, so yours is probably correct. (dying laughing)
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21]Is that not part of the hospital?[/quote]
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=Mercurial Outfielder]You. Bastard.[/quote]

BerseliusQuote Reply
Also, beer at 11 am = okay if you woke up at 4 am (dying laughing)
BerseliusQuote Reply
[quote name=Mercurial Outfielder]I christen today Hop Sunday.
1st course: DesChutes Inversion IPA
2nd course: 21st Amendment Back in Black IPA
3rd course: Lagunitas Hop Stoopid[/quote]
On a related note, I christen today Jealous Sunday.
PerkinsQuote Reply
[quote name=Perkins]On a related note, I christen today Jealous Sunday.[/quote]Damn. Now I feel bad.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
[quote name=Berselius]Also, beer at 11 am = okay always [/quote].
PerkinsQuote Reply
[quote name=Berselius]Also, beer at 11 am = okay if you’re watching football and it’s after 5 p.m. in England (dying laughing)[/quote]
Fixed for my morning.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
[quote name=Mercurial Outfielder]Damn. Now I feel bad.[/quote]
(dying laughing), it’s no worries. Honestly, I don’t even miss beer that much out here. I still have my coffee and cigars, so it’s all good.
PerkinsQuote Reply
[quote name=Perkins]On a related note, I christen today Jealous Sunday.[/quote]
If you’re ever in Austin for some random reason, fire me an email and I’ll buy you a beer.
BerseliusQuote Reply
[quote name=Perkins](dying laughing), it’s no worries. Honestly, I don’t even miss beer that much out here. I still have my coffee and cigars, so it’s all good.[/quote]Ah. See, I had none, so I missed them all. (dying laughing)
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
[quote name=Berselius]If you’re ever in Austin for some random reason, fire me an email and I’ll buy you a beer.[/quote]That goes double for Eugene.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
[quote name=Mercurial Outfielder]Ah. See, I had none, so I missed them all. (dying laughing)[/quote]Well now I feel bad. (dying laughing)
PerkinsQuote Reply
[quote name=Perkins]Well now I feel bad. (dying laughing)[/quote](dying laughing), I think that’s the entire point of deployment stories.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
I’ll probably pass Eugene before Austin; my goal is to take a cross-country, then down the west coast road trip with the wife once I get back.
PerkinsQuote Reply
[quote name=Mercurial Outfielder](dying laughing), I think that’s the entire point of deployment stories.[/quote]No doubt. All of us here who went to Haiti last year have a ton of stories about how crappy it was, so all the folks who didn’t go are pretty sick of hearing about it. Kinda sad though, that we’re living better in Afghanistan.
PerkinsQuote Reply
Also, Buster Posey just got messed up by a foul tip. That looked painful.
PerkinsQuote Reply
[quote name=Perkins]Also, Buster Posey just got messed up by a foul tip. That looked painful.[/quote]
Crushed testicle style?
BerseliusQuote Reply
[quote name=Perkins]I’ll probably pass Eugene before Austin; my goal is to take a cross-country, then down the west coast road trip with the wife once I get back.[/quote]If you come from out east, take 94 West once you get past Illinois. It’s amazing.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
[quote name=Berselius]Crushed testicle style?
/ouch[/quote]Not quite the Barrett special, but he took one to the face mask.
PerkinsQuote Reply
[quote name=Berselius]Crushed testicle style?
/ouch[/quote]Ack. That Carlton Fisk story is the worst.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
[quote name=Mercurial Outfielder]If you come from out east, take 94 West once you get past Illinois. It’s amazing.[/quote]
Roosevelt National Park is pretty sweet. Typically completely empty, too…
uncle daveQuote Reply
[quote name=Mercurial Outfielder]If you come from out east, take 94 West once you get past Illinois. It’s amazing.[/quote]
Yeah, when I drove to Ft Lewis a few years ago, I took I-90 westward, and I-94 on the return trip. 94 was really nice. I-90 west of Livingston, MT, the ID panhandle, and western Washington were absolutely beautiful. I really want to make that drive again.
PerkinsQuote Reply
[quote name=Berselius]If you’re ever in Austin for some random reason, fire me an email and I’ll buy you a beer.[/quote]I appreciate it. How’s the local beer in Texas? I’m not familiar with anything outside Shiner.
PerkinsQuote Reply
[quote name=Mercurial Outfielder]I christen today Hop Sunday.
1st course: DesChutes Inversion IPA
2nd course: 21st Amendment Back in Black IPA
3rd course: Lagunitas Hop Stoopid[/quote]
About to try my first Lagunitas brew, Wilco Tango Foxtrot. I’ve heard great things about this brewery so I’m ready to be disappointed (dying laughing)
cdwQuote Reply
[quote name=Perkins]I appreciate it. How’s the local beer in Texas? I’m not familiar with anything outside Shiner.[/quote]
Ryno and GW can probably tell you a lot more than I could (dying laughing). I’ve gotten various Rahr beers on Ryno’s rec and they’re good, though we only get a limited selection down in Austin (they’re based in Ft Worth). There’s a great Pecan Porter that I tried on GW’s rec from some place local but I don’t think they bottle it. For the most part my experience with TX beers has been with Shiner since they sell cases of Shiner Bock and their samplers at Costco.
BerseliusQuote Reply
[quote name=cdw]About to try my first Lagunitas brew, Wilco Tango Foxtrot. I’ve heard great things about this brewery so I’m ready to be disappointed (dying laughing)[/quote]Not at all. WTF is a nice brew, but their IPA range are their crown jewels. All good to very fucking good, IMO.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
Nothing I’ve had from TX has been able to dethrone North Coast Brewing’s Pranqster Belgian Golden Ale from the top of my list.
BerseliusQuote Reply
[quote name=Mercurial Outfielder]Not at all. WTF is a nice brew, but their IPA range are their crown jewels. All good to very fucking good, IMO.[/quote]
MO should change his name to the US IPA Brewers Marketing Team (dying laughing)
BerseliusQuote Reply
[quote name=Berselius]MO should change his name to the US IPA Brewers Marketing Team (dying laughing)[/quote](dying laughing)
I also enjoy Ambers.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
Gordo says 15 day DL for Byrd, multiple facial fractures
BerseliusQuote Reply
Suburban kidQuote Reply
Excited to have access to Bell’s products this week too.
BerseliusQuote Reply
[quote name=Berselius]MO should change his name to the US IPA Brewers Marketing Team (dying laughing)[/quote]
Your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter
cdwQuote Reply—cuddly-toy.html
(dying laughing)
BerseliusQuote Reply
Hey, they caught the alleged LA parking lot perp
BerseliusQuote Reply
[quote name=Berselius]Excited to have access to Bell’s products this week too.[/quote]Oooh, Expedition Stout…
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
[quote name=Berselius]Gordo says 15 day DL for Byrd, multiple facial fractures[/quote]And Tyler Colvin still can’t get PT over Reed.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
[quote name=Berselius]—cuddly-toy.html
(dying laughing)[/quote]
Yeah, except for the cops and the zoo guys. (dying laughing)
Suburban kidQuote Reply
[quote name=Berselius]Hey, they caught the alleged LA parking lot perp
Excellent. Justice shall be served.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]Excellent. Justice shall be served.[/quote]
Hopefully he’ll roll over on the other assailant, if he is indeed the guy
BerseliusQuote Reply
I saw some of you folks were talking about Kauffman in KC. I’ve never actually gone inside the stadium, but I drove past it in the middle of the night once on my way from CA to Chicago and the huge KC on the outside was lit up and looked spectacular. From what I’ve seen on TV it looks great on the inside as well. Hope you guys going to that interleague series have a good time.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
I’m not sure what happened here but it looks very painful.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]I’m not sure what happened here but it looks very painful.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
I think it says a lot about this organizations like of any direction that there isn’t anyone better than James Russell available to start tonight. We all know how this is going to go.
They’re bringing up Berg because they know Russell is going to get smoked and the rest of the bullpen being gassed, but at the same time they’re leaving the bench a guy short by having 13 pitchers on the roster.
shadasrevengeQuote Reply
[quote name=shadasrevenge] they’re leaving the bench a guy short by having 13 pitchers on the roster.[/quote]
I’m sure one of the pitchers can be called on to play left field.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Currently injured or bouncing back from injury
Matt Garza
Randy Wells
Andrew Cashner
Jay Jackson
Trey McNutt
No team has a pitcher that’s going to be worth a damn 8th-9th on their depth chart
BerseliusQuote Reply
I don’t like seeing Russell pitch either, but this reminds me of all the complaints about the 2009 Cubs being doomed because they didn’t have depth to replace their best hitter when he separated his shoulder and went out for 2 months.
BerseliusQuote Reply
[quote name=Berselius]
No team has a pitcher that’s going to be worth a damn 8th-9th on their depth chart[/quote]
MLB teams are so woefully unprepared.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=Berselius]Currently injured or bouncing back from injury
Matt Garza
Randy Wells
Andrew Cashner
Jay Jackson
Trey McNutt
No team has a pitcher that’s going to be worth a damn 8th-9th on their depth chart
mb21Quote Reply
I do agree it’s silly to recall Justin Berg. I don’t understand that one. I also won’t understand why Reed Johnson is starting instead of Tony Campana, but whatever.
mb21Quote Reply
All of these guys should be higher on the depth chart than Russell
Throw in Carpenter and Marshall there too if they weren’t bullpened.
That makes Russell 10th. 12th if you include those other two pitchers.
BerseliusQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21]I do agree it’s silly to recall Justin Berg. I don’t understand that one. I also won’t understand why Reed Johnson is starting instead of Tony Campana, but whatever.[/quote]There’s no reason to play Fukudome and Reed over Campana and Colvin now. The season is lost. Let the kids play.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
Too bad the Cubs probably won’t be able to trade Ramirez, except in the bizzaro universe where he agrees not to pick up the $16m player option that vests if he’s traded
BerseliusQuote Reply
Still (dying laughing) at the OBP meter
BerseliusQuote Reply
[quote name=Mercurial Outfielder]Let the kids play.[/quote]
Don’t tell them what to do.
In seriousness though, I agree with you. It’s just a matter of convincing the Cubs that the season really is over instead of holding onto the 0.01% chance that they can still salvage something out of this season.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=Mercurial Outfielder]There’s no reason to play Fukudome and Reed over Campana and Colvin now. The season is lost. Let the kids play.[/quote]
You’re forgetting about Brad Fucking Snyder, the third head of the replacement level Cubs OF hydra who would replace a DFA’d Soriano.
BerseliusQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]Don’t tell them what to do.
In seriousness though, I agree with you. It’s just a matter of convincing the Cubs that the season really is over instead of holding onto the 0.01% chance that they can still salvage something out of this season.[/quote]

BerseliusQuote Reply
[quote name=Berselius]You’re forgetting about Brad Fucking Snyder, the third head of the replacement level Cubs OF hydra who would replace a DFA’d Soriano.[/quote]You’re forgetting I’m the guy who wouldn’t shut up about Josh Kroeger. (dying laughing)
Fuck, let Snyder play, too. A OF of Colvin–Campana–Snyder can’t possibly be worse than Soriano–Reed–Fukudome
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
Where is all this Legend of Tony Campana stuff coming from? Has he ever profiled as more than the 5th outfielder type he appears to me to be?
BerseliusQuote Reply
I think you’re selling Fukudome short, MO, but I definitely agree about Soriano and Reed. Fukudome’s one of the few guys on the team who can demonstrate to the youngsters what the mysterious object known as a “base on balls” is.
BerseliusQuote Reply
[quote name=Berselius]Where is all this Legend of Tony Campana stuff coming from? Has he ever profiled as more than the 5th outfielder type he appears to me to be?[/quote]
He’s fast, white, and wears his hat one size too big.
shadasrevengeQuote Reply
Has Bert Jackson been back yet? Could they just be bringing Berg up to play today, then send someone back down to get Jackson up to replace Byrd?
XoomwaffleQuote Reply
[quote name=Berselius]Where is all this Legend of Tony Campana stuff coming from? Has he ever profiled as more than the 5th outfielder type he appears to me to be?[/quote]Nah, nothing special. But Yellon called him the fastest player in baseball the other day.
I just want the kids to play. No reason not to see what’s there. More than likely, all of Colvin, Campana, and Snyder are reserve OF, at best. But you might as well blood them in and see if one of them can be better.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
[quote name=shadasrevenge]He’s fast, white, and wears his hat one size too big.[/quote]
He’s Sam Fuld 2.0
BerseliusQuote Reply
Even Samardzija should be 13th on the chart ahead of Russell.
Suburban kidQuote Reply
[quote name=Berselius]I think you’re selling Fukudome short, MO, but I definitely agree about Soriano and Reed. Fukudome’s one of the few guys on the team who can demonstrate to the youngsters what the mysterious object known as a “base on balls” is.[/quote]
“Base on balls”…is that like what happens when a player slides into second base but isn’t wearing a cup?
Rice CubeQuote Reply
MO, if anything all the injuries this year could mean the club has an excuse to give to the fanbase to go ahead and let the kids play. Of course, that assumes that management doesn’t have their heads up their asses, so this is all moot (dying laughing)
BerseliusQuote Reply
Also – 13 pitchers on the 25-man just in time for interleague? WTF?
Suburban kidQuote Reply
[quote name=Suburban kid]Even Samardzija should be 13th on the chart ahead of Russell.[/quote]
(dying laughing), let’s not get carried away here. I was talking to a Cubs fan today at DFW who agreed that we need to blow up the team, and that he loves the Cubs young talent like Castro, Barney, and…Jeff Samardzija (dying laughing).
BerseliusQuote Reply
[quote name=Berselius]MO, if anything all the injuries this year could mean the club has an excuse to give to the fanbase to go ahead and let the kids play. Of course, that assumes that management doesn’t have their heads up their asses, so this is all moot (dying laughing)[/quote]Yeah, all the right thigns have happened for the club to give youngsters a chance. Unfortunately, they hired a manger who has a grizzled veteran fetish.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
[quote name=Suburban kid]Also – 13 pitchers on the 25-man just in time for interleague? WTF?[/quote]
Why not? How many lineup moves do teams typically make in AL parks anyway? If anything NL teams need the extra cannon fodder against AL lineups (dying laughing)
BerseliusQuote Reply
[quote name=Berselius]Why not? How many lineup moves do teams typically make in AL parks anyway? If anything NL teams need the extra cannon fodder against AL lineups (dying laughing)[/quote]
The Yankees are one team I know of who carry extra pitching and have a short bench. Unless the DH gets hurt you just need a backup catcher, IF and OF and that’s pretty much it most games.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Chase Utley returns on Monday…possibly.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=Berselius]Where is all this Legend of Tony Campana stuff coming from? Has he ever profiled as more than the 5th outfielder type he appears to me to be?[/quote]Al said something about him being the fastest player in MLB
XoomwaffleQuote Reply
I’m OK with Fukudome playing since the team will try to trade him.
As for Tony Campana, he may be the fastest guy in baseball right now. I don’t know for sure, but the guy can fucking fly. He is a 5th outfielder, but I’ve been writing something for the last couple days and I ran the numbers on Campana and Soriano. Campana’s CAIRO was a .285 wOBA, Soriano’s is about .345. Soriano is horrible on defense so I figure -10 is generous to him. How good would Campana have to be on the bases and in the field to be more valuable than Soriano (assuming Campana plays CF)? Shockingly, only 13 runs better than average. I think we can safely say that Campana is at least 3 runs better than the average baserunner. He’s also known as a good fielder. Is he 10 runs better than average? If so, he’s as valuable as Alfonso Soriano.
mb21Quote Reply
Jackson hasn’t returned yet to the Smokies yet. Not sure when he’s due back.
mb21Quote Reply
That’s a stretch to believe about anyone, unless they’re billed by scouts as the second coming of Andruw Jones.
BerseliusQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21]Jackson hasn’t returned yet to the Smokies yet. Not sure when he’s due back.[/quote]
I keep forgetting that Jackson was injured. This fucking team and injuries (dying laughing)
BerseliusQuote Reply
I’m guessing Justin Berg is up for one day (today). He’ll take over for Russell in the bottom of the 1st with the Cubs down 9-0 and pitch 3 innings and be sent back to Iowa tomorrow.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=mb21]I’m guessing Justin Berg is up for one day (today). He’ll take over for Russell in the bottom of the 1st with the Cubs down 9-0 and pitch 3 innings and be sent back to Iowa tomorrow.[/quote]Hopefully Colvin comes up and gets regular AB then. I have no desire to see Reed Johnson play every day.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
Bourn was the only double-digit UZR guy last year (followed by Byrd (!) and Borbon). A lot of guys were double digits in DRS (in order: A Jackson, Bourn, Gutierrez, Rios, Byrd, Victorino, Young)
BerseliusQuote Reply
[quote name=Berselius]That’s a stretch to believe about anyone, unless they’re billed by scouts as the second coming of Andruw Jones.[/quote]I wouldn’t count on him being +10 on defense, but I have read in the past that he’s pretty good. I think a .285 wOBA is silly. Campana isn’t a good hitter by any means, but I see no reason he won’t be somewhere between .300 and .310 with the chance to be a bit better than that.
The point is that Soriano is also a 5th outfielder at this point in his career. A 5th outfielder you only want to use as a pinch hitter.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=Mercurial Outfielder]Hopefully Colvin comes up and gets regular AB then. I have no desire to see Reed Johnson play every day.[/quote]
Does he play Center, then? Who is playing Center tonight?
XoomwaffleQuote Reply
CIN blown out by the Indians again.
STL-KC to extras.
Cubs still won’t be able to make up ground (dying laughing)
Rice CubeQuote Reply
I’d assume Reed plays CF tonight.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=mb21]
The point is that Soriano is also a 5th outfielder at this point in his career. A 5th outfielder you only want to use as a pinch hitter.[/quote]
Vs. LHP whose names end in “F” on Thurssdays in June when the wind is blowing to the west.
/Ari Kaplan
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21]I’d assume Reed plays CF tonight.[/quote]
Fukudome RF,
Barney 2B,
Castro SS,
Ramirez 3B,
Pena 1B,
Baker LF,
Soriano DH,
Castillo C,
Johnson CF,
Russell P
At least he’s batting
8th9th (stupid AL lineup) vs a RHP. And no Koyie!BerseliusQuote Reply
[quote name=Xoomwaffle]Does he play Center, then? Who is playing Center tonight?[/quote]
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
[quote name=Mercurial Outfielder][/quote]
I thought Why was in CF.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Reed Johnson. Fucking Quade. That alopecian fucker loves Reed Johnson.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]I thought Why was in CF.[/quote]You’ve been warned.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
I hope this is not something we see on the air tonight.
BerseliusQuote Reply
[quote name=Berselius]I hope this is not something we see on the air tonight.[/quote]
I didn’t know Quade played catcher.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=Berselius]I hope this is not something we see on the air tonight.[/quote]If Reed plays 9 innings, it’s inevitable.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
Why is Baker in LF now? Does he hit knuckleballers well or something?
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]Why is Baker in LF now? Does he hit knuckleballers well or something?[/quote]Quade wants to see what happens.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
Note: Quade has played MIF in LF two consecutive days, but he had no idea how to get Colvin any PA. Riiiiiiiiiiight.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
[quote name=Mercurial Outfielder]Note: Quade has played MIF in LF two consecutive days, but he had no idea how to
get Colvin any PAmanage a major league ball club. Riiiiiiiiiiight.[/quote]I see.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
(dying laughing)
Two bases-loaded walks and the Cardinals are ahead in extras. Nice work KC.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Is the CW with knuckleballers that platoon splits don’t really matter?
BerseliusQuote Reply
Oregon’s closer is kinda nasty…
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
[quote name=Berselius]Is the CW with knuckleballers that platoon splits don’t really matter?[/quote]
I think that’s right, but I was just wondering why Baker is in LF and not an ACTUAL OUTFIELDER.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
The Cubs have about seven 5th OFs. (dying laughing)
Suburban kidQuote Reply
Billy Butler is very strong.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]I think that’s right, but I was just wondering why Baker is in LF and not an ACTUAL OUTFIELDER.[/quote]Becasue the 5th OF is starting in CF, and 4th OF just got sent down to AAA.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
[quote name=Mercurial Outfielder]Becasue the 5th OF is starting in CF, and 4th OF just got sent down to AAA.[/quote]
Ah, so they DID forget about Tony Campana.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]Billy Butler is very strong.[/quote]
Here’s a picture of him doing his off-season job:
Suburban kidQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]Ah, so they DID forget about Tony Campana.[/quote]He’s so fast, his name won’t stay on the lineup card.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
Wow. Colby Rasmus with 5 walks in today’s game
BerseliusQuote Reply
(dying laughing) (dying laughing) (dying laughing) (dying laughing) When Wash St. scores, they play the Sex Panther “Rawr Rawr” sound on the PA
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
Oregon blow the save. This is like watching the Cubs. (dying laughing)
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
I just realized the fuckyeahnouns site only takes images from Flickr and/or similar sites, hence all the awkward snapshots.
Which means you can find lots of your friends and family in there (as long as their names aren’t too common). (dying laughing)
Suburban kidQuote Reply
The Cubbieezzz fanz still belieeeeve!!! 111 Rec’d 11111
Aisle424Quote Reply
Suburban kidQuote Reply
[quote name=Mercurial Outfielder]Not at all. WTF is a nice brew, but their IPA range are their crown jewels. All good to very fucking good, IMO.[/quote]I’m especially partial to Lil’ Sumpin’ Sumpin’. I was skeptical at the idea of a wheat IPA, but it’s an outstanding summer beer.
PerkinsQuote Reply
[quote name=Aisle424]
The Cubbieezzz fanz still belieeeeve!!! 111 Rec’d 11111[/quote]Those folks support Einstein’s assertion that human stupidity is infinite.
PerkinsQuote Reply
[quote name=Perkins]Those folks support Einstein’s assertion that human stupidity is infinite.[/quote]
If someone cared to do a game thread, we’d know that there is about a 25% chance that those stupid humans could be right (dying laughing)
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]If someone cared to do a game thread, we’d know that there is about a 25% chance that those stupid humans could be right (dying laughing)[/quote]
(dying laughing), like a stopped clock twice a day?
PerkinsQuote Reply
Giants tie!
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=Perkins](dying laughing), like a stopped clock twice a day?[/quote]
They’ll use that to shut you right up.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]They’ll use that to shut you right up.[/quote]I can’t argue with you today.
PerkinsQuote Reply
Holy shit that ESPN intro ripped the piss out of Cubs fans.
Suburban kidQuote Reply
I don’t think Byrd comes back this year.
I could be off base, but multiple facial fractures sounds like it needs a long time to heal before you can go back to playing a contact sport.
Suburban kidQuote Reply
[quote name=Suburban kid]Holy shit that ESPN intro ripped the piss out of Cubs fans.[/quote]
Ooooh! I hope they have it on Youtube later.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=Suburban kid]I don’t think Byrd comes back this year.
I could be off base, but multiple facial fractures sounds like it needs a long time to heal before you can go back to playing a contact sport.[/quote]
That really depends on the severity of the fractures, but it definitely doesn’t sound good. However they do have ear flap extenders to protect players with facial injuries. I don’t think it’s a good idea to rush Byrd back given the context of this year’s team though…player welfare should come first regardless.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=some site on the Internet]Facial bone fractures take many months to completely heal. During this time,
avoid any activities that may injure the surgery site..[/quote].
Suburban kidQuote Reply
[quote name=Suburban kid].[/quote]
That must be different from broken noses then…I know basketball players will wear a protective mask when they have broken noses, but some of those are also broken cheekbones. I agree with you that Byrd probably doesn’t come back this year.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]I don’t think it’s a good idea to rush Byrd back given the context of this year’s team though….[/quote]
Yeah, but since they have to contend, you never know, let’s see what happens, this actually makes a trade of Fukudome less likely now. Maybe they will trade for Juan Pierre.
Suburban kidQuote Reply
ESPN: the Curse is good for baseball.
Suburban kidQuote Reply
Wasn’t this game supposed to start 12 minutes ago?
Suburban kidQuote Reply
[quote name=Suburban kid]Wasn’t this game supposed to start 12 minutes ago?[/quote]
8 Eastern…7 Central.
How come they’re doing a one-hour intro to this game?
Rice CubeQuote Reply
new shit:
mb21Quote Reply
Well fuck me, James Russell. That was a pretty good pitch.
shadasrevengeQuote Reply
Those of you who had the over at “one inning,” please make your way to the cage to collect your winnings.
shadasrevengeQuote Reply