Until we can figure out a better night/day/whatever to record, it’ll be just RC & berselius gracing your eardrums for those who dare to listen. In this episode:
- The stupid Oakland Athletics move that’s probably going to happen because Nevada caved and they’re probably going to regret it
- The fun with the dogs and the atmosphere at Oracle Park even though the Cubs lost
- What to do about the Cubs roster as they welcome back Cody Bellinger and trade season is coming soon (this was recorded on Tuesday night so obviously stuff happened since then)
- Hoping the Cubs actually complete a sweep and can keep building in a crappy division and league
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I probably should’ve stayed, but I didn’t wanna (dying laughing)
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Nevada –> jackasses
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Happ giveth (run scoring hit)
Happ taketh away (other team’s hit)
Rice CubeQuote Reply
I’m legit confused as to why Pittsburgh’s manager was arguing with the call that put Madrigal the human grounder on first with a runner on 3rd and one out. The score would almost certainly be tied if Madrigal had been allowed to keep hitting.
andcountingQuote Reply
Game tied now! And thankfully Madrigal isn’t broken…or not, depending on your point of view
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Game no longer tied but the good way
Rice CubeQuote Reply
berseliusQuote Reply
Hecking owners
Rice CubeQuote Reply
So that was a fun inning
Rice CubeQuote Reply
QS for Stroman
Rice CubeQuote Reply
I do believe Happ needs a homer
Rice CubeQuote Reply
No cycle
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Cubs win in 2:46
Cubs sweep
Rice CubeQuote Reply
That was a series I recently enjoyed.
PerkinsQuote Reply
M ——-> inverted
berseliusQuote Reply
berseliusQuote Reply
Newish shit until someone else decides to write something –> http://www.obstructedview.net/game-69-and-beyond/
Rice CubeQuote Reply