Dreamcast 79: Yellow Journalism

In by Rice Cube24 Comments

Nothing much happened during the Winter Meetings, and then Shohei Ohtani did his thing and the journalistic shit hit the fan, so we got together to talk about the aftermath of the Ohtani decision, the timeline of free agent excitement (or lack thereof), the various media failures that led to Bob Nightengale of all people calling them out on their bullshit, and more.

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Dreamcast 79: Yellow Journalism

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  1. Author
    Rice Cube

    Had the Cubs actually signed Ohtani we could have had a Six (Hundred) Million Dollar Man thing where we repair his elbow to make him better, stronger, faster…

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  2. Author
    Rice Cube

    One of these things is not like the other, one of these things doesn’t belong…

      Quote  Reply


  3. BVS

    Playing IG reminds me of careers cut short by injuries. Like Ben Sheets. And Brandon Webb. And Kevin Mmahat.

    Actually that last one popped up because I typed two Ms into the search bar on accident.

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  4. Author
    Rice Cube

    I like how Shohei can live on just $2MM a year (before taxes) and is just like “whatever” with money for the rest of his life.

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  5. andcounting

    When I heard his contract was deferred, I was thinking backloaded. It’s a really foolish contract for him considering the GOP will be switching the economy to Trump bucks by the time he cashes in. The dollar could be in NFT territory halfway through his contract.

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  6. berselius

    Rice Cube,

    MLB probably knew Ohtani was going to get a bonkers deal, they’re probably mostly thrilled that an international superstar whose celebrity can transcend baseball went to a marquee franchise, even if it’s on the west coast.

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  7. Smokestack Lightning

    All I know is I want the Dodgers to buy everyone now. Every single free agent of note or value. Break the game.

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