This comment yesterday from Tom Ricketts has become big news:
“I’ve never bought into the (idea) that I should have a baseball guy to watch my baseball guy and his baseball guys,” Ricketts said. “Then what do you get? A baseball guy to watch the baseball guy who’s watching your baseball guys?
Baseball Guy
What the hell is a baseball guy? I mean, how do we even define baseball guy? I looked it up on Merriam Webster and this is what it told me:
The word you’ve entered isn’t in the dictionary. Click on a spelling suggestion below or try again using the search bar above.
I didn’t click on baseball cap because I don’t think that’s what we want so it’s safe to say that “baseball guy” has no official definition. It’s left to us to define and when that’s the case, we end up with different definition. Joe might think of a baseball guy as one who was born into a baseball family. Tom may think it’s someone who works for a team regardless of his past experience. Think about it, he’s working for a team so he must be a baseball guy. Bob may think it’s a person who has 5 or more years experience in a front office position. Lou Piniella would not be a baseball guy by this definition, which seems kind of weird. He’s spent a thousand years in baseball. No baseball player would be a baseball guy. Not to mention, everybody is not a baseball guy until they are a baseball guy.
With no defintion, we’re left to define it ourselves and that’s always tricky. What does Andrew Friedman have that Crane Kenney doesn’t? Besides a couple more years of experience with an MLB team, which surely doesn’t make Friedman a baseball guy and Crane Kenney not.
Though it lacks a definition it doesn’t mean people aren’t going to criticize someone over it based on their definition. I’m not talking about the people who comment here or the ones on BCB or any other blog or message board. We’re fans. We’re not supposed to know everything that some people are. I’m not singling anybody out. I may have even claimed Kenney had to go because he wasn’t a baseball guy at one time or another though I have been firmly against that for over a couple years, but I’m not sure before that.
Melissa stated in the comments that Bruce Miles was on the radio and questioned Ricketts ability to run the team in part based on this comment. My apologies to Bruce if Melissa misinterpreted, but that’s not the point of this article. Crane Kenney is the Cubs team president so if this is big news then I can only assume that most team presidents are so-called baseball guys. If they aren’t, it’s not big news, right?
This is something that has occasionally come up and I’ve commented each time that it’s not a big deal. After all, one of the most influential GMs has been Sandy Alderson and he wasn’t a supposed baseball-guy. All he did was hire Eric Walker who helped teach advanced statistics in baseball to Billy Beane. All Beane has done is help change the game as teams went from focusing on out-dated metrics like batting average and RBI to better stats that reflect the individual’s talent.
It’s especially odd because one of the best GMs in the game right now is Andrew Friedman. Not a baseball guy. At all. All he’s done is take a small market team and made them competitive with the two teams in baseball that spend more than anyone else. He’s done so with a fraction of the money those teams have at their disposal.
The Best Teams
Anyway, I’ve looked at this in the past and wanted to do so again so we can hopefully put to rest this idea that you need a baseball guy running things. We are talking about the team president position that Kenney currently holds. Let’s look at the best franchises.
New York Yankees: Randy Levine, attorney. He was the principal associate deputy attorney general and principal deputy associate attorney general at the U.S. Department of Justice during the Reagan administration. In the mid 90s he helped MLB reach the CBA in 1996 and then left baseball before returning in 2000. Not a baseball guy.
Actually, is he a baseball guy now? He’s the Yankees attorney so I’d say no, but the point is that when does someone become a baseball guy? Why does it even matter if the team president for the best franchise in sports doesn’t even care enough to have a baseball guy in that position? Answer: it doesn’t.
Boston Red Sox: Larry Lucchino, attorney. Practiced law for several years and worked closely with the Orioles and Redskins. Later named team president of the Orioles. Then the Padres. And then the Red Sox. Certainly been a part of baseball for a long time, but was not the typical baseball guy type. Not a baseball guy.
So now we’re talking about the two best organizations in baseball and neither cares enough to hire someone knowledgeable about baseball.
Tampa Bay Rays: Matthew Silverman, investment banker. He was the youngest team president in MLB history. Hired a not a baseball guy Andrew Friedman to be GM and has loved every minute since. Not a baseball guy.
Of the top 3 franchises over the last few years, none have baseball guys running things. I don’t need to know who the other teams have as their team president. The simple fact is that you do not need a baseball guy in that position. These organizations have proven that. The Rays have proven you don’t even need a baseball guy as the general manager.
If Bruce Miles did criticize Ricketts for this, he did so without knowing something that I think he should have. He’s been covering baseball for a long time. I knew that all three of these team presidents were not baseball guys. I knew this a couple years ago. I’m a nobody who writes on a blog. I can understand the average fan not knowing, but there’s really no excuse for someone covering baseball as long as Miles has to not know this. There’s even less of an excuse to then use your own lack of information on the radio and criticize someone. There’s a dozen things we can criticize Tom Ricketts for. This isn’t one of them.
Crane Kenny
There are three things I’m confident in saying about Crane Kenney:
- I don’t have the foggiest damn clue what he does other than what Ricketts told us he won’t be doing: baseball related decisions.
- However retarded the holy water in the dugout thing was a few years ago, it tells us absolutely nothing about his job performance.
- The fact that he is not a baseball guy in no way whatsoever negatively affects his ability to be the team president of an MLB franchise.
That’s all I can really say about Kenney. I can’t possibly comment on his performance since I have no clue what he does. How can I comment on his performance if I don’t even know what he’s performing? Can’t do it. No matter how hard I try. I can’t sit here and write about how Crane Kenney needs to be fired because I don’t even know what the guy fucking does. He could be doing his job briliantly for all I know and I’m sure for all you know. Unless you know what he does, that is most certainly true. Considering the quality of the Cubs beat writers, I doubt they even bother to tell us what Crane Kenney does.
Maybe he deserves to be fired. I don’t know. I don’t care if he is becuase is job descrption may read like this: put legos together. It’s entirely possible his job is putting legos together. I would be surprised, but knowing this organization not shocked. If someone can tell me what he does and how he’s performed poorly at it then maybe I’ll change my opinion here, but I’ve not read it yet.
By the way, when I think of baseball guy, Andy MacPhail immediately pops into my mind. I bet he wishes he wasn’t a baseball guy. Then maybe the Orioles wouldn’t suck. Maybe the Cubs wouldn’t have either.
So if Tom Ricketts doesn’t care about hiring a baseball guy, good for him. The 3 best teams in the sport haven’t cared either and they’re doing just fine without a baseball guy. Of all the dumbass things Ricketts has said and done since he bought this team in 2009, this is the one thing I actually like hearing. There’s no reason to be stuck on the idea you have to have a baseball guy in an era when it’s been proven it’s not true. Why limit yourself in such a way when it’s not necessary?
FWIW, I’m not mad so much about the “baseball guy” thing as about the logic behind it, or at least the logic Ricketts gave. He should have said what you said, but he didn’t, because he doesn’t know shit from shinola about baseball. If he did, he’d say what you said, which is very well-informed, and well-reasoned.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
Aside from that stupid priest stunt, I think most of the Kenney criticism comes from an impression that he was an empty suit and corporate toady of TribCo, and it was odd he stayed around. I said this in the last thread, but If they replace him I’d love it if they got a Chicago insider who knows where the bodies are buried, since they have to fight tooth and nail with the city for anything related to the ballpark. Maybe Kenney is that guy and that’s why he’s still around, but somehow I doubt it.
BerseliusQuote Reply
If Kenney were that guy, they wouldn’t be having the problems they’re having.
I can’t imagine who they would replace him with that fits that description, though.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
[quote name=Mercurial Outfielder]FWIW, I’m not mad so much about the “baseball guy” thing as about the logic behind it, or at least the logic Ricketts gave. He should have said what you said, but he didn’t, because he doesn’t know shit from shinola about baseball. If he did, he’d say what you said, which is very well-informed, and well-reasoned.[/quote]I actually thought he was mocking the idea that you have to have a baseball guy as the team president. That’s how I took it anyway. I could be wrong.
mb21Quote Reply
Have no plan for payroll surplus. See what happens.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
[quote name=Berselius]Aside from that stupid priest stunt, I think most of the Kenney criticism comes from an impression that he was an empty suit and corporate toady of TribCo, [/quote]
That’s my problem with him, and it’s a problem for the Ricketts too because they blew any chance they had of getting a honeymoon period.
Crane Kenney may do many things well (but like MB, I don’t know what he does either), but I find it difficult to believe he is so awesome at whatever it is he does that he couldn’t have been replaced from the get go. Maybe its not fair, but at least then there would be some difference between the Ricketts and the Trib. They could have trotted out the “Hey, we didn’t create this problem, but we’re doing our best to work through it and rebuild a great team” approach.
This is just Same Shit Different Day and it isn’t playing with the public at all. The blah attitude of the fans is almost surely rooted in that. Not even Cubs fans would turn on a new owner and new front office this fast knowing they had walked into a mess that was damn near impossible to fix quickly. Some would, but most would be taking the “wait and see” approach.
Aisle424Quote Reply
[quote name=mb21]I actually thought he was mocking the idea that you have to have a baseball guy as the team president. That’s how I took it anyway. I could be wrong.[/quote]Even so, why mock? Give the guys a straight answer. Tell them there’s precedent around the league with very successful orgs for this kind of thing. It just makes him look foolish, and when taken in concert with the rest of the interview, it seems like there is just no rhyme or reason to anything the team is doing now.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
[quote name=Mercurial Outfielder]If Kenney were that guy, they wouldn’t be having the problems they’re having.
I can’t imagine who they would replace him with that fits that description, though.[/quote]
I don’t know nearly enough about Chicago politics to suggest anyone, but surely there are a bunch of Daley guys who got bumped out by Rahm, right? Of course, that might not be good if they want to get traction with Rahm’s cronies but they would have the ins with guys like Tunney and other midlevel Chicago pols. Anyone who’s been involved with the other Chicago pro sports teams at some recent point would be good too.
BerseliusQuote Reply
[quote name=Mercurial Outfielder]Even so, why mock? Give the guys a straight answer. Tell them there’s precedent around the league with very successful orgs for this kind of thing. It just makes him look foolish, and when taken in concert with the rest of the interview, it seems like there is just no rhyme or reason to anything the team is doing now.[/quote]
Especially since it would fit into his “we want to be like the Red Sox” theme he has going.
Aisle424Quote Reply
[quote name=Aisle424]Especially since it would fit into his “we want to be like the Red Sox” theme he has going.[/quote]Exactly. I think this kind of fumbling is what Miles was talking about.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
[quote name=Berselius]Aside from that stupid priest stunt, I think most of the Kenney criticism comes from an impression that he was an empty suit and corporate toady of TribCo, and it was odd he stayed around. I said this in the last thread, but If they replace him I’d love it if they got a Chicago insider who knows where the bodies are buried, since they have to fight tooth and nail with the city for anything related to the ballpark. Maybe Kenney is that guy and that’s why he’s still around, but somehow I doubt it.[/quote]I don’t know if he is or not, but I doubt it because I doubt that person really exists. If you want someone like that hire a politician and I’d prefer the Cubs stay the fuck away from a politician who will just try to sell us more shit. (dying laughing)
Like I said, I don’t know what he does and can’t comment on how good or bad he is. Him being a holdover doesn’t bother me. I’m sure he was a shady character with the Tribune, but there’s probably a good chance that Silverman was as an investment banker. And unless we know what he does, we can’t know if he’s not qualified. He could be the shadiest person on the planet and be an excellent team president. I don’t care what kind of a person he is just as I don’t care what kind of a person Carlos Zambrano or Marlon Byrd is. Like JoePoz said yesterday, we root for Steve Nash because he’s a great basketball player (I don’t follow basketball so I don’t care). We separate the athlete from the person or at least we should and often do.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=Berselius]I don’t know nearly enough about Chicago politics to suggest anyone, but surely there are a bunch of Daley guys who got bumped out by Rahm, right? Of course, that might not be good if they want to get traction with Rahm’s cronies but they would have the ins with guys like Tunney and other midlevel Chicago pols. Anyone who’s been involved with the other Chicago pro sports teams at some recent point would be good too.[/quote]They really should have never let McDonough go.
Until the Olympic bid went belly up, Patrick Ryan would’ve been a good choice.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
[quote name=Mercurial Outfielder]Exactly. I think this kind of fumbling is what Miles was talking about.[/quote]
I think that was part of it. I also believe that the writers don’t think Kenney knows shit about baseball or how to run a team and he shouldn’t be supervising Hendry. I don’t know why they have this opinion but it seems pretty universal. Ricketts, in my opinion, wasn’t saying he doesn’t need a “baseball guy” he was saying he feels comfortable with Kenney over Hendry. He seems to have no problem with Hendry being the last word on baseball decisions. This is part of the reason we see top prospects traded for Garza because Hendry is in “win now” to save my ass mode. In my opinion, there does need to be someone over Hendry saying, no, we aren’t going to sacrifice the future of the franchise to try and save your ass.
melissaQuote Reply
[quote name=Mercurial Outfielder]I can’t imagine who they would replace him with that fits that description, though.[/quote]Blago’s probably going to walk again…
GBTSQuote Reply
[quote name=GBTS]Blago’s probably going to walk again…[/quote]
/Patti Blagojevich’d
melissaQuote Reply
[quote name=melissa]I think that was part of it. I also believe that the writers don’t think Kenney knows shit about baseball or how to run a team and he shouldn’t be supervising Hendry. I don’t know why they have this opinion but it seems pretty universal. Ricketts, in my opinion, wasn’t saying he doesn’t need a “baseball guy” he was saying he feels comfortable with Kenney over Hendry. He seems to have no problem with Hendry being the last word on baseball decisions. This is part of the reason we see top prospects traded for Garza because Hendry is in “win now” to save my ass mode. In my opinion, there does need to be someone over Hendry saying, no, we aren’t going to sacrifice the future of the franchise to try and save your ass.[/quote]
I see what you’re saying melissa, but I also see what Ricketts is saying. Someone has to be the last word on baseball decisions, and Hendry is his guy until he isn’t. I don’t know that having a middle man with veto power is worthwhile.
BerseliusQuote Reply
It’s not that the replacement for Kenney doesn’t need to be a “baseball guy” it’s that Ricketts doesn’t think he needs anyone other than Kenney and Hendry to run his baseball team. Considering how bad the team on the field is right now, media and fans don’t find that an acceptable answer.
melissaQuote Reply
Honestly? I think it’s because stupid questions don’t deserve sincere answers. I don’t know if that’s what he was doing, but if that question was asked to me I’d have been rude to the person. I wouldn’t have mocked him. I’d have berated him for not doing his job. These are journalists!
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=mb21]Honestly? I think it’s because stupid questions don’t deserve sincere answers. I don’t know if that’s what he was doing, but if that question was asked to me I’d have been rude to the person. I wouldn’t have mocked him. I’d have berated him for not doing his job. These are journalists![/quote]I think pointing out that other teams are doing it with great success does that implicitly.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
[quote name=melissa]It’s not that the replacement for Kenney doesn’t need to be a “baseball guy” it’s that Ricketts doesn’t think he needs anyone other than Kenney and Hendry to run his baseball team. Considering how bad the team on the field is right now, media and fans don’t find that an acceptable answer.[/quote]That’s not true. The Cubs have the assistant GM, special assistants, scouting director, scouts, and so on. How many people higher than the GM do you need? Looking at the front office page on it appears the Cubs have more baseball ops people than the Yankees do. Higher than Cashman is two attorneys and 6 Steinbrenner’s. Higher than hendry is Kenney and 5 Ricketts’. Should the Cubs add another Rickets and pick up an attorney?
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=Mercurial Outfielder]I think pointing out that other teams are doing it with great success does that implicitly.[/quote]
If he does that fans are laughing that he’s comparing the team to the Red Sox, Yankees and Rays. It’s a no-win situation. May as well make fun of them. (dying laughing)
mb21Quote Reply
By the way, I would be laughing if he compared the team to the Red Sox, Yankees and Rays even if what he said was true. (dying laughing)
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=mb21]If he does that fans are laughing that he’s comparing the team to the Red Sox, Yankees and Rays. It’s a no-win situation. May as well make fun of them. (dying laughing)[/quote]If he had made the argument you made, I surely wouldn’t be laughing at him. But I don’t even think he’s aware enough to know, though.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21]That’s not true. The Cubs have the assistant GM, special assistants, scouting director, scouts, and so on. How many people higher than the GM do you need? Looking at the front office page on it appears the Cubs have more baseball ops people than the Yankees do. Higher than Cashman is two attorneys and 6 Steinbrenner’s. Higher than hendry is Kenney and 5 Ricketts’. Should the Cubs add another Rickets and pick up an attorney?[/quote]
What did I state that’s not true? Ricketts was explicitly saying he doesn’t think he needs a baseball guy over Hendry. He’s happy with Kenney as President. Kenney was a Trib Co. lawyer and not even high in their management chain before he was sent to work for the Cubs and push through the bleacher expansion. When McDonough jumped ship Kenney got promoted to keep the seat warm until new ownership came, not because anyone thought he was well equipped to run a baseball team. People do not perceive Kenney to be qualified to oversee Hendry’s baseball decisions. Ricketts is happy with Kenney over Hendry.
melissaQuote Reply
Yeesh, Bruce is really trotting out the beat writer clichees in this interview:
–Ramirez is lazy
–Lou quit on the team last year
–Quade was the right hire based on the end of last year
It’s like these guys all read from one script.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
You know, there’s a lot of truth to this, which has been overlooked. Baseball guys tend to think similarly. What good is it to have someone watching over a similarly minded person? If you want someone to actually watch over Hendry, you definitely don’t want a baseball guy.
mb21Quote Reply
Ricketts also said that Hendry would be in charge of what they decide to do in free agency this off season. If this is true then Hendry is going to try and spend money to win now. Should this be up to him? Should there be someone above him who decides if they are going to commit more resources to field a team that’s lucky to be .500?
melissaQuote Reply
[quote name=Mercurial Outfielder]If he had made the argument you made, I surely wouldn’t be laughing at him. But I don’t even think he’s aware enough to know, though.[/quote]Tom Ricketts may be an idiot and may be as bad an owner as he’s appeared so far, but he’s in the inner circle with the owners and other executives. He knows who these guys are. He knows what they did.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=mb21]Tom Ricketts may be an idiot and may be as bad an owner as he’s appeared so far, but he’s in the inner circle with the owners and other executives. He knows who these guys are. He knows what they did.[/quote]Is he? Does he? Because he certainly doesn’t act that way. I don’t see Hank Steinbrenner walking around gladhanding the hoi polloi in the upper deck…
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
[quote name=melissa]Ricketts also said that Hendry would be in charge of what they decide to do in free agency this off season. If this is true then Hendry is going to try and spend money to win now. Should this be up to him? Should there be someone above him who decides if they are going to commit more resources to field a team that’s lucky to be .500?[/quote]The only person I want vetoing the GM is the owner and that’s how it is with most clubs. Brian Cashman isn’t vetoed by the team president or the other attorney higher than him. He’s not vetoed by one of the other Steinbrenner’s either. It’s Hank that does it as it should be.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=Mercurial Outfielder]Is he? Does he? Because he certainly doesn’t act that way. I don’t see Hank Steinbrenner walk around gladhanding the hoi polloi in the upper deck…[/quote]Hank Steinbrenner wouldn’t be able to walk around Yankee Stadium since it’s packed. (dying laughing)
mb21Quote Reply
(dying laughing)
GBTSQuote Reply
424, I thought Ricketts had the opportunity to differentiate himself from the Tribune in one way: take a team that was already good, spend some money and see it continue to be good. instead, he did as we’ve seen the Tribune do every time they have a good team: let it get old. That’s what pissed me off about Ricketts. He chose after the 2009 season to let shit go and at that point he should have just had a fire sale. There was no point in pretending the 2010 team could contend and less of a point with this year’s team.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=mb21]The only person I want vetoing the GM is the owner and that’s how it is with most clubs. Brian Cashman isn’t vetoed by the team president or the other attorney higher than him. He’s not vetoed by one of the other Steinbrenner’s either. It’s Hank that does it as it should be.[/quote]Wasn’t there something a couple years back where Cashman threatened to quit if he was interfered with?
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21]Tom Ricketts may be an idiot and may be as bad an owner as he’s appeared so far, but he’s in the inner circle with the owners and other executives. He knows who these guys are. He knows what they did.[/quote]
When he was being interviewed before the season opener, Ricketts said the sale was so complicated that he didn’t want the added responsibility of finding someone to come in and be his “baseball guy” to evaluate the org. He gave the impression that he was just focused on getting the team purchased and that he would then go in and evaluate Kenney, Hendry, etc., himself and decide where to go from there. From what he has said now he’s happy with what he’s seen. He thinks Jim is “working hard” and giving “100%.” He believes Quade had done well to keep “spirit in the clubhouse good.” He said “the only thing lacking is the product on the field.” Ricketts thinks they are doing things right but they just aren’t getting good results. Because the product on the field is so bad most fans and media don’t agree with Tom’s assessment that Hendry and Quade are doing their jobs well.
melissaQuote Reply
[quote name=Mercurial Outfielder]Wasn’t there something a couple years back where Cashman threatened to quit if he was interfered with?[/quote]I think so and then George stepped down and gave complete control to Hank if I recall correctly.
I think the Red Sox owners did the same thing with Theo, which caused him to leave for a year.
mb21Quote Reply
How many managers has Hendry hired and fired?
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
[quote name=Mercurial Outfielder]How many managers has Hendry hired and fired?[/quote]I’m pretty sure he fired Don Baylor, hired Dusty Baker, hired Lou Piniella, and hired Mike Quade. Bruce Kimm was named interim manager when Baylor was fired and of course Quade was named interim manager when Lou left.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=Mercurial Outfielder]How many managers has Hendry hired and fired?[/quote]
He has hired Dusty, Lou and Quade. I wouldn’t count Kimm as the interim guy. Not sure if he fired Baylor or if that was MacPhail.
melissaQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21]I’m pretty sure he fired Don Baylor, hired Dusty Baker, hired Lou Piniella, and hired Mike Quade. Bruce Kimm was named interim manager when Baylor was fired and of course Quade was named interim manager when Lou left.[/quote]How many other GMs have been given that many managers? (dying laughing)
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
I don’t know about the rest of you, but I honestly couldn’t care less what the fans and media want. In fact, I’d go out of my way to not give them what they want. The fans and media wanted to treat Milton Bradley like shit before he was ever given a chance. The fans and media has acted like Zambrano has done nothing for this organization. I don’t have much respect for Ricketts, but I actually have more for him, Hendry and kenney than I’m ever going to have for the media that covers this team and a large part of the fan base. I think Hendry is bad and Ricketts is just a guy with a new toy, but some of the fans and most of the members of the media makes me disgusted and embarrassed to be a fan of this team.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=Mercurial Outfielder]Yeesh, Bruce is really trotting out the beat writer[/quote]
Levine or Miles?
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]
Levine orMiles?[/quote].melissaQuote Reply
[quote name=melissa].[/quote]
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=Mercurial Outfielder]How many other GMs have been given that many managers? (dying laughing)[/quote]Billy Beane goes through a manager a week. I don’t think it’s as uncommon as Bob Brenly has made it sound.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=mb21]I don’t know about the rest of you, but I honestly couldn’t care less what the fans and media want. [/quote]
Well, you just wrote a lengthy post telling us why they shouldn’t want a “baseball guy” as the team President. (dying laughing)
melissaQuote Reply
[quote name=Mercurial Outfielder]Yeesh, Bruce is really trotting out the beat writer clichees in this interview:
–Ramirez is lazy
–Lou quit on the team last year
–Quade was the right hire based on the end of last year
It’s like these guys all read from one script.[/quote]it’s amazing to me what the commenters on that site have done to him. I was never as enamored with him as some of you were, but he’s just terrible now.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=melissa]Well, you just wrote a lengthy post telling us why they shouldn’t want a “baseball guy” as the team President. (dying laughing)[/quote]Fair enough, but I know I’m not going to change anyone’s opinion. 99.9% of Cubdum makes up their mind and then never looks back. Maybe there’s some on here I can convince. Maybe not, but outside of here it won’t have any impact.
What I meant to you is that I don’t want the Cubs making decisions based on what the fans and media want.
mb21Quote Reply
I think most fans just want a winning team. They should focus on that instead of playing PR all the time.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21]Billy Beane goes through a manager a week. I don’t think it’s as uncommon as Bob Brenly has made it sound.[/quote]It seems like Hendry’s been given a pretty long rope.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]I think most fans just want a winning team. They should focus on that instead of playing PR all the time.[/quote]Winning solves a lot of problems. If the 2009 Cubs play up to expectations, the Cubs are in the playoffs at the time Ricketts is first taking over the team. Things are looking good. Playoff revenue. The team probably reinvests some of that and last year’s team is certainly a lot better entering the season. that 2009 season sucked ass in a lot of ways.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=mb21]
What I meant to you is that I don’t want the Cubs making decisions based on what the fans and media want.[/quote]
I completely agree. I always question myself if I start to agree with what seems to be popular opinion in Cubdumb. I wasn’t on the fire Hendry bandwagon like most fans and media when shit went down with Bradley. I’m at the point now where I don’t believe Hendry is the best choice going forward. I haven’t come to that conclusion because it’s popular wisdom but I’m not going to support Hendry just to be contrary either. ( I also don’t mean to imply that Hendry supporters are just looking to be contrary to the popular opinion.)
melissaQuote Reply
[quote name=Mercurial Outfielder]It seems like Hendry’s been given a pretty long rope.[/quote]The number of managers doesn’t bother me. It’s the amount of money spent and the number of wins the team has. Granted, some injuries have really hurt the team, but that’s to be expected.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=mb21]The number of managers doesn’t bother me. It’s the amount of money spent and the number of wins the team has. Granted, some injuries have really hurt the team, but that’s to be expected.[/quote]Yeah, and who that money was spent on *cough*GRABOW*cough*
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
[quote name=melissa]I completely agree. I always question myself if I start to agree with what seems to be popular opinion in Cubdumb. I wasn’t on the fire Hendry bandwagon like most fans and media when shit went down with Bradley. I’m at the point now where I don’t believe Hendry is the best choice going forward. I haven’t come to that conclusion because it’s popular wisdom but I’m not going to support Hendry just to be contrary either.[/quote]No, and you shouldn’t do that. I’m fine with firing Hendry, but until someone can tell me what Kenney does and why he’s bad at his job I can’t get on that bandwagon. I know what 424 is saying, but I think there was still a different and more satisfying way this owner could have differentiated himself from the previous owner (do whatever it takes to win).
Maybe Kenney deserves to be fired. I have no idea. I just can’t get behind firing someone when I don’t even have a fucking clue what the guy does. It would be like supporting firing Bob Smith in Phoenix. I don’t know Bob Smith and I have no idea what Bob Smith in Pheonix does so unless someone can tell me why Bob Smith should be fired, I’m against it. (dying laughing)
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=Mercurial Outfielder]Yeah, and who that money was spent on *cough*GRABOW*cough*[/quote]Terrible contract, but it’s one of those that doesn’t bother me. Less than $5 million over 2 years. If that’s the worst contract a GM ever gives out he’s a damn good one. Hendry has given out many worse contracts than that one as you know.
I look more at the money and how it can affect the team in the future. $2.5 million per year on a team that can spend $150 million just isn’t that big of a deal.
mb21Quote Reply
Grabow was actually paid $7.5MM over two years, but at least Hendry didn’t give him Rivera $$ (dying laughing)
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21]Terrible contract, but it’s one of those that doesn’t bother me. Less than $5 million over 2 years. If that’s the worst contract a GM ever gives out he’s a damn good one. Hendry has given out many worse contracts than that one as you know.
I look more at the money and how it can affect the team in the future. $2.5 million per year on a team that can spend $150 million just isn’t that big of a deal.[/quote]Are you planning on doing a predicted payroll post anytime soon? Wittenmyer has been saying lately that he’s got some inside info that the perception in the Cubs FO is that Hendry will have less than 20 mil to spend once all is said and done.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]Grabow was actually paid $7.5MM over two years, but at least Hendry didn’t give him Rivera $$ (dying laughing)[/quote]MB gave $2mil of Grabow’s contract to pay Marlon Byrd.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
[quote name=Mercurial Outfielder]MB gave $2mil of Grabow’s contract to pay Marlon Byrd.[/quote]
My mistake.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]Grabow was actually paid $7.5MM over two years, but at least Hendry didn’t give him Rivera $$ (dying laughing)[/quote]Yeah, you’re right. $4.9 million this year. (dying laughing)
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=Mercurial Outfielder]MB gave $2mil of Grabow’s contract to pay Marlon Byrd.[/quote](dying laughing)
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=Mercurial Outfielder]Are you planning on doing a predicted payroll post anytime soon? Wittenmyer has been saying lately that he’s got some inside info that the perception in the Cubs FO is that Hendry will have less than 20 mil to spend once all is said and done.[/quote]I can put something together tomorrow. I’m out for the night after this comment, but what Gordo says makes sense. I ran the numbers in my head awhile back when discussing this with DJ and $20 million seems about right. I’ll double check and post the results just to be sure though.
mb21Quote Reply
I was just looking at some of the photos from the riot and couldn’t help but think if that happened in Chicago that Tom Ricketts would be there selling hot dogs. (dying laughing)
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=mb21]I was just looking at some of the photos from the riot and couldn’t help but think if that happened in Chicago that Tom Ricketts would be there selling hot dogs. (dying laughing)[/quote](dying laughing)
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21]I was just looking at some of the photos from the riot and couldn’t help but think if that happened in Chicago that Tom Ricketts would be there selling hot dogs. (dying laughing)[/quote]
Would he be insulting the best rioters by only selling them for a dollar?
Rice CubeQuote Reply
My two cents on the “Baseball guy” argument is this: I worked for a university press and there was a change in leadership, where we basically were searching for a president to guide the decision making. During that time, the guys who were in charge, who were MBA business type guys with experience in running small presses (not university presses) ended up running things. They guy did what he knew to do to run a company, which is to try to maximize profits and minimize loss (note: the university press was nonprofit, but was allowed to store surplus in a trust fund). Anyway, they ended up renegotiating a contract with a major client, who then balked at the entire thing and left, resulting in 1/3 of the press (including myself) being laid off.
On the one hand, this was an intelligent guy with similar experience, but he was not a University Press guy. He didn’t seem to have the same vision as the university press, which is to offer not just publishing, but certain services and accommodations with academic organizations that another press would never do. Because he wanted to streamline, make everything more efficient (at the cost of personalization) and increase profits, he ended up gutting the press and costing dozens of people their jobs. I think that this story isn’t unique. You see a lot of smart people who know “business” generically but not the industry they end up working in, and they aren’t in line, because they don’t give enough of a shit and only want to “move up” in power, with the company vision. They see things filtered through that one lens of business school and nothing else. Personally, I don’t care if the guy played baseball or is from a baseball family, but I would really like to see a guy who knows the sport and cares about applying his business skills in a way that will benefit the team, even if that means occasionally not maximizing profits (because of other priorities, or at the very least understanding the long-term effects enough to know what long-term gains can be had).
It may be that guys like Crane Kenney are such people. But I just think that’s where people are coming from with that particular issue. At least, that’s my take on it.
joshQuote Reply
But it may be that you need a few non University Press guys around to supplement. I think it takes a balance. The non -Baseball guys buy you perspective, perhaps.
joshQuote Reply
(dying laughing)
GBTSQuote Reply
For statfags:
GBTSQuote Reply
yeah im not in the camp of we need a baseball guy on top of a baseball guy GM. I just think we could do better than Hendry.
And I think the writers & people who interact with Crane Kenny all seem to come away with the opinion that the guy is a fucking idiot. That carries weight with me because they interact with him and we dont
dylanjQuote Reply
Honestly, I think Tom needs to hire someone who knows stats and baseball. I think Tom just goes along with whatever Jim and Crane tell him. I don’t think the guy knows any better. Those two guys are salesmen and they have Tom buying refrigerators for his igloo.
joshQuote Reply
[quote name=Josh]Honestly, I think Tom needs to hire someone who knows stats and baseball. I think Tom just goes along with whatever Jim and Crane tell him. I don’t think the guy knows any better. Those two guys are salesmen and they have Tom buying refrigerators for his igloo.[/quote](dying laughing)
It really would be nice to see the Cubs move into the 21st century in their FO, and Hendry is not the guy that is going to allow that to happen.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
[quote name=GBTS]For statfags:
If Brad Pitt is involved, it’s for normal fags too.
MishQuote Reply
i just get the feeling Crane has very little to do with the baseball side of things. I think its pretty much Hendry’s gig.
dylanjQuote Reply
[quote name=dylanj]i just get the feeling Crane has very little to do with the baseball side of things. I think its pretty much Hendry’s gig.[/quote]Yeah, I think that’s the case. The problem is Hendry is a dinosaur. Yes, he can swing a trade. Yes he’s got a good working relationship with just about everyone. But he’s decades behind the power curve as far a player analysis goes. So, you either need a president who knows that stuff and will have input in Hendry’s dealings (which any GM would hate, hate, hate), or you need a GM that can get the club current.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
(dying laughing)
“I’ll make you suck my ass!”
(dying laughing)
MishQuote Reply
Anyone know about this Jokisch kid? He just had a tough loss after giving up an unearned run in 7 innings for Peoria.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
(dying laughing), the Mets just lost in extras on a walkoff balk.
BerseliusQuote Reply
[quote name=Berselius](dying laughing), the Mets just lost in extras on a walkoff balk.[/quote]And yet the players still swarmed home plate. Has that just become something they have to do no matter what?
joshQuote Reply
[quote name=Berselius](dying laughing), the Mets just lost in extras on a walkoff balk.[/quote]
Is that like a balkoff?
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=Mish](dying laughing)
“I’ll make you suck my ass!”
(dying laughing)[/quote]It’s awesome that in a memo decreeing no one should swear, all the worst swears are listed. (dying laughing)
had me (dying laughing) (dying laughing) (dying laughing)
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
That’s a bit extreme (dying laughing)
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=Berselius](dying laughing), the Mets just lost in extras on a walkoff balk.[/quote]
Not very dramatic, if you ask me.
ACTQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]That’s a bit extreme (dying laughing)[/quote]I’m all for leniency and all, but if someone swears on the field, they should be banned for life.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
I don’t know about that. These are the same people that aren’t capable of correctly analyzing baseball yet they have no problems acting as if they do. I don’t see why I should treat this any differently. Also, these guys haven’t even bothered to tell us what Crane Kenney does, which tells me 1) they either don’t know or don’t care and 2) and are very unlikely to understand what his job entails. If they knew that information, we’d have learned it.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=mb21]I don’t know about that. These are the same people that aren’t capable of correctly analyzing baseball yet they have no problems acting as if they do. I don’t see why I should treat this any differently. Also, these guys haven’t even bothered to tell us what Crane Kenney does, which tells me 1) they either don’t know or don’t care and 2) and are very unlikely to understand what his job entails. If they knew that information, we’d have learned it.[/quote]Apparently part of the question about Kenney was to question what his role in the org is, and it was dodged, or at least that what Miles and a couple others were saying.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
[quote name=Mercurial Outfielder]Yeah, I think that’s the case. The problem is Hendry is a dinosaur. Yes, he can swing a trade. Yes he’s got a good working relationship with just about everyone. But he’s decades behind the power curve as far a player analysis goes. So, you either need a president who knows that stuff and will have input in Hendry’s dealings (which any GM would hate, hate, hate), or you need a GM that can get the club current.[/quote]I’ve come to the realization lately that it just doesn’t matter. Ryno has been right all this time. This team is never going to win anything. They could hire Andrew Friedman, Theo Epsein and Kim Ng and still suck. They could do that, sign Pujols, trade for Longoria, Utley, Lincecum and they still won’t win. This is why i said yesterday that I just don’t care what the Cubs do with regards to Hendry. It’s not going to make a damn bit of difference anyway.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=mb21]I’ve come to the realization lately that it just doesn’t matter. Ryno has been right all this time. This team is never going to win anything. They could hire Andrew Friedman, Theo Epsein and Kim Ng and still suck. They could do that, sign Pujols, trade for Longoria, Utley, Lincecum and they still won’t win. This is why i said yesterday that I just don’t care what the Cubs do with regards to Hendry. It’s not going to make a damn bit of difference anyway.[/quote](dying laughing) Not even I am that fatalistic. (dying laughing) I agree that this club is handicapped by the urine-soaked relic they play in, but I think the right owner and a solid FO could easily turn this club into the Yankees.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
[quote name=Mercurial Outfielder]Apparently part of the question about Kenney was to question what his role in the org is, and it was dodged, or at least that what Miles and a couple others were saying.[/quote]Why are we in 2011 and just now questioning this? There’s no excuse that they don’t already know. Even if Ricketts wouldn’t tell them, it’s not like they can’t ask others to figure it out. Do your fucking jobs! These are the laziest sons of bitches ever.
What’s next? Are they going to ask what the Cubs are doing to prevent an injury to Mark Prior almost a decade ago? These guys are a joke. it has to be comedy.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=Mercurial Outfielder](dying laughing) Not even I am that fatalistic. (dying laughing) I agree that this club is handicapped by the urine-soaked relic they play in, but I think the right owner and a solid FO could easily turn this club into the Yankees.[/quote]What’s funny is that I thought the same thing even a year ago, but now I see Cubs becoming Yankees and I can’t help but laugh. Out loud. (dying laughing)
mb21Quote Reply
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
(dying laughing)
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=mb21]Why are we in 2011 and just now questioning this? There’s no excuse that they don’t already know. Even if Ricketts wouldn’t tell them, it’s not like they can’t ask others to figure it out. Do your fucking jobs! These are the laziest sons of bitches ever.
What’s next? Are they going to ask what the Cubs are doing to prevent an injury to Mark Prior almost a decade ago? These guys are a joke. it has to be comedy.[/quote]I know Miles has been pushing that point for a while, but that’s because he wants “a baseball guy.” IIRC, when Crane was hired, they actually pressed Ricketts on what his role would be, but there’s never been an answer given, and I think they just quit. But there’s blood in the water after that PC.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
[quote name=Mercurial Outfielder]I know Miles has been pushing that point for a while, but that’s because he wants “a baseball guy.” IIRC, when Crane was hired, they actually pressed Ricketts on what his role would be, but there’s never been an answer given, and I think they just quit. But there’s blood in the water after that PC.[/quote]
I thought that was one of the numerous Yellon interviews where it took 50 questions to find out Crane Kenney was the president and then there was no followup.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21]What’s funny is that I thought the same thing even a year ago, but now I see Cubs becoming Yankees and I can’t help but laugh. Out loud. (dying laughing)[/quote]It definitely won’t happen with this ownership/FO combo, that’s for sure. (dying laughing)
One thing that was pointed out by BM to me was Ricketts’ “Wrigley brings 600 mil in tourist revenue” line. Ricketts is still buying into this “sell every ticket, win or lose” thing. He has to be disabused of that notion. The product on the field is the only thing that is going to put butts in the seats. Fucking Brewers fans took over Wrigley in that series. Cub fans used to do that to Miller Park. No more. And Ricketts seems oblivious to it.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
I agree it won’t happen with this owner, but I think this owner is around a long time and then I think it stays in the family much longer. We aren’t seeing a Cubs championship.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=mb21]I agree it won’t happen with this owner, but I think this owner is around a long time and then I think it stays in the family much longer. We aren’t seeing a Cubs championship.[/quote]
They just won three of four against the Brewers, they’re going to come back all the way and win the World Series and shut you right up.
/irrational fan
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21]I agree it won’t happen with this owner, but I think this owner is around a long time and then I think it stays in the family much longer. We aren’t seeing a Cubs championship.[/quote]Probably true. I was very against the Canning group (too closely tied to Selig), but I find it hard to believe their first two years would have been half as hamfisted as the shammockery we’ve seen.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
40K fans at Wrigley today. It wasn’t even that nice out. I couldn’t tell from the few clips I saw how many were actually Cubs fans.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
The problem with continuing to spend when they took over was that the Ricketts were taking on all that debt that the Tribune never had to worry about. I think we all pretty much knew it was unrealistic to think they would keep that up, especially since so much of the big money wasn’t living up to the price tags – particularly Soriano.
But they were never going to rebuild because they kept the guys who built the mess to begin with and rebuilding would be admitting errors had been made. So we get this mishmash hybrid of trying to put together a team that would only be competitive in the NL Central (and doing a piss poor job of even that) and going with a youth movement.
They refuse to trade guys with value because those are the guys they need to keep any semblance of validity to their desire to win now.
That’s why you clean house when you come in, especially if a change in direction is needed, because the guys who spent all that time going in one direction are not going to be willing and/or able to reverse course on their own prior plans.
Aisle424Quote Reply
[quote name=mb21]They could hire Andrew Friedman, Theo Epsein and Kim Ng and still suck…[/quote]
I missed the part where it became obvious that Kim Ng deserved to be grouped with these two….
GWQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]They just won three of four against the Brewers, they’re going to come back all the way and win the World Series and shut you right up.
irrationalTrue die-hard Cubs fan[/quote].melissaQuote Reply
[quote name=GW]I missed the part where it became obvious that Kim Ng deserved to be grouped with these two….[/quote]
She’s SMRT.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=Mercurial Outfielder]One thing that was pointed out by BM to me was Ricketts’ “Wrigley brings 600 mil in tourist revenue” line. Ricketts is still buying into this “sell every ticket, win or lose” thing. He has to be disabused of that notion. .[/quote]
Thats the one notion that no one will need to explain to him. Even the most oblivious owners tend to get the picture regarding the bottom line fairly quickly.
GWQuote Reply
Also, I don;t know if they LET McDonough go. I think he got the fuck out when he saw what was about to happen. I don;t think there was anything the Cubs could do to keep him. I don;t know what his contract was, but if they didn’t let him out, he would have gone as soon as it was up and they would have burned a major bridge with him.
That little parade with the Stanley Cup at Wrigley never would have happened if McDonough left the Cubs all pissed off.
Aisle424Quote Reply
[quote name=Mercurial Outfielder]It definitely won’t happen with this ownership/FO combo, that’s for sure. (dying laughing)
Giants fans were saying the same thing approximately four years ago.
EDIT: I realize now you meant becoming like the yankees.
GWQuote Reply
[quote name=GW]Giants fans were saying the same thing approximately four years ago.[/quote]
Brian Sabean’s idiocy was vindicated by absurdly good luck in the draft and in the 2010 performances.
Did you guys see this?
I hope these guys get some sweet perks at PNC Park this season. That is really awesome.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=GW]EDIT: I realize now you meant becoming like the yankees.[/quote]
That would require blowing up Wrigley Field and making a new Fortress of Win.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=Aisle424]Also, I don;t know if they LET McDonough go. I think he got the fuck out when he saw what was about to happen. I don;t think there was anything the Cubs could do to keep him. I don;t know what his contract was, but if they didn’t let him out, he would have gone as soon as it was up and they would have burned a major bridge with him.
That little parade with the Stanley Cup at Wrigley never would have happened if McDonough left the Cubs all pissed off.[/quote]I suppose. He was made for that job, though.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
[quote name=Aisle424]That’s why you clean house when you come in, especially if a change in direction is needed, because the guys who spent all that time going in one direction are not going to be willing and/or able to reverse course on their own prior plans.[/quote]I think that this more than anything has been Rickett’s fatal flaw. People wanted a major change. They said “meh, we’re fine.”
joshQuote Reply
[quote name=Josh]I think that this more than anything has been Rickett’s fatal flaw. People wanted a major change. They said “meh, we’re fine.”[/quote]Yeah, I think that was the beginning of the apathy among the fans. And he still doesn’t seem to get it.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]She’s SMRT.[/quote]
I don’t doubt that, but luring away the special assistant to Joe Torre at MLB (or whatever she does) wouldn’t exactly be my idea of a home run hire.
GWQuote Reply
[quote name=Aisle424]Also, I don;t know if they LET McDonough go. I think he got the fuck out when he saw what was about to happen. I don;t think there was anything the Cubs could do to keep him. I don;t know what his contract was, but if they didn’t let him out, he would have gone as soon as it was up and they would have burned a major bridge with him.
That little parade with the Stanley Cup at Wrigley never would have happened if McDonough left the Cubs all pissed off.[/quote]
To my recollection when McDonough jumped ship to work for Rocky Wirtz it was because he didn’t know who was going to buy the club. It was speculated that he assumed new ownership would want their own guy and he would be stuck high and dry. The Trib was fine with him leaving as they just needed a seat warmer until the deal was done. I’m curious if his right hand man, Jay Blunk would be someone Ricketts might consider bringing back as President or some such to get the Wrigley rehab done. I definitely think Blunk has the experience necessary in Chicago to grease the skids and get something done.
melissaQuote Reply
[quote name=GBTS]For statfags:
Oddly enough, Philip Seymour Hoffman stands out as the worst casting choice.
GWQuote Reply
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
(dying laughing) @ Braves fail
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=GW]I don’t doubt that, but luring away the special assistant to Joe Torre at MLB (or whatever she does) wouldn’t exactly be my idea of a home run hire.[/quote]She’s supposedly one of the brightest minds in baseball. It’s not too surprising that she hasn’t gotten a job as a GM yet since I doubt there are teams lining up to be the first to hire a female GM. Obviously there’s a lot we don’t know, but she has the reputation of someone I’d want the Cubs to hire.
As for the discussion on McDonough, Cubs fans were thrilled when he left at the time. That was something else I didn’t quite understand. The man turned the Cubs organization into a gold mine. Aside from adding that additional season for Soriano, I couldn’t have been happier with him.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=GBTS]For statfags:
(dying laughing), Royce Clayton is playing Miguel Tejada
BerseliusQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]I thought that was one of the numerous Yellon interviews where it took 50 questions to find out Crane Kenney was the president and then there was no followup.[/quote]
But who is the Executive Chairman?
BerseliusQuote Reply
[quote name=wikipedia]Ng: My family’s from China.
Singer: Nonsensically mock Chinese, then “What country in China?”
He later apologized and blamed the Atkins diet and being drunk[/quote]
(dying laughing). somehow i missed that.
GWQuote Reply
meh, she seems fine. Sounds like lots of arbitration experience, which would be nice (you know, actually taking players to arbitration).
Seems a stretch to put her in the same conversation as the other two. I mean, I’m all for giving a person a chance, but I think she should be executed.
GWQuote Reply
[quote name=Berselius](dying laughing), Royce Clayton is playing Miguel Tejada[/quote]
(dying laughing)… i guess they are about the same age
GWQuote Reply
Dr. Aneus TaintQuote Reply
Anyone else going to the Wrigleyville Block Party this weekend?
Dr. Aneus TaintQuote Reply
Dr. Aneus TaintQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21]She’s supposedly one of the brightest minds in baseball. It’s not too surprising that she hasn’t gotten a job as a GM yet since I doubt there are teams lining up to be the first to hire a female GM. Obviously there’s a lot we don’t know, but she needs to stop trying do men’s work and get back into the kitchen. [/quote].
Dr. Aneus TaintQuote Reply
[quote name=Jame Gumb]Anyone else going to the Wrigleyville Block Party this weekend?[/quote]
I’m going to the game today, so I figured I’d see what was going on there. I’m hoping it is hilarious.
Aisle424Quote Reply
Dr. Aneus TaintQuote Reply
Forgot about this a few days ago…
Which is what made the “Winning in the NBA is different from winning in MLB” comment by Alvin so hilarious to me.
Dr. Aneus TaintQuote Reply
[quote name=Jame Gumb]Forgot about this a few days ago…
Which is what made the “Winning in the NBA is different from winning in MLB” comment by Alvin so hilarious to me.[/quote]
A minor league hockey team eh? Tough to win at that level…
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]A minor league hockey team eh? Tough to win at that level…[/quote]
Well, and hockey is so much more like baseball than basketball.
Dr. Aneus TaintQuote Reply
BerseliusQuote Reply
I obviously have no delusions of this team going anywhere, but hot damn was that game fun yesterday. Always great beating down the Brewers, reminds me of 07 and 08. That feels like it was 10 years ago.
GBTSQuote Reply
(dying laughing)
(dying laughing)
Aisle424Quote Reply
Mish, I’m 90% sure I saw you at the Addison Red Line.
GBTSQuote Reply
[quote name=GBTS]Mish, I’m 90% sure I saw you at the Addison Red Line.[/quote]
You sure it wasn’t just a peanut vendor?
Oh snap son.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=Aisle424]
(dying laughing)
(dying laughing)[/quote]
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
It is literally Friday, Friday.
Aisle424Quote Reply
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=Aisle424]
(dying laughing)

(dying laughing)[/quote]
Wasn’t me.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]
Wasn’t me.[/quote]

Dr. Aneus TaintQuote Reply
[quote name=GBTS]Mish, I’m 90% sure I saw you at the Addison Red Line.[/quote]
GBTS, you’re posting this in the wrong place
BerseliusQuote Reply
[quote name=Aisle424]
It is literally Friday, Friday.[/quote]Yesterday was Thursday, Thursday.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
Fukudome RF
Castro SS
DeWitt 2B
Ramirez 3B
Peña 1B
Soriano LF
Campana CF
Hill C
Davis P
Holy fucking Christ.
Aisle424Quote Reply
[quote name=Aisle424]Fukudome RF
Castro SS
DeWitt 2B
Ramirez 3B
Peña 1B
Soriano LF
Campana CF
Hill C
Davis P
Holy fucking Christ.[/quote]
Soto needs a day off after going 2-for-4?
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=Jame Gumb]
Well done.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]Soto needs a day off after going 2-for-4?[/quote]
He had a good outing, so they wanted to cut it short
BerseliusQuote Reply
[quote name=Aisle424]Fukudome RF
Castro SS
DeWitt 2B
Ramirez 3B
Peña 1B
Soriano LF
Campana CF
Hill C
Davis P
Holy fucking Christ.[/quote]Apart from the top 2, that’s a lineup that could easily be no-hit.
DeWitt gets another try in his epic battle vs. gravity.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
[quote name=Berselius]He had a good outing, so they wanted to cut it short[/quote]
They can suck my ass.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]Soto needs a day off after going 2-for-4?[/quote]They’re giving half of Soto’s PT to Hill, in order to pay Marlon Byrd.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]They can suck my ass.[/quote]Old Hoss Radbourn agrees.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
Dewie batted third yesterday and the team scored 12 runs.
GBTSQuote Reply
That lineup suggests that all our potential pinch-hitters will be right-handed except for Zambrano.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=GBTS]Dewie batted third yesterday and the team scored 12 runs.
[quote name=Rice Cube]That lineup suggests that all our potential pinch-hitters will be right-handed except for Zambrano.[/quote]Let’s See What Happens
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
There must be an unwritten rule about playing good players against a Yankees team without Derek Jeter.
Aisle424Quote Reply
I’m still baffled by DeWitt hitting third. I’m not bothered about Soto getting the day off, however. Catchers need regular rest.
ACTQuote Reply
[quote name=ACT]I’m still baffled by DeWitt hitting third. I’m not bothered about Soto getting the day off, however. Catchers need regular rest.[/quote]
Soto’s only played three games in a row I think. I know he’s coming back from a groin injury, but anytime Hill starts over Soto I get upset (dying laughing)
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=ACT]I’m still baffled by DeWitt hitting third. I’m not bothered about Soto getting the day off, however. Catchers need regular rest.[/quote]Especially with Ramirez and Pena in the same lineup.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
(dying laughing)
I believe you know what’s coming…
Dr. Aneus TaintQuote Reply
[quote name=GBTS]Mish, I’m 90% sure I saw you at the Addison Red Line.[/quote]
Shoulda said hi; I was stuck with a co-worker I’m not particularly friends with.
MishQuote Reply
[quote name=Jame Gumb]
(dying laughing)
I believe you know what’s coming…[/quote]
What’s he doing way up there? You’d think a season ticket holder would want to be closer to the action.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
That’s his regular seat, RC.
Aisle424Quote Reply
[quote name=Jame Gumb]
(dying laughing)
I believe you know what’s coming…[/quote]I love how the baloney sammich is clearly visible in his left hand. (dying laughing)
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]What’s he doing way up there? You’d think a season ticket holder would want to be closer to the action.[/quote]Now you know why in-game accounts from Al are utter bullshit.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
[quote name=Mish]Shoulda said hi; I was stuck with a co-worker I’m not particularly friends with.[/quote]I was going to but it was pretty crowded, plus I was with my boss and didn’t want to explain I was saying hi to someone I discreditedly blog with during work.
GBTSQuote Reply
[quote name=Aisle424]That’s his regular seat, RC.[/quote]
I can’t believe he pays full price for that seat.
Then again, I can’t believe I paid full price for my seat for the Phillies game when I could’ve probably bought them for 50% off from a scalper on the day of 😛
Rice CubeQuote Reply
I made my wife promise that she would never allow me to become the kind of man who tucks in his t-shirts.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
Dr. Aneus TaintQuote Reply
[quote name=GBTS]I was going to but it was pretty crowded, plus I was with my boss and didn’t want to explain I was saying hi to someone I discreditedly blog with during work.[/quote]
This is the same reason I did not wear my OV facepalm shirt – I didn’t want to end up directing people to the website to see that how much of my work time I spend calling people fagets. (dying laughing)
MishQuote Reply
[quote name=Mercurial Outfielder]I made my wife promise that she would never allow me to become the kind of man who tucks in his t-shirts.[/quote]
(dying laughing), we have the same deal here.
BerseliusQuote Reply
[quote name=Jame Gumb]
[/quote](dying laughing)
(dying laughing)
(dying laughing)
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
preview up
BerseliusQuote Reply
edited version —-> new thread
Dr. Aneus TaintQuote Reply