Figured we could use a new post, what with not having written anything since last year (technically). First item of business is the arbitration exchange deadline, which is on the 9th (Thursday as of this posting). Most of the arbitration-eligible guys on the Cubs have either been shipped out or settled with, but Justin Steele, Nate Pearson, and the newly …
The Return of Sammy Sosa (?)
At this point you know that Sammy Sosa made a somewhat veiled apology for maybe taking a super vitamin during his playing days, which prompted Tom Ricketts to officially welcome him back to the team. Now I guess it’s official, at least based on this item I found in my email (thanks to Perkins for reminding me that I was …
Dreamcast 56: The Best We Can Hope For
Thanks to Smokestack for pointing us to the best possible title for this one. RC, BVS, and Berselius hang out to talk about whatever this team is right now and how we hope for some good fortune in 2023 with spring training around the corner. Among our topics: We also told jokes about a corn cob dress but decided not …
Shocking News That is Shocking: Banks & Williams to Appear at Cubs Convention
I know all of you have been laying awake at night and wondering if you might get a chance to see either Billy Williams or Ernie Banks at the Cubs Convention in January. Sure, they have both been there every other year, and the Cubs never miss an opportunity to trot the 1969 Cubs out to talk about what might …
The Next Generation of Cub Players and Plate Discipline
The Cubs Convention took place this past weekend. OV's own Aisle424 was present and will summarize his thoughts on it shortly (I think). In the meantime, Josh has already weighed in. Bruce Miles was all over the goings-on, as well, and his twitter feed is well worth checking out. A couple of highlights: Sveum: Campana "has a really hard time …
Get Out Your ‘It’s Gonna Happen’ Signs and DeRosa Shirseys, It’s Cubs Convention Time!
It's that time again! Every winter, the Cubs gather their current players, management, and any ex-players for whom they have blackmail material and trot them out like showdogs for their fans in a massive effort to "build their brand" or "polish the turd." Yes, the Cubs Convention is tomorrow and the Cubs have been very busy planning how best to shovel massive …
Cubs Con 2012
I figured I would set this up as a thread to document my experiences at Cubs Convention 2012. Had to deal with tons of loud obnoxious Cubs fans and huge crowds for a few moments of “oooh, look at that guy” but I did get to meet and talk to Pat Hughes and that was pretty cool. Here’s the first …
Cubs Mesh Corporate Sponsorship and a Veiled Reference to Pubic Hair Into Cubs Convention
The Cubs Convention is now a time-honored tradition almost as sacred in the world of Cubs fans as day baseball, the manual scoreboard, the ivy, the urinal troughs, and the years and years of constant losing. It is a time when Cubs fans can join together in the middle of winter to re-connect with Cubs baseball. It allows opportunities to …