With the Cubs about to play games that matter and the NCAA Basketball Tournament on the horizon, the jabronis return to talk some shop… You can check out the podcast page or just click on the embedded players below. You can also use the sidebar to get to our Apple Podcast pages and leave a nice review and rating if it pleases …
PCA the Madman
There was probably a Tom Tango Twitter thread (or a blog even) that said that home run robberies were pretty much “routine catches” or whatever. I’m too lazy and disinterested to find it now, but after last night’s performance (particularly on defense), at least FanGraphs decided to give Pete Crow-Armstrong his due: Despite having played just 106 games so far, …
Well Crap, See You in a Few, Cody
Goddammit. That is all.
Dreamcast 70: This Game Will Drive You Crazy
RC, AC, SVB & berselius hang out as the Cubs were crapping the bed against the Tigers (but they did win the finale and the series) to ponder the state of the Cubs. Topics include: Apologies for the lazy edit, ran out of time and have to do actual work here and there for a real job that pays money. …