Random crap

I've had a very sore neck, back and shoulders for the last couple of weeks so I haven't written much over that time. It's still not 100% and I'm beginning to feel as though it never will be. But I am good enough that I can spread my infinite wisdom to our readers. You're welcome.

Jeff Samardzija was named the opening day starter. A year ago it was a far fetched dream that he could even stick around in the rotation. The idea of him one day being an opening day starter would probably would have resulted in my death due to laughter. He's earned it. I'm skeptical he's the best starter on this team, but he had a fantastic 2012 season and has more than proven he's a starting pitcher. He's more than proven that I don't know shit about baseball, which I already knew anyway.

Matt Garza is out for at least a month. Assuming no setbacks, he could be back on the mound in May, but assuming no setbacks is kind of silly. Setbacks are a part of the healing process. Hopefully Garza can avoid them, but I wouldn't bet any money on it. He's definitely going to be trade bait again at the deadline so missing the first month isn't ideal. It's certainly better than being put on the DL days before the deadline. However, he's looking at having only 10 or so starts by the time teams start seriously looking for upgrades. Considering the injuries over the last year, teams probably shouldn't expect a perfectly healthy Garza if they trade for him. The Cubs asking price will have to come down.

Alfonso Soriano and Carlos Marmol could be trade bait. Duh. You know who else could be trade bait? Just about any player not named Anthony Rizzo or Starlin Castro.

Rizzo has helped lead Italy to the 2nd round of the WBC. The US nearly found a way to be eliminated after the 1st round, but a convincing finish to their game yesterday moves them forward. Good thing Hugo Chavez wasn't around to watch his team be eliminated in the 1st round. He'd probably have had a heart attack. And died.

Plastic grocery bags or reusable bags? Most of the time I use the reusable kind, but every once in awhile I want the plastic ones for various tasks.

Speaking of grocery bags, I was in the store yesterday. The dairy section is at the back, which kind of pisses me off because if there's one thing I run to the store to get most often it's milk. Put it at the front of the store.

Anyway, I picked up some milk and as I turned around a bottle of Samuel Smith's Imperial Stout was staring right at me. I paused and stared back. Then I started thinking.

  • I can drink.
  • It would be fun to get drunk.
  • Just this once.
  • I've gone years without a drink so I deserve it.
  • Just get it.
  • It's no big deal.
  • I'll go back to being sober tomorrow.
  • I'm going to get drunk tonight.
  • Probably only need 2 or 3 since it's been so long.
  • What's the worst that can happen?
  • 0 days sober
  • Turns around and moves on.

I haven't had a drink in almost 12 years and I very nearly convinced myself to have a drink yesterday. I wasn't even craving it. The damn thing just stared at me and I don't back down from a staring contest. Ask my dog.

I realized something yesterday that surprised me. For one thing, I haven't craved a drink or drugs for a very long time. Secondly, I can still justify using just as well as I could when I was using. You never forget that. Finally, going back to 0 days sober scared the shit out of me. It scared me so much that I didn't give it another thought.

You'll see on tv and movies how some recovering addicts can tell you the exact number of days they've been sober even if those days number in the thousands. I've never met anyone that could do that. Most of the addicts I've known tend to lose count at about 300 days. Even at 6 months you gradually refer to your sobriety in months and not days. By the 2nd year it's by the half year. When you get to 10 it's like you're a child again. 10 going on 11. I'm at 11 going on 12.

For the record, my handy dandy calculator tells me that I'm over 4000 days sober. If I ended up drinking yesterday, I wouldn't be 4000 days sober until 2024, which is probably about the time the Cubs have a shot to win a championship.

Dale Sveum talked about how the Cubs need more offense. It won't be the last time he says that.

Ian Stewart is out another week or so. That's about the time at which the Cubs can cut Stewart from their roster and only pay him a small portion of the salary. Odds on the Cubs releasing Stewart before then? A couple weeks ago I thought they were pretty good, but I'm surprised it hasn't been done already. Josh Vitters is also out another week, but who cares?

Bicycle helmets or no? I haven't done much biking for a long time, but I believe each person should be able to decide for themselves whether they wear one or not. Phil Birnbaum believes the law has more to do with morality than rational thought.