Cubs likely to extend Tim Wilken's contract

In News And Rumors by dmick89Leave a Comment

In a move that will surely anger even more people, Tom Ricketts will sit down with Tim Wilken in a couple weeks to discuss the state of the system and Wilken’s contract status. In other words, Ricketts is very likely to extend Wilken’s contract. I’ve not been too pleased with Wilken, but one thing we have to consider is the …

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Tom Ricketts and Player Acquisition

In Unobstructed Views by GW83 Comments

Tom Ricketts has been vocal since buying the Cubs about the need to strengthen the minor league system.  It’s getting harder to doubt his sincerity given the construction of a new facility in the Dominican Republic, the increased number of overslot draftees in 2011, and the newly competitive nature of the organization in plucking sixteen year-olds out of foreign countries. …

Some thoughts on the so-called team meetings

In News And Rumors by dmick8988 Comments

On Saturday Tim explained how silly the Cubs are, but I came to a much different conclusion than he did after reading the same thing. Let me start with just quoting some of the same things Tim did. General manager Jim Hendry and assistant GM Randy Bush will preside over the two days of meetings. Hendry’s objective will be to …

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Phil Rogers is Still Wrong – Because He HAS TO

In News And Rumors by aisle424305 Comments

MB, you ignorant slut. As someone who has been around the Cubs blogosphere for as long as you have, you should know damn well that Phil Rogers is never right about anything.  I’m fairly certain he needs a couple of tries to get his own name right in the byline. It was disturbing to realize that I was coming down …

The Cubs Are Still In It!

In News And Rumors by andcounting105 Comments

Tim is right: 2011 is not the Cubs’ year. (see also: 1909-2010). But not everybody needs to think that way. There are two approaches to being a fan (probably more, but I’m concerning this argument about these two alone . . . unless I get so inspired to consider others; I doubt it): thinking like a player and thinking like …

Besides That, Cubs Fans, How Have You Enjoyed the Ricketts Era?

In News And Rumors by aisle424198 Comments

The Ricketts showed up last year at the Cubs Convention to a hero’s welcome.  If the crowds could have somehow gotten ahold of some rose petals or palm fronds to throw at their feet, they surely would have.  Finally!  The reign of the Tribune had come to an end!  Long live the Ricketts Family!!! They talked about how they were …