Rockin' Randy Wells went 6 IP and gave up 4 ER. He also stuck out 5 and walked nobody. Guys, I don't know how to say this but Josh Vitters has more walks than strikeouts. Enjoy this moment while it lasts. Personal favorite Adrian Cardenas hit his first homer of the year as well.
God this team sucks. Anytime you ask yourself whats going on in AA just punch yourself in the face. Quasi prospect Nick Struck had a good start. Nothing else needs to be said.
Austin Kirk got the start tonight. Devoted readers will remember the column I didn't write last year heralding his no-hitter in Peoria. MD and I were pretty excited because he had great numbers at the time and at that point it was basically the corpse of Trey McNutt and Kirk to root for. Sadly, that was the high point for Kirk as he was just dreadful in the 2nd half. But its a new year and Kirk did alright tonight working 5 scoreless innings and striking 3 guys out. Starlin Castro Jr continues to hit and if he can keep this up in a pitchers league like the FSL we might have a challenger to the Iron Throne of Darwin Barney. 2011 draft pick Tony Zych who I hope can rise quickly as a 99 mph throwing RP was terrible in relief.
Boring ass game. Nobody worth a shit did anything. Move along sir.
Well done.. Well done.
That would have been my recap as well
bubblesdachimpQuote Reply
Suburban kidQuote Reply
Hey! I’m a fan of Adrian Cardenas too!
Bradley WoodrumQuote Reply
(dying laughing)
(dying laughing)
GBTSQuote Reply
@ Suburban kid:
This must be especially upsetting to you SK. Weren’t you a Titanic survivor?
BerseliusQuote Reply
I just did, and saw that Michael Brenly is the Smokies catcher. WTF
BerseliusQuote Reply
can I please get some love for the title of this post?
dylanjQuote Reply
Berselius wrote:
Suburban kidQuote Reply
(dying laughing)
(dying laughing)
(dying laughing)
bubblesdachimpQuote Reply
dylanj wrote:
Nice commas.
MishQuote Reply
Mish wrote:
nice snark. you’ve been warned
dylanjQuote Reply
dylanj wrote:
I’ve got “The Children Are Our Future” stuck in my head, so no.
BerseliusQuote Reply
Nice quoting, dudes.
Suburban kidQuote Reply
@ Berselius:
But they’re the greatest love of all.
Mobile RiceQuote Reply
@ dylanj:
I like how it is sponsored by InBev. When I opened this post there was an ad for budweiser on the side (dying laughing)
WaLiQuote Reply
Was he having sex on the motorcycle when it crashed? Because that would have been epic.
Mobile RiceQuote Reply
I didn’t know Mish taught his dog to text.
Aisle424Quote Reply
Mobile Rice wrote:
Well, that is the only thing that cures ice cream headache
/Jack Donaghy
BerseliusQuote Reply
BerseliusQuote Reply
WaLi wrote:
Aisle424Quote Reply
dylanj wrote:
Don’t tell me what to do.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
Anyone mention Baez yesterday morning? He went 3-4 with a HR and two 3Bs. He’s good at hitting.
This should be included in the original post.
jtsunamiQuote Reply
@ Aisle424:
That’s funny. I don’t have an ad there. Only “Welcome SkipVB”
Sometimes I open OV just to see the welcome.
SkipVBQuote Reply
Still (dying laughing) at this.
Aisle424Quote Reply
SkipVB wrote:
You must have purchased the super deluxe OV subscription that comes without ads.
Aisle424Quote Reply
dylanj wrote:
Here: is some, the love, for the title of, the post.
Thanks, for the chuckles.
SkipVBQuote Reply
Aisle424Quote Reply
@ Suburban kid:
I don’t see why this is so surprising, after all, some people think the Cubs have hope, that JefF7 will be a starter, and even Mish thinks he’s Batman.
SkipVBQuote Reply
SkipVB wrote:
mb21Quote Reply
Hey SK, you should have posted this, this is cool.

SkipVBQuote Reply
@ SkipVB:
Here’s the link.
SkipVBQuote Reply
@ SkipVB:
I won’t forget this.
MishQuote Reply
@ mb21:
I was having trouble with AdBlock a while back so it’s been turned off for months. Must be NoScript blocking
I wish I could get something that would block automatic downloads of video–like happens on CNN, ESPN, etc. That screws up the lousy download allowance I have from f’ing HughesNet. Course, if would help if I lived somewhere that had actual infrastructure.
SkipVBQuote Reply
@ Mish:
You made me, promises, promises.
Knowing I’d believe.
SkipVBQuote Reply
I believe this is behind the pay wall, but RJ Anderson looks at Samardzija’s first start:
MishQuote Reply
mb21 wrote:
I almost forgot about this: fuck you.
Suburban kidQuote Reply
Sorry to hear about your girlfriend, mb.
MishQuote Reply
@ Mish:
Yeah, it’s behind the paywall. But the third paragraph, all one-line of it, explains JefF7’s success in a way I finally understand.
JefF7 has harnessed the magic of the Easter Bunny. It makes sense. Santa Claus is so overcommitted. The tooth fairy is still on strike because they cast The Rock to play him in a dumb movie. The Easter Bunny, the most overlooked superhero of them all, was probably so flattered that someone (JefF7) asked for his assistance, that he gave JefF7 the special rabbit’s foot treatment. Now the rest is history.
Cy Young, Baby!!
SkipVBQuote Reply
*applauds Terry Francona*
BerseliusQuote Reply
@ SkipVB:
That paragraph reminds me of the lullaby of Solomon Grundy from Batman. (dying laughing)
MishQuote Reply
Lineup today
RF DeJesus
2B Barney
SS Castro
LF Soriano
3B Stewart
1B LaHair
C Soto
CF Byrd
P Dempster
BerseliusQuote Reply
@ Mish:
You must have a really messed up RSS feed, Batman.
SkipVBQuote Reply
@Mish: Thank you for that story…The headline of “Gravy-wrestling model suffers horrific facial injuries after being hit with monkey wrench when she interrupted a friend having sex” means that I have seen everything I need to see today, and can now go home.
mikeakaleroyQuote Reply
@ mikeakaleroy:
It was even all there in the link. Bravo, Mish.
Suburban kidQuote Reply
Google Maps finds Ronnie Woo on the corner of Addison and Sheffield. That seems right.
Aisle424Quote Reply
@ Berselius:
Larry Lucchino is an unfathomably shitty person.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
@ Suburban kid:
I did a good.
MishQuote Reply
@ SkipVB:
It’s not actually from Batman, but that’s how I know it (like most things).
Solomon Grundy,
Born on a Monday,
Christened on Tuesday,
Married on Wednesday,
Took ill on Thursday,
Grew worse on Friday,
Died on Saturday,
Buried on Sunday.
That was the end,
Of Solomon Grundy.
MishQuote Reply
Batman comics taught me that Batman can still punch Superman’s lights out if he has a Kryptonite ring.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
@ Rice Cube:
…and Kevlar gloves. Or else Batman would still break every bone in his hand.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Hellickson took a batted ball to the head during BP today, had to be carted off. OUCH.
MishQuote Reply
That’s a huge screw.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
@ Mish:
I prefer:
Have a Billy holiday
Born on a Monday
Married on a Tuesday
Drunk on a Wednesday
Got plugged on a Thursday
Sick on a Friday
Died on a Saturday
Buried on a Sunday
Suburban kidQuote Reply
Face —–> Palm
BerseliusQuote Reply
McNutt still a zero era
bubblesdachimpQuote Reply