I already looked at the 20 best, as measured by WPA,so it only seems appropriate to look at the 20 worst. I'll be using WPA again, but it's by no means the only metric you could use to create a similar list. I'll be doing so without any commentary this time and will be breaking it down into pitchers and position players because late-inning relievers are easily going to have had the most negative impact on the game (think Carlos Marmol blowing a 32 run lead by walking 36 straight).
Of course Koyie Hill would be in this list. I'm actually surprised Joe Mather isn't in it more frequently. Soriano and Castro each made the list 3 times, but when you play as many games as those two did, that's going to happen. Not surprisingly, the Cubs closer led the way with 4 times on the list. That's probably true of almost every team.
aside: http://obstructedview.net/aside/muskat-top-prospect-baez-develops-in-arizona-fall-league.html
mb21Quote Reply
another aside: http://obstructedview.net/aside/cubs-prospect-all-stars.html
mb21Quote Reply
Do they assign WPA to the defender if they make a really stupid error, rather than the pitcher?
Rice CubeQuote Reply
WaLiQuote Reply
@ mb21:
Think Baez has a chance of skipping AAA like Castro did? It wouldn’t make sense contract wise, but it would put fans in the seats.
I guess I could see it if he would be an improvement and we have a shot at being a good team. The chance of us having a good time anytime soon though is somewhere between slim and none.
WaLiQuote Reply
I don’t know what I was expecting Raul Ibanez to sound like, but it definitely wasn’t “not even slightly Hispanic.”
joshQuote Reply
@ josh:
Would it surprise you to know that Raul was born in NYC?
Rice CubeQuote Reply
@ josh:

WaLiQuote Reply
@ Rice Cube:
I looked all that up after I heard him. You get so used to hearing guys with thick Dominican accents that it really struck me as unusual that a guy with such a distinctly Hispanic name (an accent AND an enye!?) would have no accent at all.
joshQuote Reply
@ josh:
I think Carlos Pena is like that too.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
@ WaLi:
Incorrect. “Hispanic” is not a race. It’s an ethnicity.
joshQuote Reply
@ josh:
You’re ethnicist then.
Go sports team! Beat other sports team!
Rice CubeQuote Reply
@ Rice Cube:
True, but he has a detectable accent, just a hint. Seriously, Raul sounds totally neutral. Players never sound like I expect them too. Strange, b/c you spend so much time staring at them, but have no idea what their voice even sounds like.
joshQuote Reply
@ josh:
His ethnicity of name-to-ethnicity of accent ration is extremely high is my point, asymptotically approaching infinity.
joshQuote Reply
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Speaking of racist…
I totally (dying laughing)
Rice CubeQuote Reply
@ WaLi:
Baez was pretty bad in his short stint at high a ball. He’ll go back there and spend most of 2013 with a potential promotion to AA late in the season if he’s had a good year. Then in 2014 he’ll go back to AA and at that point he could get called up if he’s hitting the shit out of the ball. So yeah he could skip AAA but that won’t be happening until 2014 at the earliest.
mb21Quote Reply
@ mb21:
At which point he will almost be 22 – if he’s just cracking the MLB roster at 22 then may as well consider him a bust and trade him. All the cool kids are getting in younger than that.
/Harper’d, Trout’d, and Castro’d
WaLiQuote Reply
@ WaLi:
(dying laughing). FWIW I think 2015 is a more realistic ETA for Baez.
mb21Quote Reply
(dying laughing) 😀
Rice CubeQuote Reply
@ Rice Cube:
Might be a bit morbid but based on certain articles about A-Rod’s ego it seems to be on the mark.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
MishQuote Reply
Giants! Woo!
Rice CubeQuote Reply
I like the part where Matt Cain is being nice and trying to give some of it back.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Reds! Ooh!
Suburban kidQuote Reply
Rice CubeQuote Reply
@ Rice Cube:
Or is this better as a TOOTBLANK?
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Wilson’s face blanket freaks me out.
Suburban kidQuote Reply
TCR on Baez @ 3B:
Rice CubeQuote Reply
@ Rice Cube:
GBTSQuote Reply
So are you all playing Postseason Bingo and Moundball?
joshQuote Reply
Xavier Nady ————————–> schmoe
Suburban kidQuote Reply
Pagan just shat on the Reds’ (likely) last chance.
Suburban kidQuote Reply
Way to make Chapman waste 25 pitches.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Fucking Giants.
mb21Quote Reply
mb21 wrote:
I always pegged you as a midgets guy
BerseliusQuote Reply
It’s not over yet.
Dammit, bullpen.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
This is getting exciting.
mb21Quote Reply
What an at bat (so far)
Suburban kidQuote Reply
Jesus Christ that was an insane at-bat.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Suburban kidQuote Reply
I prefer the Giants to the Nats and Cards but I am a little bit of a Reds fan so this sucks ass.
Suburban kidQuote Reply
Oh shit. More Brenly and Stockton.
Suburban kidQuote Reply
Hello? Anyone there? The Cube? Insect Boy? Statfucker?
Suburban kidQuote Reply
@ Suburban kid:
Part of me wanted Dusty to advance, but I do like the Giants. So fuck Cincinnati (dying laughing)
I see Detwiler is doing a bit better than his rotation counterparts so far.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
My lying eyes tell me that Kyle Lohse is inducing an unusually high number of foul popouts.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
@ Suburban kid:
It’s my afternoon with the kid (i.e., swim lessons an daddy dinner. So don’t expect much from me.
joshQuote Reply
I didn’t take this pic, unfortunately, but it’s still awesome:
joshQuote Reply
So I guess the Reds can’t even complain about home field advantage then.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
@ josh:
Rice CubeQuote Reply
GBTS, senorgif please:
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Tim Lincecum is naughty:
Rice CubeQuote Reply
@ Suburban kid:
I was rooting for the Reds too. If the Cardinals win this series I just don’t give a shit about the NL. I’ll root for anyone in the AL.
mb21Quote Reply
@ mb21:
A’s please.
Or Yankees, I’d be okay with the Yankees.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
@ Rice Cube:
(dying laughing)
mb21Quote Reply
Anyone but the Cardinals or Yankees, please.
Rizzo the RatQuote Reply
I’m kinda rooting for the Tigers because my happiness is directly correlated to how often I see Verlander pitch.
Rizzo the RatQuote Reply
Zimmermann was fucking filthy. Holy shit.
GBTSQuote Reply
@ josh:
Suburban kidQuote Reply
The best pinch hitter in the NL struck out on a ridiculously shitty pitch.
Suburban kidQuote Reply
Werth’s at bat is rivaling Bruce’s.
Suburban kidQuote Reply
OK, it was better than Bruce’s. (dying laughing)
Suburban kidQuote Reply
@ Suburban kid:
Rice CubeQuote Reply
@ Rice Cube:
Yeah, I got all excited that they knocked the dreaded Nards out of it, then quickly realized there was one more game to play (dying laughing)
Suburban kidQuote Reply
@ Suburban kid:
Do or die games are extra sweet.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
BerseliusQuote Reply
Perhaps Mr. GorillaCock could verify this when he is able. I got this from Cubs Fan Report:
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Beer status: New Glarus Spotted Cow
BerseliusQuote Reply
They really should show the entire 14-pitch sequence.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Rice Cube wrote:
GBTSQuote Reply
GBTS wrote:
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Aisle424Quote Reply
Legendary Jeter at-bat in progress.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
@ Rice Cube:
Legend denied.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
How is Joe Saunders doing this? This should be impossible!
Rice CubeQuote Reply
@ Rice Cube:
Performance enhancers?
mb21Quote Reply
@ Aisle424:
l(dying laughing)
mb21Quote Reply
@ mb21:
Eye of newt and dragon’s tail.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Rice Cube wrote:
Aisle424Quote Reply
All 13 pitches of the Werth AB:
Aisle424Quote Reply
Nate McLouth. Of course!
Rice CubeQuote Reply
@ Aisle424:
(dying laughing)
GBTSQuote Reply
@ Aisle424:
Someone should gif those showing Alvin in each frame.
mb21Quote Reply
BerseliusQuote Reply
bonus baseball!
BerseliusQuote Reply
The O’s are making it exciting anyway
Go A’s.
joshQuote Reply
The Yankees are way off their regular season scoring average. This is highly unusual.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
I like how the ump is giving Verlander the opposite batter’s box as well for the “strike zone”.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
By Grapthar’s hammer, Joba has crappy injury luck. He must have had a blood transfusion from Mark Prior or something.
BerseliusQuote Reply
Berselius wrote:
mb21Quote Reply
I wouldn’t mind seeing Swish in a Cubs uni next year.
GBTSQuote Reply
Unless the A’s can make Verlander throw about 30 pitches next inning I don’t think Moneyball has enough oomph to mount a comeback 🙁
Rice CubeQuote Reply
It’s really too bad that Swisher wants stupid money.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
I was thinking that Swisher would look pretty good in a Cubs uniform too. Also wouldn’t mind the Cubs exploring a trade for Phil Hughes. Shouldn’t cost all that much and he’s still flashed quite a bit of potential at times. Maybe a move to the NL would help him our. Plus, he could always become a really good late inning reliever for the Cubs. They should also have the Yankees throw in Robinson Cano in any trade for Hughes.
mb21Quote Reply
(dying laughing) Jeter missed that pitch by about 3 feet. Maybe 4.
mb21Quote Reply
A’s lose.
joshQuote Reply
Moneyball dies tonight.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
O’s my gawd.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
I know the people who did this ivy double check commercial with Kerry Wood thought it would be funny to find Andre Dawson in the ivy, but I find it much funnier that he found a fucking french horn in the ivy. That’s easily the best part of that commercial. I can kind of see how you might find Dawson in the ivy. I can’t think of a single damn reason why you’d find a french horn though.
mb21Quote Reply
@ mb21:
Those old dudes who play music usually stay in the main concourse so unless a drunken fan threw one of their instruments in the ivy…
Although I don’t think any of them actually plays the french horn.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
GBTS wrote:
Aisle424Quote Reply
@ Rice Cube:
Over the next week we’ll read a million articles about how sabermetrics doesn’t work and why computer geeks are ruining baseball.
mb21Quote Reply
Swisher had a good year, despite being a bit of a douche.
joshQuote Reply
@ mb21:
The A’s made it to the postseason with how much budget again? I mean, that’s really the key that people can’t seem to wrap their minds around.
joshQuote Reply
fuck yeah
EnricoPallazzoQuote Reply
Those O’s…
Rice CubeQuote Reply
so tomorrow is hammel vs. who?
EnricoPallazzoQuote Reply
@ EnricoPallazzo:
Sabathia I believe.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
@ mb21:
BerseliusQuote Reply
I wonder if Leyland lets Verlander go complete game to seal the shutout.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
@ Rice Cube:
Rice CubeQuote Reply
So it’s pretty exciting that all the division series games got to a game 5.
Unfortunately I only enjoy watching shitty baseball.
WaLiQuote Reply
Fangraphs wOBA, wRAA, wRC, wRC+ —-> no longer include SB/CS
MishQuote Reply
@ Rice Cube:
I missed this. What’s he asking for?
GBTSQuote Reply
@ Mish:
Good. I never liked it and then I hated it when they added BRR or whatever it’s called.
mb21Quote Reply
Rice Cube wrote:
I don’t think Fangraphs does as far as I know, but they should. WPA on Fangraphs helps poor fielders and hurts good fielders. That said, it’s not a big deal because I don’t think anyone is going to use it for hardcore analysis.
mb21Quote Reply
@ mb21:
How do batters accumulate -WPA? Coming up with bases loaded and one out when down by one and then hitting into a double play? I see it a lot easier for a pitcher to accumulate -WPA and a batter to accumulate +WPA
WaLiQuote Reply
@ mb21:
Yeah Fangraphs WPA is just for hitters and pitchers (I assume base running is in there too as it should be easy). I sometimes enjoy WPA for a single game analysis, but I don’t think I’ve ever meaningful used it in analysis unless I’m telling people that there are better “context-dependent” stats than RBI.
MishQuote Reply
@ Rice Cube:
You’d figure with those nice flowing locks that he’d have had a facial well before now, eh?
SVBQuote Reply
So far, I’m quite happy with the results of the play-offs. Let’s have a Tigers–Nationals World Series!! Seems that RtR and I am the only ones happy about the Tigers.
SVBQuote Reply
(dying laughing)
GBTSQuote Reply
That’s incredible. (dying laughing)
MishQuote Reply
@ WaLi:
Exactly like that. Any out is going to be negative WPA (it decreases their chances of winning the game). An 0-4 in which you strand 9 runners is going to really hurt, especially if the game is close.
mb21Quote Reply
@ SVB:
Fuck the Tigers. In the Ear. Fat assholes.
joshQuote Reply
All right Baltimore. You and the Nationals are my last hope to stave off utter baseball apathy.
joshQuote Reply
new shit: http://obstructedview.net/news-and-rumors/a-rough-estimate-of-justin-uptons-trade-value.html
mb21Quote Reply