While attempting to work on this Cubs off day after having recorded our frustrations but shrug emojis on the latest Dreamcast, I also noted that the current MLB-MLBPA Collective Bargaining Agreement has been released, so I’m trying to go through it. For the most part the language is pretty straightforward which sometimes isn’t the case with legalese, but my biggest note was the lack of double spacing and the huge margins as if agents and lawyers and maybe even player reps would take notes in the margins or something. Here is the link that I have –> Hope they don’t change the URL but that’s a hell of a file name. JJ Cooper of Baseball America also did a read through so I’m going to just look for some stuff he either didn’t write about or may have missed:
The first 20 pages or so are pretty standard with legal-ish documents (after the long table of contents which does help a bit for those who wish to skim), I think, establishing who the parties are and the length of the season as well as the postseason format, which hasn’t changed from last time. One thing that popped up on page 4 (PDF page 18) is this:
If during the term of this Agreement the format of the Wild Card Series, the Division Series, the League Championship Series or the World Series is proposed to be changed, the Clubs shall give the Association notice thereof and shall negotiate the proposed change with the Association; provided, however, that if during the term of this Agreement the Division Series is proposed to be changed to the best of seven games, the Clubs shall give the Association notice thereof and shall negotiate with the Association but the Clubs shall not be required to negotiate with the Association over contributions to the Players’ pool beyond those specified in Article X.
Source: CBA doc
The emphasis in bold is mine, because it seems to me that they’re leaving open the possibility of expanding the Division Series, either for more postseason money or to improve the chance that the top seed doesn’t get upset as much, or both, but that did catch my eye for sure! Just past the page break, there was also a stipulation about negotiating shortening the regular season, so it seems to be a kind of “cover your ass” language in case something changes with either the regular season or the postseason. There’s also a weird stipulation on page 6 that says the Red Sox and Cubs can schedule split doubleheaders in their respective home parks to make up postponed games, which I thought was just a thing that was done and not something that had to be spelled out, but there ya go. The language on Page 9 suggests that they can pre-schedule doubleheaders if they want to, but who really does that anymore?
The salary stuff is covered in Article VI which starts on page 11, and now I at least know what guys make on those infamous “minor league deals with a spring invite” that riles up the fans every offseason. Seeing all the Article headings now makes me understand where Arizona Phil gets his knowledge from, but Phil is obviously still the expert. Kind of cool that they pay the player if said player has to serve in the Armed Forces Reserves during the season for whatever reason, that’s on page 17. Kind of nifty too to see the formalized process of salary arbitration during the hearing on page 19. And it appears both the team and the player have to pay for the arbitration costs, which suggests another incentive to just settle before the hearing where the team tells the player how much he sucks.
They start delineating all the perks of travel and expenses, that you can also see some of in this Trevor May video, on page 22. It’s nice that if the team cuts the player, they still have to pay for the player to fly home first class. JJ also did the breakdown on the Baseball America article, but the meal and tip allowance section starts on page 25 and it’s rather generous. I’m unsure if the minor league player contract will have different stipulations, but the spring training allowances section starting on page 27 suggest they’ll get quite a bit of change for each week, and I was thinking to myself how lavishly I can live on a nice $369.50 a week just on food. It’s nice too that they decided to at least defray some of the costs of renting a hotel or Airbnb, even if it’s just $40 a day if they don’t live in the team camp like they showed in Major League. Similar allowances are listed for minor league rehab assignments.
There’s also a bit about moving expenses starting on page 34, and the legalese is pretty clear on not paying the expenses to the player if they’re literally moving from the White Sox to the Cubs (there are mileage rules about that listed in section B which made my head spin a bit).
There’s a huge section on the postseason players’ pool starting on page 38 that outlines how the pool is created, a lot of which has to do with attendance for the postseason games. It makes sense the players who advance farther would get more dough from the pool per section B:
- World Series winner — 36%
- World Series loser — 24%
- LCS losers — 24% split between the two losers
- LDS losers — 13% split between the four losers (whether they’re Mormon is irrelevant)
- Wild Card losers — 3% split between the four losers (you weren’t supposed to be in the postseason anyway but money talks)
And then of course the players get to vote on who gets the shares, from obviously the players themselves to their favorite bat boy. Section D says the pool needs to be at least $4,608,000 for the World Series winner and $3,072,000 for the World Series loser, with other minimums for the other losers, so they set a floor in case attendance sucks for whatever reason.
The grievance procedure starts at the end of page 40 and is long and boring but that’s where it is if you want to see it. Disciplinary action starts on page 51, and section B thereof has the generic “conduct detrimental to baseball” clause which is intentionally vague.
There’s a part about the injured list and in section D starting on page 57 they actually outline the policies surrounding asking for a second opinion, where the player has to use a pre-approved doctor or else they pay for it themselves unless the team feels generous. They’ve thought of everything! Also, section J on page 63 talks about mental health resources, which are getting more air time these days as a couple players have already hit the IL for mental health reasons, which used to be taboo but we’re understanding the value of good mental health in our modern enlightened society, tongue squarely in cheek.
There is an entire article marked “Miscellaneous” on page 67, which includes some of these fun things:
- no discrimination – I think this is standard for any employment agreement unless you happen to live in a hate-filled red state
- free parking!
- can’t make you play in the Winter Leagues, but some Cubs probably should
- Roster limits – the max before September is 26, but the team must always have 25! Didn’t know that
- Foreign language accommodations – includes print material, ESL classes, and interpreters
- expansion and contraction – Up until this thing expires in 2026, MLB can add two more clubs and that’s it, but they agree not to reduce the number of clubs unless Bob Nutting declares bankruptcy
- special series within US and Canada – like the Little League Classic, the Field of Dreams, and so forth, as well as bonuses for the players for participating
The big one in section D on page 68 is how players who are not yet eligible for arbitration can get a bit of extra cash through the new pre-arbitration performance bonus pool, which splits a $50MM pot paid for by the Commissioner’s office. There is an award structure based on their placement in the voting for Cy Young, MVP, Rookie of the Year, and spots on the All-MLB team, which probably creates some weird conflict of interest in regards to the voters but I guess that doesn’t matter since it’s been ratified. Then there’s the joint WAR calculation on page 69 (nice) which I think averages what’s on FanGraphs and something else, totally forgot, but with how WAR continues to be imperfect it probably isn’t the best idea, but again it’s been ratified so shrug emoji.
Rules changes start on page 91 under Article XVIII, and the way they compose the committees, it’s not like they ever have to actually listen to what the players have to say, which is why we have the rules we have now and will likely see a robot ump and a pretacky ball next year.
Article XIX covers player assignments, including options and DFAs, while Article XX is the reserve clause that includes free agency. This includes all the stuff about qualifying offers, which stuck around since nobody could agree on the international draft structure. I think I’ll still follow whatever Arizona Phil has to say, but at least now I know where he got stuff from, as most of this is similar to years past with a few numbers changed. Article XX has a section C on page 110 that just says “Reserved” and I have no idea if that’s good or bad or is like when CNN posts an “Insert Chyron Here” on their graphic.
Article XXIII starts on page 115 and is basically outlining the luxury tax and how the luxury tax payroll is defined. This includes all the tax thresholds and the calculations of tax amount we sort of learned already, but now it is codified and all the legalese is summarized in a table on page 120. Section D starting on page 128 outlines the base benefits for players, which includes workers’ compensation, unemployment, allowances, contributions to player pools, college scholarships, and of course their most likely super expensive medical plan.
Article XXIV starts on page 145 and covers revenue sharing, with rules for how to determine status and where funds go and stuff like that. Based on my limited knowledge of lawyerese, it may be better to just let someone smarter talk you through this part. Probably a bunch of stuff in here about how the Cardinals get random extra draft picks though.
Article XXV covers international play outside the US and Canada, or exhibitions against foreign clubs in-country. There’s a funny bit in section B about how if they awarded an expansion franchise to London or something, that’s no longer considered international play. The participating players and clubs will get some extra cash.
Article XXVI is a simple sentence that says this current agreement expires on December 1, 2026, before midnight Eastern time, which means they’d better have something in place for December 2. After that, it’s the signature pages (e-signed, I guess) with some attachments of letters noting concerns prior to ratification.
In the appendices, there’s a fun “Nature of Injury Data Table” starting on page 178 (192 in the PDF) where they list nearly every part of the body including some internal organs, basically anything that could break during baseball activities or dropping a suitcase on yourself. After that there are some attachments that look like standard forms to be filed during medical exams and injury diagnoses, along with some standard contracts and bits that were incorporated into the main body of this CBA.
If you’re interested in the revenue sharing market score thing, there’s a table on page 254 listing the ranks for all 30 clubs, with the Cubs and White Sox tied for fifth with a market score of 120. It was interesting that everyone from Texas down were under 100 which they used as a benchmark for the revenue sharing portion. So that’s 18 of the 30 MLB clubs under that threshold, so I’m not sure how that calculation works and now I’m too far down to re-read that section where they actually told you how it was done.
There’s a huge chunk in Attachment 28 starting on page 257 that covers tobacco use, which basically comes down to “maybe don’t use tobacco” but spanned like four pages to say that. Attachment 29 right after implies that players shouldn’t carry guns into the workplace. It does also cover explosives and brass knuckles.
Attachment 34 is pretty interesting because it governs how much access the media has to the players and clubhouse throughout the course of the game day. It starts on page 267 and even contains a section on how the team personnel shouldn’t threaten media with violence and how media shouldn’t steal bats from lockers.
Attachment 36 is the concussion protocol, and the assessment form starts on page 278 and is kind of a fun read for anyone interested, which does explain why the Cubs removed Yan Gomes so quickly from the game before putting him on the concussion IL earlier last week. From the initial letter to all the forms, this section is like 20 pages long.
At this point my eyes were blurring but I did scroll past some Rule 5 stuff, the international amateur player rules, clubhouse nutrition (mmm, kale smoothies) which covers at least three meals on game days, then there is like an anti-collusion Ministry of Truth document in attachment 49 starting on page 329 which includes stuff they can’t say to media when talking about free agency. Attachment 50 covers clubhouse rituals to prevent excessive hazing.
If you’re interested in reading this part, the domestic violence and sexual assault policy starts on page 336. This joint policy also covers child abuse, but so far I don’t think any MLB player has completed the trifecta. I suppose if you read through it enough, you might be able to ascertain why certain assholes (i.e. a Trevor Bauer) got suspended, but other assholes (i.e. a Mike Clevinger) did not. I guess I’m not smart enough to do that, and also this is really quite a long policy but at least we know it’s there and can try to refer to it for any future incidents (which I hope don’t happen, but humans are trash).
Kind of interesting that they list in attachment 55 (page 360) lists the elbow and shoulder, but not quads and hamstrings and obliques. Right after that are a couple attachments about biomonitors and in-game interview earpieces and how players can use social media (which probably should be better explained to certain players, but I digress). Then we have the Pete Rose rule, or the sports betting policy, which is funny considering how much clubs and MLB are about to rake in for sports betting so maybe let the players in on a cut if you’re not gonna let them bet directly?
Attachment 66 starting on page 400 is about broken bats, which gets its own acronym for multiple-piece bat failures (MPFs), which reminds me of how they remarked in the movie “Broken Arrow” that nukes get stolen so often that they have a term for it.
Appendix A is the MLB uniform player’s contract which I admit I have never seen in writing before so this is super cool for me. It starts on page 404 and is essentially a template on which you can write in the years of employ and the salary amount. The player has to be available for promoting the club and doing their pictures and public appearances (i.e. the Cubs Convention), which makes sense. This part is kind of funny for those of you who are fans of Eric Hosmer:
4.(a) The Player represents and agrees that he has exceptional and unique skill and ability as a baseball player;
There’s a chunk that says the player, while employed with the club playing baseball, agrees not to do boxing or wrestling, and refrain from skiing and other professional sports barring express written consent, so there could be a next Bo Jackson or Deion Sanders if they’re good enough, though Kyler Murray elected to play football (which is probably smart of him despite the higher risk of brain injury). Towards the end there’s a life insurance policy which sounds like it only insures the club because I guess the player has to insure himself to protect his family.
The last page is a matrix showing the travel times between different clubs for scheduling purposes. My guess is Seattle has the biggest numbers.
So that’s it, I was bored and didn’t want to do actual work so I did all that, but don’t worry too much, I did actual work before I did this silly read through and the employer understands that I have exceptional and unique skill and ability doing whatever it is I do for a day job.
In before berselius quotes this entire post and says “false”
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Rice Cube,
(dying laughing)
berseliusQuote Reply
PerkinsQuote Reply
Son of a
Rice CubeQuote Reply
And suddenly it takes longer to scroll to the bottom of this thread than it did on the one that spanned two series. (dying laughing)
andcountingQuote Reply
It could go either way
berseliusQuote Reply
Tonight’s game is on AppleTV+ so I guess it’s radio only for some of us
Rice CubeQuote Reply
If Phil is right, the Bay Area will lose the A’s as the butt of many jokes sooner than we thought
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Amazingly every other game not on AppleTV is free as long as you’re not in a blackout zone
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Tonight’s lineup with no Nico, if he doesn’t even come off the bench they’ve basically lost the ability to backdate all the way
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Rice Cube,
Ah, Nico IL’d after all, got Mastrobuoni and Hughes back tho
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Finally Morel in the leadoff spot. Couldn’t stand another day of Powder Puff the Weak-Ass Grounder there.
andcountingQuote Reply
Sonny Gray just looks like he deserves to get punched in the face.
andcountingQuote Reply
I know hitting is hard and pitchers are sorcerors but staring at strike 3 in the zone is still frustrating
Rice CubeQuote Reply
The one to Wisdom was BS though
Rice CubeQuote Reply
andcountingQuote Reply
So smooth Smyly
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Rough day for the mushroom man
berseliusQuote Reply
So I rode around listening to the last Dreamcast while running errands today. How long does it take to clean it all up? I always think in the middle that we (i.e. me) sound like half literate doobs, but the final product sounds way less doobish.
BVSQuote Reply
We recorded for about an hour and I used about an hour the night of and then another hour the day after to clean up the pauses and weird noises and then mix in the music and stuff
Rice CubeQuote Reply
AppleTV puts up some neat stats in a very unobtrusive way in the bottom right of the screen. Like Dansby’s BA with a full count. Just white text over the picture, no box fill.
We have AppleTV because it came with TMobile. Don’t have Peacock. Pretty irritating that the mlbtv purchase doesn’t include access to those games.
BVSQuote Reply
Rice Cube,
That’s not bad.
By the way, it’s probably clear that I forget what I say about 5 sec after I say it, so feel free to edit me heavily.
Maybe you did, but I forgot what I said.
BVSQuote Reply
It was always true for fox Saturday games too, so not that big of an annoyance deviation
berseliusQuote Reply
Good Smyly, deserves a win if the Cubs offense would kindly oblige
Rice CubeQuote Reply
A lot of stuff was said but it was cleaned up, yes (dying laughing)
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Mervis juuuuuust missed that
BVSQuote Reply
Rice Cube,
I’m just impressed that you managed to make me much less interrupty (dying laughing)
berseliusQuote Reply
And he was fired up after the play ended, which I love. Not quite Morel-ish, but probably as close as a slow white guy can get.
BVSQuote Reply
It’s more of a challenge when the audio is all on a single track, if we all still have Skype and if Skype is even viable I can separate out the audio tracks from each person, but Skype is probably obsolete now so until this gets huge and justifies me actually paying for software, work Teams or Zoom it is
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Feel like someone should have caught Mancini’s pop up. But oh no too bad darn
BVSQuote Reply
Heck yeah offense
berseliusQuote Reply
You were saying….
BVSQuote Reply
Wayne Randazzo is pretty good at PxP. Dontrelle is fine as the analyst. So AppleTV had a better broadcast crew than Fox.
BVSQuote Reply
I assume this crew actually likes baseball unlike certain FOX commentators
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Rice Cube,
For sure.
And they talk about baseball too.
A lot on Bellinger tonight
BVSQuote Reply
Have to get binoculars to see how far behind the Peacock crew is compared to these guys.
berseliusQuote Reply
Seiya needs a bit more of that kind of luck
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Screw the closer. Or don’t. I can’t tell the cubs who to love.
berseliusQuote Reply
They had some weirdos on the YouTube broadcasts last year
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Apparently Mervis’s double last AB would have been a HR at Wrigley
BVSQuote Reply
One day Mervis will learn how to kill those changeups
Rice CubeQuote Reply
I’m glad the defense is still adequate
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Great to see Al-Al strike out Gallo, IIRC the big concern with him as a possible closer was his numbers vs lefties
berseliusQuote Reply
The Morel of this story is to drive in runs when you can
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Morel as the State Farm Guy
BVSQuote Reply
Shut me right up
berseliusQuote Reply
andcountingQuote Reply
There is an attempt in progress to screw the closer
Rice CubeQuote Reply
There it is
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Cubs win in 2:42
Rice CubeQuote Reply
M ——> inverted
berseliusQuote Reply
Jesus, Morel murdered that ball.
andcountingQuote Reply
But he did it with a smile!
Rice CubeQuote Reply
AppleTV also had Russ Dorsey on postgame interview. He’s a young guy from my neck of the woods. Wrote one year for the Sun Times before moving to TV. I like him.
BVSQuote Reply
Rip to the Pirates division lead
berseliusQuote Reply
Perhaps a weird stat to follow but the Cubs have not been shut out so far this season
Rice CubeQuote Reply
There’s a part at the end where they’re all looking at the iPad in the dugout and (dying laughing) at Morel’s bomb
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Today’s lineup may cause anguish or score 15 runs, it could go either way
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Willson–> back to catching on Monday 🤷🏻♂️
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Weak-ass grounder? Who knew?!?!?!1
andcountingQuote Reply
Too much whiff
Rice CubeQuote Reply
“Kyle Hendricks is a beautiful robot”
SKQuote Reply
No no
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Gotta enhance the warning track power
Rice CubeQuote Reply
so glad this was the free game of the day MLB/TV
SKQuote Reply
All the games are free (dying laughing)
Not a good day for our starter
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Rice Cube,
(dying laughing) that’s right. No one to blame but me then.
SKQuote Reply
Hosmer walks to stave off DFA another day
Rice CubeQuote Reply
I forgot when this game started post delay but it’s been dragging until now when Barnhart keeps the Cubs shutout-less streak alive
Rice CubeQuote Reply
If all the Twins homers had stayed in the park for outs the Cubs are actually winning 1-0!
Rice CubeQuote Reply
This is obviously no longer true but back to say that 📦🍔 always looks like he’s shocked that someone slammed the side of his car with their car door
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Rice Cube,
Tragically, that only happened to the Cubs home runs.
andcountingQuote Reply
I hope David Ross was ejected not for arguing the strike call but for putting Madrigal back in the lead off spot.
andcountingQuote Reply
This batted ball resulted in what it should probably have had it not hit the bag but perhaps it did the Cubs a favor confirming that Mastrobuoni should probably not be playing up here anymore
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Rice Cube,
That’s a pretty rough and freakish play to judge someone on, FWIW.
andcountingQuote Reply
Cubs lose in 2:52 after like 90 minutes of rain delay so sorry to everyone who may have lost an afternoon, I checked back in after some dim sum
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Yeah I’m just saying if it didn’t hit the bag it scores two runs easily but now the Cubs just look stupid again (dying laughing)
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Rice Cube,
Damn, now I want dim sum.
berseliusQuote Reply
It was a cuisine I recently enjoyed
If you’re feeling motivated there is a shot of a great face by Hayden Wesneski when Gallo sent his pitch to the Arctic
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Faraday cage —-> unlocked
berseliusQuote Reply
Happy Mothers Day to the Mrs. Jabronis
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Angels just cut Tepera. Maybe Cubs put him in Iowa to fix his Babip and then he helps the bullpen later.
BVSQuote Reply
Happy Mother’s Day, Jabronae.
andcountingQuote Reply
Here’s the pink bat lineup
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Should you be so inclined and not otherwise blacked out, MLB dot TV free weekend continues for all games except that early Peacock game
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Pat Hughes and JD in the Marquee booth today, this is an excellent idea
Rice CubeQuote Reply
That was a stupid inning some of which was Stroman’s doing so hopefully they at least take a few pitches to give him a rest…
Seiya got robbed but not hitting the ball in the air does that to ya
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Yeah, this game’s over.
andcountingQuote Reply
I’m gonna just stay here to see if they either break the shut out or get perfect gamed
Rice CubeQuote Reply
The strategy here has been to break up the perfect game by icing the pitcher for the better part of an hour.
andcountingQuote Reply
Rice Cube,
Christopher Morel invites you to go celebrate Mother’s Day.
andcountingQuote Reply
(dying laughing)
Yay Morel, fuck your shutout bid
Rice CubeQuote Reply
461 feet.
andcountingQuote Reply
Video evidence of destruction
The Gallo bomb was pretty good too but not as good as Morel’s or the one he hit the other day that made Wesneski cry
Nice catch by Morel
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Rice Cube,
Just obliterated.
It’s funny how his performance since getting called back up serves as ample evidence for both sides of the “should he have started the season in AAA” debate. (dying laughing)
andcountingQuote Reply
*checks score*

PerkinsQuote Reply
My conversation with the Gregs suggests this is what he is with the prodigious power but the swing and miss on offense, with the versatility but occasional WTF on defense, take the good with the bad but at minimum he’s super valuable to have on the bench and obviously has the skill set to get into the lineup consistently, so I’ll just enjoy it while I can
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Nice to get Mervis a hit, would be fun to get him going
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Those off days coming up surrounding the Phillies series could be a good reset to stem the mid-season sell off
Rice CubeQuote Reply
I think Gallo is probably a better defender than folks give him credit for and I was just thinking that the dive was smart because even if he didn’t get it he’s close enough to scramble to get the ball before Dansby can take 3B
Rice CubeQuote Reply
I do like Thompson finding some of his mojo even if this is just mop up duty at this point
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Hooray Seiya
Rice CubeQuote Reply
(dying laughing) (dying laughing)
Oh Pat Hughes alluding to what fun it would be for Madrigal to hit a home run, but at least he didn’t make an out
Rice CubeQuote Reply
It’s difficult to understand why Merryweather is on the roster.
andcountingQuote Reply
Like, why shuttle Assad back and forth when this dude is clearly not ready.
andcountingQuote Reply
Mastrobuoni gonna use up his bullets before they ship him to Iowa for someone else
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Rice Cube,
Wow that both was predictable yet was somehow worse than anticipated
Rice CubeQuote Reply
That only took 2:45 somehow so off to do something with the wife
Rice CubeQuote Reply
If you’re gonna lose, you should go all the way. Cubs win!
BVSQuote Reply
Based on the various deadlines involved, I hope Las Vegas holds the A’s hostage for a chance
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Rice Cube,
Or a change, since I can’t spell anymore
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Moving sucks, sorry for the lack of hastily written content on these series.
berseliusQuote Reply
Though based on past precedent, not writing anything is well in line with my previous season statistics (dying laughing).
berseliusQuote Reply
It’s actually kind of difficult to write something that won’t just become white noise in the infinite Multiverse that is the Cubs blogosphere, but I guess cookie cutter stuff like previews and postgames at least drive content and some SEO…I may try to think up some stories like when we did Photoshops of Ghostbusters and Harry Potter on the old WSD but I haven’t watched a lot of modern TV so any new story might be limited to the Mandalorian or the MCU (dying laughing)
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Astros lineup
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Boob did some reporting, (dying laughing)
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Tonight’s Cubs lineup
Facing LHP Framber Valdez, yikes
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Reliever roulette enabled
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Rice Cube,
There are a couple of off days coming up so they can skip starts and wait out Kyle Hendricks to come back….
Rice CubeQuote Reply
This is like a self-own and an own at the same time
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Favorable Nico news
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Well shut me right up then
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Rice Cube,
I kinda feel like the state and city will find a way to get this all done since Las Vegas is heavily invested in the name recognition that an MLB team would technically bring and they’ve got all sorts of revenue streams that won’t technically touch the pocketbooks of the people who actually live there. That said, I had no idea that the A’s were on a deadline to move forward with their revenue sharing bucks on the line, which makes their incompetence in handling the stadium issue in Oakland and/or potential move seem all the more astounding.
I can’t say enough about how bad the guys like Dave Kaval and others they hired to handle this whole mess have been at their job. Just zero awareness of the political situation they’ve found themselves in, like Kaval thinks he’s still building on vacant land by the San Jose airport like he did with the Quakes. If you want to build in West Oakland, you have to play ball with a whole parade of small-time political types, plus the unions if you’re building on a working industrial site, and then you have to take care of citywide stuff like affordable housing (which you can actually get other government sources to pay for, but the team still threw a fit that it was required as part of the plan).
They hired someone to try and handle that for them but she quit almost immediately, and given what I know about her it’s not like she backed out on any moral or ethical grounds. She just astutely observed that she was working with the biggest collection of fuckups in town and wanted no part of it.
Between this and the Rickettses taking out anti-Obama attack ads in the run-up to the Wrigley renovation, I’m kind of convinced that your average MLB owner is kind of a dipshit.
I will spend a great deal of time laughing if the A’s can’t get this done in time and lose their revenue sharing slice.
(Anyway, thanks for taking a look through the CBA, RC.)
uncle daveQuote Reply
uncle dave,
No worries about the CBA, I was bored and now at least I know what AZ Phil is talking about now (dying laughing)
There’s still some parts I’m a bit confused about but I imagine someone from the Athletic or BN will do it someday when they need content. Agree with what you said about Oakland, I always figured that the city was not to be messed with and they never caved, so I think they were prepared for the A’s to leave but save what little money they have in the city budget to do what they need to…
Rice CubeQuote Reply
I’ll set the over/under for whether I distract myself with something else tonight at 4.5 innings (i.e. the Cubs need to keep this interesting by the top of the 5th)
Rice CubeQuote Reply
This start for the Cubs offense doesn’t inspire confidence pending what Happ does or already did because lag
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Rice Cube,
Yeah that was bad
Rice CubeQuote Reply
The Cubs key to winning will have to be reaching base via wild pitch strikeout.
andcountingQuote Reply
How are the Cubs supposed to compete when Zach Zaidman is doing play by play. Jesus Christ his awfulness actually spills onto the field.
andcountingQuote Reply
I don’t think that inning was necessarily all Taillon’s fault as it seemed he delivered where it was called and also that bad non-error but that whole inning was bad
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Tune in to TV if you can, Pat Hughes is on the call and dulling some of the pain
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Rice Cube,
I cannot, unfortunately. But at least Wisdom is hitting the ball to right center again. That’s always a sign of good things.
andcountingQuote Reply
They were saying Taillon’s BABIP was up over .400 and those bloops to start the inning plus the Morel fuckup certainly didn’t help
Rice CubeQuote Reply
If it was someone other than Madrigal I’d have felt bad that he got screwed out of a walk there.
andcountingQuote Reply
Does the zone seem low on the screen?
Rice CubeQuote Reply
These are narrative-building scenarios, but when you get guys on base with two outs, failing to score is not a big failure.
andcountingQuote Reply
Madrigal does.
andcountingQuote Reply
I do like the deeper counts but I wouldn’t mind some results
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Morel redemption arc
Rice CubeQuote Reply
More W.
andcountingQuote Reply
It is possible that Christopher Morel is good at sports.
PerkinsQuote Reply
Rice Cube,
That play was pretty tough considering the stupid fucking rat-maze wall back there. Hard to hold it against him for not being sure of where he was.
andcountingQuote Reply
I get he was unfamiliar but I think he should have had it if he just kept going back, oh well, you take the good with the bad
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Rice Cube,
That’s the thing, you can’t really tell if you CAN keep going back. There’s like a 3-4 foot variance in that section of wall where the pillars are. It’s ridiculous.
andcountingQuote Reply
The bomb –> https://twitter.com/Cubs/status/1658281922328444933?t=GFQK3YtqriCQXpGWsyFA1A&s=19
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Somehow Dansby-Madrigal double plays are so much less aesthetically pleasing than Dansby-Nico double plays
Rice CubeQuote Reply
My favorite sequence in baseball is hitting a guy in the head and then eliminating him with a double play ball. Cold blooded.
andcountingQuote Reply
As bad as Happ has been on defense thus far this season I think he would have had it, I think it’s a combo of unfamiliarity and lack of reps at any one position for Morel, but definitely that ballpark and most other ballparks west of the Mississippi are arcades of chaos
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Seiya has looked silly on his strikeouts tonight
Rice CubeQuote Reply
I wish anything got me as excited as Zach Zaidman gets when a Cub strikes out.
andcountingQuote Reply
They should let Coomer do the PbP
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Morel probably got lucky there but nice play to keep it to a single
Rice CubeQuote Reply
(dying laughing)
Good job Trey
(dying laughing)
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Mmm, pickle
Rice CubeQuote Reply
I can’t believe Madrigal hit a ball on the fly to an outfielder.
andcountingQuote Reply
I guess that’s the over
Rice CubeQuote Reply
The outfielder wasn’t that deep because they didn’t need to be
Rice CubeQuote Reply
That double play was ok
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Pena man, geez…that was rough but a great play
Rice CubeQuote Reply
And that is my cue to shut it down and go pick up the wife from work, may the odds be in the Cubs favor the rest of this game
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Hoping Bellinger is ok
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Initial reports suggest Bellinger will be fine
Also the A’s paid attendance today barely topped 2000
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Was looking at the 40-man roster today, remembering that Heuer was put on the 60-day in February so if he’s already throwing gas and whiffing guys he might be able to come back before the All-Star Break, but realistically they’d probably have him keep rehabbing for a while just to be safe. Guys like Fulmer and Boxberger aren’t getting paid that much so the Cubs could conceivably cut bait whenever but they could also use the phantom IL stint to buy some time for that. I don’t think there’s any way Barnhart is opting out at this point but he’s on a relatively inexpensive contract too, kind of annoying that they spent so much on placeholders but that’s baseball ops for ya (dying laughing)
Growing pains suck
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Taillon and Fulmer had shitty luck last night but the ire is amplified when they haven’t performed nearly that well, unfortunately.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Madrigal should probably work out some more eh
Rice CubeQuote Reply
uncle dave,
What Oakland really needs is to bring in a hired gun from the outside to take care of business. Someone like Crane Kenney.
berseliusQuote Reply
At least there are no longer any random flagpoles out there anymore (dying laughing).
berseliusQuote Reply
Completely up to you whether you want to watch this or not, I can’t tell you what to do
Madrigal 3B
Swanson SS
Morel CF
Happ LF
Suzuki RF
Mervis 1B
Mastrobuoni 2B
Hosmer DH
Barnhart C
Steele SP
Rice CubeQuote Reply
If Madrigal hits a leadoff home run I think I’ll play the lottery tomorrow
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Rice Cube,
The Cubs just have an extreme faith in Justin Steele to hold the Astros to -1 runs.
berseliusQuote Reply
Was watching last night’s game with the TV audio feed thinking man this is better than normal, then in about the 4th inning I realized it was Pat and JD and no one else in the booth. So nice. But I like Coomer too.
Despite ACs Madrigalizing of Zaidman above, he’s begun to grow on me (like on a good way, not like the festering poison ivy rash spreading down my forearm). I wouldn’t be sad to have him pair with JD on TV or stick with radio. His chatter is better than Boog’s. I haven’t really disliked Boog, but it was a stark difference how smooth last night was.
… The more you know…
BVSQuote Reply
Luis Cessa to an Iowa bullpen near none of us?
Wouldn’t be surprised.
BVSQuote Reply
Rice Cube,
Morel obviously listens to quintessential Polish music more than Madrigal.
BVSQuote Reply
I’m definitely not a big Boog fan either – he’s shrunk on me, assuming that’s the opposite of someone growing on you. I’ve been surprised by how much I’ve liked Girardi, but don’t really like the three man booth. Just pick a color guy for the day and go with it. Or don’t. I can’t tell Marquee what to do.
Unlike other sometime bloggers, Zaidman doesn’t bother me very much either. He’s no Pat Hughes (who is), but he’s better than any of the rest of his backups since the Cory Provus days imo.
berseliusQuote Reply
berseliusQuote Reply
This was a fun game to lament together
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Sad I missed Seiya hitting a dinger
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Cubs lose in 2:19
Rice CubeQuote Reply
I’ll have the new episode edited and up at some point today, berselius and I were trying to figure out what to talk about while the Cubs were sucking again (dying laughing)
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Another Burdi brother gets a shot –> https://www.mlbtraderumors.com/2023/05/rays-select-zack-burdi-option-yonny-chirinos.html
Rice CubeQuote Reply
(dying laughing) Kenney would be a grease spot within four hours of being hired for this one.
uncle daveQuote Reply
Isn’t Ziadman that lobster-looking thing from Futurama?
uncle daveQuote Reply
I really hope Seiya Suzuki breaks out in a big way soon, some of the comments re: his performance thus far are bordering on problematic
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Zoidberg, but I’ll allow it, although that might be an insult to Zoidberg
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Speaking of Zoidberg
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Tonight’s lineup with no Bellinger
Rice CubeQuote Reply
There we go.
andcountingQuote Reply
Nice K of Alvarez
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Hey Mastrobuoni did a thing
Rice CubeQuote Reply
France has surrendered
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Pretty play by Wisdom and Mervis there
Rice CubeQuote Reply
If you’d told me coming into the season that Drew Smyly would be the stopper, I would have had doubts.
PerkinsQuote Reply
Good play by Happ after what could have been a bad misplay in this silly park
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Willson prompted a rule change (dying laughing)
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Shut down the video because I have to get wife home from work so listening to that messy inning on Sirius XM made for a rather fun drive
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Boy this game got stupid in a hurry
Rice CubeQuote Reply
andcountingQuote Reply
I think I’m done watching the Cubs for at least a couple of weeks.
PerkinsQuote Reply
(dying laughing) what a pile of shit
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Smokestack LightningQuote Reply
At least the Cubs lose in 2:50 but it did seem to last longer than that, didn’t it?
New shit you can listen to after sitting through that shit –> http://www.obstructedview.net/podcast/dreamcast-60-growing-pains/
Rice CubeQuote Reply